
I GFT. Glasgow from F1) 30 DOC.

Grand Hotel ll’(i) .0. (lidmund (iouldiny. l'S. l‘)32) (irela (iarho. Joan (‘ravvl'ord John Barrymore. I l5min. Baxed on Vieki Baum'x pla) and no\ el. lhix all xlar \ehiele ix a poi‘lmanleau lilin \\ ilh elixx-ei‘oxxing and inlervv eav ing |i\ ex. (iarho and ('ravv lord vie lor lhe limelighl and l.ionel Barr} more and \Vallaee Beer) pill in appearaneex. l’arl ol' ( iarho xeaxon. I'i/In/ioim'. Iii/iu/mruli.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire I l2.-\) 0. (Mike Nevv ell. l‘K/l‘S. 2005) Daniel Radelil'le. limma \Valxon. Ruperl (irinl. l)a\ id 'l‘ennanl. Ralph l‘iennexi l57min. Hair} and hix dull malex gel hux} al lhe inlei' xehool ol' magie ‘l‘iin/ard 'l'ournamenl. onl} Io he laeed

\\ ilh lhe Ielurn of e\ il maxlermind l.ord \oldelnorl ll’iennex). llideouxl} overlong. elunk} adaplalion ol' l'ourlh l’oller hook dileeled \\ ilh no l'lare \\ halxoev er h) lll‘ilixh haek \euell. (ienvm/ I'l'/('(I\(’.

it The Hidden Blade 1 IS) 0000 Wop Yalnada. Japan. 200-1) .\laxaloxhi

Falklrk Town Hall

l'llLuL l’nlulul

Mon 79 Dec 7:30pm OLIVER TWIST (PG) C uppa/Scream

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the da from the hall

68 THE LIST ‘r': Doc 1’70": 6': ll?!" L/‘u’fn

This may be your las

Nagaxe. lakde .\lalxu. llillelaka Yoxhioka. Ylikiyixlii ()Iavva. Ken ()gala. lilmin. I‘llh eenlur) Japan and lhe dil'lerenl elanx are laeing oppoxilion and inmlernixalion lrom vv ilhoul arid \vilhin. \Vhen lla/ama I()/:l\\;l) emel'gex ax a rebel leader. llix old l'iiend Kalagiri (Nagaxe). Ilie hexl xvvordxman in lhe area. ix xenl aller him. agaian hix \\lll. .'\lll)llIL‘l' eleganl Ihoughll'ul and genuinel} moving delighl ll'Ulll lhe maker oI Iii I/Ig/i/ Simmrui. (I/(ng'un III/Ill /-/l(’(I/Ill'. (II/(I\'\'I’Hi

Hot Rodi l5)... I.\Iie|iael .\lorro\\. ('anada. 2001) 7’7nun. Bi/airel} t‘ll|l)};ll\lt‘ doeumenlar} \\ hieh l'ollovvx a huneh ol redneekx lhrough a Demolilion Herb) eoinpelilion l’arl ol' Ilie \Vipeoul xeaxon ol xporlx diieumenlariex. l‘I/IIl/IUIIH’. Iii/I'n/imgli.

In Her Shoes l ISA) 0.0 l( ‘ui'lix llanxon. 1S. 2005) ('aineron l)ia/. loni (‘ollelle. Shirle) \laelvame. l “mini. (ill)xx_\ adaplalion ol .lennilei \Vemer'x novel \vhieh pilx xh_\ \vallllovxei Roxe

I( ‘ollellei agaulxl hopelexx liixh \laggie I|)la/). \Vhile Roxe \vrexllex agamxl her hoxx al a hiin povv eied l’hiladelphia la\\ lirnl. \laggie xlrugglex Io hold dovvn a job in a pel xlore “hile eonduelmg a lllL‘\\_\ xe\ lile. liiml) exlranging her lioni her xenxihle xixler. Blil redemption ix al hand in lhe lorm oI grandniolher lzlla I.\lael.aine). \vhoxe l'lorida relirelnenl liolile prov idex a hallvva} houxe l'oi' lhe xulk} girlx. Solid leinale honding \veepie a xnug. eoinlorlahle lil. ('im'um‘ll/ Iz'i/m/mrg/I. [xlill/rural).

In Search of Mozart I I ') Il’hil (irahxkv l‘lx'. 2005) |2Sinin. l’rodueed in axxoeialion \\ ilh lhe \vorld'x leading orehexlrax. opera houxex and inuxieianx. Ihix ix a iourne} lluough liurope. e\ploi'ing Ihe m_\lhx lllal xlirround .\lo/ai'l. \\ ilh inlerv IL'\\\ and perloi‘maneex lrom xonle ol lhe vvorld'x iiioxl xigmlieaul arIIxIx. ineluding Renee l'lemming. Imogen ('ooper and man} ollierx. I’arl ol' llie Making \llixie xeaxon. (i/muou' l-‘I/m Niel/In: (i/uwmi:

t chance to catch this delightful, heart swelling, optimistic, sun kissed documentary about a bunch of New York school kids who strictly want to go dancing. Highly recommended.

* Innocence I is) see. «imit- llad/ihaliliovie. Belgium/l‘ranee/l’K. 2004) /,oe Allelair. Berangere llauhrugex. l.ea Bridarolll. .-\xlrid llomme I2 l min. See re\ ie\\. page 5‘). I'l/HI/IUIIH’. Iii/inlmrgll.

It’s a Wonderful Life 1 I’m 0... (Hank ('apra. l'S. l‘Hm Jamex Sle\\arl. l)onna Reed. llenr) 'l‘raverx. 'l‘homax .\lilehel|. I2‘lmin. See re\ ievv. page 5‘). Sv/(‘l‘lr'I/ I'(’/(’ll\(’e Jamén, Jamon I IS) 000 lliigllx Luna. Spain. I002) l’enelope ('ru/. :\nna (ialiena. .la\ ier Bardem. ‘Mniin. ‘Jalnon‘ equalx ham; ‘una mulier jamona' equalx hol llixpanie hahe. l’ul lhem Iogelher and )ou‘v e gol Ihix Ini\ ol' reprehenxihle deprav H} and Ieaxe oI xoeial xignilieanee. .v\x ll lellx ol lhe dexil'e ol- a pregnalll \voman loI' lhe hulgingl} heerolehed .\lanuel I\\llll\\el_11llll_\ xuhplolx in\o1\ ing varioux muinx). )ou ean‘l help feeling il'x aiming al loo man} llll‘fJL‘lx Sex}. leering and e\p|oilali\e. hlil nol neeexxaril} a line lilni‘ l’arl ol'('alalan Seaxon. See llogniana} lealure. page l5, I-"i/m/muu'. Ici/I/I/mru/I.

* Just Like Heaven ll’(i) O.

I.\lal‘k \Valel'x. liS. 2005) Reexe \Vilherxpoon. Mark Rullalo. Donal l.ogue. l)ina Sp) he} 95min. See revievv. page 58. (il'm'm/ I'l'/('(l\('.

Keeping Mum ( IS) 0. I.\'iall .lohnxon. l'lx'. 2005) Rovvan :\lkinxon. Krixlin Seoll ’l‘homax. Maggie Smilh. l’alriek vaa} /e. | l0inin. .\ deranged killer ISmiIh). lhe philandering vvil‘e ISeolI 'l‘homax) ol' a parixh \ iear l:\ll\illxolll and a \o) eurixlie goll pro lolhario all gel min up in xome maeahre hul lunn) evenlx. 'l'irexome xlih lialing eomed}. (ienem/ I'l'lHlH'.

* King Kong (I’m 0.... (Mt-nan (‘ ('ooper. l‘S. WU) Roherl Arnixlrong. lia) \Vra}, l00min. .-\ Iilm producer on xalari hringx haek a xouvenir Inonxler \vhieh lerrorixex .\'e\\ York in one ol lhe all lime greal monxler inov iex. Ania/ingl}. lhe xpeeial el'l'eelx xlill iinprexx. hill lhe lilm

aehie\ ex elaxxie xlalux h} ,xueeexxlullv Iranxpoxing lhe xlorv ol heaul} and lhe he;er inlo a lloll) \vood hloekhuxler movie. See l)\'l) panel. page ()0. Film/muse. I'fl/iIi/uu'gli.

King Kong i 12A) .0. (Peter Jaelxxon. Nevv Xealand/l'S. 2005) Naomi \Vallx. Jaek Black. Adrien Brody. And) Serkix. Jamie Bell. l.S‘7min. See monxler re\ ievl. page 57. (ii-Hem] re/I'uw.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang I I5) 0000 IShane Blaek. l'S. 2005) Roherl [)ovvney Jr. Val Kilmer. Miehelle Monaghan. ('orhin Bernxen. l02min. .\'iee guy pelly lhiel llari'} Lockharl I[)ovvnev Jr) ix hav ing a \veird evening; xomehovv he hax gone from i'ohhing a In} xhop lo a lloll) \vood pool part} in one eax) move. Bill hix luek ehangex \\ hen he meelx xhoWhi/l} privale e} e (iav l’errv IKilmer) and axpiring aelrexx Harmon} l‘ailh Lane (Monaghan). Lei/ml lieu/mu xereelmriler Blaek'x lirxl lilm ax vv riler/direelor ix ultra eonvoluled. poxl modern. xmarl and clever. Slruelured around xomelhing Ihal vaguer rexenihlex ('handler‘x plol for The Big Sleep. Blaek amuxinglv allovvx hix film to heeome lillered \\ ilh alluxionx lo lhe \vrilerx. hookx and lillllx he elearl} lo\ ex. (THUM'UWh/ Ren/i‘nv SII'I'I'I. (i/uwmi; (i/meun‘.‘ (Men/I. lil/I’II/mrg/i.

Land of the Dead I 15).... l(ieorge A Romero. ('anada/l‘ranee/l'S. 2005) Simon Baker. John l.egui/amo, Dennix llopper. Axia Argenlo. 93min. Several )e;ll‘x aller Ilie dead lirxl roxe l‘rom lheir grav ex. xoeiel_v ix adjiixling Io lhe nevv vvorld oI' marauding Iomhiex and ever-

dvv indling rexoureex. l)e.xpile iI.x 9/] l allegory (expeeiallv llopper'x ‘vve don'l iiegoliale \\ ilh lerrorixlx' line) lhix Iilm reekx of lhe 80x xl)’lixlIC;Ill_\ and in ilx xleadl'axl relianee ol' heaulil‘ull)‘ eral‘led meehanieal el’l'eelx. 'I‘here'x a knovving inlelligenee aI p|a_v ax Romero pepperx hix xeripl \\ ilh xpikv humour and relereneex Io maxx eonxuinerixm and lhe nalure of freedom. A Iilling eonlinualion ol‘ lhe Dem! xaga. ('umro. [allot/Hugh.