Murderball ( t5) 0... (llciiry .‘\lL‘\ Rubin/Dana Adam Shapiro. l'S. 3005) 85min. Wclconic to thc wondcrl‘ul world of quad rugby. It‘s Rn/lvrhu/l for thc physically disablcd and it's about as brutal and thrilling as whcclchair sports gct. Rtibiii and Shapiro's ihril'ty. unsciitiiiicnial documcntary look bchind thc scciics of this fascinating sport is pow crcd by lhc riyalry bctwccn ('anadiaii coach (and l'ornicr Amcricaii all star) Joc Soarcs and ncw l'S rising star Mark Zupan. It is a grudgingly gripping jouriicy towards thc Athcns Paralympics of 200—1 and ihc caiiicras arc thcrc to catch cy cry momcnt of it. Film/mine. lat/iii/nnjuli.

Nanny McPhee (t') .0 (Kirk Jtincs. UK. 2005) limma 'l'honipsoii. ('olin liirth. Kclly Macdonald. (’clia lmi'ic. .Aiigcla I.ansbury. 97min. 'l'hc rccciiily bcrcay'cd (‘cdric Brown ((‘olin l‘irthi has way too many kids and no wil'c. Al'ici‘ his hircd hpr rcsigiis. hc linds Nanny .\lcl’hcc (Thompson). a wart-riddcn. siiiglc toothcd harridan who has a rcmarkably calming on his wild childrcn. but his ti'oublcs arc just bcginning bccausc now hc has to lind a iicw wil'c bcl'orc snobby Aunt Adclaidc (I.ansbury) cuts ol'l~ his linaiicial lil'clinc. lllxlgt"[}()(lgt‘ talc (il' pi'iy'ilcgctl rcy'clry. clichc and antiquatcd morality that play s likc a wrctchcd pro.childbirth

psy chcdclic l'ai‘cc iablc. (it'm'm/ I'l'lt'tlH'. Neal’n’Nikki (tbc) (Arjim Sablok. India. 2005) llday ('hopra. Tanisha Mukhcricc, l22min. .Aii ugly alicn lands in a nightclub on liarth lillcd with blind womcn who all fall for him and want to go to bcd with him. l‘nl‘oriunatcly. thcrc's anothcr l'cmalc alicii about who wants to sabotagc his chanccs oi him gctting laid. Racy and surprisingly rudc and sexy Hollywood romantic comcdy’. ()(ll‘UN .Al The Qimi; (i/(tsgmi'. (iliiygnii:

The Nightmare Before Christmas (PG) 0... (Henry Sclick. l'S. I‘M.“ With lhc y'oiccs ol' ('hris Saraiidon. Danny lill‘man. (‘athcrinc ()‘llara. 76min. Jack Skclliiigton. thc skinny trickstci‘ king ol

l/(II/HHY‘I'HHHt'll. is i'csllcss with stiL‘L‘css and nccds a iicw cliallciigc. so hc hatchcs a plot to kidnap Santa and crcatcs a iniscd- up Yulctidc which isn't quitc what thc kids ol lhc world cspcctcd. l’rodticcil and bascd on a story and charactcrs by Tim Burton. this is a i'cal imaginatch trcat dcliciously dark stop motion animation on thc big scrccii. A Scrcciida/c prcsciiiation, (ii/Ill()l'(’/ll//(i/3. (i/(Hg'uii'.

Ninotchka (i’( i) O... (lirnsi l.iibitsch. ['8. 1039) (ircia (iarbo. .\lcl\ in Douglas. licla l.iigosi. Sig Ruman.

l l0iniii. ‘(iarbo laughsl‘ proclaimcd thc poslcrs and indcctl slic docs it] this sparkling \ iiitagc llolly wood comcdy roinancc. m w hich shc plays a stcrn Rtissiaii diplomat worn down by .\lc|\ y ii l)ouglas‘ mcstiinablc charm and thc attractions ol' l’aris into an cycntual. grudging. touching. ciiiotional submission. Acci'bic tHiL‘dllit‘l‘s bctray thc hand ol' thc grcat liilly Wildcr. \y'liii wiii'kctl (in lhc st‘t'lpl. l’art ol(iarbo scason, I'i/m/muu'. Ifi/iii/iurg/i.

Oliver Mist (l’( i) 0.. (Roman Polanski. Britaiii/(‘Icch chiiblic/l’rancc/ Italy. 2005) Barncy (‘lark. licii Kingslcy. Jamic l-‘orcman. llarry lidcn. l.caniic

Row c. l.itimiii. In his \crsion ol' l)ickcns' classic. l’olanski cschcws thc grim (iotliic look and toiic ol thc l.can liliii and cmphasiscs thc harsh rcalitics (it working class Inc in thc l‘)th ccntury big smokc

w hilc csamiiiing lhc unlorgiy mg naliirc ol a class dominach Victorian socicty. as liltci‘cd through ()liycr's tiayails. But w ho carcs'.’ l)o w c rcally nccd any morc \crsions ol' this story.’ ('i/ii'iim'lil I’ur/tlu'uil. (iluwmi; (ill/won:

Paths of Gloryii’m O... (Stanlcy Kubrick. 178. 1957) Kirk Douglas. Ralph .‘ylcckcr. Adolplic .\lciiiou. 80mm. .\'cw print ol‘ this lli()\ mg portrayal ol thc

madncss ol' war. 'l‘hrcc iiicii arc sclcctcd l'or

trial l'or cowardicc altcr thc unsurprising lailttrc ol~ a l'utilc World War I mission.

Douglas is siipcrb as thc dcl'ciicc law ycr during lhc court martial scciics. shot on

Thursday 15 December Scottish Chamber Orchestra with pianist Roland Pontinen

Friday 16 December Scottish Ensemble with harpsichordist jan Waterfield

Saturday 17 December Cappella Nova Carols by Candlelight

Sunday 18 December Newtongrange Silver Band

A Concert for Christmas

Monday 19 December Liberton High School

Family Carol Concert

Tuesday 20 December Todd Gordon’s White Christmas ‘Todd's voice can really tell a story' jamie Cullum

Wednesday 21 December Dunedin Consort Handel’s Messiah

Friday 23 December Phil Cunningham’s Christmas Songbook with Eddi Reader, Kate Rusby & john McCusker

qh: the hq of live music in edinburgh

thequeenshall. clerk street. edinburgh eh8 9jg booking hotline: O|3| 668 20 I9 online booking:

70 THE LIST 1!) DOC 9005) f) Jan 7000

location in a l‘rciich castlc. Kubrick‘s lciigthy tracking shots through ihc ti'ciichcs ttt‘t‘ ititttiiig lhc itinsl cllt‘L‘liyc sct'lics ol battlc cycr lilmcd. I-"i/m/imm'. Iz'ilnilmruli. Persona ( I8) I... (liigmar llcrgman. chdcii. mom l.iy l'llmann. liibi Andcrssoii. .‘ylargarctha Krook. Xliuiii. l’i-rmnu csplorcs thc i‘clationship bch ccii two womcii. an acti'css (l'llmaiin) \ttllt‘t‘itig a lil‘t‘ulstlttwti and thc nursc (Andci'ssoii) who oycrsccs hcr rccupcratioii in a country cottagc, 'l'hc acircss. who dricd tip in thc middlc ot' a pcrl'oriiiancc. docsii't spcak. whilc thc nursc talks at lcngth to lici' miitc paticiit about \arious pctty mattcrs. but dcspitc initial distancc thcii' rclationship tlcyclops into a symbiotic oiic. All (it this allows thc Sw cdish autcur to musc in ct his layoiii'itc thcmcs' pcoplc's coiiiniuiiicaiion problciiis and thc cgoccntric iiaturc of art, Not an casy liliii cycii by licrgmaii‘s standards but an csti'cmcly i‘cwarding onc. ('umrn. Iii/iii/iii/iu/i.

Polar Express (1') O. (Rtibcl‘l /.cnicckis. l’S. 300-1) Voiccs: Tom Hanks. l.cs|ic /.cmcckis. ()‘hllllt. At an cstiiiiatcd cost of Slbfim pIIis. Robcrt /.cmcckis‘ I‘lii- I’n/ur Iii/urn is thc iiiosl cspciisiy c ('hristmas shop w mdow display in history. It's bascd on ('hris .limiuii/i \an Allsbcrg’s rathcr morc charming 12 pagc childrcii's book. and i'cndcrcd ciitircly iii sttiiiiiiiig high tcch animation that rcscinblcs a Rm/m 'Iimi's coy cr circa l‘)«\'5. but it‘s a tccth rotting Mk". ('('I lz'ilui/mrjg/i. Iii/inhm'gli. * The Producers ( iZAi .0.

(Siisaii Stroman. l'S. 2005) Nathan I.aiic. .‘ylatthcw lii'odcrick. llma 'l‘hurman. Will l’cri'cll l.i-lmin. Scc rcyicw. pagc 53. (ii'ni'ru/ I'(’/(’(I\i’.

Pusher 2: With Blood on my Hands ( l3) 0... (Nicolas Winding Rcl'n. Uciitiiat'k/l 'K. 300-1) Mails Mikkclscn. l.cil' Sylycsicr. Aimc Sorciiscii. l00min. ’l'oiiny (Mikkclscii). a good naturcd. il hcdonistic. skinhcad. has |ltsl bccn rclcascd l'rom lull. llc rcturiis to his kingpin gangland litthcr's warcliousc. thinking lic can pick up w hcrc hc lcl't up. but lil'c is iicyci‘ that casy. A circular ()cdipal rcy cngc tragcdy with ncccssary links to thc othci' two lilms in thc trilogy. I’IH/lt’l' 2 is so iiisiinctiycly and cnci'gctically structurcd that thc oby ioiis linalc still surpriscs. An accomplishcd piccc ol' lilmiiiaking. ('mm'o. l-filIIi/nu‘uh. Rollin’ Through the Decades (l'i (Winston \Vliittcr. l'K. 2005) lliiniii Altci' thc cmcrgcncc ol' skatcboardmg and llit‘ l’K sc‘t‘iit‘ lli lhc 70s. tls l‘)Hl)s t‘clt‘cal undcrgrouiid is csplorcd through thc tisc ol' documcniaiy l'ooiagc aiid mtcry icws. l‘iliiiiiiakcrs and lcgcnds at'c all prcscnt to bring lilc to thc w holc turbulciii louriicy. l’ai't ol tlic \Vipcout scasoii ol' sports diiciiiiicntarics. I-i/ni/muu'. Ift/IIi/iii/jg/i. Santa vs the Snowman 30 (Pm (Various. IN. 2003) 33min. IMAX big scrccn pi‘cscntatioii. [MAX ‘lilii'ulri'. (i/iiwnii:

Scorched (l’( i) 0.. (( iay m (ii‘a/ci'. [-5. 3002) l’aulo ( 'ostan/o. Woody llai'rclson. Alicia Silycrsionc. 89mm. l.ikcab|y ciicrgctic iiitilti strand comcdy

capcr in which thrcc ciiiployccs ot‘ a bank in a dcscrt arca small tow ii all makc scparatc plans to rob thc placc at thc sainc tiiiic. I'('/ I'fz/lii/HH‘Q/i. [Jilin/Hugh. Serenity ( l5) .... (.Ioss \Vlictloii. ['S. 3005) Nathan l‘hlllltili. (iina 'l'oi‘rcs. Alan ’l‘udyk. l l‘liiiiii. llay mg had his post Hill/v Illl' \iiIn/nn' .V/uwr tclcy isioii scicticc liclititi \pélk'k' ()pt‘t‘a I'il'i'lly catit‘cllctl by llit‘ l‘os iictwork. crcaior .loss thdon got Hollywood‘s l'iiiycrsal Studios to linancc a blockbustcr big scrccn continuation of thc scrics. and thc rcsult is lhc lilm (icoi'gc l.iicas should hay c bccn making instcad of tlic last thrcc cpisodcs ol Slur Him. Sctiticl plcasc. A Scrcciida/c prcscntation. (i/uwmi' l-i/m 'I'lii'iilri'. (i/uwim‘. Sevigne ( IS) 0.. (Maria tialIt-itm ('oll. Spain. 300-1) Aiiiia A/cona. Marta llallctho (’oll. .loscp Maria l’oii. liduard liat‘clo. 82min. A pi‘cstigious thcatrc dit'cctoi' in liarcclotia dcciilcs to pt'odticc a play bascd on .‘yladamc dc Sm igiic. a l‘rcnch chaissancc grand (lttllit'. llow c\'ct‘. thc dircctor linds hcrscll iorii bctw ccii husband. loy cr and. to hcr surprisc. thc uiiprcdictablc l‘cinalc \\'t'llt‘l‘ ol‘ thc play. .A charming. bubbly romantic larcc. l’art ol ('atalan Scason. Scc llogmanay l‘caturc. pagc 15. I'i/m/muu'. Iii/III/HII'Q/l.

A Simple Plan ( (Si 0.. (Sam Raiiiii. ['S. NUS) Bill l’astoti. Billy Bob Thornton. Bridgct l-‘oiida. l3liniii. 'l‘wo closc but \‘cry dillcrciit brothci's accidcntally stiimblc upon 84m ma

w rcckcd planc. and dccidc to hold onto thc cash. lint. ol coursc. thcir illcgal lottcry iackpot is just thc start ol a nightmarish dcsccnt into gi'ccd. suspicion and imirdcr. (tuna). [film/Hugh.

The Singing Ringing Tree (t'i .0. ll‘i‘aiiccsco Stct'aiii. l-Iast (icrmaiiy. WSX) 73mm. lniaginatiy'c adaptation ol thc (ii'mim Brotlicrs' talc. m which l’riiiccss 'l'hiitisandbcaiity"s suitor princc has ihc imciiy iablc task ol' supply iiig hcr with said \cgctation iii ordci' to w in hcr hand. A (iocthc liistitiit (ilasgow prcscntation. Scc llogmanay lcaturc. pagc l5. (i/ilxumi‘ I'i/m I‘llt'U/I‘l'. (i/(iyuuii‘.

Sky High (l’(i) O. (.‘ylikc .\litchcll. l'S. 3005) .\lichacl Aiigarano. Kurt Rtlsscll. Kclly l’i'cstoii. l)aiiicllc l’aiiabakci'. l00niin. This lilm is sct in a world whcrc supcrhcrocs arc commonly known and acccptcd. and sonic supcrkids iii a high \t‘lltitil ll'_\ lti littltttit't‘ lltt‘it' spccial pow L'r\ with thcir normal nccds. A lacklustrc conicdy .\’ .lli'ii tor kids. l'm' Iii/inhm'uli

(A ('(III. Iii/iIi/im't'li.

The Snowman (1') 0.0 ll)i;llilit‘ Jackson. l'K. IUXI) l)a\ id Bow ic. \r'tilL‘t‘s ol' l’ctcr Auty. Alcd .loiics. 20min, l’opulai' wordlcss animation bascd on Raymond lii'iggs' book. (i/uyuuu~ I'i/m iii/H'Hll'l'. (i/(lyguii‘.

Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (l’(i) .... (.\lai'c Rotliciiiuiid. (icrmaiiy. 2005i .ltilia Jciitsch. l‘abiaii lliiirichs. (icrald Alcsandcr llcld. l‘loriaii Stcttcr. l30min. Sclioll was a mcmbcr ol' llic iitin \ iolctil \Vltilc Rosc t'csislaiicc lllt)\‘L‘lliL‘tll in Na/i (ici'niaiiy. Shc was arrcstcd on IS l’cbruary. l‘Mi. w hilc

art for sale

eden Art Exhibition / Fair

Mon 19th December 7.30pm -9.30pm

A collection of works for sale by Sandi Anderson, Pamela Blair, Trevor Bollen, Anne E. Ferguson, Pat Moretti, Carol Paterson, Stephanie Spindler.

Work being exhibited includes drawings, paintings, pastels, stained glass, collage and prints.

Admission Free

168 Hyndland Road, Glasgow. Tel: 0141 339 0111