Various venues. from 20 Dec

Just before Christmas, the first same-sex civil partnerships in Scotland will come into being. Men will be able to marry men, and women women, to celebrate the importance of their shared life, while enjoying the same tax, pension and inheritance rights as married couples. However, if queer unions are on an equal footing to straight ones, we can also expect parity in petty arguments, stale sex lives, adultery and divorce.

Two gentlemen who will be among the first to tie the civil knot are John Maguire and Laurence Scott- Mackay. Based in Washington DC, they are coming back to Caledonia to be wed at 9.30am on 20 December. Here, John Maguire tells The List why he and his partner are making this move, and below, Alexander Kennedy outlines why they really shouldn’t.

“.".’(;- tt‘ot Itt a (:ltrh <;al:<,-t: Chaps rr‘. .Jétl‘rtlitt‘,‘ 1.992". It's; lt()‘.'.' <:alt<:rl (late l lat;a'1a and .f; fit“ it“, lazourrtt: haunt. It ‘."/£lf; alrnosl ~3a'r‘ and tho. '.'.'(,-r<.- shoutrttt; lat;t crows. ‘.'.'<;- wort; both Ki'llllb and 't 3.418 supposort to ix,- a our; night

thing). Wt,- prolrahl‘, .'.".>t.'=’_l". .

haxr: 'r‘<:t £l(]£t.'l. but l'rt' iitil'l-Lttl

ltl’tt hit; taxr tart} horr‘t; arrrll .'.'a'tt<;(l rt l)il(:i\. l'rry flilll .'.att:rro.

‘ln, April 199? .‘.'l‘rt;rr Ittt: (Litttt;(:r‘.att.t:fs .'.t:l(: it: (mutt-(l 3.4: .‘.'(;t(;- both utteri, (lti‘.’£tf;l£tl(:tl.\."./“r(3l1'.'.t:f;;i.'.”‘().'. trartl, i:il’,lt othor -.'.'af; laktr‘rg .t. f;()".‘(:llt'tt(l t,i:<;l\’<:rl \.'.'<;- (trot- tr. North B(;t".‘.’t(2k artu ‘.'.'alk~:;-r: f)". Tilt: beach It, (1(L‘llfiflil:()1ll?$€:l‘.t}f$, ‘.'.'t: rr‘o‘xorl rrr. togotttor gtlfii f)‘.(:l a ,(,-a' later. /\ttt:r that. .t ,'trt;t fi(:(:tlt(3(lItifiSEllKll61f3f1hl’xtzl". that .'.'<: .‘xou'tl lrt: arratt.

'l:‘./(,-r‘,orr(: k7l(}‘.'.’ that llt(: [fittttiiltlj (j()‘.(:tl‘.l!‘(3lll .'.'a:. bringing :rr f;()ll‘.(: tour of ira‘, rrta'rragtt:. ‘."."<.- (l:<lrr‘t Alli]... .'.'hat tor‘rrt tt ‘.'.to:rl(l takt: but .'/(3 (litl kit/r3: that 3.1.- (tort £1E;f;()()l‘.£lfitt (Létllf(:£tl)()tll, llorr‘osuxualtt. tartan". t:.tar‘

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at; the t'tll‘lts tr‘a'. .'.t: rtllilliirli4tir17th.’lt?’ :':(:‘,t:ar:; .(7'.l3)!l)()£l‘t()‘.'.'(}(ll() (rat:r‘ oihtfl tt‘ t‘r-'>:;;;:'.a_ eé; arrtrartrtg; arm ital’tl‘dl‘ 'ttr. Our country :. 't’L‘J. fitt;)t,()'lfltgl an: t". a ‘.‘.a, that rt "no-no! haf; i‘nl‘it/HJ. It}; f3£l,i."§; to l (Blil :ioupfm; that t'ttit' r:artr‘.(;r:;lrrpt;

a't; arr/tit. That li‘i‘t.’ afar: ;i; “.a :1 anti 5'. Vomit; to l;<:~ nurturotl.

l"t.:; rt; real, as.

Its. 'Y‘t7(:t{i!5‘.é: to (lorr‘arru apnoea: it; '.'..'t£il 'tat; t><:-(;-r‘. storm.) ,at. r;as;o:l or‘ sex. :lt:ll(l(:". soxugrfrt‘, a'ttl ra<:(:~. fiat .'.."<,-r‘. .'.r‘.at’:; (l't ()i‘ti.’ is; a 'air'tgr :":1lrltrlr<)t‘. if‘t:l‘. rrraj.i)(2 ‘,..1(l or). (art. lo tight to' a with: that It; ".ot .'.<>rtr\ “.trrj. ?ttt.-:;. Yet.

t-gr'ttrtf'tat thl‘Jéfiliktl‘(1(3'ttt}(l

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(:th'igit‘jtt:(>lr}(:rfi fiiél‘.(}ll‘.l'l(_).(tllilpill'lillflltilltl{l‘l‘1ll£lll()ll, no

arr.- it;‘t .'.'e‘.i= tit-4: tax tweak filial}, a :;\.rrrrtoit<: contract. artrl a '.a. t:‘ 't‘rwx "3; flit,- supposed :2, Egrit" ta" ta.- of a rolatrorrtshrr). At; a tt3r‘.-.;rt! l‘rt;i7i".t:l 't l);if$t$!()ll;li(: :rita:rhn‘<:rtt:;. rorr‘antrr: trr<;"::%;".rr.:.ar‘.it .;<>ltttttt](:";t {t'ltlitrlt‘;1r()'il"/. il.':(llt(it‘f;. I got that. (Irrirmzrzu ,out larr‘rl', (tl‘;(l 'l‘ith'lttl ,ztur (ran ruler; of \ltrflt't: "‘a. f;:;.t".:: (:xtrmr‘o tantra", mm". but lzitt‘rtilull‘, .22”: a" trtm'rrnjamfru at: r r::.';...t :rrta". taf‘f. should (rxarr‘trro .2-‘3 'ra.e: i)i:i:l‘ kupt out at rt ..'t llii’llfQ'. ;:.a<:ta r><:<‘aut;:- .24: .‘.-5,-r-.,- ,.rtl:;<;<t '23: to in“: "at-'r‘att (:l‘a’tigl't or <::.rl Sit-(l. lli“,.::tftr: .'.<.~ .',r:t<: scar". llir‘.()l‘:l tht: innit: ‘.'.'hat 4" Y'l;.fiir to! .'.rr.;rr‘ rt‘arrragya tfl wrath-gaunt? lt/larrragur. a'tzr “:tn' .rs;‘.‘ .r tt'r‘alw1;:rt;.ri>r;t:ar TI“li;ll)(?l()l)(?pliiillr\(}

.trlif (me-r a :tt‘ultt. ‘~.'.'r: l)i?(7(>ll‘»(: vr‘oro

The!" at; rt intuit: .'

't:%,_irt;<".ai;'-::. litillirl people T!tr<;.::;tr 'r‘arrrago ‘.‘.’t? are litltl rtF;athrust»:rr.o1trtrr>r‘ trtat ,Klfizllltrfill‘i‘litfll‘tf ,lit‘rithl that Litr'rg; the lulastor.

tt‘tt.a'.-::l f'tz: ’.'.r:;l‘, ()thm 3.15m. .'.\: a't:

martin; for tulltrtt. a" ;;o.'.r:r atttt rattl 'r; \)t.l :“.rrtta. charity. (2: :.l‘.o.r|<l that l;r,- portttitéstd‘. Waging; .'.rth (:ttr rungs? I / or .’t‘_ M) zr'uta 1:; .'r.‘:< t1]? ;>.'r'!r:t3/>;"rr>3, '. rut/f

--.:.-.i .11 tl.r.f,/.t,(z.\]_

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days betore publication to gay®|ist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.


I Lesbians in Peer Support (ilaxgou \Vornen's Librar). l()‘) 'l‘rongate. 553 33—15. 7 9pm. \Veelxl} \oeial group for lesbian and hi women aged '4 3.5.


I Christmas Musical Extravaganza Allgltxlitte l'nited (’hureh. -ll (ieorge IV Bridge. 553 6333. 8pm. £3 donation. l.(iB'l’ ehoir Loud and Proud sing an eclectic mixture ol' \eaxonal lllll\lc. Latin round\ and Spattixh lollx \oltgx.


I Blaze ligo. l4 l’ieard) l’laee. 478 743-1. llprn 3am. £5. [)1 Jarnex l.ong\\or'th ignite\ the ga) \teekend \\ ith a ehart and funk) lliHle‘ \outtdtraek.

I Burly Marinerx. 3‘) -l() ('ornrnereial Street. 555 5(illl). l(l.3(lpnt 3am. to 9.7. Let )out' hauhlex hang down at [hix eruix} ('hrixtrnax part) l'or men in denim. \portx. induxtrial. llllllttl’lll. ruhher. kills and leather.


I Colin McAllistair 8. Justin Ryan Borders Bookx. liort Retail Park. 3‘)() l’rman \Valk. 773 39H). lprn. Interior dexign tipx and t'extit e hanter l'r'orn tell} '\ l'atourite taxtel'ul tuoxorne ax the} sign eopiex of their guide to “(In No! In “Fulfil/(2


I Joy The Venue. l7 3] ('alton Road. 557 3073. l lprn 3am. £8 het'ore midnight; t' It) alter. l'plront. dirt} houxe gromex from Alan & Maggie Jo) and Brett King to work )ou up into a lather on the main lloor. l’lux 'l'rend} Weird) and Sall} 1-K eheek} mix ot‘ \oul. l'unlx and ehart in the dim ll\l;lll\ \uite.

Sunday 18


I Uberkunst .-\B(‘3. 330 Sauehiehall Street. 333 3333. l().3l)pnt 3am. to H35). Brand ne“ night catering tor hookerx. lreakx. Pllllkx. geek» unique\ and their t‘riendx \\ ith resident l)J\ .\into (ion/alex & Ben l)a\ id.


I BootyLUSHous Medina. 45 47 l.othian Street. 335 (t3l3. lllpnt 3am. £3 helot‘e midnight; £4 alter. ('hrixunax part) \oeial “ith 'I‘rend} \Vend). l)J l)ale l.u\h. lad} l.tl\h and .\ll'.\ (‘lauxe timing up Rth. hip hop. mill and t'unk. With Brett King ax (ir‘urnp) Santa. arid l\l;l Blige and l.ad_\ Sarah as the lil\e\

I Taste The Liquid Roorn. 0e Victoria Street. 335 35M. l lpnt 3am. £5 helore l l.3(lpnt; £8 alter (to members). l-‘ixher tk l’riee \uppl} a pl‘Ugl'L‘.\\t\ e rni\ ol' house and garage in the main room at thix inl'antoux Sunda) nighter. Martin Valentine and Stex e \Villtlexs mm the tni\ed/ga) erim d with {unit} ['8 house gL‘lth through the haek.

'5) [ltx‘ i’t‘rint ft .la". .J‘Ct‘ti THE LIST 77