Monday 19


I Passionality ('uhc. 34 (Juan Sti'cct. 226 8900. l Ifillpm Rant.

[2 £3. Planing chui‘lixtt‘} li‘om l).l Shzm'n Rohct‘lx. \xho docx hix but to I’L‘\II\L'llillL‘ lllL‘ \\ L‘L‘kL‘lld l‘tH' lltL‘

gu} /mi\cd croud.


I Karma Mood. ()mni. (il'L‘L‘ll\ltlL‘ Maw. 55” 16-10. I Ipm 3am. 9.2 mm- inidnight; £3 :il'tct'. ('hczip hoo/L' and chewy tunes from ('ht'is Ht'iinixon :it [his guy—l'ricntll} night.

Tuesday 20


I FUN (’uhc. 3—1 Quccn Stt'ccl. 226 8000. ll.3()pm Sam. [2 U. [U Slim/m llulliucll mi\c\ older cluxxit'x and lint tttncx. RL‘qllL‘\l\ \VClL'UlHL‘.

I Lesbian and Bi Women’s History Group (iluxgtm \Vomcn\ [.iht'zit'}. llll) 'l'i'ongattc. 552 83-15.

2 4pm. .loin thc group to i'cwuit'h lexhiun and hi \\otttctt\ lll\lttl'). l'octixing both on indi\ ltlllill\ :md putting togcthcr lllllL‘llllL‘\. l‘ot' inoi'c inl'o go to \\ \\ \\.\\Ullik‘lhlll‘l‘ill‘}.tll'g.lll\.


I Vibe ligo. l-l l’icut'd} Pluto-173 7434. llpm 3am. £3 hcl'oi'c midnight; £41!llL‘l'.(izt} night \\ ilh .lillllL‘\\\oi'th on thv duckx. plnx lllt‘ Dancing Stud \ltil'linx. tht‘ Singing lluit'} Blokc and thc .\liming \tm. Don't \11) \w didn't with _\;t.

Wednesday 21 '


I Allure 'l'hc 'l‘utmt‘l. 8-1 Mitchell Strcct. 204 ltioo, [1.36pm 33m. {3, Happy. chum} pop t'i‘om l).| I);irit‘n.


I Lesbians in Peer Support (il1l\g()\\ \Vomcth l.ihi';ii‘_\. llll) 'l‘t‘ongutc. 552 33.15. 7 9pm. Sct' Thu 15.


I Utter Gutter Anti-Christ-mas Special Rl\L‘l'\lle‘ ('luh. l‘o\ Sti'cct. 56‘) 7287. Midnight Rant. £6 £8. lllhllpllpp} and .\1;td;imc S pl;i_\ hotno clcclt‘o. cockpop. junk rock. dixt‘o \lL‘il/L‘. dirt} hotiw. punk ll'k‘;ll\ and tcch—hczitx ltlI’ non inninxli'czim quu‘rx and lhcii' Iv“ gu} pals.

Edinburgh I Blaze ligo. l~l l’lL‘dl'd} l’luL‘L‘. 475' 743-1. llpm Rum. £5. Soc l‘l'l l6.


I Tackno ligo. l-l l’icui'd) Pluto-178 743-1. llpm 3am. £5 £7. 'l‘hc cwr \o lowly 'l‘i'cnd} \Vcnd} and hot" l’xll\L‘ll L'lil\\lL'\ L'UlllL‘ out to plu} l'ot‘ lhcii‘ lil'\l cwr ('hi‘ixtmux Du} hush. Shc pick\ thc bust lllliL‘\ l'i‘om du'p doun in Sunlzt‘x stick.

I Taste 'l‘ht‘|llltl Room. ‘h' Vit’lot‘iu SII‘L‘L‘I. 225 25(tv-l. l lplll .‘mlli. L5 ltt‘l'tit‘t‘ llfillpm; L‘h’ ul'tci‘ tL'6 ltlL‘llllk‘l’\l. lixczipc Xmm part). But Sun IN.

Monday 26


I Passionality (’uht‘. H ()tict'n Sti‘t'ct. 226 80‘)”. I 1.30pm him.

L2 £3.51? \lttll l‘).


I BootyLUSHous Mcdinu. 45 -17 l.()llililll Slt‘ccl. 225 6H3. lllpm 3am. £3 hcl‘ot‘c midnight; £4 ul'lci'. Sct' Sim IS: with DJ l);ilc Luxh. Mint‘c I)lt‘\ and

78 THE LIST 1", lJit’, Wit-3 :' l1" :,

There are two Taste shindigs this winterval. On Baby Jesus Day itself, the boys Fisher & Price, Martin

Valentine and Steve Wanless present an Escape Xmas party, and on the First Day of New Arbitrarily- Defined Calendar Division Based on the Rotation of the Earth Round the Sun (please indulge me, it’s the season of goodwill I mean New Year’s Day, of course) they present their best tunes of 2005. Hallelujah.

It'lfx'," It“, .1:"‘ kl) .I‘g x}.

mulled \xint' loi' curl} l‘ll'tl\ uho could l't‘\l\l .’

I Karma \lood. ()mm. (ii't't'nxidc Place. 55“ I610. llpm Rim, [2 ltt‘loi't' midnight; L'i nllct“. li‘t‘c tn lung} tll'L‘\\. Sec Mott M. Bo\ing l);i)‘l_\.

Tuesday 27

G asgow

I FUN ('uhc. H ()iict‘n Sli'ct‘l. 226 80‘)“. ll‘llpm 1am. L'.‘ L5. St‘t‘ luc 3i).

I Lesbian and Bi Women’s History Group (il;i\go\\ \Vomcn'x l,ll\l';ll'}. lll‘) ’l'i'onngt'. 552 33-15,

2 ~1pm. Sec luv 20.


I Vibe ligo. l-l l’ttm‘d) l’‘c. ~l2i\' "iii-1. llpm 3am. U lwloi‘v midnight; L-l illlL‘l'. SL‘C ilillk‘ 2().

Wednesday 28


I Allure 'l'hc ltlllltt‘l. Hi \litt‘hcll Sti'ct'l. 2ll.l Illllll. ll.¥llpm hm. t3. St‘t‘ \Vt‘d 2 l.


I Velvet Hogmanay Party \lul'llk‘l'x. it) (‘ommci't‘iul Slit‘t‘t. lt‘ilh. 555 5622. lllpm -1;tm. L’lll, Soc in lllL' lwllx \\lll] thc ht'llt-x :il llll\ night loi‘ g;i_\ f.‘ll'llt'\ :md lht‘Ii‘ \pt't'mll} ii1\ttt‘tllto_\ liit'ndx tmcn tum onl_\ gum :ltlllll\\lttll ll :tt‘t'onmunicd h_\ ;i kid} I. hmlcd h} H] \ltt‘hcllt' rim. \Vigglt'i.

I Hogmanay Fever Iago. Ill l’itm‘tl} l’lut‘t'. lqh’ "1H Illptn 5.:m. (2“ [25 1H6 lllt‘llll‘t'Hl lht- opt-n Illllltlk'll. 33A} li‘it‘ntll}'t' [Mitt llml l\ [Lixtc ll'l\lit‘l & l’t'it't‘i liikcx tl\t‘l' Iago m |l\ l'cwl guixc loi' \le. \lill'llll \';ilt‘iitiitc. lllk‘ \ixlloi'. Killllill\\ illltl \t'il Kci‘i‘ |o|ll

l'w "5» :L (k; {(137,}: ‘[g()t;"

[was of ;’()()">, 596" 7 JJ".

l'tkl’ ht‘hind tht‘ dct‘kx.

I Mingin’ Hogmanay Party 'l‘hc \t‘nut‘ Hop Moon. 17 2| (Killon Road. 66] SUN. lllfillpm 5am. fill) in ;itl\;inu'; l; I 2 on the night. 'I‘hc u\ti;i| \lingm‘ \hcnunigunx ;tll mudt‘ mun moi‘c ut‘iting lk‘L'dth‘ it‘s llogiii;iii;i_\. .'\l;lll .lo_\ and Brian l)t‘lilp\lt‘l' :tt'c iomt‘d h) l).l lll'k'll King. Hit} il(l\;lllk'k‘ lit‘kctx li'om thc Rt‘gcnt But on \lonti'oxt‘ ili‘l‘l'uL‘L‘.


I Taste lht'|llltl Room. ‘lt’ \it‘tot'igi Sti‘t'ct. 225 256-1. Ilpm Rant. [5 ht‘loit‘ ll.3()pm; L‘h’ MIN ([6 mt‘mhci'xl. lit‘xl lllllt‘\ M 2005 purl}. St‘c Sun l.\’.


I Passionality (‘uhtx 3-1 ()uccn Sti't‘cl. 226 30‘)”. llfillpm 2mm. [2 U. SL‘L' \lth l‘).


I BootyLUSI-lous \lnliim. l5 ~17 l.ollti;m Strt‘ct. 225 631 i. lllpm 3am. U ht‘lott‘ midnight; L11 ultcr. Su- 8th l31\\llll l).l \llt‘llL‘llL‘.

I Karma \ltiod. ()llllll. (it'u‘ltxtdt‘ I’lgu‘t‘. 550 I640. llpm 3am. £2 hcloi'c midnight; U :il'lcr; lit‘t‘ in lung} div“. SCL‘ \lttll l‘}.

Tuesday 3


I FUN (.lllk‘. .i-l ()llt‘t‘ll Sll't't‘l. 22h X‘Ntl ll. illpm hm. £2 L‘ i. Sct' luv 20,

l (linl)tii'gh

I Vibe l'._‘._'t\. l-l l’lL'.ll'tl_\ l’ldt‘t‘. ~l7.\’ 71H. Ilpm him. U ht‘loi‘t‘ midnight; Ll ;tllL‘ll St‘t‘ llillk‘ 2H.

1 «(Jim Room. [aloha/git.

Wednesday 4

Glasgow I Allure 'l'ht‘ llllllk‘l. 8—1 Mitcht‘ll Stt‘cct. 2(l‘l llllll). l lfillpm 3mm. [3. Su‘ “rd

2 1

Thursday 5


I Nowhere ligo. ll l’imi'tl} l’lut‘t147h’ 7-13-1. Ilpm ium. £3. Buwd on lllL‘ t‘xci' changing .\'c\\ York t'ltih \ct‘nc \\ illt u croud ux t‘t‘lu‘tic ;l\ lllk‘ inuxit‘. Hula} Bird. l).l \lit‘lit‘llc. thc l'llllkl l)i\;t :md l).| Yonix lutlui'c.


I Bennets Kl) ‘)() (iluxxltil‘d Sll'L‘L‘l. 552 5761. Wed 'l‘hu & Sun ll..‘\l)pm 3am. l’t'i Sui ll.3(lpm 3.30am. l'i‘icntll}. tltmn [U L‘HI‘lll l;llt‘ lilg‘lil dixL‘t) \k'llllL' i'ct‘cnll) i'cltn‘hixlicd and rising li'om thc uxhcx :il'lci‘ ;i muioi‘ lii'c.

I The COCO Club IX .lumutt'u Sliu‘l. 3-17 0320. Thu Sun llpm .‘xgim. [I H. ()llt't'ing llm coiniitcit‘iul lllllL‘\ and lunk} pop. (llil\:_‘0\\ \ ncuvxt gu} \cnuc tlpt‘lh il\ \t‘gzh \lttmgll‘l itlxpll‘cd doot'\. ‘l‘hct'c‘x plcnt} ol' l't‘xtiw l'un l'tu‘ L‘llll') to thc Wintcr \Vondci'lund (‘hi'ixlmux liw t't‘lt'ltl'ulltmx lol' llloxt‘ tll't‘\\i‘il t‘nlil‘t'l} lll “hitt'.

I The Polo Lounge 8.1 \Vilxon Strcct. 553 l22l. Mon ‘l‘hu 5pm lam. l‘i'i Sun 5pm Sum. Slut‘lolh. wank}. ggi}/mi\cd \lt‘i't‘hunt (‘1!) club. \\llll wwml rooms and ;i do“ ll\l;lll'\ tlunt‘t‘l'looi' opcn ul lllL‘ \wt‘kcnd (£5 illlk‘l' llpml.


I CC Blooms (‘(' Bloonix. 23 2-1 (il't‘t‘lhltli‘ l’liIL'L‘. 550 (’55 l. \lttll ll). illpm 3am. Sun 6pm 3am. 'l‘ht' cuxt roux! \u‘nc qtict'n pump out dgincc and t‘hccxi‘ tlt‘lightx mcr} night.