I Spiders on Mars lllt' |l.ili Hat. Ititi \\1Hl\llillltl\ l\)l‘.l\l. :53 “Win ‘lpni. lice lioxxtt‘ lttliult~

I Station Project ( il.i\gii\\ St‘ltool til \it. to" lx’t-nlicv. Stict‘t. ‘51-l5il. llpiii. (h l L5! \tiotlit‘i (.ltll‘ \.\ll. night \xlttt‘lt \klll .tl\t| \t‘lM‘ .t\ lllk' l’lkNlilt'lllt‘ .tllt'l\llit\‘..

I Aka the Fox Ikntl}. 3oll ( lulu Stt'ct‘t. USN“ ‘l‘l ' H‘l‘l‘l. \l‘t'ltll‘lilJll l‘.llltl plii} lkunlrkilllooti


I Miss Black America, Korova, The Silhouettes .llltl A Very Secret Historytnlctloinnn Ikn‘kpat‘kctx. i (‘lllt‘t‘lhlt‘lfl Stit't't. ~l"(i "331. \. illptn. £5. llic lt.ili_\ llj,‘\‘l \ll1.l\ lint} ltlllkl I‘llltli gilt." \t't'x thc .‘t‘lllll‘. ot liwipool om j..'nll‘.nitl nit-ctx \llit\\llill\' grouping .\ll\\ lilat‘k \int'iit‘a llllh l.|‘ll\l\‘ll .iltiot‘k .nitl \l’\t'\‘- \\ll!ll l tlii‘il‘utgh nitln'.

I The Rab Howat Band Iknnit‘rtnini‘x. \itltli'} Stict't. 55h i35-t 4pm, live. long \ttniilnig .nitl suit-Incl} popular t‘owt'x l‘.lll\l.

I The Belgranos, Dakota .llltl Jojocoke \\ liniit-iiiiikitx, 'i (i Sottllt l‘liitlgt'. 55" 5| it (nun l'it'c lit‘lott' initlnyjht.{-3.11th l'illlt‘}'l.l\\ \ll‘t'\ lioni l).ikitl.:

I Battlefield lht~ l’ioiigo ('luli. .\loi.i_\ lliitiu‘. :5 lli‘iktitinl lx’ikttl. 55\ nihill. "pin L‘tlit' Stuntiuii‘. pit'xt'ntx tlnx Iiiin \t'lioo': tuitth «it Zlit' l‘.llltl\.

I 035 Contras .liltl Marc Pilley (nixnt't \ollinit'. W {S lt|.ni Stit't‘t. 330 "Hill. "pin D tun tint- oll night in aid ol \lltli\'\i} lntcinatioiial. tt‘ntniing an annuity \t't tioiii \lt‘t't‘tii} lllll\l\' .i\\;ntl lllllllllltllt'tlilll15l \l.nt' l’illc} illoliolalki. lollout-il l\_\ the hotl} tippt‘tl l).l\ ("ontixix in all tlicit‘ t'igltt pi-rqt' gloi}

I Stem, Milophobia, Serenade, The Winkle Experience .nitl Declare \lll‘\‘..:j. ('i\‘.‘.g'.ilt', (\‘l (.l‘\‘.‘_'.ll‘\'. (i"(i(i.

"I ‘xllpni [.1

lx’ot‘k .nitl nithc lull.

I! I . I ,

I Screaming Banshee Aircrew and The Way of All Flesh \liii't'o‘x lt‘ixurt‘ (it'llll‘k‘. (il'tn C Sll't‘t‘l. .3 l 4 l.

Spin .iiiin. L'S' L'lll. \ight ol' (iotli rock at thix Nightmare .'\lorc ('hrixtniiix cwnt \\ith l).l\. hour the likes ol’.i\\ccn\ion. Bitch. \liin and more plux \tnllx iintl lttt/tltti' \\ ith all proccmlx to \Vincrl} (are. I Lights Out By Nine illltl Team Solripe lknint‘rniiin‘x. .\'itltlr_\ Street. 550 335-1. S.-15pin. L5 Vocalixt .\l lltiglit‘x North the met populin~ \toniping lilucx ottllll l.iil\\.

I Barry Vista Social Club Illt‘ 'l'im. lligh Strcct. 55h (i333. ‘lpni. l'iu‘. .\t'ou\tic gown night. \\ ith \ongx Ii} Sinatra. thc ltciillt'x. llilllk \Villiinnx (‘oltlpkn illltl llltll't‘.

I The Mighty Howard lglu. 3h .l;nn;nt‘;i Sti‘ct‘t. 430 553 i. ‘lpni. l'rcc. l’l;i_\ ing rcggiic and will.


I Status Quo Sl~.( ‘( ‘. l'llllllL‘\lUtl ()um. ii.\'“ii ntn .ionn isiipiii~ ijfill, ' (‘.-\\( ltl .l.l'.l). SCL‘ 5 RUtixom. oppoxilt‘. I Emma Pollock, Strike the Colours and lnjuns ltin'll} nipxtiiii'xi. 3(ill (‘l_\tlt' Strt‘t‘t. UV” UH~ 099‘). 3pm. Ur l'.\ l)t~|g;ulo~ lrontuoniiin [lL‘l'ltil'lIh ii \olo .iltt‘rnoon \lttt\\.

I Flood of Red, Friday First, Achilles initl Capturie lllL‘ (iin'iigc. tilt) Siiut‘lnchall Strcct. 333 l|3ll. "pin. to ;itl\;nit‘c It" on tloori. ()wr Hx \ho“. \lt'tiil. \kntc punk and rock hi”.

I The Roslins 'l‘hc ('iithouxc. l5 l'nion Sti'cct. 3-18 (i(il)(i. “fillpin. £5. ()xcr» l—l\ \lltt\\. lL‘L‘ll f_‘l'l'l'l «llltll'lt‘l tlL‘\L‘l‘ll‘lllf3 lllL‘lll\t‘l\t‘\ ;l\ ‘( ii‘t'cn l);i_\ taking :i ltilc Ulll ol lltL‘ litlllglL‘V.

I Cold Night Song 'l'lic (ioat. 123‘ .\i‘g}lt' Street. 355 "3.33. Spin. l‘it‘c. (‘hai‘lic :nitl Xcil. lttl‘lllt‘l'l} ol .'\\ll'ltl. inc llllllt'tl li_\ Slaw} Sicwu right ol the

Just because bands aren’t out there playing 200 gigs a

year doesn’t mean things are happening with them. Terra Diablo have been beavering away, reorganising their line-up since those pesky Snow Patrol kids snared one of their troop to play bass for them. They arrive revitalised and ready to unleash some new cunning


rock shapes they’ve been working away at. Cock an ear in their direction.

Rcintlccr Suction l'or this acoustic night

\\ illi \tn‘prixc gucxtx.

I Drive-By Argument, MIA initl Tempercalm ltiirl'l}. Ztitl (lulc Sltu‘l. ()370 ‘lll7 (NW). Split. £5. ()\ct'- l»l\ \lto“, Scc prm iv“. page Sll l'oi' l)ri\c~lt_\ .-\rgunicnt. \\ ho promote their ncu \lllg‘lt‘ ‘Sc\ l.lllt'\ in'c li\pcn\i\c ('oinul} '. (‘hilix—iiillucncctl \upport liiintl .\il.'\ arc not to he L‘Ulllll\L‘tl \\ ith lllt' l.ontlon .\l(‘. I Pelican .v\l3('3. 33f) Snut‘liichgill Street. 333 3333. Split. £7.50. (iin‘guntuini instrumental rock \UlllltISL‘ilPL‘\.

I Serpico illltl JMC Rockt‘i‘x. H \litlliintl Street. 33! (V30. Spin. l’rcc l’unk.

I The Cinematics, The Fratellis initl Recliner King ‘l‘ut'x \Viili \Vah llut. 3-3;1 St Vincent Strcct. 33l 537‘). 3.30pm. £5. local lk‘tll conilio lixting thcir inl'lucnccx il\ \Virc. lulu ixion. the ('un‘. thc Sniithx. ctr. \upportctl h) the i'L'L‘L‘tlll} \ignctl hot )oung thing\ the l'l'illt‘lllS.

I The Blimp \icc‘n’Slcu/y 43] Sauchichall Street. 333 (Mill, Upni. L5. .'\lL‘\ ll;tt‘\L‘}/liL'L‘lllL‘;tt‘l IIISPII'Ctl combo. I Mangara, The February Solution {liltl thisfamiliarsmile lhli \olt‘ (kilo. 5t) (ill King Street. 553 lots. 0pm. £3. Melodic rock lroni .\l;ing;ir;i. hardcore and pmliou‘k \UlllltlS lt‘oni thc l‘cliruin‘} Solution and L‘IIlUlSll poxt-rock lroin llll\l;lllllllili'\lllllt‘.


I The Hussys, Dropkick, Rieser initl Alfonzo Studio 3-1. 34 3o (‘iilton Roiitl. 55S 3'58. 7pm. £3 tL‘5i. St'ottixh \ltixic thuork shoutth hcatlctl h) the llltllL' pop and catch) l_\ ricx ol~ the lluwc} \ and thc countriliul pop ol Dropkick.

I Rise Up (Kiligirct Voltaire. .Vt 53 Blair Street. 330 (i130. "pin. £5. \o l).l\ inxt lixc inuxit‘ all night long. through clultlung hours linc up \till he L‘ttlllll'lllt‘tl ncarcr thc «late.

I Tyrant Lizard Kings iiiitl Armoured Cats The liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 335 35M. "pin. L31. Snapping. \nin'ling rock inxpirctl it} the likcx ol ('lutt‘h and .\ltll(ll'llt‘lltl li'oni litlinliurgh‘x 'l'} l';llll l.i/;n‘tl Kingx. ‘l'hc piiir ol’ hiintlx tonight are promoting their lillL'Sl it-lmwx: ;i tlcltut .lll‘lllll.l//t1t/\('Il/ll' limit! /./.‘tm/ [Vi/tux and tlt‘l‘lll lil’ /)u litll /.l/\(' I! /)irl\'.’ t'LNPL‘t‘lHL‘l}.

I Stealer, Bohemond inn! The Wrd Bginncriniin'x. .\'itltlr_\ Strcct. 55o 335-1. S.J5[ttit. £4. l’unk rock l'roni Stmlcr.

I Nathaniel Slade \Vlllxllt‘ltlllle‘N. .l (i South Bridge. 557 5| l-l. ‘Jpni. l‘rcc. Singer/mug“ritcr Slzitlc on at midnight.

I Kubrik INS lhc l.L‘ll Bunk. ‘" (iuthric Sti‘cct. 335 03-1-1. \Vcckl} nnpi'm [\L‘tl mpci'inicntal noixc L'llll‘.

Monday 19


I Bjorn Again Sl:(‘('. l'llllllL'\lHll (‘)ll;l\. (LS-ill (l-ll) --llll)ll. (Lillan Uh U35“. I ()xcr- l~lx \ho\\. .-\ triliutc to thc \upcr Sucilt‘x ol the "llx. ll'ttlll thc \xorltl\ tilt-\l linnonx .-\l§l%.-\ trihutc litllltl.

I Andrea Tomlinson and MJ McArthy lchai ()\n;i. -l3 ()tiigo l.;l|lt‘. 357-153-1.Spni. £3. (‘iniatlizni \ingcr/xonguritcr.

I Misty’s Big Adventure and Kalieda King ’l‘ut‘x \Viih \Viih llut. 333a St \inccnt Sti‘cct. 33l 53"). Sfitlpni. L5. l’x} t‘lictlclit~ liirrninghinn nine [new lllllL';l\ll their \ct‘ontl :illititn ol ct‘t'cntrit' tlcliglitx and ii \pcciul (‘hrixtniiix \inglc. I Acoustic Jam \icc‘n‘Slcwy -l3| Sinichichall Street. ‘33 (Will). ‘lpni. l-rcc. Slaw} \ lcgcntlar} inni returns to the no“ I} rclurltixht'tl puli lor itx (‘hrixtinax part}.

I The Low Miffs, The Needles and The Beat Trap l51ll \iitt- ('iilc. 50 on King Street. 553 In“. 0pm. {3. .\n L‘\L‘lllll;1Ulilllgllltll'liltltlt‘l'll pop inuxit‘.


I Electra Kill, Screaming Blue Murder, Dirty Wee Middens, State of Affairs and One Man Race Sulma} ('ougatc. (t‘) ('ougalc. 335 (Foo. (Lillpni. L31. :\|tcriiiiti\c L'lu‘tro/intluxti‘iiil nicatl


1 They’re the original Spinal Tap These days they might seem like a llEllTl'llGSS rock pai‘itominie of a band. but Francis Rossi and Ric Parfitt were the original hedonist (latties. and their trank autobiography XS All Areas reveals atl v— coke. booze. birds. etc. etc.

2 They got loaded at the Band Aid session White C'VGWOHEE eise was jOSllll'lg for publicity at the making of Bob Getdot's famous Band Aid single and video. Rossi and Parish spent the day getting wasted. and now can't remember anything about it. Fantastically not in the spirit of the (lay. blebs 'em.

3 The kangaroo legend The Ono are in possession of one of the best rock'n'roll stories ever. Whi:e tetii‘ing Australia their bus hit a kangaroo. “l he band. for some daft reason. stopped and posed With the dead ariinia:. sticking the driver's totir racket on it. only tor it to Spring back to he and hot) off. with the Ono ,iacket sul on and the driver's keys ill the pocket. Oh yes.

4 They’re the third most successful band in British history Yes. really. Bel'iino' seine 3t. nch of sloppy crab called the Beatles. and those lTlldLliEE‘ClaSS niiinimies‘ boys the Rotting Steiies. 5 Twelve Gold Bars The compilation of hits covering the band's glory years of the mid-70s is still one of the finest British FOCK

a! )iiins ever reteased.

(Doug Joliiistciie,

Please note: These dates have been cancelled due to ill hea/th but we like them so much we just had to keep this in.

lroni lalct‘tra Kill lcaturing L‘\-llit‘llll‘t‘l\ ol the l‘rankcnxtcni l)r;ig (‘)llt't‘ll\.

I Claire Ward The .l;nn llouw, 5 ()uccn Sll’t‘t'l. 33h lihll. “.5” 9.50pm. l‘l'L‘L‘, ilillt‘ lrixh \ingcr .nitl piiniixt not lti'itinn'x _\otttth\l \\oin;ni .\ll’.

I Subbuteo Pitch Invasion, Covert Camel, Jakata iintl Blank Generation Hannt'rniun'x. \itltli‘} Slrcct. 550 3351. S.~i5pni. Lil. llltllt‘ pop punk hnc tip.

I Open Mic \\'hi\tlt'lunkic\. -l (\ South Britlgc. 55" 5| l~l. ‘lpni. l-rcc. .lu\t turn up and pci'loi'ni.

Tuesday 20


I God Forbid, Mendeed initl Kingsize Blues ltiirt'l}. Still (lulu Sin-ct. (lS‘l) 0t)“ (MN. ".illpni. LS. .\l;i\iniuin hon imn} lioni thc thrash iiicrt'hantx (iotl l‘orliitl. liclping ltrnig intcnxc huh} nictal lll\.tllll) to thc lll.t\\t‘\ .l\ pint ol the um “aw ol .\ntcrit‘;in nictal.