It felt only right that, after being the bridesmaid for the better part of the 905, the mob better

known as Bis should one day reconvene and go for the bride-like bouquet throwing glory that often eluded them in the past. Data Panik are a more robust prospect than their decedents more a big bottle of greasy, full-bodied red to Bis’ sweet, fizzy pop.

King lat's. G/asgflrsr, ll; 23 Doc.

I Stick Xmas Studio ()nc. (ii'oanor 'lcrracc. .‘~4l (i5lh. 9.30pm. l‘rcc. Bah huinhug.


I Stegg & the Freestyle Master and Andrea Marini Suhua} ('ougatc. (i‘) ('ougatc. 335 (i700. 7pm. £4. Anothcr 'Magncr'x \cr} hcxt ol' Scullhll tinxigiicd' night l'caturing llllx notahlc local hip hop outlit.

I Elkin, Bo Deadly and Nine Circles Banncrman‘x. Niddr} Strcct. 550 3354. 8.45pm. £4. Strong \ong uriting ix cinphaxixcd h} lilkin.

I The Mending Hearts, Blue Flint and William Douglas 8. the Wheel 'I‘hc Bongo (’Iuh. Mora} llouxc. 37 Iloly'ood Road. 558 7604. ‘lpni 3am. L'thc. Rockahill} linu-piccc “ith a good tinic \\\ ing \ihc pla)iiig llll\ .\'c\\ \car harn dancc \\ ith a hit ol' hpr l'roin Ridc 'l‘hix 'l‘rain'x l.ukc l.ukc and hix l)J \klllx.

I Red Letter, the Jack, Darklight and Starry Wisdom Cult Whixtlchinkicx. 4 (i South Bridgc. 557 5l l4. 0pm. l‘rcc. .\la\\i\c indic and rock hill.


I Heebie Jeebies, The Firesouls and Silver Bullet llarll}. loll ('l_\dc Sll'cct, 0870 007 (NW). Spin, [4,

I ltchycoo Park Rockcrx. l—l .\lidland Sll‘L‘L‘l. 33l U730. Spin. l'it'cc. Scc Sat I7. I The Stone Roses Experience 'I'hc Suh ('luh. 33 Jamaica Strcct. 343 4000. Spin. [7. .\lani-cndor\cd Rtl\L'\ trihutc pla} at Kink} Alto.

I The Demon’s Eye Saniucl l)im\, ()7 7l \ithxdalc Road. 433 (llll7. 8.50pm. l’rcc. Scc Hi 35.

I Kevin Montgomery 8- the Roadtrippers King 'l'ut’x \\'ali \Vah llut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33] 537‘). 8.30pm. H350. 'l‘c\an c\poncnt ol' countr} and .-\nicricana uhoxc niothcr \ang “ith lilx ix and “how lathcr “ax thc l’ricnd and \ongnriting partncr ol' lludd} lloll}.

I Tennessee Hotshots ‘l‘lic llall Bar. Hill \Voodlaiidx Road. 353 0000. 9pm. l‘rcc. Rockahill} \oundx at (‘luh ()llll.


1.3? Aberfeldy, Preston Pfans and the Seaton Sands and Isa and the Filthy Tongues 'l‘hc|llld Room. ‘lc \IlL‘llll'lil Strcct. 335 35(i4‘ "pm. £|tl.5ll, 'l‘hix /.l\l cndorxcd c\cning ol' c\cniplar} Scottixli ncu llllhlc‘ ix loppcd \\ ith lhc touch lidinhurgh hand \\ ho ha\ c charincd man}. including thc grcat Rough 'Iradc lahcl.

\\ ith thcir lo-li acouxtic l'olk} \ound and ho_\ ~girl harmonicx. .'\l\o in \upport arc lidinhurgh‘x prcniicrc \url' rock cat\ and [lit L'lttllcl' Ul- clL‘L‘lI‘Ul'Uck ncu lc\ l\;l ttlltl thc l’illh} 'l‘ongucx (\cc pagc SI l'or a

rc\ icu ol thcnii.

I The Usual Suspects \Vliixtlchinkicx. 4 (1 South Bridgc. 55" 5| H. “In”. l't'cc hcl'orc midnight; £4 altcr Soul. lunk and hlucx l'roin thc l’xual Slhpt'ch \\llll inorc ;tL‘l\ thc.

I Special Love Suhua} ('ougatc. (i‘) ('o\\ galc. 33.5 (i700. 3.5llpllt. L415“. lndic rock action.

I Darklight, Kilo and The Dials lianncrnian‘x. \iddr) Strcct. 550 3354. 8.45pm. £4. (iuitar rock.


I Athlete, Deacon Blue, Hue 8. Cry and Finlay MacDonald Band (icorgc Sqtiarc. 0370 33} (i305. 8 30pm 1.30am. 'l‘hc main c\cnt in (il;l\:_'tl\\ '\ llogniana} cclchrationx incorporating li\ c hourx ol' |i\c lllll\lc. l'roni thc carncxt indic anthcinx ol' Athlctc to thc noxtalgic Scotrock ol' l)cacon Bluc and lluc k ('r}. Scc lcaturc. pagc I4.

I OFX, Ultrasonic and Ultimate Buzz ('arling :\cadcnl_\ (ila\go\\. |3l liglinton Slrcct. (ix-7t) "."l 3lllll)_

7pm .5tllll. £33. Ring in thc ncu h_\ cclchrating thc old halc}on da} \ ol' happ} hardcorc. glou \llck\ and \‘ickx inhalcrx “ith a trio ol li\ c aclx and a hunch ol trancc} track\ at Back to thc l‘uturc. lt'x llkc‘ L‘lL‘cll‘Uclthll tlL'\L‘l' llttppcllt‘tl.

Evan Dando, Eugene Kelly and The Fratellis .'\l£(‘2. 33l) Satlchlchall Strccl. 333 3333. ‘Hllpni. U5. including cntr} to thc ;\ll(”\ llogniana} part}. .\ \cr} \pccial lloginana} appcarancc h_\ thc l.cinonhcad\ \ingcr and lll\ (ilaxucgian hudd} in intimatc \urrotnidingx.

I The Buff Club New Year Street Party I43 Bath l.anc. 34S I'm".

‘lpin 3am. l‘nc hoqu ol local |i\ c handx lll ring in thc ncu )car. \\llll l'ood. drink and c\cnt\ \\ lllllll Rcd ()nion. Butlcil'l) and Pig and thc Hull (’luh.

I End of the Year Club l5lll Now (are. 5” (ill King Slrcct. 553 INS. 0pm. l'llltl tll thc ~\ltllllll (.ltlli rcachcx lllL‘ t‘llkl ol- lhc _\car with thc ll\ll;tl lun \tull lroni )our hoxlx lio/illa and ;l\\tlL‘l;llL‘\

I The Boogaloo Investigators, Figure 5 and Pop Up llarll}. 2m (‘l_\dc Strccl. (LVN UH" (NW). Spni. L'". Rctro l'unk and Rtkll outlil thc Boogaloo lll\L'\ll:._';llUl\ arc ltllllcd l‘_\ I‘L‘ll'o l‘UCkL‘h l‘igurc 5 l'or lhc l‘unhouxc'x llogniana} l\;t\ll.

I Chris Gorman, Spacejunk and Three Days Born King 'l‘ui'x “an “an llut. 333a St Vinccnt Strccl. 33! 537‘). Spin. to, Sihgcr/xong“t'ilcr pla_\ing guitar and piano \\ ith a dark cdgc to hix lllll\lc. I Ashton Lane Street Party .'\\llloll lanc. ‘lpin lain. £l5. 'l‘hc lanc hu//c\

\\ ith l).l\. lllll\lL‘. lircuorkx and a pipcr on thc hcllx. liinail tllL‘l;l\llltllll;||lc(” aol.coin l'or tickct llllUl'lllillltlll Scc l'caturc. pagc I4.

I Bad Medicine Rockcrx. I-l Midland Strcct. 33l (V30. 5 "pin. l‘rcct Rockx’hlucx

I The Usual Suspects Rockcix. l4 \lltllttlltl Sll't‘t‘l. 33l “‘30, 0pm. i'il'L‘L'. SCL‘ l‘ri it).


I Texas, KT Tunstall and El Presidente l’iinccx Slrcct (iardcnx. ‘lpin. £30 £35 llllS )car'x llogniana} lll thc gardcm ix a hoincgrou n allair ol thc hcxl lll Sct‘h rock. llltllL' and pop. ’l'hoxc \\llll hawn't got lickclx can \till ltllll thc lloganiana} (‘luh. \cc lcaturc. pagc l4. l‘or niorc.

I New Year Revels ;\\\cinhl} Rooinx. 5-1 (icorgc SlI‘L'L‘l. 33“ 454‘).

l). Wpln 3.30am. L45. 'l'hrcc l'loorx ol' ncu _\car part} ing \\llll l).l .lorgc lroin Salxa \'i\a. countrilicd \t‘l\ltlll\ ol /.c'[\|iltii to (irccn l)a_\ lroin ll;i_\ \ccd l)I\Ic plux top lrihulc act lhc llackhcal llcallcx. and linal|_\ ccilidh llltltlllt‘\\ lroni thc \Vild (‘igarillox and llclla .\lc.\'ah\ ('cilidh Hand. Scc lcaturc. pagc H.

I Hard-ti, Sons & Daughters and This R 2-Tone \\'a\ci‘lc} Stagc. \Vaicrlc) lliidgc. lllpin lain. l-‘rcc. linctgctic dolc rock duartct llard~li

hcadlinc thc \thcl'lL‘} Stagc. lhcir Hard to Bcal' and ‘l.i\ ing l‘or thc \\'cckcnd' \unnning up thcir L‘llttH. l’unk countr} l'roni Sonx & l)aughlcr\ and \ka claNu l'roin 'l'hix R 3-'l'onc. Scc lcalurc. pagc I4. I The Great Calverto, Tartan Dholies and Mothertunk l’art) Stagc. l’rinccx .\1all. lllpni 3am. l‘rcc. ('hcc\) pop. Scottixh lllll\lL‘ Ini\cd \\ ith Sikh and all roundcd oll \xith thc hcxt in l'unk. Scc lcaturc. pagc I4.

I Hayseed Dixie, Fraser MacNaughton Band and Buarach lloolic. 'l'hc Mound. lllpni 3am. l’rcc. lla_\ \ccd l)i\ic do thcir countr} hoc-dou n \L‘l'\iotl\ ol claxxic rock from lhc likc\ ol' :\(‘/l)(‘. Black Sahhalh and thc Darkncxx. plux liddlc and contcniporar) takc \oll traditional Scottixh lllll\lt'. Scc l'caturc. pagc I4.

I Roguestar \Vliixtlchinkicx. J 0 South lll'itlgc. .557 .5l l4. (ipltt. l'Al'L'C hL‘ltll‘L‘ midnight; £4 al'tcr. Stadium rocking l'roni Rogucxtar l‘or llogniana} \\ ith morc handx ll‘L‘.

I Covington Case, LAB, Opening Failure and Leftwideopen Suhua} ('ougatc. h‘) (‘ougatcfl 335 (i700. 7.30pm. [4. .\'c\\ Ycar\ li\c \pccial ol‘ li\ c lllll\lL‘ and rock.

I Barry Vista Social Club ‘l'lic 'l'axx. lligh Strcct. 550 (i333. 0pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sal I-


I Cold Night Song 'l‘Iic (ioal. IDS." Arg} lc Strcct. 357' 737‘. 5pm. lhc (ioat tilingx il\ tlmll'x opcn lo uclcoinc thc nc“ )car. \\ ith acouxlic lllllSlL' l'roni thc (ilaxgou indlc \L‘L‘llc and l)l\.


I Decent Souls, Manta and Redhouse Barll). 2m) (‘hdc Slrccl. (No no? (NW, Spin. H.

Tuesday 3


I The Parting, Mangara and One Friend Minus Bar-ll}. 3m (‘hdc Sum. llSql) Oil.“ (NW), Spin. £4.

Wednesday 4

Q o) LO Q E

I Looking for Simon, The Riot and Graystar Barll}. 2N) (‘hdc Sll'ccl. l).\‘7(l 0H7 (NW), 8pm. £4. lndic hill.

I Michael Simons 'l‘cliai ()\na. l()() l)can\ton l)ri\c. “MI 04‘) 7358. Spin. £3. SCL‘ \Vc‘tl 3 l.

I Stevie Walker .\lonlro\c ('cnlral. h/S “‘ttlt‘l'ltitl Sll't‘cl. 33l 05””. 9pm. SCL‘ \VL‘tl

Q C.) (Q Q E

I The Almighty and Tokyo Dragons 'l‘hc (iaragc, 4‘)” Sauchichall Slrcct. 333

l l3ll. .‘plll. l ()\L‘l" l—l\ \lltl“, \L‘lc‘l'ull Scottixh l'tlc'kt‘h tll’L‘ ltlillctl h} hil‘xtllt‘ )oung huckx l'or lhix hcnclil lor lcukacniia I'L‘\L';tl'cll.

I The Little Kicks, Oswald and Kessler Hai'l‘l}. 3m (‘hdc Slt'ccl. (mil) Ull." 000‘). 8pm. £4. 'I’hc hcadlincrx arc an .v\hcrdccn-haxcd l'our piccc \\ ith an uphcat. niclodic \ct.

I The Plimptons 'l‘cliai ()\ na. 43 ()tago lanc. 35" 4534. 8pm. £3. .-\nolhcr ol' ‘ahxurdo-pop' hand thc l’liniptonx' lrnluartcrl} \_\ nipoxiunix ol' pop

I The Pedestrians, The Rise, Andy Gallagher and Overhaul King 'l‘iii‘x \Vah \Vah llul. 333a St Vinccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). .\’.3(lpni. £4.50. lllucx}. garagc} coniho hcadlinc thix local l‘lll,

I Christine Bovill, David Froggett and Andrea Tomlinson 'l‘lic llalt Bar. Hill \Vootllallth Rtltltl. 5.53 99W). ‘lplll. l‘rcc. Singcr/Kongu ritcrx.

I Miss the Occupier \ic-c‘ii'S‘lca/Ix. 43| Sauchichall Strcct. 333 (Willi. ‘lpin.

(A. l’unch} indic punk rocking.

"" :ng .‘ f :V .'\ THE LIST 93