Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.


I Live Jazz Budda. I-Ila Si \‘inccnl SII'L'CI. 243 III). 7 Illplli. I‘II'CC. \VL‘L‘H}. Iiu‘. inliinalc ran and acouxlit' \clx in llic upxlairx har.

I Glasgow Singers Night ’l‘lrc I'nixci'xal. 57 5‘) Sain‘hichall lanc. 333 880‘). 8pm. .Iinr (‘IcIand. Ronnic Rac and Run .\Ialhic\on pr'o\ idc lllllle‘dI \upporl al lhix opcn mic nighl l'or (ilaxgoxx \ingcrx Ilirxlt‘tI h_\ \Iiiw Rogcrx and Suc \IcIIugh. ('aII Huck on 07077 SI)? I I3 il' )ou arc lllIL‘l'L‘\IC(I in pvrl'orniing.


I Richard 8- Chris Iglu. 3h .Iarnait‘a Slrccl. 476 533} h’pnr. Iiru‘. .la// lrio lt'aluring Richard and ('hi'ix Il‘olll I.I\L‘\L‘IL‘ll(L‘\.

I Beat Root Juice 'l'hc .Ia/I Bar. | ('Iranrhcrx Sum-l. 320-1290 9.30pm. Iircc. ,v\lro hcal. I.alin and \I\a Irorn rcxrdcnl hand ilrc (ioal Sic“ ()rt'ht'xlra and DI Barn. lel\ the odd Iiw gaunt and \plllllt‘l'.


I Lunchtime Concert: Swingin’ and Singin’ RS;\.\II). Illll chli'cn Sli'ccl. ‘33 THIS—7. lprn. [7 (£5). :\ \ct'ond chanu‘ lo mpcrrcncc [hr 8“ ingin' and Singrn' ('hrixlrnax Ii\lra\a}_'an/a. lhc pcrlccl anlidolc lo lhv ('hrixlniax hah hunrhug»


I Live Jazz l’i/la li\prt'\\. ll| IIoI}r'ood Road. 557 5734. 7pm. Piano and \(lk'.II\ dim.

I Keith Edwards’ Boptimism Quintet 'I‘hv .Ia// Bar. l (‘hanihcrx Sli‘t'cl. JIM-12‘)”. ‘)pni. I‘rcc. (’ooI. \uinging.‘ liw picu‘ pIa_\in;_' ncal arrangcrncnlx oI hop and IL‘\\CI' knoxx n \iandard\_

I Late Nite Groove The Jan Bar. I ('hainhcrx Sli‘t't'l. 330 4390.

\Iidnighl iarn. £5. chular Iirida} night lirnkxumagan/a \\ ilh liu‘ Ii;lll(I\ and I)!»


I Malcolm MacFarlane Quartet Iil'L‘I. .i‘) ~13 :\\Iil(m I.;illL‘. 3-13 4960.

K ()plll. I'icc. (illll;ll'l\l Irorn .Ianiic ('uIIuin'x hand lronling Ilix oun ncu proiccll

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar INS. Buchanan IIUlt‘I. I85 Buchanan Slrccl. i3: 7384. 5. ill 0pm. I’rcc. Suinging Salurda} ia/l \L‘\\I(ill.

I Bobby Wishart and his Band Bordcrx Bookx. I'ol‘l RclaiI Park. 3‘)“ I’rman Walk. 773 39“). (i Spin. law in \ioi'c [k'l'IllI'lllilIlt‘L‘ l'rorn IIIL' Icading Via// \il\UleUlll\l and hand.

I Glasgow lmprovisers Orchestra (‘(.:\. 35H Sllllt‘IliL‘IltlII SII’L‘L‘I. 353 ~I‘)IIII. Xpni. LN (UH. Rt'ccnl prrl'ornranu‘x h} lhc oll lhc “all. inlcrnalionall} rcwrcd lrcc irnproxixing cnwnrhlc haw imolu'd t'oIIahorauonx \xilh Barr} (in). (innlci‘ Sornincr and I'Ik'lI I‘rilh. 'I‘oni‘ulrl lhi‘} pla} \oIo. llic IN inuxicianx asking lIlL‘lll\L‘I\C\ and «arch olhcr what an hour (Illl'lllf: lhc cwnrng ol l7 Ikccnrhcr 2005 \ouliih IIIM‘.


I The Mellotones 8i) ()irccn Strut! Bar and Rtwlauranl. HI) ()uccn Slrccl. 326 5097. 3 Spin. I‘rcc. .Iirirni} 'I‘a}|or and hand pla} \ongx h_\ MCI IUI'IIIK' and olIlL'l' gl'L‘al Ill/l \ot‘aIixlx.

94 THE LIST ‘-'C Tim

.Hr‘yrf) \J/HL l),

I House Trio 'I‘lrc .la// Bar. l ('Iiarnhcrx Slrccl. 320 43‘)”. 3 5.3llprii. i'IL‘C. RL‘I;I\L‘rI iII'IL‘I'IIUUII \Iol \\ilIl lIlL‘ IIoirxc 'I'rro on piano. haxx and drurnx.

I Scots Jazz Cajun Ceilidh 'l'lrc IMI. -l/(i (iraxxniarkcl. Xpnr {Ill ([5). Join lhc BcIIc Star Band. .It‘\\ :\hrairi\ and Sonic ‘I‘uhcrianx al lIil\ hcnclil ccilidh in aid oI IIic Non ()r‘Icanx lIllI\IL’£lI C(lllllllllllll} alli‘clcd h) Inrrrn'anv Katrina,

I Nick Gould's Jazz Main XI) ()un‘n Slrccl Bar and leauranl. XII ()uccn Slrccl. 230 5097. 0pm niidnrghl I5rcc. McIodic ia/l Ironi lhc Iidinhurgh lcnornl and hand.

I Fish Fry Thu Jan Bar. I (‘Iranrhcrx Slrccl. 320 4300. I Iprn .iani. I'rcc hclorc I I..illpiir; £5 aIlCl'. Surllhh ia/I. lunk. \ouI and Ialin handx join 'I'rouhlc Hi link I)‘\'ikin§_' and Ikparlurc I.oung_'c\ I).I .'\\Ii'riI\ri}. IIlix Iiil'lllifJIll II;I\ \kJ. i‘t‘ggac and l'ool\ li'oni (ioal SIC“ rlll I)L'L'I and lel ccnlur} crrihrat'ing. innmaliw ja/I l'unk l’ronr ('hrix (nit-MN Soundhonc and [lit I‘unk ()ullil r I7 Hui.

Sunday 18


I Jazz & Ragtime 'l'hm- .ludgcx. I)uniharlon Road. 33“ 3053 2pm I‘rcc chular Sunda) raglirnc and ran \cxxron Ill llrc ‘i‘caI (iIa\3_'o\\. rcal alt" puh.

I Chris Clark Trio and Friends Bar Buddha. X (ICHM'II Ianc. ii” (CHI.

4 7pm, I‘i‘u'. \Icllou. lll.llll\ll’t‘;llll. |a// l'rorn ('Iark and hand \\ ilh \ill‘lillh f_‘llL‘\l\

joining; in IIIk' l'un cat‘lr neck.

I Big Blues Jam Snrdro ()nc. (iroanor 'I'L'r'rau'. HI (filo. ". illprn. I‘iux Ionlcd h_\ Iilt‘ .\'c\\ Blum Surlcix

\\ ilh uonirrhuuonx li‘oin Sludio ()nc rcgularx \uch ax Rm Doc and IIlt‘ \rniriro Iil'llIIICI\.


I Martin Kershaw and Friends I‘orlh I'Ioor' chlauranl Bar (\' Braxxcrn‘. II;ll'\ C} Nlt‘Ilrih. 30 H SI .-\llrIl'L‘\\\ Squarc. 52.1 3350 I3. ill .i illpnr Kcrxhau prox IKIL'\ lIlL‘ pcrl'u'l rnuxrcal atuinrpannncnl lo a linc Sunda} lunch \\llIl Ill\ \oaringa \a\ \oundx,

I Focus on Youth 'l'lrc .Ia// Bar. | ('hainhcrx Slrccl. 330 42‘)”, i 5.30pm. I'IL'L‘. (‘ornc and \pol IIIt' polcnlral |a//

\larx ol lIrc lulurc ax [hm \lrul II‘a‘ll' \luII alongxrdc drllcrcnl gucxl II'IIH

I Jazz at the Jam House 'l'lrr- lam IIUIHC. 5 ()llt‘t‘ll SIIK'CI. 3.7“ «I iXII

7pm rnrdnrghl. (5 hour Illprn. L" lrorn Iain. \Villi j_‘llll;|l'l\l IIallor \chhm~ and a (axl oI gl'i'al pla} L‘I\.

I Live Jazz (XIIU (ilallrIt‘. I.\'-I Brunlxlivld Plan: .738 I l.\.\' “pin LIR ill int‘luding l\\rr yourxcx and glam ol \\ inc. rm |a// \xhrlc _\orr drnv. 'I'Inx \wck \\|IIl lhc Rm} Blur I)uo.

I Bill Kyle’s Electric Fire 'l'lrc ,Ia// Bar. I (‘Iiarnhcrx Sli‘vcl. Jill -I.“)ll ‘lpnr. Iircc. I’unL} hackhcal |a// lrorn III|\ pool quarlcl It'tI h} at‘t‘ iIl'lllIllllL'l' Bill K} Ic and Icalurrnj: .-\nl Ian on gurlar

Monday 1 9


I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session NH ()uccn Sli'ccl Bar and Ix’cxlauranl. NH ()uu‘n Slit'cl. 33h 5W)", ‘)pni lllltIllljJIlI I'Ik't‘ Ihv Illl\I_\ opcn wxxron lllj_‘IlI \xrlh IIIL‘ Irouxc lrro. .v\|I arc \u‘lt'onic lo |Hlll in dry lnn.

I The Great Jazz Jam Session llrc r|a// Bar. I (‘Iiainhcrx Slim-l. 33H I‘llll ‘lpni, I'iu'. I'.\pct'l a i’it‘li IIII\Illlt‘ ol \l_\Ic\ a\ ham old and nmx drop Ill lo pcilorni “uh llrc |Iouxc 'Iiio cat‘h \ka

Tuesday 20


I Jason Faichney Stun. li (’liarlouc

I .lllk'. .735 NW) (ipin. I'rcr‘ “ix-Id} rcxidcnt’} lor IIIU xingci and [‘l.l|ll\l playn; |a// inrct‘lt‘d hlucx. hoogn' and will

I Todd Gordon’s White Christmas (‘)l|t‘k‘II.\ (iik'IIx SIII'UI. “(ix .TIII‘)

". illpnr [If l'l-I rtlll [Ilillr XI} Irxlr. \nroolh and untanan) lrui' lo lIic UlllellJI. (iordoir \rnyx Sinalia \l) Ic Ii‘\ll\\‘ I.l\HlIl'IIL'\

I Bluesday at the Jam House 'I Irv Iain IIouw. 4(‘iiir'ci18li'ci‘l. .‘ ‘(i Ii\ll Xpnr inr-Inighl I'i‘n'. Iumda} l\ I‘IlIt'\ da_\ al lhc .Ianr IIouw. \onal Bart'la} Ix‘arIx lIic .lt‘tilhllt' Iik'llM‘iI [illit‘t't‘rIlll;j\

I Doug Tiplady Quintet 'l'lrc .I.r// Bar. I ('haniht‘ix Slrccl. Nil-13‘)“ ‘Ipin I’rn‘ Ihc \cxx /caland \.l\oleolll\l and hard \\\ Illj_‘lll_‘_‘ hand pa} liihulc lolhc I.1I\‘}.‘lt‘.ll t'oinpowr and haxxrxl ('Irailcx \Illlleh

Singer Todd Gordon has earned a glowing reputation

for his recreations of the music of Frank Sinatra, and here turns his attention to a seasonal repertoire in this stylish collection of Christmas favourites. :‘1 HM) Orion/r}; l/(r/L lr/rrrliulrilr, [(er ."(l [)w

Wednesday 21


I Bed-Head Sextet l Io\d\ .\'o.|. lil \\c\l (it‘oiggt' Sll't'cl. 33‘) aim). hi illpm.

I run (a!) \‘r‘nln' r'cxrdt‘nt'} lor‘ lIrr\ Ii‘cxh (ilaxgon \r\ prcu' pIa_\irr§_' hchop and hlucx

I Dr Novo Gats Three l-uxc. Slot‘k IV\\‘|l|ll)l‘._‘klIl“l|\k‘.\k‘l\‘)l‘\1tll1tlk‘lill)l|lk.k‘~ .‘rlh " i i 4, ‘lpnr Ircv .\\'\\ rcxrdcnt'} l'or

IIIK' hop lot‘uxt'd lrro

I dililiurgh

I Paul Mills Iht' .I.llll IIouxc. 5 ()uccn Sll’t'i‘l. 3)“ I KXII. qplll. I‘l'L'k‘. IIIL‘ l‘S horn drunuirci. \ino Irax \Hil'IxL‘lI \\ rlIr lIic \wrapc \VIIIIC Band. (‘Iiaka Khan and (icorgt' Bt‘nxorr. and t‘ui'i'cnll} (Il‘llllh Ioi‘ Hugh and (it. dcliwrx Ill\ oun \clct‘lion ol lun|\_\ nurnhcrx

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet Ilrt~ _I.i// Bar. | (‘Iiariihcix \lit't'l. .‘Nl 17‘)”. “pm I'iu‘. l'phcal g'ioup lcaliirin}; Bill K}Ic ltIl'lllllxl. I)rlll;_‘ 'Irpladx l\.l\\‘\l. I’aul I\'ii'h_\ rpianol and Km Ill (ilaxgou II\.l\\l

Thursday 22

(‘rlasg row

I Live Jazz Budda. Illa Si \‘rnu‘nl Sin-cl. I Ii _‘.‘I .‘, 7 Illprir. I-rco 8w ’I'hu is

I drubur’gli

I Richard & Chris |§_'Iu. 3h .Ianran‘a Slim-l. IV» R i i i. Xpnr I'i'w. Stu Ihu I5. I Beat Root Juice 'l'lrc .Ia// Bar. l (‘Iiarirlu'rx Sli't'cl. 7.?“ IN”. ‘I illpnr. IIk'k' Sk'k' IAIlll

( ‘r asg row

I Jim Whyte It‘hai ()\ na. 13 (Mayo Ianv. ii" IV-I .\'pnr. If? Rilkh. I\Illi‘\ and ran inllt't Ililll\ lionr IIll\ \ongnrrlvr.

I (linliur'gh

I Live Jazz I’r//a I:\prc\\_ I I I IIHI§IrHNI I\)H.IrI. *§" 5“ ill ~pin. Su‘ I-i‘r II)

I Christmas Jazz Special with the Jonathan Cairney Quartet 'l'lrc _Ia// Bar. I (‘Iranrht'n Slit-cl. III) ‘II‘NI. ‘Ipnr. I'i‘cc ('Iii'ixlnrax t'Iaxxrn _‘.!L'I [Irv |a// licalnrcnl lroiir (‘au'nt't and quarlcl.

I Late Nite Groove IIic .Ia// Bar. l ('Iranrhcrx Slicvl. I‘ll I‘Ull

\Iidnrglrl iani [5. 8w I'l'l Ir»

Saturday 24 . _


I Euan Stevenson Quartet Brvl.

W Ii \\|rlon I anv. VI.“ I‘Nih. i (rpm. I'ivc I’r.rrlr\l Sir-\cnxon Icadx lIiI\ group Ivalurrn}: Konrad \\ l\/|Ilt‘\\\I\l and Doug; \Vhalr'x

l (linl’iurgh

I The Mellotones 3001mm \‘irccl Bar and Ix’cxlanranl. .\ll ()uccn Slir'r'l. .‘.‘(i 5W)” .‘ 5pm I'ru‘. Soc Sal I"

I House Trio l'lrc la// Bar. l ('Irarnhcix Slrvcl. .‘.‘.(l I_.“)llv i 5‘ illpnr I’lt‘i‘. Sk‘t‘ Sal I“

I Jess Abrams 8. Trio Nu ()uccn Sliwl Bar and I\)\'\I.IlII.l|II. Kl) ()un'n Sli'wl. .7.‘(i RIN". ‘lpiii lllliIlIlfJIlI. I‘i‘u'. 'I'Irc |.i//) l'\' \ot'alixl Ik‘l'IHllIh ahurgudc IIt‘I laIcnlcd [no

I The Jazz Bar Quintet llrl- Ala/x Bar, I (‘Iianrhcr'x Slrt'cl. I‘ll INN), ‘lpnr. I rut \‘ai'xinja Iinc upx loi lIlI\ liw pict‘c hand ol lop Illll\I\'I.lII\_ pill loyr'llrci’ cat‘h \wck h} lll.llll\l.l_\ ol lIit' I rlrirhirrplr ra// \\L'II\‘. \IIIIIIIIIICI Bill K) Iv.

Monday 26


I Big Blues Jam Siudio ()nv. (iioanoi' It'ir'at‘r'. i-II (filo. ‘) ml‘lir I'In'. Sec Sun I.\'.

I (Iiriburgli

I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session Xll ()uccn Sum Bar and