I Folk and Friends Waxcrlc} liar. St Mary’s Strcct. 556 8855. 9pm. Scc 'l'uc 20.


I Stirling Folk Club Annual Ceilidh Alhcrt llallx. l)umharton Road. 0l786 47354-1. 8pm 0.30am. Folk conccrt with traditional dancing.

Wednesday 28


I Michael Simons 'l‘chai ()\ na. I)can\ton l)ri\c. 64‘) 7258. 8pm. £2. Scc Wed 2 1.

Edinburgh I ALP Session The law. lligh Strcct. 556 6338. 0pm. l't'cc. SL‘L‘ \Vcd 2 I.


I Out of the Bedroom \Vzucrlc} liar. St .\lar_\ \ Strcct. 556 8855. ‘)pm. SL‘C 'l‘hu l5.


I Scottish Fiddle Orchestra l'xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 228 1 I55. 7.30pm. £l l.50 £20 Rcclx. jigs and “alt/cw to L‘L‘lcltt'itlc thc huntl\ \icht' iuhilcc. SL‘C llogmanay lt‘ullll't‘.

I SCOtS Wha Hae! (iL‘tit‘gL‘ SII'L‘L‘I. 47.5 2000. 7.45pm. l’rcc. l’ipc handx lcad a night of Scottixh lllllSlL' and dancc. including thc \xorld'x longcxt \trip-thc- willow Scc llogmana} l'caturc.

I The Duffers 'l'hc lass. lligh Strcct. 556 6338. 9pm. l‘rcc. Scc Hi 16.


I Festive Ceilidh l’aislc} Town Hall. Abbey (low. 887 l0l0. 7.30pm. £7.50 l£5.50l. [)ancc to (‘lainiainl'rio


I Hogmanay Ceilidh and Dance St Andre“ 'x in thc Squarc. St .-\ndrc\\ \ Squarc. 548 6020. £25. linio} thc lull lloginana) c\pcricncc at thc St

Andre“ '\ in thc Squai'c and (ate Sourcc annual ccilidh.

I Oran Mor Ceilidh ()ran .\lor. (ii‘cal \chtcrn Road. 357 6200. 6.45pm. £75. linjoy a thrcc-courxc dinncr in thc .-\uditoriuin thcn jig your \\a_\ into 2006. I The Ferry Ceilidh chl'rctx l‘crr). Andcrxton ()ua)‘. 'l‘hc Brooiniclau. 0l6‘)8 265 5l I. 0pm 2am. £25 in admncc £30 at thc door. Bring in 2006 on thc ('l}dc \xith lhc (iat‘) Blair (‘cilidh Band.


I New Year Revels Aswnihl} Rtittlllx. (icorgc Strcct. 220-13-1‘). 0.30pm 3.30am. £45. 'l‘hi‘cc limits of ncu war part_\ing with DJ Jorgc lrom Salsa Viva. countrilicd \L‘l‘\i0tl\ ol' Zcppclin or (irccn Day l'rom Ila} \ccd l)ixic. plux top trihutc act thc Backhcat Bcatlcx. and ccilidh dancing to thc Wild ('igarillox and liclla .\lc.\'ah'\ ('cilidh Band. Scc llogiiiaiia} lcaturc. pagc I4. I Hayseed Dixie, Fraser MacNaughton Band and Buarach lloolic. 'l’hc Mound. l0pin 3am. l‘rcc. lltt} \ccd l)i\ic do lltcit' cotlltlt'} hoc- dtmn \crxionx ol'clawic rock l‘t‘om lhc likcx of .-\('/l)('. Black Sabbath and thc l)ul'kllCSS. thcn liddlc and contcinporar} lakcx on traditional Scottixh music. Scc lloginanay l‘caturc. pagc l4.


I New Year’s Day McEwen’s Sessions Bcnnct'x Bar. l.c\cn Strch 22‘) 5 H3. 2 5pm. l’rcc. ('clchratc thc lit‘xl da} of 2006 with liddlitt' l'ollt.

I New Year’s Day McEwan’s Sessions 'l‘hc Black Bull. (il‘tt\\lll;tl'l\L‘l. 225 6636. .3 6pm. l‘rcc. SL‘L‘ Sun I.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to morag.bruce@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Carol Main.


I RSNO: Deneve conducts William Tell Overture R0};Il ('oncci‘t Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l3 £30. Stcphanc Dcnbxc ix onc of thc litillml tickclx on thc conducting circttit. knou n for his intcrprctix'c daring. llc takcx tip lhc rcinx as lhc oi'cltcxlt‘;t\ nctx lllll\lt’ dircclor and prcxcntx Roxxini'x ll'i/lium ‘Ii'l/ ()l'r'l'llll't' and chpighi'x I’lltr’s u/ Ronu'. l)a\hing )oung \lUlllli\l llcnning Kraggcrud ix \(iltii\l in Sihcliux' \iu/in ("riitr‘r'rlrn


I After Hours: Vocal Fusion Rll)ill Scottixh Acadcin}. ’l‘hc Mound. 225 667i. 6 6.30pm. l‘rcc. RSAMI) a cappclla \ocal quartct. Vocal l-‘uxion. pcrl'orin \L‘tlxntlttl \acrcd music.

I Glyndebourne Touring Opera: Le Nozze Di Figaro li‘xlthl 'l‘licairc.

l3 2‘) .\'icol\on Strcct. 52‘) 6000. 7.l5pni. £l2 £55. ()nc ol lhc \\0l‘ld\ littc\l opcra coinpanicx prcxcnh .\lo/;irt\ inaxtci'piccc. /.(’ .VULTt' r/l l‘tL’rlI'r).

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: German Classics ()uccn‘x llall. (‘lcrk SII'L‘CI. 668 20W. 7.30pm. £8 £23.50. .-\lt cwning ol’ \chr \chon \xorkx from Schumann. \Vchcr and Schtihcrt. (‘onductcd h} John Storgardx. uith pianist Roland l’ontincn.


I Lunchtime Concert: Swingin’ and Singin’ RS;\.\ll). l00 RL‘ltl'l'C“ Strccl. 332 5057. lpm. £7 i£5i. .\ \ccond chancc to c\pcricncc thc S“ ingin' and Singin' (‘hrixlmax li\tra\agan/a. lhc pcrt'ccl antidotc to thc (‘hrixtinax ha-huinhugx.

I Cappella Nova’s Carols by Candlelight: St Petersburg Baroque Brass Quintet Baron} llall. ('axllc 80cm. 35.3 8000. 7.30pm. £8 £l6 (£6.50 £l2l. (‘appclla .\'o\a\ c\ci‘ popular ('hrixtinax conccrt. including traditional l'a\ouritc\ :tx “ch as ancicnt chants l'roin Ruxxian lllUllilSIL‘l’lL‘S.

I Glasgow Phoenix Choir: A Very Merry Christmas Rinal (‘onccri Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strccl. 35.3 8000. 7.30pm.

£8 £l5. Annual l'cxti\ c conccrt lroin thc l’hocni\ ('hoir. conducch h} llllhiL‘ill dircctoi' .\lari|_\ n J Smith.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: German Classics RSAMI). llll) chlrc“ Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. Scc 'l'hu l5.


I Glyndebourne Touring Opera: Tangier Tattoo licxtixal 'l‘licritrc. l3 2‘) Nicolxon Strcct. 52‘) 6000. 7.l.5pitl.

£5 £25. ()nc ol' thc \torld'x tincxt opcra coinpanicx prcxciitx ‘liuicivr ‘luiluo h\ J l.unn. .-\n opcratic thrillcr primaril} aimcd at 20 30-}car—old atidicnccs. Vihrant. inclodic. ;l(l\L‘llllll‘Ult\ and romantic \\ ith cincntatic lcaturcx.

I RSNO: Deneve conducts William Tell Overture l'xhci' llall. l.othian Road. 228 ll55. 7.30pm. £|2 £28. Scc 'l'hu I5. 75' Scottish Ensemble ()ticcn'x llall. ('lcrk Strcct. 668 20l‘). 7.30pm. £lltL'..-\ pcrl‘orinancc ot' 'I'lii' /’I‘r)lr'r'llll£' \i’i/ in collaboration “ith National Youth ()rchcxtrau ol' Scotland.


I RSAMD Youthworks Music Christmas Concerts RSAMI). l00 chlrcu Strcct. 332 5057. 3pm. £l0 i£6i.

'l‘hc Youthuorkx .\lu\ic ('hoir and ()rchcxtrax arc condtictcd h} Julian ('la)ton in a Pcrlormancc ol \Vchcr'x ('rmr'r'rlu Ir)!“ Brixwrm in I”. \ltixxoi'gxk} \ A Night rm 1/)(‘ lit/Ir .lluruiluin. Riiiixky Korxakm \ ('u/n'ir‘i‘i'n Ifs/ng’ltrll and l.cro) .\ndcr\on\ S/r-iq/i Rit/r'. I RSNO: Christmas Concert Rt)_\;ll ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strch 353 8000. 3pm (& 7.30pm. £l~l £3l. ('hrixtophcr Bcll conduch a pci‘l‘ormancc ol' cat'olx and )‘tilctidc trcatx.

Scottish Ensemble (iltixgou (‘athcdral (.;t\llc Slt‘L'L'l. 552 8 “)8. SL‘L‘ l‘ri l6.


I Glyndebourne Touring Opera: La Cenerentola l-‘cxtixal ‘l‘liciitrc.

l3 2‘) \icolxoll Strcct. 52‘) 6000. 7.l5pni. £12 £55. Roxxini's classic talc hascd on l’crrault\ ‘('indcrclla‘. dircctcd h} l’ctcr Hall and conduclcd \xliilc on tour h) liduard (iardnci'.

I Cappella Nova’s Carols by Candlelight: St Petersburg Baroque Brass Quintet ()uccn‘x Hall. ('lcrk Strcct. 668 201‘). 7.30pm.

£8 £l6 (£6.50 £l2l. Scc l‘i'i I6.

I Joglaresa St (’ccilia'x llall. ('imgtllc. ’l'ickctxz 668 20l‘). 7.4.5pltt.

£ l 2.50 (£5/£‘).50l. 'l‘hc (icorgian ('oncct't Socict} prcscnt Stclla .\'tio\a. a rccrcation ol' tltc \pirit ol ltalian ('hi'ixtinax cclchrationx in incdicxal lilllL‘\.

I The Edinburgh Singers: A Babe is Born (irc) l‘riar\ Kirk. (ii'c‘) li‘iarx l’lacc. 668 20I‘). 7.30pm. £8 (£6). Dominic l’cckham conduct\ an cxcning ol' British ('hrixtinax ltlll\lL‘ l'roin lhc lidinhurgh Singcrx. l'caluring music from l.cighton. Shau. I)arkc. 'I‘awncr and Ruttcr.

Sunday 18


I The Christmas Cracker Roin (‘oncci't Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £25 l£l‘).50i. .\’o\\ in itx |7th _\car. thix ini\turc ol \caxonal laxotiritcx and popular L‘lllSSlL‘x \\ illi thc ('it} 0l(il;t\go\\ (‘horux ix ulna.“ a liil. plllx thcrc\ thc (.L‘I'L‘llllHllill l’tllling ()l' lltL‘ ('rackcr. \\hcn l200 crackci‘x arc pullcd \imultancotixl}.


I Christmas Concerts Rt)_\;tl .\lu\cuin llauthorttdcn (butt. 2 (‘hainhcrx Strcct. 247 «DID/4422. l.45[)lll. 2.45pm «k 3.45pm. l'rcc. llcar \omc l'cxtn c tuncx pcrl'orincd h} lidinhurgh choirx. including thc l)ulkcith Singcrx. lidinhtirgh l'nixcrxit} chaixxancc Singcrx. lidinhurgh Saltirc (iaclic ('hoir and Sangxtrcam.

I Christmas Carol Sing-a-long l'xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 228 ll55. 5pm. £l6.50 £26. .\ l'un-lillcd iamhorcc lcd h} camp ax ('hi'ixtinax coincdian (‘raig llill “ith lainil} carolx and l'a\ouritc (’hrixtinax \ongx including ‘Wintcr \Vondcrland‘. ‘llarkl lhc llci'ald .-\itgclx Sing'. 'l \Vixh it ('otild hc ('hrixtmax li\c‘i‘)tlii_\' and man} morc. 'l‘hc Scottixh ('hainhcr ()l'L'ltC\ll';l ix ioiucd h} lhc lidinhurgh Royil (‘horal l'nion. and gth\l \0l0i\l Rchccca 'l'llnl‘lilllll.

I Ludus Baroque and Dunedin Consort ('anongatc Kirk. 153 (’anongatc. 668 20W. 6 0.50pm. £0 lor cach hall ol~ lhc conccrt £ l 5 lor cntirc conccrt. l.udu\ Baroquc and l)uncdin ('onxort pcrloi'in JS Bach‘s inagixtci'ial \clliltg 0i~ lhc (‘ht'ixlmtlx \lot'). ('llrhlmin ()mluri'n.

I Newtongrange Silver Band ()llL‘L‘ll‘S llall. (‘lL‘l'lx Sll‘c‘cl. 668 20l‘). 7.30pm. £6 £9 l£5 £8). 'l'hc L‘lll'l'L‘lll ('hainpion Brass Band ol' Scotland \\ ith ‘.r\ ('onccrt l‘or ('hrixtinax' ol' \caxonal clawicx and tltc chancc to join in \\ ith \Ulllc \xcll—knoun carols too.

I Carols for Christmas St .\l;ll'_\ \ ('athcdral. l’ahncrxton l’lacc. 'l'ickctxz at door. 5.30pm. £8 i£6/childrcn l'rcci. .-\n hour long l'cxti\ c conccrt for all lhc lainil} it‘llllll'lllg‘ linoui'itc carolx and

Scottish Ensemble John Tavener's moving inasterpiec for solo cello and strings. The Protecting Veil, features world renowned Raphael Wallfisch and also marks the culmination of the ensembles collaboration with players from the National Youth Orchestras of Scotland in Vivaldi and Bach. Queen's Hall. Edinburgh, Fri l6 Dec: Glasgow Cathedral. Sat 77 Dec.

Dunedin Consort The original version of Handel's Messiah. first heard in Dublin in 1742. is under the direction of John Butt. who uses the small scale forces of the Dunedin to recreate the effect that this much loved music had on audiences when it was heard for the very first time. Queen's Hall, Edinburgh. Wed 27 Dec.

National Youth Orchestra of Scotland New Year Concert The stunning former BBC Young Music of the Year horn player David Pyatt joins around 100 of Scotland’s top young musicians for the splendid Horn Concerto No l by Richard Strauss. following a new year residential course of intense hard work and only the minimum of revelry. Usher Hall. Edinburgh, lire 3 Jan; Royal Concert Hall Glasgow. Wed 4 Jan.

inuxic. .\linccd pic\ and mulch \\ inc \\ ill hc \cr\cd al'tci' lhc pcrl'oi'mancc.

I Waverley Singers Stockhridgc l’arixh ('hui'ch. Sa\c (‘ohurg Sti‘ccl. l'i‘cc at door. 6.30pm. Annual carol \cr\ icc lrom thc acclaiincd choir ol girlx haxcd in lidinhtirgh.

Monday 1 9


I The Music of Hugh McBain RSAMI). I00 chli‘cu Sti'cct. 332 505". 2pm. l‘i'cc. tickctcd. l’i;ttti\l (nix/1m l'cny'i pci'lorinx \clcctionx from tho \tiilcx l'or pianolorlc coinpoxcd 6} Hugh .\lcl3ain.

I Christmas Carol Sing-along Rmal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 35.3 8000. 7.30pm. £l3.50 rzr». st-c Sim I8

I Glasgow Philharmonic Male Voice Choir: Christmas Concert RS.v\.\ll). I00 chlrcu Sti'ccl, 332 505". 7.30pm. £0. .\ \caxonal concci‘t tor .ill lhc liiiiiil} \\ itlt lhc .'\l'l;tll (‘hoir


I Liberton High School ()iict-ii'x llilll. (‘lcrlx Sti'ccl. 668 Ml”. ".30pin. £3 i£2i. lhc \chool'x Ul'cllt‘\ll.l\. l‘.tlltl\. c'llit!l\ .ind cnxcnihlcx p|a_\ l.i\ouiitc c.iiol\ .ind lc\ti\c tuncx tor _\oui inci‘iiincni.