Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce.

Glasgow [31:51—

Activities & Events

Reading the Leaves 'l'ctiai ()\ na. 42 ()tago l.anc. 357 4534. 3pm. £3. Join guc\t \\ rilcrx for an cwning ot' poctr} and crcalixc \\ riling. For lurlhcr inl'ortnation or to hook a rcading cmail t'caditiglltclca\c\(“ hotmailcoin.


Ceramics in North Africa Btu-roll (.(lllL‘L‘llUll. 30h” l’ollok\ll;l\\\ Roztll. 337 3550. l lain 4pm. l’t'cc. .\ lhrcc‘da} uot'kxhop ion \cxxion pcr monthi c\llloring lhc Burrcll’x \ot‘lh .-\trican ccratnic collcction. 'l‘hrough \kctching in cla} and c\pcrinicnting \\ ith a \aricl_\ ot tcchniqucx. including \xhccl llll‘tming. _\ou \\ ill lcat'n no“ \killx and lakc honic a complctcd piccc of _\our on n art. Booking rcquircd. placcx arc limilcd.

Wednesday 1 1

Activities & Events

Curator’s Favourites llurrcll ('ollcclion. 3(lhl) l’tllltlkNlllt\\\ Road. 387 355i). l3.3(lptti. l‘t'cc. :\ talk on tlic llornh) (‘axllc Portal and thc William Randolph llcarxl ('ollcction h_\ Rohcrt \Vcnlc}.

Torchlit Procession (icorgc Squarc. 4.30pm. Launching llti\ walk (‘cltic ('onncctionx. a \pcctacular lorchlight pl'tK‘L‘\\lUll lcd h} thc \ound\ ol pipc handx llto\c\ ot'l~ l'roin (icorgc Suuarc. lt' )ott‘d likc to lakc parl go to \ux\i.cclticconncctionxctun.


Cowboys of the World Woodxidc llall. (ilcnlat'g Slrcct. 7.3tlpni. Scc hclou. Scottish Winter Experience Lecture 'l‘lv) (ilatxgou ()tlldool‘ li\pcricncc. 5U ('oupct' Slrcct. 'l'oxxnhcad. 55‘) 5450. 7.30pm. [3. Stuart .loltllxlon [Clltlix tip \\ ith thc Mmmtainccring ('ouncil ot' Scotland and ii“) to pt‘cxcnt handxeon c\pct'icncc \\ ith picccx ol cqniptncnt. plux olhcr clcincntx


is Royal Scottish Geographical Society lecture about his ten years of research into the

Jasper Winn gives th

to cnxurc _\our \alcl} iii thc mountains llll\ \\ llllt‘l'.

Saturday 14

Activities & Events

A Series of Burns Celebrations: International Burns Conference 2006 Mitchcll lihrar}. 3t)! .\'orth Strccl. 3S7 3S7l). Sal I4 .lan. 3 430an ill). .loin llainixh \\'h}tc‘. RHS .lack and Kcnncth Simpxon ax thc} (ll\L'lt\\ \al'iottx axpcctx ol~ thc ltard’x litc and \\ot'k. including thc \ ixual poucr ot'l'atn o'Shantcr and Burnx' lcllct' to William .\'ico|, 'l‘llL'l't‘.” lk‘ lllllxlc‘dl acconipanimcnt l'roin Kc\in \‘t'alxh. “how \ong ‘('|at‘inda'\ l<c‘pl)' tlilllx to captttrc \\ hat llurnx' low :\gttc\ .\lacl.cho\c might hax c said in t'cxponxc to ‘.«\c l'iUlltl Kiwi. Booking cxxcntial.

Food & Drink

Whisky Masterclass Rina! ('onccrt llall: li\hihition Hall. 3 Sauchichall Slrcct. 353 Stittt). 5. 30pm. till. .loin an c\pcrt tor a journc} though lhc classic lllltll\. lcach )our laxlc hudx to talk. I’url ut ('r'IIit (int/it't‘lium 3mm.


Come and Try: Samba Rli};tl ('oncct'l llall: li\hihition Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 553 Sill"). 3 3.30pm. U). Rclim c thc \trcxxcx and \train\ ot' cxcryla} li\ ing h_\ hcating thc hcck otit ol \onic Samha tll‘llllh. Furl it] (HI/i (‘unur't Hum 301”).

Activities & Events

Harp and Stories Roytl (’onccrt llall: l.omond Finn”. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 Slit)”. 3 3.30pm. to. llcalhcr Yltlc cnchantx hcr pal'licipalllx \\ ith \lot‘icx and clat'xach acctunpanimcnl. l’url n/ ('v/n‘t (int/in Hum 3W”).


Enjoy Your Voice! Stt‘allicl_\dc l'niwrxit}. .lohn :\ndcrxon (’ampux. l.i\ ingxlonc 'limcr. Richmond Strccl. 548 3444.3 5pm. £7 tL'3 £5). Hooking l't‘tlllll't‘tl. SL‘L' llllli\l.

Thursday 19


* In the Footsteps of Lawrence chticld St Slcphcn'x ('liurch ('cntrc. 3N) Bath Slrccl. 333 3S3h. 3.l5pm. Scc llllli\l.

Does Life Depend on the Fourth State Of Matter? (il;l\go\\ lllll\L'l'\ll_\ (‘ollcgc ('Iuh. l'niwrxil) .x\\c. 7pm. .\lo\t

lives of cowboys, vaqueros, ringers, gauchos, llaneros and other cattle herding traditions to describe the evolution of horsemanship from North America and Spain to the New World. Sadly a Gyllenhal-free event.

I Wont/sate Hzi/l. C/O/itarg Street. Glasgow. Well I I Jan; (ion/gt) Square Theatre. University of Edinburgh. Thu I? Jan.

26 THE LIST :'

"Mitt" 2W)"

l'olkx rccognixc that thct'c arc thrcc \tatcx ot' mallct': \olidx. liquid\ and gaxcx. Sonic pli_\\ici\l\ would add a fourth \tatc: plihltlll. Much is l'ound h_\ thc truckload in L‘\t‘l'}tlll) lilc tin that hrand spanking ncu liquid cr} \lal dixpla} tcll} )titi'\c just houghti hut alxo throughout nalurc. l-ind out uh} lllt\ ci'al} \tul'l l\

\ ital to lilc.

Ongoing Glasgow

Activities & Events

Poplife! 'l‘hu l3 Jan. 13th \otc (’aic. 5() (ill King Slrccl. 553 lots. 8.30pm. H. In llii\ tllolillil} pop qui/ thc quotionx arc \ccondar} lo gctting drunk. singing along to Spandau Ballot and moaning ahout thc \cot'cx. Tchai-Ovna Games Society lixcr} \Vcd. 'l‘chai ()\na. to) l)can\ton l)ri\ c. (‘4‘) 7358. Noon 5pm. l‘rcc. l’la} go. chcxx. mah iong and man} olhct‘ gamcx. \o llit'o\\ ing lhc hoard tip in a had tcntpcr it' )ou loxc. though.


Design Medal 2005 l'nlil Sun 33 .Ian.

'l‘hc l.igltllioll\c. I I \litchcll l.anc. 33| (i363. .\lon (k \Vcd Sal ltl.3llam 5pm; luc llam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. li\hihition ot' \\ork h} cntranlx into thix pri/c. no“ il\ \ccond )cat‘. uhich ix opctl to all dcxign \ludcntx stud} ing in thc cit}. Extended Conversations: The Scottish Parliament Up Close l'ntil Sun l5 .lan. 'l‘hc lighthouw. ll .\lilc|icl| l.anc. 33l (i3o3. Mon & \Vcd Sal 10.30am 5pm; ‘l'uc llam 5pm; Stilt noon 5pm. largc tormat iinagcx ol' thc parliamcnt h} architcctural photograpth Kcilh llunlcr.

Glasgow 1955: Through the Lens l‘ntil Sun Rt) .lul. l’coplc'x l’alacc «k \Vintcr (iardcnx. (ilaxgon (irccn. 37l 3051. Want 5pm. l‘tcc. .v\n c\hihition ol iniagcx ol-(ilaxgtm in W55. prc\iou\l_\ \houn in Kch ingroxc and thc l’coplc'x l’alacc 5” )cat‘\ ago. 'lihc c\liihilion \\ ill hc cloxcd tor a “cck t'rom .\lon ‘) .lan. in ordcr to hang a no“ wt of imagcx. Home Front l‘ntil Sal 3t .lan. .\litc|it-i| l.ihi‘at'). 3()l \ot'th Strcct. 387 300‘). Mon \Vcd lll.tlll opin; lhu Iliam Spin; l‘ri Sat Illani 5pm. l'xing \ourccx hcld in thc .\litchc||\ archixcx and \pccial collcctionx. thix \mall c\ltihilion dcpiclx “hat Inc “as likc l'or (il;t\go\\ \ citi/ ‘ll\ during WWII.

Mackintosh Architectural Sketches l'ntil Sat 38 Jan. llunlcrian .'\rt (iallct'). l'nncrxit) ot'(ila\go\\. X3 llillhcad Strcct. 330 543 l. 9.30am 5pm tnol Suni. £3.50. :\t'chilcclural dt'au ingx h} thc cclchratcd arlixt.

Those Variety Days l'ntil Thu 5 .lan. Ro}al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Slrcct. 353 Still“. lilant 5.30pm. .-\n c\llihilion packcd \\ ith mcmorahilia trom thc llc'}tl;i) ol' Scottixh \aricl} lhcalrc. including poxtcrx. photograle and l‘l‘Ugl'ammcx l'rom \llti\\\ \uch ax ‘l-‘i\ c l’axt liight‘ and ‘l'it'ancic and .loxic'.

Food & Drink

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Sat 7 Jan. ()uccn'x Park. 530 langxidc Park. 387 7373. Want 3pm. l‘orgct all ahout that maxx produccd ruhhixh tarnich niarkctx arc all ahout organic. qualit} pt'odtlcc dit'ccl t'roni thc chain and Clttlpt‘llt‘\ \\ lit) ttltllu‘ ll.

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat l4 .lan. .\lan\licld l’ark. l’artick. Illam 3pm.


Big Knit Out! \Vcd l l .lan. North Star ('alc. ltlS ()uccn \largarcl l)ri\ c. 070.1] thix’. '7an Knitting ix lhc ncu rock and roll. _\ou dig'.’

Tchai Ovna Craft Class liters 'l‘uc. 'l'chai ()\ na. 1m l)can\ton l)ri\c. (ll-ll 64‘) 7358. 7pm. (Haw painting L‘l;l\\ \\ ith lull tuition.

Tchai-Ovna Knitting Circle li\cr} 'l‘hu. 'l‘chai ()xna. Iti‘) l)can\ton l)i‘i\ c. 64‘) 7358. 8pm. l’rcc. 'l‘ca and knitting. “littl c‘lu‘ is lllL‘l'L‘?


Activities & Events

Stars from the Clifford Constellation \chlon link. lltmthorndcn l.ccturc 'l‘hcalt‘c. National (iallct'). lhc Mound. (33-1 (riot).

l3.45 1.30pm. l-‘rcc. l)a\td ltarric talks ahottl lhc National :\rt (‘ollcctionx limit and il\ in\ol\ctncnl in thc (iallcricx‘ collcclion.


Pie-excavating the Royal Palace at Gatna Ro}al .\lll\L‘lllll l.cclttrc 'l'hcatrc. 3 ('hamhcrx Strccl. 347 43l‘). () 7pm. [-1

tL‘3i. Scc caption. pagc 37.


Edinburgh Rugby vs Munster Murra} ticld Stadium. Riwrxdalc (‘rcxcan 34o 5(ittt). 7.3tlpin. .'\ \xliolc lcatii of High} pla} crx againxt onc \ltiiixtcr'.’ 'l‘hal hardl) \ccm\ lair. \la}hc it' it “as llcrman though.

Activities & Events

Edinburgh Poetry Club ('t‘aigniillar l’ark (‘hurclL (’raigtnillar Park. 557 33%. 3.30pm. Annual \tthxcriplion [7 Slicila ('oull inlroduccx (icorgc llcrhct‘l.

Monday 9


Scottish Winter Experience Lectures 'l'ixo lidinhurgh ()utdoor li\pcricncc. ('otnmcrcial Strccl. 554 (NH. 7.30pm. £3. Scc (ilaxgou \\'cd ll.

Food & Drink

* Slow Food 8. Local Shopping National lihrar} of Scotland. (icorgc IV Bridgc. 33h 453l. 7pm. Scc llil|i\t.

Talks Cowboys of the World (icot‘gc Sqttat‘c 'l‘hcatrc. l'nixcrxit) ol lidinhurgh.

(icorgc Squarc. (i5() ‘)|‘)5. ".3llpnt. Scc caption. Icl't.


Something to Draw On \Vtwton link. ll;l\\llltll'lltlL‘ll l.cctut'c 'I‘hcatrc. \ational (iallct‘). thc .\lound. (i34 o5tit).

3 4.30pm. £8 (UH. \Vorkxhop lcd h_\ arti\t Damian ('allan looking at uork t'rom thc collcclionx. l‘olloucd h) a practical acti\ it}.

Saturday 14


Edinburgh Gunners vs Llanelli Scarlets .\lurra_\ ticld Stadium. Ri\ct'\tl;tlc (’rcxccnt. .340 Sill)”. lltlll. 'l‘hc ('cltic lorccx mccl. onc \\ ith a tar toughcr namc than thc otltcr.

The Great Winter Run llohrood l’ark. lidinhurgh. You knou him )ott promixcd to gct lil lhix _\cat"’ .\'o\\ \ _\our chancc. a 5km run round Arthur'x Scat. .lu\t lo niakc )ou l'ccl hctlct'. tlicrc arc alxo lhrcc clitc L‘l'ti\\ countr} raccx going on. .v\pp|_\ at \\ \\\\


Fine Felts l{o_\a| llotanic (iardcn. li\hihition llall. lmcrlcilli Rim, 348 303". 7.45 3.45pm. £35 t£.3|.5l)i. (tall alci'll lcarn lo makc tinc coho ch tc|l \uitahlc tor \car\c\. \\ t'ap\ or cxcn

lilo“ cl'x. Booking l'L‘t|llil'L‘tl.

Workshops Always Wanted to Try . . . \chton link. llanthorndcn l.ccturc ’l‘hcali‘c.