
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.


Through the Letterbox Sc‘trlllxlt l’octr} l.ilrrar_\. 5 (‘riclilon'x ('onc. ('anongatc. 557 387(r. l lam (rpm. l'rcc. .'\n c\|ritritioii illuminating tltc making of a hook containing ltttlkttx Wl‘lllL‘lt Ir) latc Scottish RL‘lltli\\;tltc‘L‘ pocl. (icoi'gc Brticc. and illustratcd Ir} lili/abctli Blackaddcr.


Reading the Leaves 'l'cliai ()\na. 42 ()tago l.aiic. 357 453-1. 8pm. [3. Join gucxt \rritcrs for an crcning (rt poctr} and crcatn c \ti'itiiig.


Through the Letterbox Sc‘trllisll l’oclt'} librar). 5 ('richton‘x ('losc. (‘anongatcx 557 387(r. llam (rpm. l‘i'cc. SL‘L‘ llttl .5.


Children’s Storytime Btri‘tlct‘x Books, l-ort Rctail Park. 3‘)” l’t‘inali Walk. 773 30“). 3pm. l’rcc. chkl} \icckcnd \lirt‘}tcllittg \L‘\\l(lll lot' tltc kitl\.


Through the Letterbox Scottish l’UL'll'} labial”). .5 (.l‘lL‘lllttll.\ (.l()\L'. (liiioiigatc. 557 387(r. 1 5pm. l‘rcc. Scc

'l'liu 5. Sunday 8

Glas ow

Children’s Storytime Borders Books. l‘ort Rctail Park. 3‘)” l’roran Walk. 773 30“). 3pm. l'i'cc. Scc Sat 7.


Edinburgh Poetry Club ('raigniillai' l’ark ('litircli. ('raigniillai' Park. 557 387(r. 3.30pm. .r\nnua| subscription [7. Slicila ('oull introduces the “ink ol' l(rtlt ccntui'} poct (icorgc llcrlrcrt.

Through the Letterbox Scottish l’octi'} Librar}. 5 ('ricliton‘s ('loxc. ('anongatc. 557 387(r. l'rcc. Scc Thu 5.

Monday 9


Through the Letterbox Sctrlllsll l’octi‘) l.ilrrar_\. 5 ('ricliton‘x ('losc. (‘anongatcx 557 387(r. l lam (rpm. l‘rcc.

Tuesday 10


Through the Letterbox Scottixlt l’octr} librar). 5 (‘i‘icliton'x (‘lo\c. (‘anongatcx 557 387(r. l lam (rpm. l‘i‘cc. Scc Thu 5.

Wednesday 1 1

Glas ow

Po Bronson Bortlcix Books. ()8 Buchanan Sti‘cct. 333 7700. 7pm. l-rcc. Join tlic social doctinicntai'ian and author as hc rcads l‘i‘oin lll\ lttlcxl \iork. Why Do //.(It‘(’ 'I'lu'ri' “rip/(5'


Through the Letterbox Scottiin l’trcll'} l.ll1t‘;tl'}. .5 (‘l'lL‘llltlll.\ ('ltrsc. ('aiiongatc. 557 387(r. llain (rpm. l‘rcc. St't‘ llttl .5.




Through the Letterbox Scottixli l’octr} l.ilri'ai'_\. 5 ('riclrton'x ('onc. ('anongatc. 557 387(r. l lam (rpm. l-‘rcc. Scc Thu 5.

30 THE LIST '2 M .Jan RUM!)


Through the Letterbox Scottish l’oclt') Librar}. 5 (‘l'lCllltrll‘s ('losc. ('anongatc. 557 387(r. l lam (rpm. lace. Scc Thu 5.

Saturday 1 4


>l< A Series of Burns Celebrations: International Burns Conference 2006 Mitchcll Litrrar). 3()l North Strcct. (ll-ll 387 3870. 3 4.30pm. Ut). Join Hamish Wli_\tc. RDS Jack and Kcnnctli Simpson as the} tllsL‘tlsx \itl'itrtts :npccts ot thc lrard’x lite and \\()l'l\. including the lellttl l’owcr ot' lam o‘Shantcr and Btirnx' Icttcr to William Nicol. at this. the lirxl ol. tltt'L‘L‘ cu‘ttls taking placc its part ot~ lltix )car's L‘trlllt‘l'cllL‘L‘. Booking L'xst‘ltllttl. Children’s Storytime Bortlcrs Book‘s. l‘ort Retail Park. 3‘)() l’rovan Walk. 773 3910. 3pm. l’rcc. Scc Sat 7.


Through the Letterbox Scottish l’octr} Librar}. 5 ('ricliton'x ('loxc. ('aiiongatc. .557 387(r. 1 5pm. l'lL‘L‘. SL‘L‘ Thu 5.


Harp and Stories Ro}al ('onccrt llall: l.omond l-‘o_\ cr. 3 Satichicliall Street. 353 8()()(). 3 3.30pm. Ur. Hcathcr Yule L‘llt‘llltllls licr participants with \toriu and clarxacli accompanimcnt. l’urr u/ ((ch (.(UIIH't'Il-UIM 3006.

Children’s Storytime Borders Books. l‘oi't Rclail Park. 3‘)() l’roxan Walk. 773 39“). 3pm. l'll‘CL‘. SL‘L‘ Sat 7.


Stories in the Forest Room Rinal Botanic (iardcn (l-‘orcxt Room). lmcrlcitli Rim. 553 717]. 3pm. l‘rcc. loll] lllL‘ RB(il‘. Sltrt'}lcllt‘t\ l'trl' lttlc\ trl~ Ill} \tcr} and magic. trccs and trawl» Through the Letterbox SL‘trllisll l’irclt‘) l.ilrt‘;tt'}. .5 (‘l'lc‘ltltrll.\ (low. ('anongatc. 557 387(r. l-rcc. Scc Thu 5.

Monday 16


Through the Letterbox Sc‘ollislt l’trt‘ll'} l.ilrt';tl‘_\. .5 (‘l‘lL‘ltltrtt's ('ltrst‘. ('anongatc. 557 387(r. | lam (rpm. l’rcc. SL‘L‘ 'l‘lttt .5.

Tuesday 1 7


Through the Letterbox Sc‘trllislt l’octr) Librar). 5 (‘i'icliton'x ('loxc. ('anongatc. 557 387(r. l lam (rpm. l‘i'cc. SL‘L‘ ll“! .5.

Mungo Park and the Mapping of the Niger National Librai‘} of Scotland. (icoi'gc |\' Bridgc. 33(r 4531. 7pm. l’l'trlt‘sstrl' (‘llitl'lLN \Villtt‘l's giu‘s an illustrach talk to mark the lriccntcnar} ol tlic Sclkirk-lroi'n author and c‘\p|orcr\ tlcath.

Wednesday 18'


Through the Letterbox Smiliin l’octr} l.ilrrar_\. 5 (‘i‘ichton‘x (‘onc. ('anongatc. 557 387(r. l lam (rpm. l‘i'cc. Scc Thu 5.

Thursday 19


Through the Letterbox Scottish l’octr} librar}. 5 (‘ricliton'x ('loxc. ('anongatc. 557 387(r. l lam (rpm. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 5.

* Big Word New Year Slam 'l‘lic Bongo ('Iulr. Mora) Housc. 37 llol)rood Road. 558 7(r(l-l. 8pm. £4 (£3). The tirxt slam ot' 3()tl(r i\ open to all aspiring rh)mcr\. lt' yrti‘i'c llllL‘l‘L‘8lL‘tl in taking part. contact lcnn} l.llltl\il) on ()I3l 55(r 3850 or iciin} lllltlxtt) (0 gmailcoin.


SUPEHt-lEHO REGINALD HUDLIN AND JOHN ROMITA JR Black Panther: Who is the Black Panther? (Marvel) .0.

Apart from the X-Men's Storm (and perhaps Luke Cage) it's hard to think of another mainstream black superhero. Here director and scriptwritt-zr Reginald Hudlin (of House Party and Boomerang farnel reinvigorates the story of l'Challa (AKA Black Panther). the benevolent overlord of a technologically advanced (fictionall African nation.

Collecting the first six issues of the ongoing series tli s sets the scene With a nod to politics but at the same time never taking its finger off the action. It has a self styled hip hop attitude and Hudliii has a great ear for dialogue even in the most fantastical of situations. He obviously has a deep love of this character. a fantastic introduction to one or the most enjoyable monthly titles on the shelves at the moment. (Henry Northmore)



Batman: Under the Hood (DC) 00

Reterencing two of the best Batman sagas from the last 20 years that had nothing to do Wlllt erther Frank Miller or Grant Morrison. it's entirely ineVItable that this collected edition is as good as neither. It is. however. a functional but entirely capable superhero tale which mixes inventive fight



sequences. somewhat freakish bad guys and a touch of tragic soap opera theACME‘ ingredients of a good Bat (tale. in other words.

Bringing back old Villain the Bed Hood ian identity of the Joker's. from Alan Moore and Brian Bolland's incredible Kill/rig Joke) as a pumped tip vigilante-come- crimelord. Winick ties him to Jason Todd. the second character to take the Robin alias. Perplexnigly. the classic Death in the farm/v story arc saw DC set tip a phone poll asking whether the Todd Robin should die or not the fans said yes and the Joker dtily otfed him in spectacularly Violent fashion. Dull i'eVIsionisin. (DaVid Pollock)



Green Lantern: Rebirth ('l itan Books) 0

There are [200 soldiers in the Green Lantern Corps. And that's a fact. It's a thing we can't deny. Like the fact that Hal Jordon just won't die. Rebirth sees the return of the longest serVing Earth born ring bearer and righter of galactic wrongs to several present day successors who have never really shone Wllll the same emerald glow since Hal turned all bad and mad and then died. apparently. to save the planet.

Over its (35) years and at least tour human incarnations the Green lantern title has produced a peculiarly dissipated legacy even for a medium that does character reVision and plot spaghetti as a p0int of principle. the opportunity here to pull many disparate stands together is strangled by asinine dialogue. stunted narrative and charmless posturing. delivering its tragic issue as a flailing monstrosity and ultimately a basket case. (William Parish)

ACADEMIA ROANNE BELL AND MARK SINCLAIR Pictures and Words: New Comic Art and Narrative Illustration (Laurence King) .00.



Don't let the retro robot on the cover fool you this is cutting edge stuff. [ xainining the work of (53 international comic creators from an art criticism perspective. Bell and Sinclair offer an unasliamtxlly intellectual approach to the funnies.

In three chapters. 'Silent'. 'Single Panel' and "Text and Image. they look at the work of today's finest cartoonists, including Shrigley. Sacco. Satrapi. Woodring and Jason. With a particular fondness for those who eschew language completely.

More devoted to the mechanics of the work than its meaning. they often use the cartoonists' own words in the comineiitaries. giying them a welcome opportunity to wax lyrical on what can be perpleXing tableaux.

Highly recommended for both emerging artists and those seeking a vocabulary to deconstruct what can seem. due to their apparent simplicity. already basic images. this a rigorous. but never dull work of passionate scholarship. (Dave Martin)