
Santa vs the Snowman 30 (1’0) (VariotIs. IS. 3003) 33min. IMAX hig .scrccn prcscnlation lclling lhc story ol a loncly snowman w Ito's sw cpl away hy lhc magical wondcrs ol' Santa's \ illagc. [MAX I71t’tlll't'. (i/(ngmi‘.

Screaming Masterpiece ( 12A) (Ari AIcwndcr/Iiric Magnusson. Iccland/ Dcmark‘. 3005) 187mm. A look at lhc Icclandic music indiistry from its roots in ccccnlric mclodics and ancicnt poctry. through to modcrn clcctronica. thrash mclal. Sigur Ros and lijork. A uniquc piccc of musical history rccordcd in an inspirational documcntary cndorscd hy thc Iikcs oI I‘oo l-‘ighlcrs and Damon Alharn. In (ilasgow this is showing as pan of Making Mitsic scason. (iluygmi‘ [VII/HI III/lt'tlll't’. (i/(ngmi': I'7/Hl/IUH.\(’. Iz'tliii/uugli.

Shoot First ( l5) (Various. 3005) 00min. lidinhurgh's ncw monthly sIlorl lilm night is horn. Aiming to uncath ncw lalcnt hy making it casicr l'or lilmmakcrs to hay c lhcir work shown. thc inaugural scssion's sclcction includcs thc world prcmicrc ol‘ (ius. which Is hascd on an tmlilmcd llilchcock short story and show cascs lhc dchut pcrl‘ormancc ol' Spandau Ballct's 'I‘ony lladlcy. limail shortsuhmissionsw Ior morc information. l'I/Ill/ltilht'. I'fr/I'n/uujgli.

The Singing Ringing Tree (l‘)

0.. (I-‘ranccsco Stclani. liasl (icrmany. I958) 73min. Iinaginatiyc adaptation of thc (irimm Brothcrs' talc. in which I’rinccss 'I‘housandhcauly 's suitor princc has thc uncnyiahlc task 01‘ supplying hcr with said ycgctation in ordcr to w in hcr hand. A (ioclllc-Illsliltll (ilasgow prcscntation. (ilmgmi' I’l'lm 'I‘lu'ulrc. Glasgow:

The Story of the Weeping Camel (l’( i) 0.. (Bay amhasurcn Dayaa/l .uigi lialorni. (icrmany /Mongolia. 3003) .lanchiy Ayur/ana. (‘himcd ()hin. .-\mgaaha/ar (ionson. '/.c\‘cl_iam/ .\'yam 00min. A camcl chiycrs a snow -w hitc call Botok hut rcjccts hcr ol‘l'spring. Nomadic shcphcrds scnd two youngstcrs. Dudc and ()gna. on an important qucsl lo rcturn with a \‘loIllllsl who will play iiiusic to hcaI thc rill hctwccn mothcr and hahy camcl. ’I‘hc paticnt ohscryational approach hy thc lilmmakcrs ccrtainly pays diy idcnds in this fascinating cthnographic study of a community. Iiu' lat/inlnu'q/i ()n'un. Edinburgh.

T-Rex 3D (I') (lirctt I.conard. I'S. I008) 40min. Ania/mg looking IMAX moyic about a lalhcr and daughtcr in dangcr from a \ icious carniyorous dinosaur. (ircat lun. [MAX 'I‘licum'. Glasgow:

30 Mania (l') (thc. IS. 3003) Stuart I’ankin. lily ira. IMAX 3D animation Iicll. I‘or masochisls and compulcr rcndcr gccks only. I.lleX ‘IA/It'tlll't'. (i/uyguii: Thumbsucken 15) 00. (Mikc Mills. IS. 3005) Ion l’ucci. 'l‘ilda Swilllon. Kcanu Rcc\ cs. Vincc Vaughn. Vinccnl D'()nolrio. Iicniamin Iirall. 97min. .Illsllll (I’ucci) is a l7-ycar-old who still sucks his thumh. Al'tcr hcing hy pnoliscd hy Ills orthodontist (Rccy cs) into ahandoning thc digit. hc hccomcs addiclcd to a yaricty ol‘ drugs and in thc proccss turns into anothcr disal'lcclcd lccnagcr. Intcrcsling il‘ lIaw cd

Falkirk Town Hall

Thu 79 Jan 06 7:30pm BLINDED (15) Sat 27 Jan 06 I 30pm



Cuppa /5(‘ream

Tue 37 Jan 06 7.30pm THE CONSTANT GARDENER (1S) UIP C uppd/Scroam

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

50 THE LIST :3- 1‘.) Jan 2000

adaptation of \Valtcr Kirn's noycl hy- graphic artist and music yidco yirtuoso .Mills. llc sccms to hc a lilmmak'cr far morc adcpt at showing cmotional turmoil than adoIcsccnt joy hut ncycrthclcss this is a linc l‘caturc dchut for him. A Scrccnda/c prcscntation. (i/usgmr I’i/m ’I'I'u'uln'. Glasgow.

Thundercrack! ( 18) O... ((‘uri McDowclI. I'SA. I975) Marion Iialon. (icorgc Kuchar. l30min. Arguahly onc oI lhc grcat undcrground sIca/c cpics oI all limc. 'I'lmmlvn‘mrk.’ is lhc dcrangcd horror story of a random and quirky group who staggcr into an old. sccludcd mansion during a tlnindcrstorm. An ohsccnc old lady slaggcrs around thc placc with a \‘olllll- cakcd wig w hilc lhc sc.\-cra/cd characlcrs shockingly cxhihil thcir crass. cxplicit and hilarious antics. lic warncd though

y'icwcrs should cxpccl horror. hlack humour. mclodrama. loo animals and pornography that somc may find ol'l‘cnsiyc. Part of thc I-‘iliiiliousc ('ultl programmc. I’art ol l’syclmlronic ('incma. (i/(Iwuli' lilm I‘llt'uln’. (i/(ngmi'.

The Truth ( I5) ... ((icorgc Milton. I'K. 3000) \Villilllll BUCK. lilai11c('zissi(l_\. Stcphcn l.ord. lili/ahcth .\lc(io\crn.

l I‘imin. Scy cn young strangcrs go to a spiritual rctrcat w hcrc thcy arc only allow cd to spcak thc complclc and utlcr truth to onc anothcr thc rcsull is _icalousy. hatrcd. scxual pcrycrsion and a littlc murdcr on thc way. Vcry low hudgcl hut astulc. intclligcnt and Very funny satirc of thc mc gcncration. 'I‘his lilm dcscrycs a higgcr audicncc than it is prohahly going to gcl. Scc Rough ('uls. pagc 4 l. (.Illt'll‘lll’ltl Rt'll/i'r’u' .S‘Il't't'l. (i/usgmr. (i/usguu'.’ ('im'wnrlil Iz'rliIi/mifiuli. Iii/inlmrg/i.

Tsotsi ( I5) .0. ((iayin llood. l'K/ South Africa. 3005) l’rcslcy ('hwcncyagac. Mothusi Magano. Isracl Makoc. I’crcy Matscmcla. 04min. (iang mcmhcr. 'l‘sotsi. Iiycs up to his namc. mcaning thug. w Iicn hc shoots dcad a woman and driy cs away in hcr car. 'l‘hc discoy cry ol‘ a hahy on lhc hack scat scts in motion his charactcr rcl'ormation. liascd on a hook hy Athol I-‘ugard. this lilm has won a host of inlcrnalional lilm awards including two at thc 3005 liII‘l‘. ('uu'n-ur/(l Rr'It/I't'w .S‘In’r’l. (i/mgun; (i/usgmi'. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit ( l ’) 0... (Nick l’ark/Slcyc Iio\. IIK. 3005) Voiccs ol' I’L‘lcr Sallis. Ralph I‘icnncs. Ilclcna Bonllam (‘artcr 85min. 'l‘hc long-awaited l‘calurc— Icngth dchut l'or I’ark's plasticinc mastcr and mutt \Vallacc & (iromit. is. to coin a phrasc. a grand day out. This timc. lhc chccsc—

on ing \Vallacc and his canmc chum hay c rcinycntcd thcinscly cs as a humanc pcsl- control outlil ‘Anli-I’csto' and lhcrc's a

my stci'ious ‘wcrc-rahhit' on thc prowl at thc local ncighhourhoml (iianl chclahlc compclition. Knowing fun for all lhc lamily. Svit’t‘lt'r/ I‘t'lr'uu’.

Where the Truth Lies ( I8) 000. (Atom Iigoyan. ('anada/I 'K/I'S. 3005) Kcyin Bacon. (‘olin I‘irth. Alison l.ohman. Sonia licnnctt. I07min. In thc l‘)50s thcrc was no higgcr milsic and comcdy duo than Lanny (Bacon) and Vincc (I-‘irthl. \thn thc hody of a hcautil‘ul young woman is found in thc hathtuh ol' thcir holcl suitc thcir Iiy cs changc I'orcycr. I-‘lash forward to thc l‘)70s and wannahc journalist Karcn ()‘(‘onnor (l.ohman) hccomcs consumcd with finding out lhc truth hchind thc long huricd incidcnt. \Vondcrl‘ully cntcrtaining drama from (‘anadian lilmmak'cr Iigoy an that uscs intcllcctual rigour and hcdonistic y'igour to play out a scsy. intriguing llitchcockian prcmisc. (ilusgmi' I'i/In 'l‘hcum'. (i/uxgun:

Wild Strawberries (1’0) .000 (Ingmar Iicrgman. chdcn. I957) Victor Sjostrom. liihi Andcrsson. Ingrid 'l'hulin. (iunnar Iiiornslrand. Max yon Sydow. ()4min. Following an appalling. sy mhol- Iadcn nightmarc. an cldcrly prol'cssor (Sjostrom) linds himscll rcliy ing his Inc as IIL‘ tray L‘Is lo an uL‘utICllliL‘ :iyy'ul‘tls L‘Cl‘Clllony. licrgman‘s ctistomary hlcakncss is shclycd. with cnioyahlc rcsults. w hilc Sjostrom's pcrlorlliancc glows with l‘ccling and intclligcncc. Part of thc Intrmluction to liuropcan (‘incma coursc. l“7/lll/lull3‘t'. Edinburgh.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Glasgow _

350 Sauchichall Strcct. 0|4l 353 4000. £3.50 (£2 ).


Inauguration Day (thc) + Holes tor an Alrlcan Dresteia (lhc) 7.00.


Get Rid of Yourself (thc) + His Divine Grace (ihc) + Howl Learned to Overcome my Fear and Love Arlk Sharon (lhc) 7.00.

Cineworld Parkhead

'I'hc I5orgc. I’arkhcad. 087i 300 3000. |l)|. llil. Adult £5 (£4.50 hclorc 0.30pm Mon 'l‘hu. ('hiId/Sludcnl/()AI’: £3.00. Family tickcl .£I4. All lickcts hclorc noon: £3.

THURSDAY _5 Cheaper by the Dozen 2(1’0) l0.30am.


The Chronicles oi Hamla: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Po) 1 I.30am. 1.35. 2.35. 4.45. 5.40. 7.55. 8.45. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (12A) ll.l5ani. 2.25. 5.35.

Just Like Heaven (1’0) Il.35am. 2.00. 4.2(). 6.35. 8.55.

King Kong(l2.\) ll.I5am. 12.15. 3.15.4.l5. 7.l5. 8.15.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang(l5) 8.55. Lassie (l’(i) ll.00am.

The ProducersH2A) 2.50. 5.45. 8.40.


Bewitched (PU)

Matincc Sat: 1 I.30am.

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (l’( 3) Daily: I l.05am. 1.35. 3.45. 0.05.

The Chronicles ot Hamia: The Lion, the

Witch and the Wardrobed’o) Daily: Il.30am. I.35. 3.35. 4.45. 7.55.

Just Friends ( l3A)

Daily: ll.40am. 3.00. 4.30. 0.50. ‘).|().

Just Like Heaven (I’(i)

Daily: |I.45am. 3.I5. 4.35. 0.35.


King Kong ( 12.-\)

Daily: 10.45am (not Sat). I I.45am. 3.45. 3.45. 0.45. 7.45.

Lassie (PG)

Malincc Sal & Sun: The Producers ( 12A) Daily: 8.30. Running Scared ( l8) Daily: 0.30. 9.05.

Cineworld Hentrew Street

7 chlrcw Strccl. into and ('(‘ hooking: 087l 300 3000. Adult £5.80 (£4.80 hclot'c 0.30pm Mon 'l'hu). (‘hild/studcnts/conccssions: £3.90. liamily tick'cl £I5.00 (Sun 'I‘hu: £l4). Sunday all tickcts: £3.50. l'nlimitcd (‘ardz £|0.‘)‘) pcr month.



Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (PG) I0.00am. 12.30. 3.00. 5.40. 8.10.

The Chronicles oi Hamia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (PG) 10. 1 5am. II.00am. noon. I330. I.30. 1.50. 2.30. 3.25. 4.10. 4.50. 5.10. 0.50. 7.50. 8.10. 8.40.

The Exorcism olEmlly Hose(l5) 1.30. 6.30. 9.25.

The Family Stone(l’(;) lI.00am. 1.30. 4.00. 6.30. 8.50.

Harry Potter andtheGoblet of Fire (|2A) Il.30am. 3.10. 7.20.

Just Like Heavenu’o) 3.45. 0.30. 8.50. King Kong ( l3A) l0.30am. l0.40am. Il.30am. I330. 3.30. 3.00. 3.40. 4.30. 0.00. 0.40. 7.20. 8.00. 8.30. Live and Become ( I3A) Il.30am. 2.40. 6.00. 9.10.

March oi the Penguins (l‘) Il.30am. 1.40. 3.50. 0.00. 8.20.

Match Point(12..\) Il.30am. 2.30. 3.30. 8.30.

Merry Christmas (Joyeux Hoel) ( 12.-\) Il.00am. 4.|0.

The Producers(l2.-\) 5.00. 8.20.

l0.40am. I.l0.

l0.40am. l.50.


Brokeback Mountain ( 15)

liri & Sal: l0.l0am. I.30. 4.30. 7.45. 1 I00.

Sun 'l‘hu: ll.l0am. 3.30. 5.30. 8.50. Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (P( ;)

Daily: I0.00am. I330. 3.00. 5.40.

8. I0.

Also Ialc I’ri 8 Sat: I040.

The Chronicles oi Hamia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (l’( )1

Daily: l0.l5am. l 1.00am. noon. I330. l.50. 3.I5. 3.35. 4.10. 5H) (not \Vch. 7.00. 7.50. 8.40 (not \Vctl). Also Ialc l‘ri & Sat: I030.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose ( 15) Daily: 0.|0.

The Family Stone (PU)

Daily: 3.50. 0.30. 8.40.

Also Ialc liri & Sal: I I.30.

Flightplan ( l2.'\)

Daily: 5.50. 8.30 (not 'I‘hu).

Also Ialc I‘ll'i & Sill: l I.l0.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (12A)

Daily: Il.30am. 3.00. 7.30 (not \Vcd). Just Friends ( l2.-\)

I'ritk Sat: I330. 3.00. 5.40. 8.30. II.00.

Sun 'l‘hu: [0.50am. I.30. 4.00. 0.40. 0.30.

Just Like Heaven (1’( 1)

I'll'i& Sal: I3.l0. 3.50. 5.30. 8.00. l0.40.

Sun 'I‘hu: l0.40am. I.l0. 3.50. 0.30. 0.00.

King Kong ( 12A)

I'l‘itk Sal: l0.00am. l0.40am. I330. 3.00, 3.00. 4.30. 0.00. 7.30. 8.30. l0.l5.

Sun 'l‘hu: l0.40am. Il.30am. I330. 3.00. 3.40. 4.30. 7.30. 7.45. 3.30. Lassie(P(i)

Daily: l0.50am. I.30.

Live and Become ( l3A) Daily: 4.00.

March of the Penguinsd') Daily: Il.30am. I.30. 3.50. 8.l0.

Also Ialc I'ri & Sal: Match Point ( 12A)



I"ri& Sal: l0.50am. l.50. 4.50. 8.l0. lI.I0.

Sun 'l'hu: Il.30am. 3.30. 5.30. 8.40. The ProducerS(l2.r\)

Daily: l0.40am. l.50. 5.00. 840.

Also Ialc I'll’l & Sal: l I.l0.

Running Scared ( l8)

11-18 Sat: l0.40am. I.40. 5.00. 8.30. I I.30.

Sun 'I‘hu: ll.40am. 3.50. 0.00. ‘).I5. The huth ( l5)

\Vcd: 0.00.

Tsotsi ( 15)

Daily: l.50. 7.00.

Glasgow Film Theatre

l3 Rosc Strccl. 0l4I 333 8138. ('alc/har. All pcrl'ormanccs hookahlc. |l)|. llil. Iiycnings: £5 (£4). Matinccs (hcl'orc 5pm): £4.50 (£3.50). l'ii (hcl‘orc 5pm): £3.50 (£3.50). (iI‘VI~ ('lllc(‘lll‘d lloltIL‘l‘s: £I off all priccs. (il’l‘ saycrs: £33.50

(E I 7.50) lo scc 5 Iilllls (\tllitl Iol‘ llll‘L‘L‘ months).


Madagascar 0‘) 1.00.

The Hidden Blade ( 15) 3.15. 8.15. Wherethe‘liuthLlesHM 4.00. 6.20. Mad Hot Ballroom (1') 6.00.

Mrs Henderson Presents ( 12A) 8.40.