I Doloroso and Station Project King itth Walt \N'ah llut. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 8.3”pni. [5. London hand. comprising L‘\-IIIL‘llllk‘I'\ oI‘ Simian. \\ ith a cincinatic \ound which hax hccn coinparcd to ‘linnio Morriconc gctting chinncd tilllxtdL‘ a kchah shop'. And I)a\ id Bo“ ic.


I Chuck Prophet (‘aharct Voltairc. 3o 38 Blair Strcct. 22” ()l7(l. 7.3”pin. L"). l’ot‘tncr (irccn on Rcd countr} rock man \\ ho'x hccn dcxcrihcd ;t\ thc tltixxitig link lk‘l“ L‘L‘It IllL‘ l't)()l\ ol' Bolt l)_\lan and thc punk ol' thc chlaccnicntx.

I Sub Opt and 085 Banncrinan‘x. Niddr} Strcct. 55o 3254. 8.45pm. £4. Rock.

I Fridgehopper Rooney and Scope \Vhixtlchinkics. 4 () South Bridgc. 557 5| 14. ‘)pin. l‘rcc. lndic.

Thursday 19


I HIM and Anathema ('arling Acadcin) (ilaxgou. I2l liglinton SII'L‘CI. ()870 77l 2()()(). 7pm. S()I.l) ()I'T. ()Vcr- l4\ \hou. liinnixh ‘lo\c nictal' act \\ ith gothic o\ crtoncx.

I Nizlopi King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vah lltit. 272a St Vinccnt Slrcct. 22] 527‘). 8.3”pni. S()l.l) ()l’l‘. 'l'hc ho.“ hchind thc inl'uriating tucc chart- toppcr "l'hc J('B Song' pla} to an tlttxttt‘pt‘ixiltgl} lull housc.

I Horse and Hayley Hutchinson 'l'hc (iat'agc. 4‘)” Sattchichall Strcct. 353 8”””. 7.30pm. L45. ()\ct‘~ l4\ Silt)“ l.o_\all_\ patroniscd \ingcr/xong“ ritcr pcrl'ortnx a lull hand \hou to pi'oinotc hcr ncu \inglc ‘Satn ()ld. Sanic ()ld' ahcad oI' thc rclcaxc oI' hcr I'orthcoining alhuni Rn/lmirw/ (ii/'l. I’url o/ ('v/Iii' ('mim'rlimn.

I Cold Night Song ‘I‘Iic (ioal. I287 Arg) lc Strch 357 7373. 8pm. lircc. 'l‘hc c.\-.-\\trid/Rcindccr Scction L‘II\L‘IIll)lL‘ connncncc a lt'tUllllll} i'L'SitiL‘liC).

I The Kipper Family 'l‘chai ()\ na. 42 ()tago l.anc. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. l'rcxh \Ultltd\ I'roni thc Kingdom ol l‘ilc.

I LSD and Sustain Barll} (upstairxl. 2o” (‘l)dc Strcct. ()87” ‘)”7 ()‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £4. lndic.

I Phelix Culpa and Mummy Short Arms Bar”). 200 (‘l_\tik‘ Strcct. ()87” ‘)”7 ()‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £4. (ilaxgou —ha\cd \}‘lllll-II't)llthl‘\.

I Red Bee Society, Eoghan Colgan, Airspiel and Kalieda 'l‘hc Archcx. 253 :\rg_\ lc Strcct. ()87” 24” 7528. 8pm. to. Idio\_\ncralic indic hand punt thcit' dchut Norman Blalxc-produccd alhuin 'l'ln' .S'n'mmu'rx.

I Tempercalm \icc'ii‘SIc-ax). 42l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ()‘)””. ‘)pni. £3. 'i-L‘lllpL‘l‘L‘illlli are a local lt'io ol guitar-«tickling llnixL‘llllxx. coinparcd It) lilC lile‘x ()l~ IllL‘ DCIIUIILN and Bil“ ('l} H). '


I Doloroso (‘aharci \‘oliairc. 3o 38 Blair Strch 22” M70. 7pm. £5. lndic night lItUI‘L‘ thc.

I Emergenza Suh\\a_\ (‘oxxgatcn (i‘) (inhgttlc. 225 ()7()(). 7pm. Uhc. SCL‘ 'I'uc I7.

I Baby Tiger Open Mic Nightt Northcrn Bar. l llouard l’lacc. 55o I558. 8pm. l‘rcc. l‘inal night ol 2””5 I‘or thc altcrnatix c opcn inic \L'\\l()ll. ('ht‘ixtinax \(ng\ \\ clcotnc . . . apart limit that .\lc(‘artnc_\ onc. You knim which onc. Bah lluinhug.

I The Unkown Feeling, Stem and Little Amber Banncrnian'x. Niddr} Strcct. 550 3254. 8.45pm. I24. llczn} rock night.

I The Hussys, Darklight and The Dials \Vliixtlchinkicx. 4 0 South Bridgc. 557 5| l4. 0an lircc. lndic pop il‘Ulll thc iill\\}\.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules.graham@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.


I Live Jazz Budda. l42a St Vinccnt SII‘L‘L‘I. 243 22 l 2. 7 lllpltl. i'il-L'L'. \VL‘CH). Inc. intiinatc .iax/ and acouxtic \ctx in thc llp\l;lll'\ har.


I Louise Dodds Bar 38. llo I28 (icorgc Strcct. 22” (il8”. ‘)pin. l-rcc. \Vcckl} li\ c jaw and hlucx rcxidcnc) I'or thc lidinhurgh-haxcd \ocalixt.

I Beat Root Juice 'l‘lic Jan Bat“. I ('hatnhcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”. ‘).3”pni. l’rcc. .v\l'ro hcat. l.atin and 4a l'roin rcxidcnt hand tlic (ioat Stcu ()l'c‘llL‘xll'tt. plux [).l\ and thc odd li\ c gucxt and \pinncr.


I Guest Bands Night lllL‘ .la// Bar. l ('hainhcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”. ‘)pm. l’rcc. licaturing dill'crcnt local gucxt groupx cach \\ cck.

I Late Nite Groove the .la// Bar. l ('hanihcix Strcct. 22” 42‘)”.

Midnight 3am. £5. chular I‘rida} night I'unlxxtrauigan/a \xith li\ c hand\ and UL.


I Allan Gilbert Quartet Brcl. 3‘) 43 .'\\llI”lt l.;l|lL‘. .342 4900. 3 0pm. i'Il'L'L'. .\lain\trcatn lour piccc lcd h} guitarixt (iilhcrt.

I The Michael Deans Quartet Bar Blot. ll7y Bath Slt‘ccl. 574 (ill(i(i. 5 Split. l'i‘cc. .\lodcrn iax/ quarth lcd h} tcnor \;I\Illitll Dcanx.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar I85. Buchanan llotcl. I85 Buchanan Strcct. 332 7284. 5.3” Uprn. l‘rcc. Suinging Saturda) _ia// \cxxion.


I The Mellotones 8” ()uccn Slrcct Bar and Rcuaurant. 8” ()uccn Strcct. 22h 5()‘)7. 2 5pm. l‘rcc. .liinin} 'l’a}lor and hand pla} \Ullg\ h_\ .\lcl 'l'ornic and othct gt‘cat ja/x \UL‘;lll\l\.

I House Trio 'l'hc .la/I Bar. I ('hatnhcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”. 3pm. l't'cc. Rcla\cd aI'tcrnoon \lot \xith thc llouxc 'l‘rio on piano. haxx and tll'tlllh.

I The Jazz Bar Quintet 'l‘lic .la// Bar. I (’hainhcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”. ‘)pin. l‘rcc. \'ar_\ing linc ups I'or thix li\c~piccc hand ol‘ top IIIll\lL‘lilll\. put togcthcr cach “cck h_\ inainxta} of tlic lidinhurgh iau \ccnc. drununcr Bill K} lc.

I Fish Fry 'l‘hc Ja/l Bar. I ('hanihcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”. Midnight 3am. £5. Scottixh _ia//. I'unk. \thl and l.atin handx

join 'l‘rouhlc l).l lirik l)'\’il\ing and

l)cparturc Loungc‘x l)J .'\\troho_\.


. Jazz & Ragtime ‘lillt'L‘L' Jlltlgt‘x. I)uinharton Road. 337 3”55. 2pm. l’rcc. chular Sunda) ragtiinc and ial/ \L‘\\Iutl in thc ‘rcal (ilaxgou. rcal alc‘ puh.

I Chris Clark Trio and Friends Bar Buddha. 8 ('rcxucll l.anc. 337 (i2”l.

4 7pm. l‘rcc. .\lc|lo\\. Illilllhll‘L‘dlll _ia// Ironi (‘lark and hand \\ ith \;tl'It)tl\ gucxtx joining in thc lun cach \KL‘L‘lx.


I Martin Kershaw and Friends l’orth l'loot‘ chtaurant Bar «k Braxxcric. llar\c} Nicllnlx .3” 34 SI .'\lltll‘L'\\\ Squarc. 524 835”. I23” 3.3”pin. Kcrxhau prm idcx thc pcrlcct musical accoinpaninicnt to a Iinc Sunda} lunch.

I House Trio 'l‘hc .la// Bar. l ('hainhcr\ Sll‘L‘L‘I. 22H 42‘)”. 3pm, iii-CC. SL‘L‘ Sat 7. I Live Jazz (‘alc (it‘andc. I84 Bruntxlicld l’lacc. 228 l I88. 7pm. L455” including two courxcx and glit\\ ol \\ inc. l.i\c ia/l \xhilc )ou dinc. This ucck'x lllll\IC;tl cntci‘tainnicnt coinc\ courtcx} ol' \ocalixt l.orna Rcid.

I Bill Kyle’s Electric Fire 'l‘lic Ian Bar. | ('hanihcrx Sum. 22” 42‘)”. ‘)liin. l-‘rcc. l‘unk} hackhcat ia// lroin llll\ cool quartct lcd h_\ acc tlI'IIllllIlL‘l' Bill K}lc and l'caturing .v\nt [an on guitar.

Monday 9


I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session 8” ()uccn Strcct Bar and chtaurant. 8” ()uccn Strcct. 22h 5”‘)7. ‘)pni midnight. l‘rcc. 'l'hc truxt) opcn wxxion niglu \iith lhc hotth trio. .v\ll arc “L‘lL‘UlttL‘ to join in thc l'un.

I The Great Jazz Jam Session 'I'lic Ja// Bar. | (‘hainhcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”. 0pm. l‘rcc. li\pcct a rich ini\turc ol' \t_\ lcx ax laccx old and ncu drop in to pcrl'orni \xith thc ll”ll\L‘ 'l’rio cach \icck.

Tuesday 1 0


I Jason Faichney S}gtt. l5 (’liarlouc l.;tllL‘. 225 (illhll. (iltllt. i'il‘L‘C. \Vcckl} rcxidcnc} lor thc \ingcr and pianixt pla} ing _ia// inicctcd hlucx hoogic and will.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet ‘l‘hc .la// Bar. l (’Iiainhcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”. ‘)pm. l‘rcc. l‘phcat group l'caturtng Bill K)lc ltll'lllllSi. l)oug ‘l‘iplath l\;t\c\l. l’aul Kirh} lpianoi and Kmin (ilaxgou thavl.

Wednesday 1 1


I Michael Simons il‘chai ()\na. lh‘) l)can\ton l)ri\c. ()l4l 04‘) 7258. 8pm. £2. (ilaxgou ~haxcd guitarixt pla)ing iUll'x. hillL‘S and hcytltd.

I Bed-Head Sextet l.li)}tl\ No. l. l5l “KNI (iL‘UI'g‘L‘ SII'L'L‘I. 22‘) 75M). 3.3Ilptll. i'lL‘L'. (ill) CL‘IIII'C I'C\lLiL‘llL"\ lor Illlx ll'LNll (il;t\go\\ ~i\-piccc pla) ing hchop and hlucx.

Hiwiil. i"”‘"-*


I New Bands Night 'l‘hc Ian Bar. l (‘hainhcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”. ‘)pin. l‘rcc. l)il'l'crcnt up and coming handx shimcaxc llIL‘ll' ~léll/ l;tlL‘lll\ L‘ilL‘li \\ L‘L‘h.


I Live Jazz Budda. l42a St \‘inccnt Strcct. 243 22l2. 7 I”pni. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 5.


I Louise Dodds Bar 38. IN» l28 (iL‘Ul'gL‘ SII‘L‘L‘I. 22H (ilXIl. 9pm. iii-CC. SL‘L‘ Thu 5.

I Beat Root Juice 'l‘hc Jan Bar. 1 ('hainhcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”. 9.30pm. i'il‘L'L‘. SL‘L‘ ill” 5.


I Guest Bands Night ‘l‘hc Jan Bar. I (‘hainhcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”. ‘)ptn. l‘ic‘c‘. SL‘C i'il'l (i.

I Late Nite Groove 'l’hc Jan Bar. I ('hainhcrx Strcct. 22” 42‘)”.

Midnight 3am. £5. Scc l‘ri (i.

Saturday 14


I Allan McKeown Trio Brcl. 3‘) 43 .’\\lll”tl l.;tllL‘. 342 4906. 3 (iptll. i'il'L'L'. llol llanunond grooxcx and \cductiic \oul-jax/ l'roin thix (ilaxgou. .\'c\\ York and \lanchcxtcr trio.

I The Michael Deans Quartet Bar liltk‘. “7 Bath SII‘L‘L‘I. 574 ()Il(i(i. 5 3pm. i'lL'L‘. SL‘L‘ 5:1! 7.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar I85. Buchanan llotcl. I85 Buchanan Strcct. .332 7284. 5.30 9pm. i'il-L‘L'. SL‘L‘ Sat 7.

. .4 ,. . ,.j:, Some people are Bob Dylan Obsessives while

others have Bob Dylan obsessions thrust

upon them. It is unclear which camp Mr Fretwell is in but in his weary, plaintive, acoustic songs his debt to Zimmy’s darker moments is considerable. He’s very much a musician’s musician, with everyone from Snow Patrol and Elbow to KT Tunstall having praised his album Magpie.

Gri/t'igo. Glasgow Wed 1/ Jan.

I“. It". Idilo THE LIST 67