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Queen's Hall, Edinburgh, Sat 14 Jan; City Hall, Glasgow, Sun 15 Jan

His music can be heard on every concert platform in the world. Whether Musikverein or school hall, it’s there in the list of ring tones, books on it are numerous, films have been made about it most notably Peter Shaffer’s Amadeus - and the music itself is never—endingly popular on both stage and screen. The composer can only be, of course, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and it is no wonder that such a fuss is being made of the 250th anniversary of his birth.

Born in Salzburg in January 1756, Mozart was the last in a family of seven children, only two of whom survived. He was a child prodigy, a genius and is probably the most loved composer ever. 2006 will be a year when much of his music can be heard, but one of the most interesting celebrations is that being mounted by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra. ‘Given the 800’s international reputation for fine Mozart performances and recordings, we are, of course, taking part in the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of his birth,‘ says managing director, Roy McEwan. ‘Throughout 2006 we revisit some of the composer’s great works and also acknowledge some of Mozart’s lesser-known contemporaries.’

The first concerts to fit the bill go under the titles of Mozart and the Ottoman Empire and Mozart’s Paris. Turkish music had a profound influence on composers of the neighbouring Austro-Hungarian Empire, with Mozart being well aware that the Viennese audiences of the time were keen on things exotic and coloured by the East. On tour in the late 17705, he was also determined to impress the French, hence the ‘Paris’ Symphony, No 31.

But in spite of it all, Mozart lived most of his life in financial troubles and died totally penniless. (Carol Main)

Saturday 14


I RSAMD Youthworks Music Preview Day RSAMD. lllll chl'rcxx Sll't‘t‘l. 3.33 Sufi“. lll..3ll;tttl. l'il'L‘L‘. .-\ tl.t} lor proxpcctix c xludcntx and thcir guai'dlanx to lilld out thot'c about RS.\.\ll) Youtlmorkx.

I BBC Symphony Orchestra: Symphony? . . . Fantastic ("in Hall. (‘andlcriggx 353 Xlllll). 3pm & 4.30pm. l‘l'L‘C. llt‘lxt'lL'tl. SL‘L‘ l’t't l 3.

annixcrxar} ol Mo/art'x hirllt h)

l't‘\ lxlllltg \Ulllk‘ Ul' lllx llttt‘xl \\t)l'l\\. ‘l-llL‘ programmc ix a homagc to thc profound inl'lucncc ol' 'l'urkixh muxic and thc ()tloman liinpirc on thc conipoxcrx ol' lltc ncighhouring .'\uxtro Hungarian liinpirc.

I Forqueray Suites: Richard Boothby and Sophie Yates Si (‘t‘L'lllél‘\ lltlll. Nttltll'} Sll'c‘t‘l. (i(i.\’ lel‘).

Edinburgh .

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: i i, ii

Mozart and the Ottoman Empire ._ 3:; 3 ,3 ()uct-n‘x llall. (‘lt-rk Sll'c‘c‘l. («is joltl " ,”..rfri'ff ' - 7.30pm. 'l‘hc S( '0 cclchralc lhc 350th 4,3. i; i

7.45pm. :\n cwning ol' muxic h} Jcan- Baptixtc l'iot‘qucra}. amng thc moxt talcnlcd inuxicianx at thc court of l.ouix XV. 'l'hc muxic ix hcard in itx original form and alxo in da/lling harpxichord arrangcmcmx.


I West Lothian Schools Brass Band St \llc'lttlcl‘x l’arixh (‘ltlll‘L'lL Kil'kgttlc‘. ()l5llh 8-13 633. 7.30pm. £7 lL'3 L‘til. 'I‘hc national )olllll championxhipx.


I Enjoy Your Voice! Stralhchdc l'nhcrxit). .lohn Andcrxon ('amptlx.

l.i\ ingxtonc 'l‘oucr. Riclunond Strcct. 543 344-1. 3 5pm. ‘7 1L3 [Sr [find out him to imprm c _\our xinging and hcnclit from ilx hcalth-gh ing propcrticx. Dircclcd h} Alan 'l‘a\cncr and xingcrx l'roin (‘apclla .\'o\a. Booking rcquircd. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mozart and the Ottoman Empire ('il} Hall. (‘andlcriggx 353 h’llllll. 3pm. U) £3l5l). Scc Sat I4.

I RSAMD Youthworks Music Chamber Orchestra Concert R333”). llll) Rc‘lllt'c‘“ Sll'L‘Cl. 3.33 5057. (min. l‘rcc. lickclcd. .\ programmc ol' muxic dircctcd h} (‘athcrinc \lackintoxh.

Tuesday 1 7


I Rush Hour Concert: RSAMD Symphony Orchestra RSAMD. llll) chl'rcu Strcct. 333 5057. 5.30pm. £3. |.ut/ Kohlcr conductx thc \\ inncrx of thc .\lo/art ('ouccrlo ('ompctition in a pcrl'orinancc of thc old Wollicfl Sin/unit: ('onrcrlunlr. ax \\ cll ax thc tlclighlltll l‘illllllrlllh n/ Rumi' h} RCxpighi.


I Essential Scottish Opera lii'unton 'l'hcatrc. l.iltl}\\t‘ll \Va}. \ltlxxt‘lhtil‘gh. (105 3340 7.30pm. fl l5” (Uh. .-\ xuhlimc xclcction ol opcratic highlighlx including: Dun (ilmmmi and Na .llurrluui' nl I’lcum. ax \xcll ax picccx h} llandcl. Roxxini and (iilhcrt and Sullhan.

Wednesday 18


I RSAMD Piano Competition RSAMD. lllll chl'rcu Strcct. 333 5057. 3pm. l‘rcc. ('ompctition for pianixtx pcrl'orining lhc \xorkx ol .lohn lrcland.

I National Association of Brass Band Conductors RSAMD. llll) chl'rcu Strccl. 333 5057. 5.30pm. l-‘t‘cc. lickctcd. 'l‘hc RSAMD Braxx l)cpartmciil loin l'orccx \\ ilh ll1c National .v\xxociation ol' Braxx Band (‘onductorx along: \\ ith gucxt hand thc .lohnxtonc Band to en c _\oung_' conductorx lhc chancc to honc thcir talcntx. 'l'hc programinc ix to Includc \\ttl‘l\\ l‘} (iilhcrl Vitncr and Alan l't‘l‘ltlt‘.

I RSAMD School of Music Open Day RS.-\.\ll). lllll chli'cxx Strcct. 33 5057. l‘rcc. An idcal oppol'ltlnil} lot parcnlx. tcachcrx and xludcnlx to \ ixit thc RSAMle \ltllt‘ Ul' lllC ttl‘l pl'L‘llll\L‘\. attcnd rchcarxalx and inch with hcadx ol dcpartmcnt.

Thursday 19


6'1 BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Thursday Night Series ('ll} llall. ('andlct‘iggx. 353 h’()l)(l. 7.30pm. U) £3 I .50. ('onduclor llan \‘olkm lcadx thc orchcxlra in a pcrlormancc ol a ncu piccc h} thc BBC SSt )'x coinpoxci' in axxocialion Jonathan llar\c_\ 'Iimim/x u I’lll‘r' luml. \xhich ix pcrl'orincd alongxidc Slim inxk} 'x lantaxlic /"I'r¢'/iin/.' Bill/cl and licclhmcth Trip/v (‘mli't'rlu [or I’ltmn. \‘lu/m um/ ('r'l/u.

vl’i RSNO Pops: An Evening with James Bond Rti)ill ('onccrl Hall. 3



BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Thursday Night Series Moving from Broadcasting House into the heart of its home city is probably the most Significant event for the BBC 880 in its 70 year history. Hear them with charismatic chief conductor Ilan Volkov as they enter their exciting new era with the first concert in a regular Thursday evening series. City Hal/s. Glasgow. Thu IQJan.

RSNO Pops: An Evening with James Bond lt's not really for your ears only. as this is something for all Bond fans. Conductor of some of the most evocative themes in the history Of film music COuld only be Carl Davis. at the ready with an RSNO that's licensed to thrill. Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow, Thu IQ Jan.

Sauchichall Slrcct. 353 Xllllll. 7.3llpm. [l4 L'3l. .\lixx \liiiic)pciiit_\ loxcrx c\cr_\\\hcrc. thix ix _\our chancc to hcar thc Ro)al Scotlixh National ()rchcxtra pla} luncx lront lhc glaiitotti‘~l'cxl that ix lltt‘ .lttlllt‘x Blind ll’attclllxt‘. l':\Pt‘Cl :lll lltL‘ hitx. including: 'l.i\c and l.ct Dic‘. ‘(itlltll—lll‘L‘L‘l". .ilillL‘ Sp} \Vltti l.o\ ctl ML“ and morc.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mozart’s Paris ()uccn‘x llall. (‘lcrk Slrcct. (mh‘ 3lll‘). 7.30pm. (ircat inuxic from l’arix conductcd h_\ lhc lcgcndar) l’l'altx Bl‘tlggcn. \lo/art'x .Vt/ii/i/mm m: .l/ tlttlt‘\ lit‘nlll ltlx L‘\lL‘lltlL‘tl \ ixll l0 lllt‘ l’t‘ctlch capital in I773. ll ix on a grand xcalc cltaractcrixlic of l’arixian orchcxtral llltlxlt‘ till lllL‘ lllllt‘ tllltl \\;lx tlt‘lll‘t‘l‘ult‘l} inlcndcd to imprcxx thc l’arix audicncc.


I Essential Scottish Opera .v\rtx (iuild 'l‘hcalrc. (’alnphcll Slrccl. (ill—75 733038. 7.30pm. £7 L“). Scc ’l'uc I".

g me LIST 71