e are at war. .\'o. not that war out in the Middle liast. another war altogether. a war mueh eloser to home that eneroaehes far more frequently on our everyday lives. We are at war with our eonseienees. We want to feel that we eat well. and that tnight mean healthily. sophistieatedly. even ethieally. but most of all it means eeonomieally. without. of eourse. appearing eheap.

Sotne profound and thoughtful person onee said the best tasting meal is one that you didn‘t tnake yourself. He obviously forgot just how sweet a bargain tastes. There‘s only one thing better than good food and that's good food at a good priee. .\'o matter how righteous we think ourselves to he. most of us are at least a little hit snobby when it eomes to food. It feels good to eat something speeial and the battle to iind an eqttilibrium between good value. a elear eonseienee and good eating is one that is more achievable than ever.

While the ehallenges of say. freeganism -~ the art of eating food that restaurants. eafes and

ettlinary \Vomhle if you will - might be a hit too mtteh for even the most hardy of gastronattts. there's still ample opportunity to eat with a dear eonseienee. and reasonath fttll wallet. sueeumbing to the dark temptations of the (‘olonel or the (iolden Arches is not always the only way.

We have tried. over the next half a dozen pages. to east a few preeoneeptions into the slop bueket onee and for all. l’irstly. it is possible to eat healthin and eheaply. you don’t have to fot'k ottt to eat posh. and. as Harry Shelby explains on page l7. even the best restaurateurs want as many people as possible to sample their menus. Also. [)onald Reid ttneovers where to eat healthily without it eosting the earth tin both senses) on page It).

Takeaway food means everything from hiryanis and enehiladas to stir-fries and. for the tnost part. it is good valtte for money. The important thing here is quality. and finding a real diamond in this partieularly rottgh ground is eternally valttable. That's why we sent Robin l.ee ottt to the streets of (ilasgow and lidinhurgh to seareh ottt a do/en

shops have thrown away. becoming a kind of

‘35 is are

To kick off our Cheap Eats issue Mark Robertson delves into the psychology of eating on a budget and finds that good food need not cost a mint.

of the best plaees to find unbeatable carry-out euisine (see page 22). Similarly. the qttality of the ehip may be in the buds of the beholder bttt Raehael Street has tested some of Seotland‘s finest fried ones so you don‘t have to. The results of her quest are revealed on page 18.

Let‘s not forget the notion of eonvenienee. Supermarkets. high-end delis or the wee gaff rottnd the eorner all puipott to deliver that most ubiquitous of dinner. the ready-meal. To see just who is all talk and no taste we had a blind taste test of six of the tnost interesting lasagnes. See page 2! to find ottt how they eompare.

it isn't just about food though. This desire to get great value for as little money as possible permeates all of ottr eultural activities. and that‘s why we've taken the eoneept and stretched it aeross all the seetions of the magazine so you‘ll find our ideas on the best ways to get the most for your huek. whatever your eultural palate.