Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubsglasgow© Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.

Glasgow Thursdays


I ‘.* at the Bull (‘lub. l0..i0pm 3am. £3 (free). \Veekl}. Stex ie and l)ax id rummage through their recordx to bring _xou all the i—'ood xtttll. ‘l‘here‘x tlte odd M e band. xo expect ti Letth (ll, eclectronica. dixciltechnocarc) and otltcr xxordx that the} We juxt made up.

I Atomic at ('lub Apollo. llpiil 5am. £4 (£3). \Veeklx. 'l‘he'x inxite )0“ to Ihroxx xhapex on the dancelloor ax their I'exidenl mtlxical .iigxaxx builder piecex together an eclectic mix of paxt maxterx and enduring claxxicx. xpanning l'our decadex.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgoxx School of Art. llpm 5am. £5 (£2). \Veekl}. liltra- line hip hop night lol' the xtudentx. \xith l).lx i)etna ttltd Nice.

I Homebrew at the Sub ('lub.

l lpm 3am. £2. \Veekl). .-\n eclectic xoundtrack from ‘l‘il'l l’eacllex. Boom .Moltk Belt (Mixed BI/nexxl. l’ro \'ilix|ixl Karim (Mixed Bi/nexxl. lll ’l‘echniquc (Sub (’it) l and the (iroundxkeeper (ileim (T

I Lemon . . . the Kings of Indie at ('hib \' [)ub. l()pm 3am. £b (£4). \Veeklx. 'l‘he xhttt'pcxt indie ctllx and the lilexhext indie hitx.

I Nasa at SoundhaIIx. llpm 3am. £4. \Veeklx. Nexx night (ll bt'eakx. electro. tech beatx plux drum «k baxx.

I Panic Room at MAS. Ilpiii 5am. £4. \Veekl). l)lx l)axe Young aild Jim (iel|aI|_x (Xl'iMl hoxtx It night (ll indie and rock pltlx. ax an extra bonux. lixe band nightx xxx ilclt placex xx illl i'otllix (iold i).ix ex er} l'ortnight.

I Record Player: at (ilaxgoxx Scltool of Art. ltlfitlpm _.3t)am. £3 (£2). \\eekl_x. Hi li Sean & lluxhpuppx plax to an increaxingl) lren/ied croxx d.

I Refo Records Launch Party at Brunxxxick Hotel. 9pm 2am. £Ibc. l‘) Jan. Barr} Jackxon launchex (ilagoxxx latcxt innoxatix e electronic recold label xxith Milton Jackxon. Maxh. tlle ('arbon Mix and Barr} Jackxon .'\l\'.-\ Rel‘o (lixel.

I Riff Raff at Bamboo. llplil 3am.

liree £4. \Veekl'x. l|l_xux Broxxn p|a_xx Ille bext ill Rth and hip hop. 'l'oaxt pla}x electro. pop and rock in the Red Room

xx hile Maxh delixerx a ‘Back to Mine~ xet in the Lounge.

I Rubbermensch at .v\B(‘3.

l lplii 3am. l‘rce £3. \Veekl}. .'\ nexx night for indie kidx and indie loxerx. And} \Vilxon ix in charge.

I Skint at (lie ('athouxe. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Veekl}. limo. l'unk. punk and croxxox er. rock. goth and hardcore tunex

from [)1 Bill} Moat.

Glasgow Fridays


I ? at the .'\rchex. llplli 5am. £b £8. 20 Jan. Monthlx. :\ brand nexx night at the Archex xx ith a lnuxic (axte ‘ax broad ax xour mind'. With the Radio Magnetic Sotlttdx} xtem atld a lixe xet b) hot tip (or 2000 Braund Rexnoldx. See prex icxx. page 30.

I Babaza at Be-lo. 9pm 5am. l-‘l‘ee £(i. \Veekl}. l’aul 'l'ra_xnor. Roxx McMillan & Bill} Jonex plax raucoux Rth and heax} hip hop.

I Ballbreaker Fridays at (‘atliouxe I050pm 3am. £i £5. \Veekl}. l)Jx Barr} and laric pla} claxxic rock. glam metal. ltmk metal and induxtrial xxlth l)J Bill} prox iding the nu metal. emo. hip hop. croxxox er alternatixe rock and dance.

I Boogiedown at 8qu baxement. 10pm 5am. l‘ree £5. \Veekl}. :\ night of l'unked up ja/l. dixco. rare groox e and houxe xoundx from rexident grooxe

merchant Stexxart Reid.

I Canvas Club at :\rta. 9pm 3am.

l-‘ree £5. \Veekl). Lix e bandx plux l)J Joe l)eehan pltt} ilig funk and part) claxxicx. I Chinawhite at ('hinaxxhite. 9pm 3am. £l0. \Veekl'x. Waitl'exxex. proper doormen and dixcerning l).lx make up the 'xxhitex experience. liclectie xottndx.

I Club Living at ('lub Lix ing.

0pm 3am. £5. \Veekl). Alan Mackenzie plax x retro elaxxicx and Scott Mochar pqu a txxixt illto it xxith xoine line home.

I Coded at Vault. llpm 3am. £5 (£4). \Veekl}. Stex en Mc('reer_x ix the main man and the likex oi Bill} \Voodx. Bill) Kilkie and Amanda l’rice join in from time to little.

I Festival at :\B('l. l lpm 3am. £(i (£4). \Veekl}. liuan Neilxotl doex the honourx xx ith hix bag of funk) electro xoundx and croxx genre lreel'orm mixing pltix guextx.

I Fluid at MAS. llpm 3am. £b (£4). \VL‘L'ixl}. Dix Lixtt Littlexxood ttlld Scott Maclx'ax (XI‘M). DJ ('tit/ and DJ Stattix pla} the l'unkiext ol' hotlxe tunex and cutting-edge turntablixm to a great part} L'lU“ ti.

I Freakmenoovers at Blanket.

llpiil 3am. £5 £0. \Veekl}. l)Jx l)ema and .\'ice on rotation. mining the bext in hip hop. l'unk. xtreet xoul arid Rth.

I Fresh at the Polo Lounge. llpm 3am. £5. Weeklx. Michelle alid And) are in charge (it the muxical dutiex at thix delicioux ga'x/mixed Merchant ('it} club. I Fridays at \Vigxxam. llpm 3am. £b (£5). \Veeklx. (iraham l‘ei'guxon and JP plax the full boona of part} tunex to the cit} 'x lren/led good time galx and bo_xx. I Funhouse at Barllx. l lpm 3am. £b. \Veeklx. .-\ night of clued-up punk and cathartic indie pop nonxenxe. lI‘x pogo-a- gogo \xith Radio l‘x Vic (iallona) and Mr l’ttttl Needlex.

I Grind at ('lub Dub. l0pm 3am. £b (£4). \Veeklx Scottie ii pl;t}x the hexl urban. Rle and hip hop xoundx to an tip- lor-it-croxx d.

I GTV Fridays at the (image.

I lpm 3am. l‘ree £5. \Veekl}. Brian McMaxIer pla_x x ex er}thmg from Brit pop to chart muxic liolii ex el‘_x era.

Kinky Afro at the Sub (‘lub

l()pm 3am. £3. 27 Jail. 'l‘hree deck Illit}llelli from Berlinbaxed 1)] Kiki. returning to Kink} :\l'ro alter a xtorming xet back in 2004. .v\lxo featuring lix e electromc pop l'rom lidinburgh duo

Sxx immer One.

I National Pop League at \x'ooilxide Social. S.45pin 2am. £4. 27 Jan. The 50th National l’op League pla} ing out poxt- ptliik. (bf). indiepop and lo-li.

I Offset at (‘ube llpiil 3am. £S (£5). \Veckl}. Dance claxxlcx and (oil hotlxe l'rom rexldent l).lx. .\ xerx popular xenue and club night.

I Old School Funk at the Bull.

l()pm 3am. £b. \Veekl). (iordie. Jack. (’raig arid l)ec plax old xchool tan and ltmk claxxicx.

Pressure at the Archex. l()pm 3am. £l7. 27 .lan. 'l‘he latext inxtalment oi the .'\rcllex' xuperclub l‘eaturex 1)] xetx l'rom Derrick (’arter. (ireenxkeepei'x and Slant. xx ith the Hacker and Speed) .l on lixex. I Pukka Funk at the lllllltel.

l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. Krix lx'eegan. lain ‘Santox‘ 'l’homxon and .-\J pla} a llcd Kzitltli-xtxlc' xet.

I Rocket at Bamboo. l0..i0pm 3am. £7 (£5). Weeklx. llouxe muxic from (ieoll~ M and Rth and hip hop l'rom .lunior ('ampox. Lounge m the lounge xxith Max.

I Siren at Bar Bloc. l()pm 5am.

l'ree £3. Weekly Houxe and lilectro xxith (_ieI't'_\ Bl}tlte and Kl Red.

" Symbiosis at the Sotlndhallx.

l()piil 4am. £(i £7. 20 .Ian. Sxiiiliiiixix pa_xx tribute to friend (lie late M(' Sonnx. lll Illlx (light packed xxlth drum tk baxx lrom Morph}. l)J Beliexe. l)an Blalld and rexidentx xxith. ax Iixual. ()bexe. litill l’hal and contpan} prox iding houxe and techno relief ill the but.

I Tusk Fridays at ltlxk. 9pm 3am. l‘ree £5. \Veekl'x. (‘lttxxic llottxe .ttllltetllx from the earl) 90x xxith (‘hrix Bigu/Ii.

I Vandal at the Liquid Lounge.

llpm 3am. £l0 (£9) Weekly Rexident DJ Maxh (Xi-'Ml plaxing the bext in electronic houxe Inttxic.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Beat Down The Up Set at I3 .\'ote. 9pm 3am. l-‘ree. \Veekl). Kid 'l'xxixt (:\K.-\ the Slumberjack on (‘ Side Trax recordxl pla_xx roek'n'roll and .x_xnthetic robotic .xotll.

I Caledoniasoul at the \x'oodxide Social. 9.30pm 3am. £5. 2S Jan onl). Bi- monthlx Northern Soul night xxith x'er_x‘ xpecial guext DJ (‘olin Laxx. one of the biggext namex on the xcene in the 80.x and 00x. making hix ('aledoniaxoul dellttl.

I Club NME at the Art School.

l(lpill 3am. £0 (£5). Weekly The latext addition to the art) roxter xx ith lix e bandx and l)Jx pla) ing electro and indie.

I Death Disco at the .-\t'chex.

l()pm 3am. £l0. 2| Jail. Monthl) 'l'he l)ixco'x Jamiar} Sale xeex Radioxlaxe and Mingo—(io on deckx. with a lix e xet from li)\lL‘I'L‘U. 'l‘rue to thix month'x theme. (here are free T-xhirtx for Ihoxe xx ho turn up earl} and half price paxxex axailable at xx xx xx .deathdixco.inl'o.

I Deathkill 4000 at the Barl‘l).

l lpm 3am. £4 £5. 28 Jan. All xortx of punk. rock and electro excitement from I)eathkill. xxith the liankl) tei'i'il‘xirlg lixe xotmdx of Take a Worm For a Walk Week.

I Divine at (ilaxgoxx School ol'.-\rt. l()pm 3am. £3.50 £(i. \Veeklx. l)eep ltmk. b0x and 70x groox ex and a lo_xal croxx d go into the mix at thix xer) long running (ilaxgoxx i‘exidentx' night.

I Fantazia at Breahead Arena.

bpm 4am. £32.50. The line l'olk at (’olourx bring back the old xkool dance part). ’l‘hree arenax of trance. techno. hardcore. houxe and claxxicx. .\'anlex on the maxxix e roxter include .\'-Joi. Dream l‘requenc}. l’ltraxonic. the Rat Pack. Baxx (ienet'atol‘. (iraente Park. Brandon Block. Joe Deacon. Slipniatt. Q-l’ex. Baxx X and man} more. See prex iexx. page 30.

I Garage Saturdays at the (iarage. l0.30pm 3am. £7 (£5). \Veekl). Brian McMaxter pla} x all )tltll‘ l'axourite claxxicx in the main hall xx hile Kenn} xoarx through alternatix e indie and retro cltixxicx in the Attic.

I Groovejet at MAS. l lpm Rain. £5. Weekl). .lIS’x Kex in Mcl‘arlane teamx up xx ith hix buddiex Stephen Lee and Wood) in the main room for a xx eekl) maxh-up ol' the linext hottxe muxic around xx hile Rttxx -B xpitix the xxx eetext Rnfili ctttx in the lounge.

I Home Cookin’ at Be-lo. 9pm 3am. l‘ree £7. \Veekl}. Stexx art Mc('allum and Joe iligginx xx ith urban and 80x will

I Homegrown at Bamboo.

l0.30pm 3am. £8 (£bl. \Veekl). Stexie Sole p|a_xx a ltmk). .xoull‘ul houxe xet xxith Miguel pla)irig Rth and Dominic Martin xttppl} ing the funk and jaw.

I Inside Out at the :\t'chex.

l()pm 5am. £lS. ZS Jan. l-"ine. l'loorlilling mainxtream xetx from Judge Julex. Agnelli N Xc'lxtlli and '1‘) ler-l.eiglt. xxith nexx rexidentx Simon l’atterxon. ('hrix l)ax ix and William Daniel.

I Lush at the Polo Lounge.

l0.30pm 3am. £5. \Veekl). And) 'x in the 'l‘roph} Room xxith hitx from the Mix to the .S’0x. xx hile 'l’om prox idex an up-lront dance xelection in the main room at the cit) 'x prettiext ga} cltlb.

I Lust For Life at .-\B(‘l. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). \Veek‘l). l)J (ierrx L)on.x ix your man on Saturda'xx xx ith ex er_xthing from dixco Io indie and thundering rock. Noxx upxtairx due to popular demand.

Melting Pot at the Rixei‘xide ('lub. midnight 3am. £l0. ZS Jan. A xxelcome return to Melting Pot hix third appearance there in lb’ monthx for Mancunian legend (ireg \Vilxon. 'l‘he tirxt man to .xcratch mix on national TV (on (‘hannel 4‘x 'I'i'it' 'I'u/u'l. he‘ll be bringing a xelection ol' dixco. electro. funk and hottxe.

XFM’s underground ambassador Mash gives the lowdown on what’s round the

corner For as long as I can remember there have been puppets basrcally thrown onto a moving bandwagon. in an attempt to catch onto a new fad in mUSIC. From boy bands to dance bands, rock bands to girl bands. the record company moguls have turned them out. Sometimes on more than one occasion. Check out the career of Frank Farian. Although the female members of Boney M could sing. the male Singer/dancer always lip Synched to the voice of Frank Farian. Oops. he did it again in the much publicrsed 805 public stoning of Milli Vanilli, who were too busy getting their hair done to actually sing on their album. Unfortunately. this incessant ridiculing lead to one of the members hanging himself.

In the 903 we had Blackbox riding on time with their model miming on Top of the Pops to a Jocelyn Brown sample until the soul diva intervened and took the royalties she rightly deserved. Many 905 acts were thrown together to front the sounds of a producer ~ don't get me started on the Stock, Aitken and Waterman thread. More recently we have had McFIy and Busted (RIP), bands who -— let's face -- probably spend more time at the stylist than they do writing songs. One thing that has so far remained untouched seems to be the singer/songwriter genre. You cannot take the talents of KT Tunstall. Anthony and the Johnsons. Jack Johnson et at. We. and them, have to reluctantly thank David Gray for paying the way for the singer/songwriter category. l‘m sure they Wlll buy him a drink.

Catch Mash on XFM'S Xpress Beats and weekly Fridays at Vandal at the Liquid LOU/)ge.

I Rockstar at the Corinthian.

l()pm 3am. £l0. \Veekl}. Rock and dance tntlxic collide. lixpect lotx of big name DJx from both xxorldx. Rexidentx include Martin Bate. Lixa Littlexxood and :\le.\ l’.

I Saturdays at the ('athottxe.

l0.30pm 3am. £4 £6. \Veekl}. l)J.x Barr) and And) are on dirt} xx ith claxxic and current roek‘. glam. metal. ltmk metal. goth and break beatx. [)1 Bill) pt‘ox'idex hip hop. nu metal. alternatixe rock and induxtrial.

19 Jan 2 Feb 20001115 LIST 31