Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

A Bout de Souffle (Breathless) «Pm ooooo (Jean-[arc (ioddard. France. WSW Jean-Paul Belrnondo. Jean Seberg. l)anie| Boulanger. 90min. A chic Parisian petty criminal tBelmondoi and his American girlfriend (Sebergr drift through a world of stolen cars and aimless romance toyyards an inexorable downbeat finale. (iodard's debut feature pt’oy'oketl quite a stir in its day for its carefree arrogance with the conyentions of tilmic grammar. but today it stands as a casual love letter to the American ll-inoy ie crime picture. Part of lntrodtrction to European Cinema. l-‘ilmhnuw. Iidr’iibirre/i. After Midnight r m 000 tl)a\'idc Ferrario. Italy. 2004) (iiorgio l’asottl. Francesca lnatidi. Fabio 'I'roiano. 03min. See review. page 38. 0‘1"]: (ihiseun.

The Aristocrats r Ill) 0000 tl’atil Proy'enza. ITS. 2005i 89min. ()yer ltlt) comedians including Billy ('onnolly. Whoopi Goldberg. Robin Williams and liddie I/lard tell the world's dirtiest joke and get as lilthy as their t'ey'ered imaginations “in alloys. l'tterly hilarious and really quite shocking. the film says a lot abotit the nature of comedy and comedians. ('(7 Edinburgh. Edinburgh. The Aviator r IZAr 0000 (Martin Scorsese. [78. 2004i Leonardo l)i('aprio. (’ate Blanchett. Alan Alda. Alec Bald“ in. lo‘hnin. Scorsese's Hoyy'ard Hughes biopic is his best work in years. He depicts the bonkers millionaire as a maniacal. passionate and deeply tlayy'ed yronianiser. llllli producer and airplanes enthusiast. l)i('aprio has ney er been better than he is here. ey en if Blanchett virtually steals the slioyy from him in a tyyilch perfect impression of Katharine Hepburn. At almost three hours this propels by. lire Edinburgh ()er'un. Edinburgh.

Barbarella ( lxr .00 (Roger \‘adrm. Italy/France. 1967) Jane Fonda. John Philip

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l.a\y. I)a\id llernrinngs. 08min. In the year 40.000 Al). sey kitten Fonda trayels to the planet Sorgo to di\ est herself of much futuristic clotlirrig. fall in low yyrth l.a\y 's angel and ttissle \\ ith Heininings' mad scientist character Duran Duran tyes. fact tans. it is her. l)ated \adiin rornp of interest mostly to kitsch aficionados or horny l.‘ year-olds. .\t'olyiiirin Sr I‘t’t'lllllg’ ly’ooiri. Ifdiiibrirgli.

Battle of Algiers r moo... t(illtr l’ontecor'yo. Algeria/Italy. l‘ib5r Brahirn Haggiag. Jean .\lar'lin. ISSmiri. A documentary ~st le reconstruction ot Algeria's struggle for liberation. Brilliantly realistic quite brutally so in the controyer'sral torture sequences this is a tc\thook eyaniple ol political cineriia at its most persuasiye. I'i/m/ioirye. Iz'di'Ii/iiu'uli.

The Beat That my Heart Skipped (de battre mon coeur s’est arrete) t l5r I... tlacqtie Atidiard. l't‘arice. Itrtl-li Romain l)ui'is. .\'ie|s .'\restrup. l.inli l)arn l’ham. limmanuelle l)eyos. lttbrnni. A stunning remake of James 'l‘oback's W‘s srnall thriller l'ilitger'y. (i/rrygon I'i/rii I'ht ii'lir'. (ihiygim .' ('riiiien. [adriibui'g/i.

Bee Season r l2.v\i O. rScotl .\lk'(i(.'llCC/l)il\ ltl Slcgt'l. lb. :lNlSt Ricltal'rl (iei'e. Juliette Brnoche. l'lor'a (’ross, .\la\ .\linghella. lll-lltllll. See reyreyy. page Sb. (it'ltt’l'rl/ I'r’h’rlyr’.

A Bittersweet Life I Is. 000 rSotrth Korea. South Korea. 3(Nl5r llyurig llllll. llyyang Jeong-rnrn. Shin .\lina. Kiiri Young chul. Kriii Roe-ha. llbnnn. See reyieyy. page 3‘). (‘fllt'lltil'ltl Rt'llll'r’u SHIT]. (i/ilyzrm .‘ ('iiir'noi'ld [Jilin/Hugh. lad/ii/iiii‘gh.

The Blind Director ttbcr l.'\lc\.ilitlcl Kluge. (ierrnany. l‘).\(rr | 13mm. The \ ieyy er is placed in the position of ha\ mg to discoyer oy er and oy er his/her eagerness to constiriie a story and be consumed by ll. Kluge laiiients that there is practically only one image that \y c can relate to. and one story yy e can lollo\\. and transforms otir y ieyy rng c\per'relice by laying bare the dey ices of cinema. Screened alongside ly’r'lml‘l as part of the In i/n ’tri'lll

.l/mrrl /.rrrr' li'll Ihr/I'I lli'rli Ihi' llord /.l'l( llllll pt‘ogt'altltllt‘. (til. (ihiygmz.

* Blood for Dracula l Isl COO. tl’atil .\lorrissey. ltaly ‘l'rance. l‘)" 1r l'do Keri. Joe l)al|esandr'o. .\la\rnie .\chendiy, lll.‘~irirri. Delightfully gory and at times estrernely lunny. .\lor'rrssey is distriictiye take on the \anipri'e rnytli lias Kerr's surprisingly

sy rnpathetic bloodsuckcr searching for \ iigrn blood lll Italy. btrt tiiyyartcd by l)allesandio's elforts as an oy er seyed .\lai'yist gardener. \Vatcli otrt loi \ rttoiio l)e Sica and Roman Polanski in canieo roles. Part of l’sycliotroiirc season. (i/mgon [Min [/11 um, (ihiygmc l'l/Hl/IUHH’. ladi/ibriigh,

Breakfast on Pluto r lit... u.\’t-il Jordan. lr'cland l’K. IHHSI l.l.tlll \eeson. (‘illian \ltripliy. Ruth .\egga. l 15min. ligirisyestrtc l’atirck ‘Krtteii' lliadeii's r.\ltrr'pliy i lrle story is recounted in 5H

llltll\ idtially titled chapters. lleK an innocent \yho ignores the realities ot lite. and his iourney yyrnds through \arrous adyentnies. taking the best elements of .loidan's prey iotis liltiis rlrorn l/oriti Inn to (‘irrri/uiiir or

llohr \ r. 'l'he \yliole. lioyy ey er. does iiot lrye up to the sum of its parts .\i r} t it d It it an

* Brokeback Mountain r IMO... r.\iig Ice. (‘8. IHHSr Heath ledger. .lake

(iy lleriliaal. .\liclielle \\ illiains. .\nne llatliaysay l‘lnini. | ec's nitrinate epic poignantly charts a ltllll\ e relationship betyyeen tyyo ranch hands oyei the course ol seyeral decades. In a strong cast I edger is truly outstanding. iiiibriing lirs irraiticnlate character \\llli an aching lnniiaiirty less a gay \\estern than a uinyersally resonant lo\ e story. (fl Ilr I'ti'l' ’( [t (r'\(

The Brothers Grimm : t.‘ \r 0000 r'ler'iy (iillrain. (i/ech Republic l'.\. .‘tllfii Matt Damon. llealli ledger. .\lacken/ie (took. l’cter .\loriiiai‘e. Jonathan l’iice

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ingenuity he can muster. A lilting return for most abused and unctinipronnsrng ol lilnnnakers. (iiiiii o. ldiribrrruh. Casablanca rt’t } r 00000 «Michael (‘nrtr/. l S. l‘l-lli Humphrey Bogart. lrigrrd llerginan. Dooley \\r|son. ltllrnrn. You must i'errienrber this . . llogart beiiig irnpossibly noble. liergrnan torn betyyeen tyyo loyers. (‘laude Rains play ing both ends against the rnrddle. dey rous .\a/is. a togbound airport. a l‘rario l‘la,\er' trnklrnf: that ttiiie. .\ yyonderttil lrrll of beans l’art ol the .\lade in “odd \Var ll season IIiIIIl/lllIIH'. Lt/lIl/illl'Q/l.

The Cat Returns «tr 0.. «Hiroyukr .\lorita. Japan. Stitllr \‘oices ol Anne llathayyay. 'liin (’tirry. “Flinn. .\lorrta's enchanting animation from Studio (ilnblr rreleased Ill both subtitled and dubbed yersionsr. It lacks the epic quality of Spirited _\\ til I’ll/[ti \\ .lIHIIUIIH/st'. l‘lll l\ \\Ul'lll clierrsliing loi its energy. riiiagiiiatroii and good humour l’ar't ot \\eans' \\orld liliiihuuu. [pd/ii/ruig/i.

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.‘--:. 'THELIST41