Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 19


I Sophie Bancroft Band 8. Colin Steele Quintet Iron 'l‘lieaire. (it 'I’i'ongale. ‘53 Silllll. Spin. USN). SnioItIei‘ing i.i// \inger Ilaneroll and her hand are loineil in a double lull It} (‘oIin SICK'IL'-\ ilL‘L‘Illllllt‘tI ()tlllllt‘l.


I Beat Root Juice l'lie .I;i// Bar. l ('Iiainlieix Sheet. 33” IN”. ‘I. *Hpni. I-ree. .\li'o heal. I.alin and ska lroin i'exnlenl hand lIie (ioal Slext ()reIiexli'a. [IIIIS I).I Barrie} and the UtItI li\ e guest and \pinner.


I Guest Bands Night the Ian liar. l ('Iianiherx Street. 331111290. ‘Jpni. l'ree I'ealiii‘ing tIlIICIt'III IoeaI giiexl groups eaeIi ueek.


I Swingers Party lirel. W ~13 .Niion lane. 3-13-1060. I (\pni. I'i'ee. I'iink} \UlllItIS Il'ttlli .\IltI_\ \Ixion'x organ IL‘tI group.


I The Mellotones Sit Queen Street liar and Rt‘\l.llll';llll. NI ()iieen Sli'eel. 33(1 51W“. 3 Spin. I'i'ee. .liinni} ’I';i.\|or and hand pla_\ \ongx It} .\le| 'I’ornie and other great ia// \oealixlx.

I House Trio 'I'Iie .Ia// Bar. I (‘Iianilterx Street. 321) 42‘)“. *pin. I'lt‘t'. Rela\etl allei'noon \Iol \HIII llie IIHlISt‘ Il'lil on piano. Iiaxx and drums.

I Renaud Garcia-Fons (‘iiieen'x IlaII. (‘Iei'k Sii‘eel. ooh Illl‘). .Spni. LI5 iL'IIi Ilie renowned I'reneli eonipoxei and |.l// lllll\It'l;llI. tIlll‘l‘L‘tI 'lIie I’aginini ol the tIUlIl‘IL‘ In“: Ill\t‘\ Ille \lllIII\I\ HI .\niIaIii\ia. .’\lriea and South .»\ineriea.

I Neil Fitzgerald and Friends Kit ()ueen Street liar and Rexlaiiranl. .Sll Queen Sheet. Ill» Sill)“. ‘Ipin iniiliiiglil, I'IL'L'. IIIC (illhg‘im ~l\;l\t‘tl \irt‘;iIl\l [illh Ill\ \[Hll on a \eIeeiion ol ia// L‘I;l\\lt‘\.

I The Jazz Bar Quintet 'l'lie .Ia// liar. I (‘Iiainl‘erx Slreel. 231) IN“. ‘lpin, I-ree, \'ar_\ing Iine ll[\\ lor IIil\ li\e pieee hand ol lop lllllSIt‘lllllS. put together eaeli \xeek h} inainxla} ol the Ierinhuiin ia// \eene. tIi‘iininiei’ IliII K}Ie.


I Martin Kershaw and Friends l-orili I'Iooi Rexlaiiianl liar tk le';i\\ei'ie. II;ii\e} \ieliolx. ill *1 SI .\lltIlt'\‘.\ Square. 531 S350. I33” 4. illpin. Kt‘l'\ll;l‘-\ I‘IU\I(IL'\ lIie pei'leel lllllSlt‘dI .ietonipaniinenl lo a line Siinila} IiineIi \\lIII Ins \oaiing \a\ \UlllltIS.

I House Trio 'I’Iie ,Ia// Ilar. I ('Iiainlieix Street. Ill) ~13)”. 3pm. I'lt't‘. See Sal II. I Live Jazz ( 'aIe (ii'aiiile. IS-I lilllllISIIL‘ItI I’Iaee. 33S IISS. "pin. I.i\e ia// \iniIe _\oii iIine I liix week \i. illi lIie Roxie Illiie I)iio.

I Bill Kyle’s Electric Fire 'l’lie .la/l liar. I (.Iiilllllk'l'S Sheet. 37.” IT)”. ‘Ipni I'ree I'nnI\_\ Itaeklieal |a// lroiii IIIIS eool gnariel IetI h} .iee tIIllllilllL‘l IliII I\'\Ie aniI lealiii'iiig .\nl I..l\\ on giiilai '


I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session Si) Queen Street liar and Rexlanranl. Sit ()iieen Sli'eel. 23(15ll‘)".‘)pin niiilniglii.

I'ree. I'Iie lrnxl) open \L‘SSIHII niglil \\ itIi ilie Ili‘ll\t' trio. .\II are \wleoine to ioin in the Inn.

I The Great Jazz Jam Session IIIC .I;i// liar. I (.Iliilllllt‘l'S Street. 3211 13‘)”. Upni. I‘lt‘t‘. I'.\peel .i rieIi nii\liire ol \t}le\ ax laeex old and neu drop in lo perlorin

\\ ilh llie IIUUSL‘ trio eaeli \ieek.

Tuesday 24


I Kent DuChaine I.eilli I-olk (’Itilw. 'I’Iie Village. Soiilli I'orl Street. -I'.\' "Slit.

". illpni. LS. Sleepetl in the |egae_\ ol Rohei'l .IUIHhUll. \\ iIIie I)i\on and John It‘t‘ IIiiiiIxL‘l. I)ll(‘Ii;lIIlC I\UIIC1II IIIL‘ \\lII'ItIi\ IIIU\I lL'H‘l't‘tI l‘Illt‘S illll\l\.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet 'I'Iie .la// liar. I (‘Iianilieix Sheet. 231) -I_“)ll. ‘Ipin. I‘l't‘t‘, l p|\eai group It‘ullll'lllg Itill I\'_\Ie ItII'lIIIISI. Doug I'iplatl} i\a\e\l. I’.iii| KIII‘} rpianoi and Kenn (ilaxgou


Wednesday 25


I Bed-Head Sextet [look \ol IFI \\e\l (ieoi'ge Street. 32‘) "50“. .S. Illpni, I'l't‘t‘. ReSltIL‘llt'} IUI’ lIil\ Ile\li (ilgixgim \i\ pieee p|a_\ ing lieliop .lIItl lilnex.


"ii‘i Sheila Jordan and Brian Kellock .|a// (‘enlrtx the | oi. -l (r (il';l\\lllilll\t'l. to“ ill"). \ illpni. L'II. ,\ \\ontlei'liil niinl ol iniixie making ax \poiilaiieous IitIinliui'in pianN Kelloelx. l\ IUIIIt‘tI It} \t‘llSilllitllilI .\'e\\ York \oeaIN Sheila .IUHIJII.

I New Bands Night llie .l.i// Bar. l (’Iiainlteix Slieel. 33” IT)“. ‘lpiii, I‘i'ee. Ilillereni up and eonnng bantlx \Iilt\\e.l\t‘ lIlL‘ll' l;l// lillt‘lll\ Ullt’ll \\ L‘L‘Ix.

Thursday 26


I Malcolm MacFarlane: Burns with Wes Iii/l (It‘llll't‘. lllt‘ I.i\l. I (l (il’.l\\lll;ll'I\L‘l. lo" Sjllll S illpni. Ur r ‘5 I. II.i\ ing \peni lIie laxi \xee \iliile touring \klIIl .Iainie (‘iiIIiinr .\'l‘.ll'I.llIL‘ gelx Iiaek to some earl} inllneneex \ i.i .in unIiI\eI_\ lint Iiiglil) intriguing eornlnnalion ol lunex |\_\ Seollantl's national hard. Ix’olwrl Ilnrnx and the \I}Ii\lie lllliii\.illitli\ oi ia// giiilai gieal \\e\ \Ionlgoinei').

I Beat Root Juice lllt' .la// liar. l ('Iiainlrerx Street. 33H ll‘lll. ‘l. Illpni. I'l't‘t‘. See 'I Illl I‘).


I The Strathclyde University Big Band (ale Soiii'ee. I Sl .\niIre\\ \ Square. SIS (riljll. ‘Ipin. I'i'ee. I lie iini\ei\i1_\\ Ilig Ilanil gel tIll\\II .IIItI pI.i} a \eleelion ol |a// lllllL‘\ hour then e\len\i\ e repertoire.


I Trianglehead .l.i// (‘eninx the l til.

I (r ( il.l\\lll.lli\\‘l. 1h" 57"” S. ‘Hpni, to ~45» SpeeiaI peiloinianee lioni llie \Illlllt‘tl. inipim l\.lllttll.lI liio lo eeIelii‘ale lIie IanneIi ol their tIt‘I‘lII .iI|\iini .I/ii'l/h. I Guest Bands Night 'I'Iie .l;i// Ital. I (‘liainl‘erx Slieei. III! II‘NI ‘inn. I'i'ee. SL‘L' I'll Ill.

Saturday 28


I Jim Whyte Quartet lliel. M iii \\Illilil lane. i-l.‘ I‘Hrlr i (rpni. I'iee \I.Il|l\llt‘.llll |.l//.


I The Mellotones .Sll Queen Street Ilai .lIILI Rexlaiii'anl. Sil (‘Iiieen Slieel. .730 51W", 3 Spin. I‘lt't‘. See Sal II.

I House Trio l'Iie .Ia// liar. l (‘liainlreix Sllt‘t‘l. .33“ If)”. iplll. I'ilCt'. Sk‘t‘ ~\tll I Laura Macdonald plays Cole Porter .la/x (brine. the l iii. in (il.l\\lll.ll'I\t'l. Io“ 5.71M). .\ ‘llpni. L” iUH \ ionianlie Iioniage \\ llIl .i eonleinpoiai} in ISI to the great .\nieiiean \till;_'\\lllt‘| lioni lIIl\ popular \.i\op|ione \l.l|

I The Maria Speight Quintet Si) Queen Street Bar and Rexlaiirani. Sit Queen Street. 320 Sill)". “pm midnight. I-i'ee. Iilllt‘S} \el lroni lIie .\I;II‘;llll;l horn \oeaIN aeelainied tor her iiilei'prelaiionx ol the (in ii! .Inu'i‘ii (II) Sung/le \\ ilIi \iipporl l'roin a top eIa\\ line up.

I The Jazz Bar Quintet Ilie .Ia/l llal‘. I (’Iianiherx Street. 331L121)”. ‘Ipin. I'i'ee. SL‘L‘ Sal I I.

I The Dias Quartet Ilenr} \ ('eIIai‘ Bar. .S Ioa Morrison Sli'eel. 32S 0303. lllpni. H .Ia// IllllIx quartet tronletl h) Ili'a/ilian lriiinpeler Reginaltlo Him. with Holt .\I;ielaren lgiiiiarl. .\ngii\ RUIIIL‘I'IUHI iI‘;l\\l and 'Iei'i‘} Sloan ltll'lllllSl.


I Martin Kershaw and Friends l-'orili I'IUHI' Rexiaurani Ilar ik Bi'axxerie. IIar\e_\ \ieliolx. ll) .i-I Sl .'\II(II'C\\\ Square. 511 S35“. I131) *. illpni. See Sun 33.

I House Trio 'I'Iie .la// liar. I (‘Iianiherx Sii'eel. 330421)“. .‘pni. I‘i'ee. See Sal II. I Mosa Funk Club, Miyagi and Disciples of Planet Earth (‘alwarei Voltaire. ‘0 3S ItIair Street. 321) (»I"(». "pin. Ellie. .\ I‘IL'IItI ol IllllIx. ran and \HIIIItIS \\ ilIi Iiip Iioppier support.

I Bill Kyle’s Electric Fire The .Ial/ liar. I (‘liainherx Street. .73.” ~13)”. ‘lpni. I'i'ee. See Sun 32.

Monday 30


I A Concert for Kevin ()iieenK llall. (‘Ierk Slreel. (roS ZIII‘). 3pm. ‘5 {If :\ \eleelion ol' _\onng lllllSlt'ldlIS pa} ll'll‘lllt' lo the Iile and \xork ol' eeIIixl and arranger Km in .\Ie(‘i'ae in a programme emering \'i\aItIi to DIN} (ilIIt‘SI‘IL‘.

I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session .Sll Queen Street Ilai .lIItI Reslaiiranl. Sll Queen Street. 33(151I‘)".‘lpni niiilniglil. I‘IL'C. SL'L' \IHII 2:.


I The Great Jazz Jam Session IIiL‘ .Ia// liar. I ('Ii;iiiihei\ Street. 331) 429i). ‘Ipni. I'ree. See Mon 23.

Tuesday 31


I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet The Jan Bar. I (‘Iiainherx Street. 230 43‘)“. ‘lplil. I'IL‘L‘. St‘t‘ Itlt‘ l-I.

Wednesday 1


I Bed-Head Sextet I,Io_\iI\ \o. I. ISI \xm (ieorge Street. 32‘) 75M). .S’. illpni. I‘l'L‘t‘. SL‘L‘ \VL'tI :5.


I Les Ecossais .Ia// ('enire. the I.ol. 4/(1(il';t\\lllill'I\L‘l. in.“ 530i), Sfillpni. U) i5 I. IIIC lieu \\ a\ e ol' Seollixli ja/l. l'eatin‘ing \a\opIioiii\l IIIL‘H I‘orrext. I’hilip (‘artlueII on trumpet. Iiiian Sieplienxon on piano. Iiiian Burton on Itaxx and Doug IIoiiin on tIl'lllll\.

I New Bands Night IIIL‘ .|a// Bar. | (.IIilIIIl‘L‘I'S SII'L‘L‘I. 22H 43‘)“. ‘lplil. I'IL‘L‘. See Wed 35.

I Louise Dodds 'I'Iie .Iain IIUUSL‘. 5 Queen Street. 230113.“). 0315 I I.-l$pin. I'ree. 'I'Iie \oeali\l piitx in a perlornianee at the eil_\ \ neuext Ii\ e lilll\lt' \enue lor the IiiIinIiiirin leg ol' Iier eurreni I'K lour.

Thursday 2


I Tessa Souter .Ia/l Centre. the lot.

I/(r (il';l\\lll;ll'I\L‘I. 407 531M). Nillplll. {S

iE—i. ()nl) Seoltixli dale l'or ilie I'S singer

\\Il(t ax ainone IiieI\_\ enough to ealeIi

her at Ronnie Seoll\ i'eeenil} \xill textil'} Il;l\ a \oiee \xliieli ix iel'leetne. Ii}pnolie

and \L‘l'ltiUS.

I Beat Root Juice 'l'lie .Ia/I Bar. l

(‘Iiainherx Slreel. Ill) 4200. l), \llpin. I‘ree.

See IIltl I‘).

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In .‘ i a-:‘ .‘ .w THE LIST 67