I In Flagrant Delicht Tron Theatre. Split. £14. See Sat .31.

I Susana Seviane and Finlay MacDonald Band The Archex. Argyle Street. 353 8000. 8pm. £14. Blixtering tunex on the pipex and liddle. plux talented gaita performer Suxana Sey iane.

I The Dubliners Royal ('oncert Hall. 8.15pm. £1(t £18. lrixh lolk yeteranx. who haye been togetlter xince l‘)(i3.


I His Worship and the Pig \Vee 1-‘olk (‘lub. Royal ()ak. lnlirmary Street. 557 3970. 8.30pm. £3.


I The Rambling Boys Royal ('oncert Hall. 7.30pm. £16 £18. Mtixicianx lt'ottt 15011] xtdex 01. the Atlantic \\ illt lit‘ic‘ Bugle. Archie liixher. 1)ick (iaughan. attd more. I Songs of Scotland The l'niyerxal Bar. 7.45pm. £8.50. An eyening dedicated to tlte tnttxic ol' the Ne ol' l'ixt. with Margaret ('allan and l'riendx.

I Bernadette Colliers Session (ilaxgow l-‘ringe l.auric'x Bar. King Street. Free.

I Frances Black Royal (‘oneert Hall. 8pm. £14. An eyening ol' contemporary and traditional muxic from the xuccexxt'ul lt'txlt xottgxlt'cxx.

I Master and Apprentice The Piping ('entre. 8pm. £10. liiddle niuxic lrom l,auren Mac(’oll. holder ol' the BB(’ Radio 3 Young l‘olk Award and more.

Tuesday 24


I Songs of Scotland The l'niyerxal Bar. 7.45pm. £8.50. An eyening dedicated to the muxie o1 Perth and Klilt‘ttxx. with l)orix Rougy ie and liw en Sutherland.

I Open Stage (ilaxgow 1"t'inge Acouxtic (’entre. King Street. 8pm. liree. Vote for the bext three perhirtnancex.

I Chus Pedro and Nolwenn Korbell Royal (‘oncert Hall. 8pm. £13.50. France and Spain come together l'or ('('.

I Guitar Summit The Piping ('entre. 8pm. £13. l't‘ttlltl'lttg' the Anna Maxxie Battd and l-‘riendx.

I Renaud Garcia-Fons Trio Tron 'l'heatre. 8pm. £13.50 (£0.50). The renowned l-‘rench compoxer/ tnuxician ix joined by llatttenco guitarixt Antonio

Rut/ and pet'cuxxionixt Jorge 'l‘raxante.

I Kathyrn Tickell Band with Anxo Lorenzo The Old liruitntarket. 8.30pm. £14. Renowned lor her Northtunbrian xtnall pipe playing and her liddle prowexx.


I Ceilidh Club The lot. (iraxxmarket. 335 330‘). 8pm. £(i. Dancing. liddlerx and callerx to lead you through the xtepx.

Wednesday 25


I Burns Night ()ran Mor. (ireat Wextern Road. 357 (i300. 7pm. £30. Join guext .xpeakerx Alec McSherry. 1)a\e Anderxon attd Joy ce Falconer for a traditional eyening celebrating the bard. I An Evening with Michael Marra, Robert Burns and Friends Brel. ,-\xlllt)ll Lane. 0870 330 11(t. 7.30pm. £40. A xlap-up Burnx dinner followed by Scotland\ loremmt xinger/xongwriter. I Capercaillie with Chus Pedro Royal ('oncert Hal . 7.30pm. £16 £18. 1-‘ronted by the xtnootlt \ocalx of Karen Mathexon.

I Songs of Scotland The l'niyerxal Bar. 7.45pm. £8.50. Art eyening dedicated to the tttttxtc 01~ Skye. with Margaret Bennett and othcrx.

I Master and Apprentice The Piping ('entre. 8pm. £10. BB(‘ Young 'l’raditional Muxician ol' the Year w inner Stuart (‘axxellx ix joined by outxtanding maxtet‘ piper l‘red Morrixou.

I Michael Simons Tchat ()yna. l)eanxton 1)ri\e. 0141 04*) 7358. 8pm. £3. (ilaxgow guitarixt playing l'olk and bluex.

I Ale Moller’s World Heritage Orchestra The Old 1‘t'ttitmarket. 9.30pm. £14. See preview page 56.


I Edinburgh Folk Club Burns Night lidinburgh 1"olk (‘lub. (‘abaret Bar. the l’leaxattce. (350 334*). 8pm. 1.on ol' xinging. a drain. haggix. tieepx and tattiex.


I Songs of Scotland The t'niy-erxal Bar. 7.45pm. £8.50. An eyening dedicated to the tnuxic of Aberdeen. with Norman Kennedy. l’ete Shepheard. Tom Spierx and Arthur \Vatxon.

I Songwriting Competition Final (ilaxgow' l‘ringe Acouxtic (‘entre. King Street. 8pm. £4. (i qualitierx battle it out with 30-minute .xlotx eaclt.

I Christine Hanson: The Ballad of Sam McGee Tron Theatre. 8pm. £13.50. (‘ellixt ('hrixtine Hanxon returnx with her New \‘oicex piece. which wax inxpired by Robert Sery ice'x poem. The (‘renutu‘on of Sam .l’('(;¢’('. Narratiye by Michael Marra. I Hans Theessink with Bruce Molsky The Piping ('entre. 8pm. £13. The Dutch bluextnaxter draws on American rootx. t‘olk attd Rth. and ix joined by [S liddler Molxky.

I Luar Na Lubre with Eivor Royal (’oncert Hall. 8pm. £14. l‘irxt claxx (ialieian muxic.

I Scottish Women ()ld Fruitmarket. 8.30pm. RL‘xL‘lthtllL‘d repeat ey'ent. A broad range of Scotx xingerx.


I Burns Night ()ran Mor. (ireat \Vextern Road. 357 (>300. 7pm. £30. See \Vt‘d 35.

I Danu attd Dochas 'l‘lte At‘chex. 7.30pm. £14. Acouxtic xeyen-piece joined by the award winning lrixh/Scottixh l)ttclt;tx.

I Marita Royal ('oncert Hall. 7.30pm. £16 £18. Making w ayex on the world tnuxic xcene. l’ortugttexe xinger rewot'kx the national tnuxic ol lado. ax paxxionale ax blttex and tango.

I Songs of Scotland The t'niyerxal Bar. 7.45pm. £8.50. Art eyening dedicated to the tnuxic ol' Moidat't. 1.ochaber atid \Vexter Roxx. With ('harlie Mac(’oll. Allan .\1acl)onald. Steyen Maclyet' and Margaret Mac1.e|lan.

I Tom Clelland, George Martin, John McMeekin, Adam McCullogh, Trilogy, Carol Howard and Tighnamarra (ilaxgow l-‘ringe Acottxtic (‘entre. King Street. 8pm. £3.

I Around the World in 80 Minutes: Aly Bain and Ale Moller Royal ('oncert Hall. 8pm. £14. See prey iew. page 50..

I Elle and the Boys’ Tt'ott 'l‘heatre. 8pm. £13.50. lilxpeth ('owie ix joined by (iibb Todd. Tattt White. Brian McNeill and Dick (iaughan.

I Skipinnish The Piping (‘entre. 8pm. £13. (ireat \Vext lligltland datice muxic from the 'l'it'ee/l .ochaber hand.

I Hans Theessink Band and lnsignizi with the Steve Philips Band The Old liruittnarket. 9.30pm. £15. The Auxtria-baxed Dutch bluexman perl‘ortnx with a capella Zimbabwean goxpel harmony group lnxingi/i.

Saturday 28


I For Auld Lang Syne Royal (‘oneert Hall. 1pm. £10. A celebration of Burnx with Margaret Bennett anx l't'iendx.

I Celtic Connections Showcase Piping (‘etttte 3pm. £7.50. See Sat 31. I The Young Tradition: Feis Rois Royal (‘ottcert Hall. 3pm. £7.50. 35 teettagerx perform ax l't‘lx Roix celebralex itx traditional muxic. xong. dance and (iaelic language tuition.

I Flook meets Luar Na Lubre The Archex. 7.30pm. £14. lrixh—baxed tlute

\ irtuoxity meetx contemporary beatx.

I Matt McGinn Tribute (ilaxgow Fringe Aeouxtic ('entre. King Street. 8pm. £4. With the ('ameron Brotherx. the McKennax. Andy Hamilton.

I Songs of Scotland The t‘niyerxal Bar. 7.45pm. £8.50. An eyening dedicated to the muxic ol' Shetland attd ()rkney. with Jillian lxbixter and lil'lL‘lldx.

I Celebrating Ireland’s Finest with Finbar Furey and Frankie Gavin Royal ('oncert Hall. 8pm. £l(t. (ieniuxex on uillean pipex and liddle.

I Master and Apprentice The Piping ('entre. 8pm. £10. (‘aluni .\1ac('rinunon with Allan MacDonald. and Sarah .\'ay1or with Angux (irant.

I Robin and Bina Williamson Trott 'l'lteatre. 8pm. £13.50. A new xelection ol' tttuxic atid xpoken word lrom l'ot‘mer Incredible String Band l'ounder Robiti \Villiatnxon.

I Yves Lambert and the Bebert Orchestra with Danu The Old liruittnarket. 9.30pm. £15. Once the front titan of Quebec batid l.a Bottine Souriante. the xinger. accordion and mouth organ playergoex xolo.


I Morning Gospel Concert: Hans Theessink and Insignizi Royal (‘oncert Hall. llatti. £10. Start the day with Dutch bluexntan and [itnbalwyean group lnxigni/i.

I The Young Tradition: Young Musicians Crossing Borders The l’iping ('entre. 3pm. £7.50. Hear the l‘uture ol tolk tttuxic'.’

I lshbel MacAskill’s Taste of the Fest Tron 'l‘heatre. 4pm. £7.50. (iuextx from the 1‘extiyal'x programme.

I Celtic Connections Transatlantic Sessions Royal ('oncert Hall. 7.30pm. £31 £33.50. Roolx at‘lixlx lt‘ttttt Scotland. Ireland and the [S hoxted by Aly Batu. I Songs of Scotland The l'niyerxal Bar. 7.45pm. £8.50. An exciting dedicated to the ttiuxic ol' (ilaxgow. with Arthur Johnxtone and the Starx Band.

I Open Stage Final (ilaxgow l-‘ringe Riyet‘xide (‘Iub. l"o\ Street. b.30pm. £6 (£5). littlltm ed by a ceilidh dance with the ('attteron Brotherx.

I Kevin Henderson and Henrik Jansberg The Piping ('entre. 8pm. £10. The Shetland liddler joinx Denmark'x Henrik Janxberg.

I Rory Campbell’s ‘The Blow Show’ Tron 'I'heatt'e. 8pm. £13.50. 1p and cotning artixtx limit the Scottixh atid l-‘rench inuxic xcene. including Ko and .ltth‘plttttL‘. jultt ()ld Blind Dogx‘ piper/

w hixtle play er ('ampbell.

I Cliar and Session A9 The Old liruittnarket. 9.30pm. £14. A concert ol (iaelic xottg and Highland liddling.


I Chinese New Year: Year of the Dog Royal Muxeum llawthornden (‘ourt. ('hatnberx Street. 347 4319/4433. 13.45pm. 1.45pm. 3.45pm ck 3.45pm. Free. (long \i la cail Welcome the new year 111 xty‘le with muxic and dance.

I Tony Mitchell \Vee l-‘olk (‘1ub. Royal Oak. lnlirtnary Street. 557 3076. 8.30pm. £3. lidinburgh guitarixt and xinger.


I Plastic Chairs Royal Muxeum. (‘hatnberx Street. 347 431‘). b.30pm. l‘ree. (‘ontetnporary loot-tapping (ireek rootx muxic.

I Cantrip l.eith l-‘olk (‘lub. The Village. South l-‘ort Street. 478 7810. 7.30pm. £5. Yiddixh. Swedixh. l-‘innixh. lrixh. Baxque and Breton tunex. lor xtarterx.

I Ceilidh Club The lot. (iraxxtnarket. 335 330‘). 8pm. £(i. See Tue 34.

Wednesday 1


I New Celeste lidinburgh 1‘olk (‘1ub. ('abat'et Bar. the l’leaxattce. (150 334‘). Split. £01134 £51. SL‘L‘ Wed 3.5.

1 a 1’ t i” w. 11

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to morag.bruce@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Carol Main.


3Z3 BBC SSO Thursday Night Series (‘ity Hall. (‘andleriggx. 353 3000. 7.30pm. £9 £31.50. See llil l.t\1. I RSNO Pops: An Evening with James Bond Royal (‘oneert Hall. 2 Sattchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £14 £31. Thix ix your chance to hear the RS.\'() play tttnex from the glatnour-lext that ix the Jamex Botid lranchixe. l".\pect all the hitx.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen'x llall. ('lerk Street. («)8 301‘). 7.30pm. (ireat tttttxic l'rom l’arix condttcted by the legendary liranx Briiggen. Mo/art‘x Srnt/t/m/ir .\'u .i/ datex t't'om hix extended \ ixit to the l‘rench capital in 1778. ll ix on a grand xcale characterixtic ol' l’arixian orchextral tnuxic ol' the time.


I Scottish Ensemble: Lunchtime Concert RSAKH). 1011 RL'lllTL‘“ Street. 333 5057. 1pm. £7 (£5). Muxic inxpired h) the enxemble’x forthcoming Hit—‘11 l‘lyerx tour around Scotland. including workx by ('opland and Mendelxxohn.

I Hebrides Ensemble Side-by- Side with the RSAMD Sinfonietta RSAMl). 100 Renlrew Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). The RSAMl) Sinl‘ottietta were formed to xpecialixe in niuxic ol' the 30th and 31xt cetttttriex. ln thix perlortnance they 're joined by the llL‘lit'ldc‘x linxcmble \\ Illt L'tttttlttclttt' William ('onway to perform lidward Harper'x recent arrangement ol' Mahler'x Kim/emtli'lt/ii'i/er. a new work by Alixtait' ('larkxon and l.igeti'x ('Imntlu'r (‘Hllct‘l'ltk


I RSNO Pops: An Evening with James Bond l’xher Hall. l.othian Road. 338 1155. 7.30pm. £13 £30. See Thu 1‘).


i=3: Score! (‘(‘..\. .tso Sauchteltall Street. 353 4000. 3 0pm. l‘t'ee £4 lday paxx: £151£1311. See 1111 l.ix1.

I BBC Radio 3 Day: The Early Music Show (‘in Hall. ('andleriggx. 353 8000. 1 3pm. l-‘ree. limited to two ticketx per application. l’t'exented by (‘atherine Bott. with Andrew 1.awt'ence- King and the Harp ('onxort w ho xhowcaxe the wordx ol Robert Burnx in unuxual muxical xettingx.


I RSAMD Youthworks Music Concert RSAMD. I00 Renl'rew Street. .553 50.57. .3pttl. l'TCL‘. ltL‘lxclcd. l'ittloy .I concert by the RSAMD'x primary kidx. who dettionxtrate the progrexx they "ye made on their choxen inxtrutnentx. .-\ concert for all the lamily.

Wednesday 25


I RSAMD String Department Concert RSAMD. I00 Renlt'cw Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. Free. ticketed. Stttdentx bout the xtrittg department prexent a \aried programme ol' chamber ntuxic.

‘5) .la". .3 lot? 3.14M THE LIST 69