i. -_


BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Thursday Night Series Moving from Broadcasting House into the heart of its home city is probably the most significant event for the BBC 830 in its 70 year history. Hear them with charismatic chief conductor llan Volkov as they enter their exciting new era with the first concert in a regular Thursday evening series. City Hal/s. Glasgow, Thu 79 Jan. Score! Joining forces With the Society for the Promotion of New Music. the Scottish Ensemble gives musrcians of whatever age the chance to work with composers such as James MacMillan and John Woolrich. who will lead composrtion and performance workshops as well as one-to-one advice sessions. Time to dust off that old manuscript and present it to the experts. Woolrich's Blue Drowning gets its Scottish premiere. CCA. Glasgow, Sat 27 Jan.

Scottish Chamber Orchestra It's the week of the 250th anniversary of Mozart 's birth. and Mozart-mania is in full flight. The SCO's pairing of the classical genius of the birthday boy with the neoclassical genius of Prokofiev is one not to be missed at this peak of the celebrations. Queen’s Hall. Edinburgh, Thu 26 Jan; City Halls, Glasgow. Fri 27 Jan.

Thursday 26


I Cendrillon 'l‘heatt'e Ro}al. ZS: llope Street. 332 (Mill). 7.30pm. £13 £20. xlilSSL‘llt‘l’S \t‘l'\toll ol tlte ('inderella slot} is per‘lor'med h} the RS;\.\ll) opera department and \ttlllt‘ )oung singers lrom the St l’eterxhiii'g State (‘onxerxatoiie

I RSNO: Deneve conducts Elgar’s Cello Concerto Rinal (‘oneert Hall. 2 Satlehiehall Street. 353 Hiltltl, 7.30pm. Stephane l)ene\ e \etx ptll\L‘\ raeing \\ till his aeeount oi Strauxx' /)un .lrmrr. (’oupled \xith llll\ l\ l<ott\\t'l\ lfrri’r Irrrx uru/ xlrr'm/m' and ol eourxe lilgat'\ llltllellllL‘L‘lll (ti/r) (irrllr (’I'IU \\ illl supreme \tlltthl Ralph Krrxhhaum.

I Royal Scottish Academy Brass RS:\.\ll). llll) Renlt‘eu Sll‘L'L'l. 3.33 505—7. 7.30pm. l‘ree. tielxeted. lil')illl .\llen directs a \\ ide ranging programme ol muxie tor hraxx ensemhle h} Anthon} llolhorne. Benjamin llritten and Duke lillington l'eaturin;t \olo trumpet perl'ormed h} Mark O'Keeffe

70 THE LIST "' lzio I’M-t; iv


I RSAMD at the N65: The Arco Quartet National (ialler) ol- Seotland. 'l'he Mound. 024 (Coo. o (i..3(lpm. l‘ree. ltalianinllueneed perl'ormanee h_\ the string department.

Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen's llttll. (.lL‘l'h Sll'L‘t‘l. ()(tiS :lll‘). 7.30pm. L'S' 03.50. See Hit l.l\l


I Lunchtime Concert: Mozart’s 250th Birthday RS.'\.\ll). ltlll Rent'reu Street. 333 505"“. lptn. 9;" H5). RS.-\.\ll) students present a programme ol~ some ot' his most lo\ ed ehamher muxie. ineluding; I’ll/[Ill (‘uni trio in (' rim/or. \\ ith the \\ inner ol' llte .loek llolden \lentol‘ial .\lo/at‘t l’l‘l/e. Yoon Kym; Kim.

I Mozart’s 250th Birthday: A Celebration RSAMI). loll Renlreu Street. 333 5057. 3.3llpin. L3 ’l‘he RS.-\.\ll) present a unique eollahoration hetxteen the lilm. muxie and drama departments to eelehrate ol' \\'oll;_'ang_'\ hirthda}. lnxpired h} the \oltlllte\ ol l'amil} letters. this eoneert promises to re\eal art une\peeted \ ten ol .\lo/art through the e} ex ol hix u il'e (’onxtan/a. ilk! Scottish Chamber Orchestra ('it_\ llallx. ('andlerieex. 3.33 Still“. 7.3llptn. See 'l'htt 3r».


I RSNO: Deneve conducts Elgar’s Cello Concerto t'xlier llall. lolliiaii Road. DIS ll53. 7.3(lpm. {l3 [3”. See 'l'hu lo.

I Brahms’ Violin Sonatas l’ol\\at'lll Parish (’hureh. 3o l’oluarth 'l'erraee. lielxetx: rim 8-HT “pm. [7 tL'S/L‘Zi. l’it'xt ol' three l‘rrda} exerting eoneertx. eaeh t'eaturing a Brahms \ iolin \onata pla_\ed h} lleetot' Seotl on \ iolin. and .lulia l._\neh on piano. liax} listening: pieeex h} \'i\aldi. onrak attd Kt‘eixler eotnplele their programmes. ('oneertx are lolloxt ed h} a (hat ‘l'eahotixe reeeption.

I Edinburgh Symphony Baroque: Mozart Symphony Baroque St (.L‘L‘tlttlS llttll. \ltltll‘} Slt't‘el. (tttS :(ll‘). Spin. Programme tneludex Diminuni't' (Jtritt‘lt'l. .Sr'n'nrti/r' tor /.\' llr/Ir/ lrtxlrrrmi'nlx and a piano eoneet'lo pla}ed h} .lohn Kilehen on a reproduetion ot a Viennese piano ol' e. I Still.

I The Da Vinci Piano Trio \Vinton llouxe. l’eneaitland. 353 Silllfl. "limit. Ell). 'l‘he internationth renouned muxieianx perform a trihttte to Sall_\ lleantish l\\ho introdueex the eoneert l.

Saturday 28


I Cendrillon 'l‘heatre Rinal. 283 Hope Street. 333 ‘)lltltl. T3llptn. [l3 L20. See lllll 3r».


I Chapel Organ Inaugural Concert The (’hapel. l'ni\er\it_\ ol(il;t\;_'o\\. l'nixerxit) .v\\enue. Ht) -1005. 3pm. 'l'he (‘hapel (‘hoir eelehrate the ne\\ l_\ relurhixhed organ \\ ith a programme ol muxie h} llaeh. (iilex Stunne. \Valton. lltlllll\lt .\le('unn and James .\lae.\lillan.


I A Concert for Kevin ()ueen’x llall. (‘lerlx Street. (iris Jill‘). 3pm. £5 US. .'\ \eleetion ot' )tlllllfJ tnuxieianx pa} trthttte lo the lite and \\orl\ ol Ke\ ill .\le( the in a programme eo\erin;_' all haxex trotn \'i\aldi to l)i//_\ (iillexpie.

Monday 30


I BBC Radio 3’s: Discovering Music ('il} llall. (Kitltllet‘iggx. 353 Still”. I 3pm, 9.5. Stephen Johnson presents an 'open heart singer)" \e\\ltlll on Ra\e|\ .l/oI/ir'r (hum; \\|lll eonduetot' Baldtn' Ht'onnintann.

I Paragon Ensemble: 25th Anniversary Concert 'l’lie ()ltl


itsxiw *1;

.Ei-‘;?~"\."’ 2N PARAGON ENSEMBLE 25TH ANNIVERSARY Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow, Mon 30 Jan; Greyfriars, Edinburgh, Tue 31 Jan

For 25 years, Glasgow’s Paragon Ensemble have been at the forefront of contemporary music in Scotland. Commissioning new music, especially from young composers, has always been a prominent feature and now inspires the celebration concerts, the first of which takes place in the newly opened Old Fruitmarket at City Halls.

James MacMillan’s Exorcism of Rio Sumpul was written for Paragon in 1990, the year that Glasgow proudly bore the European City of Culture crown, but its punch remains powerful 16 years later. A depiction of the savage helicopter attack made by El Salvadorean troops on a village in 1986, when, amazingly, no-one was killed, the now orchestrated piece is heard here in its original chamber version. The new commission is Dead Toys by the increasingly recognised young Scot, Oliver Searle.

Recently appointed creative director of Paragon is Ninian Perry, who has been involved with the group from the beginning, primarily as double bass player and, more recently, in charge of the blossoming community education programme. ‘We work with people with disabilities, children with special needs, students, elderly Chinese people and refugees. The principal process is for people to be involved in creating music. The 25th anniversary concert is a microcosm of this vital part of our work as it is also about commissioning, creativity and performance,’ says Perry.

For the future, Perry sees more, even bolder, experimental commissioning. A project bringing radio-transmitted sound to the Clyde Tunnel is in the offing, as is a collaboration with Theatre Cryptic in a brand new piece from Gavin Bryars and a dance project as part of New Territories. For Perry, the original territory of the double bass is on hold until he works out how the new organisational string to his bow might

allow him time to play it. (Carol Main)

l'rtntmarket. \lhion Street. LS” 55l l, Spin, t; l JSee pre\ ie\\. ahm e.


I A Viennese Strauss Gala ltriinton 'l'heatre. l..id\ \\ ell \\‘.i\, \lllxxt‘ll‘lll'g‘ll. (iris 311i). ".3llptn. tl'z in l w». .\ l't‘L'l'L‘illlttll til lllt‘ \‘lL'llllk'\L‘ lL‘\ll\L‘ \L‘;l\tlll ineot‘poralinj: some of Strauxx' ntaxterpieeex .t\ \\ ell ax lll}.‘llllf_‘lll\ ol operettax h} Kalntan and l.ehar l’ertornted It} \oloixtx trom ()pera \orth. l'.\( l and l)'( )_\ l_\ ('at‘te. \\ ith eonduetot' \lalthen l'reentan tront tlte Rinal l’hilhartnonie.

I Alban Gerhardt and Steven Osborne ()llt‘x‘th llilll. (ilk'l'h Sll't‘t'l. (iris jolti itfipni. L‘ltl L‘l'" it" L‘lSi, ('ello and piano dtio.

Wednesday 1


I Piano Competition Ix‘S.\.\ll). loo Renlren Street. 333 5H5“. 3pm. l't'ee. tleketed. 'l'he l’eler l.llltl\;l} .\ltllet l’rt/e lor l’iano l)tto l\ auaided tor a eompeliln e perlol'manee ol \\ot'l\\ h_\ lx’a\el arid l’oulene.


I Cendrillon l'exll\.ll 'l heatie. I 3 2*) \ieolxon Street. 33‘) ollllll, 7. l ipm.

l; l 3 [Ill See llltl 3h.

Thursday 2


I RSNO: Deneve conducts Beethoven Seven tonal (‘oneert llall. ..‘ Sauehtehall Street. 353 Slllltl

". 3tlpnt. \n melting: of e\hilaration l'roin Stephane l)ene\ e and his orehe\lra. \\ ith the dramatie. _\et intenxel} heautil'ul \ioltn ('oneet'lo \o I. \It'litmiir/t/Imi'r: h_\ l’endereeki, .v\nd. ot eourxe. the leHl'lttth lieethm en \}rttp|ton_\ that lend\ the night ll\ title.

I Music in the University: Da Vinci Piano Trio (ilaxeim l'nixerxit} ('oneert llall. l'ni\er\it_\ .v\\enue. 3 30 ill”). l.|ll 3pm. .\ perlortnanee ot l";tttt'e\ .l/lt/(Hllt' III /-.' Ill/l. Stratle liri/mn [wt/rut and |)ehu\\_\ \ I’ll/tin lr'iu.


I Cendrillon textual 'l'lieatre. I 3 2‘) \lt'tllxttll .Sll't't‘l. 53‘) ltllllll. q. l Stilt].

L. l 3 (Ill. See lhtt :o.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart 250: Master and Pupil ()ueenK llall. (‘lerk Street. ooS lel‘l. “.3llpni. LES LC 3.5”. .lohann \epontuk lltnninel studied \\ ith .\lo/;tt't attd “as a ehtld prodie} uho estahlixhed a eareer ax a [\lallhl and eompoxer. the haunting; heatll} ol htx ntaxtet‘\ ('lirr‘lnr'l (it/1i ('I'Il‘. \\llll the S(‘()'\ o\\ll .\la\imlltano Martin ;I\ \ttlol\l. l\ the centrepiece ltt‘l't‘.