Visual Art

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY ll‘llt' \Ititiiitl. 335 (Ni—7|. .\Iun Sat

lllgnn 5pm; Sun ntmn .5pin.

In Residence: The RSA at Hospitalfield l’I'i 3t) Jan Sun I: l‘t‘h. \Vni'k h} Kult' ()anx. \Iui‘tint- .\I_\i‘up. .'\Illlil (ii‘;i_\ .intl Snsnnngih Slt‘wnx. pltix nt'\\ pi'nit't'tx Iiuin .n‘lixtx .mnrtlctl lltixpllttllit‘ltl lt‘xltlt‘tlt‘ltN Ii} lllL‘ RSA Ni ‘.'. >5? 1'.

Visual Arts Scotland Open Exhibition 2006 Sat 2] Jun [hit 23 l't‘l‘. .\ll\t‘tl t‘\llll\llltllt. lNE \.". fi’ ‘(

I SCOTTISH POETRY LIBRARY 5 ('I‘it‘htun'x ('Imt'. (‘nnnngnltz 557 3870. Mon l’i'i l|.nn (illIllI 8n!

ntmn -lpin.

Through the Letterbox l'nnl Sui .1 l't'h. l'i‘t't‘. .v\n t'\|nhilmn illtnnin.iting tht‘ nmking (ll .t hunk t'untuining llttllxlh “illicit h) lntt‘ St‘nlllxh Rk'llill\\illlk'k‘ pnt‘l. (it‘ni'gc Hunt. and llllhll'illt‘tl h} luli/nht'th llldt‘kntltlt'I.


23 ('m‘lxhui‘n 8ti‘t‘ct. (i3: (illlll.

Wild West I ntil Sun 3‘) Jun. :\ with OI \llHI'l .ininmtt'tl Spaghetti \Vt‘xtt‘inx t‘i't‘utt‘tl h) Rut) llunnltun illltl Silk) Bust. \xhit‘h tum l‘L‘ such and hand II] the \\lIItlt)\\\ til thc gullci'} ll'tllll

Spin Illpni L'dL h tl;i_\ 1.5m? 1;: MNQE it ) SE 5


lluuthni‘ntlt'n lt‘t‘ltn't‘ 'l'ht'uti'c. \gtlinnul (inllci'). lllt' Mound. (ill (i500. Earth’s Humid Bubbles: Turner and a New Understanding of Nature 'lhn l‘) .l;in. (x it) 8.30pm £8. lqu h} In .l.nnt‘\ lluiniltnn hunt the l‘niwi'xil} nl liiiiiiingliuin 'l it‘lwt pI'It't‘ int‘lntlt‘x il pmutc \ it-xx tut tht' t'\hihitiun.

Charles Rennie Mackintosh: Artistry in Design Inc It .l;in.

l2.-l5 l,.ill|ilii l'i't‘c. I’nniclu lx’oht'i'twn ltHll\\ ;tl lltt‘ llllt‘t' t't‘lulltilt lX'l“ t‘t‘lt lllL‘ thllt'i't‘nt tl\l‘k'\'l\ (ll .\'kinlu\h\ \\ttl‘l\. Turner and Venice Iii 3" Jun.

Ill-l5 l.5(l]‘lll l'it‘c. lllnxlrult‘tl talk h} l‘lttlilx \liliit'i'.

Decoding Art: Selective Memory 'lut' 3| .lnn. l3.»15 l. illpin. l'I‘t't'. Kii'xtit' Shlllllt‘l' limb in detail :it the lllt'lllL'\ I'nixt‘tl 1n Silt I [III .llt'mn/t

Private Galleries


75/“) (‘tnnht'lhtntl Stit‘ct. 558 3 i5:. \Vt‘tl Sal ll.nn (\PIII.

Jo Milne 'lhn _‘ l‘t‘l‘ 'l‘hn 3 .\I.n \Vni'k t'\plniing lllt' \\tll'l\lll:J\ til tct‘hnulng} and (tidal (ttlllllllllllt‘dlltlll thi'ntigh puinl. M ‘.'.‘ ii'i '


|()_‘ \cht Him, Ill) llhtll. \lnn Sui Want 5. illpin.

The Forest you Live in Need Not Become a Jungle t'nnl Sui l I [I‘ll No“ with h} lulph :intl l)l\l.

a t , O .

Susannah Stevens

82THELIST ' ,z' i--: W

_ Royal Scottis Admission Free T0131 225 6671 www.royalscottishacademyorg


r”: ll lg, at?"

Wild West

Spaghetti Westerns appropriated by Rory Hamilton and Sucky Best are projected from behind the windows of the Cockburn Street gallery. The artists snatch moments of cliched action, and

surplus details are deleted. All that remains are the silhouettes of the hero, a horse and the soundtrack.

I x): ”,i. I (I'm! {kiln}, , .lt'... t>iI-" (/,) \jti/x

I CORN EXCHANGE GALLERY (pnxtiltttinn Sti't‘t‘t. 5(il 73H”. \Vt‘tl Silt Iluni 4.30pm. I’tcc.

Florencia Durante 'I hit 2 I‘d» 'l'hu It) .\l;n‘. 'l'hc inuuguml mlnhitinn lot this nu“ ggillt'i} kicks nll \\itll phutngi'uphit~ \\t)l'l\\ h} this Argentinian hm'n. l.t)lltltl|l huxt'tl tll'll\l. NE is! l(


() (Inltun ’l'ci'i'ut‘t‘. 55044.11. Inc Sat Illuin 5pm.

Jon Schueler: Five Decades l'il'l 27' .lnn Sat ll .\I;n'. Ii\|nhitinn

int‘urpuinting liw kc) pit‘ttn'w limit the

lntt‘ :n‘tlxl'x pint‘lit‘t' lictut‘cn I‘M” and I‘m“. :it‘t‘nnipzinit‘tl h} i't‘ltwunt \\t)l'l\\ on paper. Nl ‘\.'.’ :3! it )‘.'..


()5 Hit Show. l.L‘llll. 55* 52.55.

.\lnn l'l'l llznn 5pm. Sat lluin 4pm. For a’ that 8.1! II Jan Sun I‘) l’ch.

:\n t‘\hihitiun lll\|lII'L‘tl h} the \\Ul'l\ til" Rnht‘i‘t Burns, Ni V‘." Si it )‘t'\.‘.

_ 20 Jan - 12 Feb IN RESIDENCE

RSKat Hospitaltield

Anna Gray - Martine Myrup

Kate Owens Susannah Stevens

h Academy Th‘: Mound Edinburgh

Watercolours for Winter Sui 2|

.lun Sat l8 I‘ch. l’nintingx h} .\Ini';ig l.l(l_\tl\. DCNTIL‘ l.t);tnc. l’clt‘t' (itltltllt'll()\\ untl Dnuglux l’hilipx Nl Si l()\.'.'.


87 Bmuglitnn Sli'cct. 558 8778. Mun. 'l'uc tk 'l'hu 8.11 Illnitlutn 2.30pm X

4.30 (130an

From Passmore to Paolozzi l'ntil Sat 28 Jun. l’i‘int \ulc. l/xSl (Jr l/‘xNCl l() SI i

I OPEN EYE GALLERY 3-1.v\hcrt'i'mnh_\ Place. 557 ltth).

Mun I‘i'i Ilium (ipni: Sat ltluni 4pm. In Every End Lies 3 New Beginning l'ntil Inc 2-1 Jun. \Vni'k h} 8}l\i;i mn llurtinginn. LASI ()HANCZI It) SI I

A Tale of No Cities l'ntil “Cd 25 Jun. ln\ IlL‘tl :n‘tistx highlight thc tltl‘llt‘l't‘llt‘t‘x lk‘l“ L‘L‘ll I\\U L‘lllt‘\ Ul- IllL‘ll' L'llUlL‘L‘ Ill Ilil\ llll\L‘tl lllL‘tlltt \lltl\\. l/\Sl CHANCE 10% l

SWALK Sn! 38 Jun \Vctl l5 l't‘h. Recent plL‘L‘L‘\ It) (itll'tltlll \lilt‘lk‘ll. Ni 2';

Si l()‘.\'.


.lillL‘ l’L‘llt'ult (igtllcl‘). 5| l.IIIlL‘ l‘l'dllL‘L‘ ('i't‘xt'cnt. ()ltl Dulkcith anl. 530 l()()(). Uzini 8pm.

Eye C You l‘nlil Int- ail Jun. ‘);nn 8pm. li\hihitiun til pit'ttn‘t'x L‘lll'illL‘tl h} phntngruphcr l.ukc \Vulwn Innking ill the ItlUl'L‘ inti'it‘ulc \xui'kings ul' lllL‘ lnlii'nizn‘}. lASl (ill/\NCI‘ l() SH.


(‘znnhi'itlgc Slit-ct. 228 I404. Mun Sui ltlnni midnight; Sun (ipin midnight. Love Don’t Live Here Anymore l'ntil Sin l8 l't'h, \Vurk nltl and mm li‘mn pi‘mnt‘utiw pup :n'tixt Bi'};iii ('lui'kc.

Artist Spaces

I PATRIOTHALL GALLERY WASI’S I’ulrinthull Studim. till 48 Hamilton Place. 23.5 l28‘).

Craig Coulthard 8. Barry McLaren l'nlil \Vcd 3.51mi. ltNttllttlinn \mrk. tASl ()l l/‘xNCLE [O St E .

Doris Voetter In 37 Jun Wed 8 I-‘ch. Rcccnt painting and plltiltigl‘ttpll}. NE W Sl K)‘."‘/.

Outside the Cities


I53 Nuthcrgutc. (ll 382 ‘)()‘)‘)()(). Tue. Wed. I'i'i & Sut lt).3(lznn 5.30pm; 'l‘hu Itlfitlum 8.30pm; Sun nnun 5.30pm. * Elizabeth Ogilvie on” t'ntil Sun l2 lich. Muim' new installation h} lllL' Scultixh tll‘llxl exploring thc changing nature til \\;lIL‘I'. Sec Ilitlisl.



I For some cheap art action, January is a good time to get your fix. Many private art galleries or art gallery bookshops have a sale - think January sales with high art overtones. Of course, nearly all galleries are free to get into, but there can be a small charge to get into the bigger public galleries. That said, entrance is free for the annual airing of Turner’s watercolours at the National Galleries of Scotland, a show which is unmissable.