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(lltltu‘lt‘li’f; of tllt‘: f)‘.'.‘r)r/: ~.'.'.:[t.’ “t tv‘uilh New, .., Total ll/a' sip-it} léitit:(7{ii in; ,5... ,t\ ,7” KW,” l'S) I, Ham” Hill-“"1"- 'l 3 lids "amt volt": .'.ll{‘:lt‘: ll‘()fl(‘: t‘.'.«'t) player holtlf; so tita't‘. t.‘«.l|.’;:i_

(Namco) .... that suck you I” (tlttl 'Iait- lia‘mriw ~rn

l‘.(":l‘)',‘()tl “HOME-fl. y, Aril \A

'l ltéttr‘, Nottt‘tttott?)

Vs 2 ‘mt )\ :<l-‘,-’ GOTHAM

.55. (I); pr; RACING 3 pETER (Microsoft) 0000. ‘(lt ): :-( l ii l WT lit-if. KING KONG . (Ubi Soft) O...

‘.£‘t‘. 'l l' “2; ' ’.'.l‘('l‘t {W‘-

.,._. . ' ltl' l' if: ‘i H t, )1 ,‘ " ii OK. so it's l)t:-(:-t‘ out a llttj, itaw‘: ill) Yeats o‘ Ami tale“- ; w: ook at The blggeSt In the world Of consumer tarot;- ‘.'.'lt:l(‘: l>ul '.'."ltll Xixix (ltbf3ll-f:l'ttl‘:l‘. trying; tt‘ [YE/(1: lil7"‘ no 7;)" six-(3:) electronics in be between two different fititit; and 7005) t'(;Il."(l Wazoo/t2 [)Qi‘lt~l‘." mono: " ,r‘ t llil‘: . : , ca“ tot; ust ha). 2rt‘t it; (l rm:- tttta l.":l(2l£t(‘t“.(r sex-:3 ~. “.1,- -:,- i- :ttt' :r, formats. Henry Northmore assesses the battle plan. .5 H l a , H H y. ,_ W _ fl ‘,‘ , " spam; What: tho it vtttat .,l tltitlllfifil at m .: ‘(:-' unit (at. it

ormat wars are common ill the World ol technology. The higgest masses ali or)? hot and gtn’umti (1'i(:ll\ll)~f} It :rt, ' (vol 1! light since VllS ys Betamax will take place this year. and will even l)()tltor<‘:tl oxor Dalton knock the upcoming Xhox 360 \‘s PS} scrap onto the hack httrner. (also produer la. the The ultimate hattle will he iii the rush for the successor to the DVD l‘ormat. might). Nauru». Nodal Sony. still stnarting lrom losing the Betamax war. is going in hard with Blu— Korttlm.’ {tl‘u(i[)(?/1(,'()r ray while a 'l‘oshiha-led consortium is sticking to its guns with lll)-DVD. Ala/t}. lltt: truo With the sharp ttptake in HD televisions. high delinition DVDs are the (:ttttrtotssuut al‘.'.'a‘,s next logical step. ol’l‘ering sharper picture. hctter sound and tar larger disk pluttkod for sow space. The DVD player tnarket is quickly reaching saturation point: (la/tour. lllt:f‘.tlt)t7lt:

approximately 80‘} ol’ US homes now own a DVD player. so there's a lot addition ot x-xoaptwns to (ioteutt s.» ol’ tnoney riding on the new format. The Blu-ray system ol‘l’ers the higher tho out:- on one ‘qlim tnt-e,“.o (git-g" u; .wl storage space of the two with even higher quality attdio and Video pltts the uppod tl‘t‘: satisfaction just. mad-:- .1 slotttt, Q-“w‘ opportunity for eyen more interactch features. The lll) l'ormat is the most loxol. (Espti-Ctally that o. §;f‘)i‘.(‘: ‘.t‘:t‘;t()t\. (w tno similar to the existing DVD format. essentially an upgrade ol' cttrrent gratifying; (:ruttt‘lt as; won'to. ‘.'.’!ll‘t nappt-v technology. meaning lower prodttction costs and cheaper DVDs. More S;‘.'.'or<l (:onnootod .‘xttlt gyapnrtxr and toss int-n il-f,' usod 2’) If. importantly. the DVD liorum (the primary industry association l'or DVD) is (Zélrilléitlti. Now It'sltat1k emotion. Arid t! mode; a (Jot/xx. Ker: catat's not: hacking lll)-l)Vl). The problem is that neither is compatihle witlt the other. for Its tllll'tl trttstalttttyttt of treat. (:(M‘tlfli oi :‘tr’t‘at‘ l t:’,l\' . H‘ 't‘ 'I‘.‘:Elt: I'. If) a History has proved that the better l'ormat doean always win. Just look at lta(:k'rt'slas;lt non stop an apt:- as; f;lU‘-{)l(;~ «il‘til or. war or mixing; Betamax a crisper. clearer \‘ideo systetn httt Panasonic sneaked in l)réi‘.'.’llll{). '.'./|tll mow flour. with no '.'.t>ftt--:) seating) is: (Viv w earlier With the cheaper VHS. This is just \Vhat 'l‘oshiha is planning. [)léi‘,£il)l(‘: (:ttatat;l-.,-rt;, altoul l‘t‘ttllll or {t'l"‘*". I'ta? '.'.'aiw t'ut: "'16: Hot; cttrrently licensing the lll)-l)Vl) specs to bargain rate ('hinese slicker graphics. not: it>a<lltto to a ply-assist“. lw{f.'.-.--. '1: --»“lt. manulacturers. Both plan an early 2006 launch witlt loshiha looking like it stage-s anti lilt‘: same ll'(}(1(3X[)(3ll(,-li(.t~ .'."‘.Iu(" (“to ,t' HAP-3;. us: - I might just steal art early lead with a l-‘ehruary or March launch. though l)l'()£tllttéil<l'l(] tx-xo player lylllt] you to to... at»: k sum in Sony is expected to announce a spring launch later this month. motlo that'l: Mayo you [mint also plot, liv- .iatr t< ..: 1" wk. nan..- The major lilm studios are also having a massiye impact on the dehate cursing or tttottkzttt; \.ou' pox/lo; arttl :;l‘.‘:tlo.:.".tit‘:s twin"- tit-.z'a'tiirn; with many picking a side and only (initially at least) planning on releasing trtonds tn oduat .181: itI't}: hose- anal at '4‘..- t'. .\ -.::)" on one or the other. Blu-ray has ('olumhia 'l‘ri-Star (not surprising. since it’s tnoasuro llio trout as; ‘.'.’(Elti()lltt- as: sin; ‘il'itt-‘3' In l‘~l1’(3{‘t:ll()ll owned by Sony). MUM (again partially owned by Sony). Ztlth (‘entury l’ox dynamics art: nrttolx. alotttt tlit-i lint Ii :5. saw. .: rantast- and Disney in its corner. Meanwhile. Time Warner. t'niyersal and balance-(1st:own :twttzoltnaet Ilt43'tv)‘.:t~_ ll .mtuanw Paramount are hacking lll)-l)Vl). And so is Microsolt. riot/(cos have a shot at tllt:t3<1ill(‘:. Yilti lllltzfii. .2521) lot i" No.1 . ill-7:?» This could lead to consumer apathy (with people waiting to see who wins tho tttlo. l'or tho studio that has l)t?(‘l‘. carinnau an]: nos. MN “031‘. :2 out before purchasing either) and higher DVD costs as lilms will need to he playor tltoro's art to some (lbttttft‘ tnat tut it» :--:-:.'. fining; .inout produced on both formats Here's hoping the conllict is resolved sooner rather tipttratloti lalos ot tho titakos Koo Kong; a W m»? a :lrilltt: tour; than later. Analysts estimate that media companies could lose Slo hillion il‘ S‘s/ortl story tnodo. twunpn ot a I't: «2. l3». :ttat man-- '. tempo 2‘ there is no clear cttt winner over seven years. But Sony and Toshiba could he \‘JllltLll is tho only roqu rotnoxtno most o: rm: .‘Jrroo.’ n... sum: a shooting themselves in the loot. especially with ()ptware‘s Holographic to unlock all the (le()l(l(‘:tl and (llillollrs ("not v .it; ) Versatile Disc (llVD) on the horizon. liour years away from release. it cart>lo characters. a oanios rtort'talh other. is. l'tat ""l"-'.'lil a. 'f'w store 20 times tnore inlormation than Blu-Ray. and it this iii-lighting mmhles character creation tttt)(i(} l)(‘:(i()llllll(l as lllllt‘l‘. lr'm: tum t:"'l . Alt": an? on they might hoth miss the hand wagon. with the NW) stealing their thunder. and a (:utttlxir‘sonto t'no ttlt)‘.’lt‘: as: nowtnr- ' w l3_i‘."tn w-

ART W" i WORDS This is a (treat outdo on llt).'.’ to knock i . . up f;()ll)(: .Jultatt Opto stylo pop art (as; ' soon on the Best of Blur album (:ovor) on your home computer. lt's got srrnplo instructions; that require rtttntntal (:ornputor know-how. Who needs artists anyway?

Here's another ist'fil :‘t t‘t‘ llie"'f\ lllllt‘ .'.'('if~,lt‘:l ut'ttl 't 1.1mm .: .i o.) ‘.'.'l‘.ll(‘ t(‘- l(‘.t’.l* lul'. ‘,;t:;- .ttt': ' air but attttmo if: sltle in ’l\ A. oi 'lllltitr‘rt» ‘.'.’|ll ttta'm- tit-u .‘.T".a'_t".ti~t ‘.‘."()lti53 you i\.l)t’: lll trot" ltl' m «tat-.33. It's l)t)tt-::-t tttart :t Est‘ll'ltifi. “wart-us!

. iv: v THE LIST 87