Around Town




* Caledonlan Canine Dog Show Being a dog isn't a bad thing in this beauty pageant. All the best looking woofers come together to parade around and win prizes. Royal Highland Centre, lngliston. Edinburgh, Sat 4 Feb.

* StyleTrial: Beginners’ Breakdancing Classes Upside down, boy, you turn me! Learn all the tricks of the B-boy trade from a friendly bunch of willing teachers. The Bongo Club, 37 Ho/yrood Road, Edinburgh, Sun 5 Feb. * A Conservation Alternative for African Elephants With the aid of breathtaking photographs Pretoria zoology professor Rudi van Aarde, a former president of the South African Wildlife Management Association, reviews the status of elephant populations across southern Africa. Woodside Hall, Glenfarg Street, Glasgow, Wed 8 Feb.

* Bombay Inspired: Cocktails by Design Contemporary glass design by artists shortlisted for the prestigious Bombay Sapphire Prize, with a few cocktails before hand. Class in a glass. right enough. The Lighthouse, 11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow, Tue 14 Feb.

Wht sin

Packaging a punch

Saturday night is alright for fighting, says Milo McLaughlin, but only if your armoury is made out of cardboard.

l“ )ou managcd to gct out ol' bcd bcl'orc noon a

couplc ol Saturda'xx ago _\ou ma) ha\ c \x‘itncxxcd

lhc xurrcal xight ol' "l'hc Stt‘au'bct‘l'} .lam'. a boat madc cnlircl} out ol‘ cardboard and packing tapc complclc with a cardboard dragon l‘or itx maxthcad. bcing carricd by itx crcatorx donn thc Royal .\lilc. .-\l'tcr a dil‘l‘icult climb to thc top ol' .-\t‘tlttit"x Scat it xncccxxl‘ull} madc itx maidcn \ti};igc' down a xtccp gl‘ttxx} \crgc.

ll.x l'carlcxx na\igatorx arc thc ‘cardboard cnginccrx' bchind \\ hat ix xurcl} onc ol‘ thc moxt ridiculouxl} cntcrtaining c\cnt.x c\cr hcld in lidinburgh Boxuarx. lt'x a cra/c \xhich bcgan in .\lc|bournc and. according to organixcr l\'_\'lc (irccnuood. in\ol\cx 'gctling a group ol‘ idiotx togcthcr. making armour and \xcaponr} out ol‘ cardboard and tapc. lhcn bcating thc crap out ol‘ cach othct". to a xoundtrack of thc Ramoncx and thc |)cad Kcnncd} x.

.-\lthough it ma} at l‘irxt xound likc onc ol‘ Nathan Barlc} 'x tnorc moronic idcax. it ix in tact morc in tunc \\l1ll thc abxurd humour ol‘ l’}thon. ()ncc cach ingcniouxl} adorncd participant hax cntcrcd lhc arcna and thcir cardboard characlcr l‘or tltc c\cning hax bccn introduccd. a l‘rcc for all battlc cnxucx. lt'x partl) inxpircd b} l-‘iu/il ('lu/t. and xomc bruixing ix ichitablc but it‘x nouhcrc ncar ax brutal ax ('huck l’alahniuk‘x crcation. 'lt'x not much \Hil'xc‘ than thc a\'cragc moxh pit.‘ xa_\x K}lc. and to cmphaxixc itx non—xcrioux naturc thcrc arc no \\ inncrx or loxcrx.

K}lc \\ ax in\ol\‘cd in thc original Bti.\\\ttl‘x \\liicll bcgan ‘uhcn a couplc of m} l‘ricndx back homc got drunk and xtartcd lighting u.xing cardboard ax armour. Thcn \\ c xtartcd doing it xobcr and it grcxx l‘rom

thct‘c'. l§o\\\arx ix no“ xo popular in hix nati\c countr} that it hax attracch cmcragc b} lhc .’\ll\ll';lll;lll national prcxx. and hax bcgun to xprcad acroxx thc gltilk‘.

’l‘hcyrc kccn l'or ax man} pcoplc ax poxxiblc to gct in\o|\cd. .-\ll that‘x nccdcd ix a good xcnxc ol humour. a touch ol crcati\c llair and a hcalth} doxc ol rccklcxxncxx. ()r. it _\ou’rc a natural born couard likc m} xcll'. _\ou can \HtlL'll l'rom thc tclali\c xalcl} ol thc xidclincx. 'l'ltct'dx no cntrancc l'cc and. unlikc itx :\tlxxlc countcrpart. l'cmalcx arc morc than uclt'tullc. "lhc licxl c‘tititcndcl' in lllc lil'xl Bo\\\at'x c\cnl \xax a girl \xhoxc xuil ol‘ armour rcxcniblcd a bird. \cr} much lik'c Biork'x rcd cat'pct x\\ttll outlit but inadc cnlit'cl) ()lll (ill cardboardf

With all thix no-budgct in\cnli\cncxx and uxc ol matcrialx that tnoxt \xould dixmixx ax junk. pcoplc can bc quick to jump to concluxionx about lhc point bchind Boxnarx. 'l’coplc put a lot ol' mcaning onto “hat norc doing that iuxt docxn't c\ixl. \Vc‘rc not hippicx. \xc'rc not tr}ng to promotc rcc} cling. and in tact thcrc ix no cthox bchind Boxuarx. \Vc'rc doing it lor our own cnioyncntf llc xccx Bouxarx in lhc xamc catcgor} ax othcr )outh mmcmcntx that cclcbratc thc random and thc ridiculoux xuch ax l'lathob and thc (‘acophon5 Socict}. To add to thc chaox. lhc nc\l c\cnt \xill c\cn lcaturc a li\c band. 'l'hcir iuxtrumcntx \\ ill probabl} not bc tnadc out ol~ cardboard.

Join the fight at Forest Café, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh on Sat 11 Feb. To take part email mrkylegreenwood©hotmaiL com. See listings for details.