Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sport® for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce.



The Lost Secret of Rosslyn Chapel l'nixcrxit} ol (ilaxgou. 'l hc Bo}d ()rt Building. Ht) SS55 '7 illpm it \ Scottixh Socict} lot l’\}tlllt’.ll chcatch talk b} Brian \llan.

Activities & Events

Hannah Frank: 75 Years a Glasgow Artist Rt il Kcll} (iallcrx. llx l)otl}_'l.'t\ Strcct. Z-lS (itSo |3.-l5 1.45pm. .\ look at thc artixt'x ltlc and \iork \iith hct ntccc l'lotla l'rank

Saturday 4


We’ve Yet to Make Poverty History, 50 Where Next? ( il;t\go\\ l'lllll 'Iihcalt'c. I: Row Stt'ct‘t. “HMS 337 UV. Ilam. :\ mccttng locthlng on thc challcngcs ol campaigning lor global cconomic |ll\l|L‘L' in 30W). lcaturing thc Scotttxh ctncma prcmicrc ol Him Sal. /)1rI\ liillt’l'. Spcakcrx mcludc Vick} ('ann ol thc \Vorld l)c\clopmcnt Mmcmcnt and :\nn Mcchhin. Ml’ lot' (ilaxgou North.

Monday 6


Full Score: Composers’ Seminar ('it} Hall. ('andlcriggx. i53 Sill)“.

Illam 5pm. l'rcc. tickctcd. .-\ lrcc \cminar \iith thc BB(' Scottixh S} mphon) ()t'chcxtra compoxcr Robcrt Sa\ton atid conductor Matthco Roxi c gi\ t‘x cotnpoxcrx a uniquc oppot'tttntt) to \\ot'|\ \\ ith “ot'ltlcl;t\\ pcrlorincrx and gain an inxight into tltc prcparation and pcrlormancc ol contcmporar} muxic. limail xxolcarningw|\ lot morc inlo.

Wednesday 8

Activities & Events

Hannah Frank: A University Woman of her Time? R( it Kcll} (iallcr). llS Douglax Strcct. 24S (fiSo. l3.-l5 l.45pm. lcxlc} Richtnond trout (il;t\go\\ t'nhcrxit} look at its archixcx l'rom thc With and to»


A Conservation Alternative for African Elephants \Voodxidc llgtll. (ilcnl'arg Strcct. 7.30pm. Scc llitlixt.

Thursday 9


Lunchtime Sketching Workshop R(il Kcll) (iallcr_\. IIS l)ottg|;t\ Strcct. 348 (fiSo. l3.~15 l.~l5pm. Bring _\ottt' o\\ n \kctchcx to rccord rcxponxcx to thc \xork ot Hannah Frank. \\ itli hpr ti'oin :\nn Maric Foxtcr.

Acttvmes & Events

Women at the Glasgow School of Art Rot Kcll} (mitt-r). I IS Douglth Stt‘t‘ct. 3—18 (1551). l’ctcr lt'im lL“ tli\c‘tl\\t‘\ tltL‘ pct'iod lt‘ottt l.\'i\'(l to “’50.


Cramb Lecture: The Masculinity of Violence on the Art and Politics of Displacement (ilaxgtm t'nixcrxit} (‘onccrt Hall. l'nncrxit) .-\\cnuc. 33“ 4002. 5pm. .-\ lccturc b} l.)dia (iochr of Columbia l'nixcrxit}. .\'c\\ York.

26 THE LIST 3—16 Fet‘ 3306

Wm fa. cw This little black and white chap was actually tethered to stop him running away from the piper (can you blame him?), but the image was created to make one of the earliest

postcards to be sent from Antarctica and is part of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society's Icy Images

exhibition at the Tall Ship. The exhibition shows photographs and materials from the Scottish National Antarctic

Expedition of 1902-1902, led by famous Scots explorer William Spiers Bruce.

I tho fat" Snip l()() Stone/om; Road. G/{tsgrnta t/IitI/Jt/lv. 800 listings; for (fora/is.

Ronald Reng and Lars Leese (ioctlic lnxtitut. 3 Park (‘ircux 333 3555. (\pllt. Frcc. |)t\lingui\hcd \portx iournalixt and \\ ritcr Ronald chg\ award-u inning book. A'i'i'pt'r o/ /)I'('(IHI\ (or I)('I' 'lriuun/iim-rl documcntx thc rixc and tall ol'(icrman c\—Barnxlc_\ goalic Lars\c\ carccr. .loin thcni both a\ thc} dixcuv thc book and l.c\\c\ C\pct‘icncc\ \\ ith BB(’ Radio Scotland\ (NI-Ilic-Iiu/l hoxt. Stuart ('oxgrox c.


Scottish Archaeology at the Step Pyramid Burrcll (‘ollcctionz Lccturc 'l‘hcalrc. 20M) l’ollokxhaux Road. 3S7 2550. 3pm. £4; lltL‘lttlk'l'S ol' lig}ptolog} Scotland [3. Ian Mathcson. licld dircctor ol thc Sathara (icoph'txical Surxc} l’roicct. talkx abotit ncu dixcm cricx ncar thc Stcp l’}rainid.

Thursday 1 6


Maryhill Illuminated chlicld St Stcphcn'x (’hurch ('cntrc. 260 Bath Strcct. 332 3826. 2.l5pni. Mountainccr and author lan Mitchcll c\plorc\ thc \ocial and induxtrial ltlxtot') ol thc Forth and ('|}dc (‘anal Burin ax rcllcctcd in Stcplicn Adam'x \taincd glaxx \\ indou \ lrom thc .\lar_\hil| Burgh lldllx.

Ongoing Glasgow

Acttvmes & Events

* Bombay Inspired: Cocktails by Design Fxcr} 'l'uc Fri. Tuc H Fcb Fri 3Mar. ’l'hc Lighthouxc. l l Mitchcll Lanc. tlltl." 324 Hill). (3.30 S..‘~llpni. fill). Scc llitlt\t


Bungalow Blitz l'ntil Sun In Mar. 'l‘hc Lighthouxc. ll Mitchcll l.anc. III (i362. .Mon & \\'cd Sat Ill.3llam 5pm; Inc

I lam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. Floor~to- cciling photographx ol~ \clllbuild bttngalonx in lrcland dating from thc I‘Vllx haxcd on a book of houxc planx. .\ \calcd do“ n moch \\ ill also bc graduall} cottxtructcd throughout thc duration of thc \ho“.

Glasgow 1955: Through the Lens l'ntil 2‘) .ltil. l’copIc\ l’alacc & \Vintcr (iardcnx. (ilaxgou ('xrccn. 27! 205]. Illam 5pm; llam 5pm. Frcc. .-\n c\hibition ol imagcx ot‘ ( ilaxgoo in I955. pt'cViotId} \houn in Kcl\ingro\ c atid thc l’coplc'x l’alacc 50 _\car\ ago. Glasgow Schools: Then and Now t'ntil Moon 3t) ()ct. Scotland Strcct

School Muscum. Mtixcum ol' iiducation.

22.5 Scotland Strch 387 05”).

10am 5pm: llatn 5pm. A photographic c\hibition \panning 500 )L‘ilI'S ol ( il;txgo\\'\ school\. from tltc l5th ccntur} to thc prcxcnt da).

Icy Images 'l'hc Tall Ship at (ilitxgou Harbour. |()() Sittlk'l‘tt\\ Road. 322 35H. l'ntil Thu 2‘) Jun. 10am 4pm. £4.95 (for cx‘cr)‘ pa} ing adult a child gocx l‘rccl. Scc (’aption. abo\ c. Planet Football (Weltsprache Fussball) l'ntil Apr. Scolllxlt Football MllSL‘ttttt. llampdcn Park. l.cthcrb} l)t'i\c, (no ol3‘). lllam 5pm;

I lain 5pm. Frcc. ('ollaborath c cxhibition bctuccn thc (iocthdlnxtitut and Magnum Photograph). including l'otttball-rclatcd print\ from photograpth \uch ax llcnri (‘articr~ Brcxxon. Martin Part and llcrbcrt l.i\t.

Food & Drink

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Sat 4 Jan. ()uccn'x Park. 530 langsidc Park. 387 7273. Illam 2pm. ()ualit} producc dircct l'rom thc chapx and chapcttcx \\ ho makc it. 'l'axtc thc dil'l‘crcncc.

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 1 | .lan. Manxlicld Park. on Dumbatton Road. 3—H 084-1.

ltlam 2pm.


The Scottish Wedding Show Sat 4 Stilt 5 Fcb. Brachcad .-\rcna. Kingx Inch Road. H37” 4-14 (illol. to. Find \otncthing borroocd. \otncthing bluc. \otncthing old and \otncthing tic“: othcru isc knou n ax dixcm cring morc “up to blou thouxandx ot Pttlllttlx bccauxc thcy tcll you that _\ou should. Glasgow Musicmania Sat 4 Sun 5 Fcb. Sl{(‘('. l‘tltlthxtott Qua}. 0870 (Ht) 4()()(). ltlam. £341). ('l). rccord and music mcmorabilia salc.

Scottish Caravan 8. Outdoor Leisure Show Thu 2 Sun 5 l~cb

SH '( '. l'innicxton ()tta}. (LS-N) (Ht) Illlltl, Illam opm. Ur5ll {S (to Ht. Wt" arc on thc cuxp ol a caramntng rcx l\;ll. \Vatch ottt lor Katc .\lt)\\ doing it nc\t tit-ck.


Big Knit Out! Wm H lcb. North Star ('alc. lllS ()uccn Mat'garct l)ri\ c. 57o

lll l3. 7pm. Knitting. tca arid t‘;tl\L'\. Knitting IS thc ltt‘\\ rock‘n'roll.

Stitch and Bitch 'l‘hu 3 «k 'l'hu In Jail. (ilaxgou \Vomcn\ librar}. lll‘) 'l'rongatc. 552 35-15, (t. 5l) Sillpm. l'l't't'. (itt\\|p accompanicx thc click click ol knitting to}. ('all to \a} _\ou'rc going along a\ placcx arc limitcd.

Tchai Ovna Activities ( 'ralt (‘Iaw c\'cr} 'l'uc. 7pm; (iitlttc\ Socict}. tau-r} \Vcd. noon 5pm; Knitting circlc. cxcr} 'l‘hu. 8pm. lrcc. 'lt‘llttl ()\ na. lb‘) l)can\ton l)ri\c. (>40 7355'.


Activities & Events

Volunteer Britain Event l'tllllllotlxt'. SS I.othian Road. 4pm. (it'dllS \crccntng ot thix Ithpll'lltg docuincntar} about \oluntccrx. lit/mmw' [fr/tum. \kllll \HllL'. canapcs and chat. For admncc tickct contact ('SVK Robcrt llcndcrxon on “I il b3: 77M) or rhcndcrxonm c\\.org.u|\.

Food & Drink

Food at Vermillion: Introduction to Scallops \crmilion. Scotxman llotcl. 3‘) North Bridgc. 556 .5505, () 7pm. UH lot‘ thc c\cnl and a \tclcomc drink £25 lor thc c\ cut and a [\ko-L‘HUTSL‘ dinncr in \crmihon. l.adic\ and gcntlcmcn. this IS scallop \caxon’ l.carn all about hou. to cook thc littlc blightcrx lrotn (icoll Balharric. cxccutn c chcl at \crmilion.


Paolozzi ot the Month l)can (iallcr). 73 Bcllord Road. (iZ—i (i300.

l3.-l5 |.3llpm. Frcc. iiach occlx Danicl Hcrrmann. thc Paolo/n curator. will gnc a talk on a diltcrcnt uork in thc cxhibition.