Around Town



1 There is only so much knitting one can do and what with craft being a thing of endless possibility, it's a good time to get back to your gluing and glitter roots. 2006 is the year of craft.

2 Bits and Bobs is a warehouse treasure trove of recycled craft stuff. You'll find paper. beads. card and fabric. plus weird odd and ends basically anything your little craft heart desires.

3 Craft materials usually cost a bleeding fortune. but Bits and Bobs keep things cheap. After you've paid your teeny annual membership ($36 for an individual or £30 for a group). you can go any time you like to stock up.

4 Learn from the masters: if you need a bit more direction in your craft life, they run workshops in origami, card making and lots more. 5 it would seem that those with power also acknowledge the importance of craft. With National Lottery funding coming under their belts this year. Bits and Bobs will be keeping crafters happy for a few years to come.

I Bits and Bobs. Unit 15. New Lairdshi‘p Yards. Broomhouse Road. Edinburgh, 0131 443 9490.

Saturday 4

Activities & Events Caledonian Canine Dog Show

Royal Highland ('oiiti‘o. lrigliston. 335

(i200 ‘lam (ipiri. £|.50. Soc llitlisl.


Illustrators’ Day lzdmburgh ('ollogo ol \l'l. ‘4 l..‘ttll'lsloll l’lacc. 9.50 (i382. Illam 4pm. £23 (£l5). .\ day tor budding illustrators to loarn llio tricks ol' tho tr‘ado lrom soasonod pi‘olossionals. coyoiiiig oyoi'ythrrig lrom lio\\ to approach publishoi's to portl'olio t'l'llltlllt‘s.

Origami Workshop Bits ts Bobs Scrap Stoi‘c. l'nit l5 .\'o\\ lairdship \ards. Broomhouso Road. 443 0400. llam |30pm. £5. l.oarn tho skills (it loldmg papoi' to croato boatrtil'ul things. yy llll cspcrioncod ()rigami artist l)ancan ('loary, Booking i‘ociinimondod.


Scotland v France Murray liold Stadium. Rncrsdalo (‘i'osconL 34b 5000. 3pm. ll's tho big boys \orsus tho grand garcons tor this Si\ Nations bash. 'l‘ho \yomon's loam tako on l5ranco al’tcryyai‘ds.

28 THE LIST .2 ‘v-t "95


* StyleTrial: Beginners’ Breakdancing Classes 'l‘ho Bongo ('ltlli. Moray llouso. 5“ llolyrood Road. 558 7h04, 2 3.30pm. £3. Soc llitlist.

Monday 6

Activities & Events

Poetry Book Group: Love and Desire Scottish l’ootry Library. 5 (llc‘llltflks (‘Ioso. ('anoiigato. 557 2870. (H0 8.30pm. £5 (£3). Why do no got poctic \y hon tooling romantrc'.’ :\lltl \yhat aro tho koy ingrodionts tor a good loyo poom" Jtist a cotiplo ol tho quostroiis bomg posod at this month's pootry grotip lt'tl it} tho SPIN Julio Johnstonc.


New to Use Your Telescope Royal ()bsoryatory Visitor (‘ontro. lilacklord Hill. 008 8404. 7.30 H.3llplll. £21“). l)on't lot your loloscopo liy o in tho cupboard. l‘ind otit him to sot it tip and L'\pltll‘c lllc hoayons.

Activities & Events

The History of the Venice Biennale 1895-2005 \N'oston Link. llayylliorndon l.octuro 'l‘hoatr‘o. National (iallory. tho Motiiid. 024 (i500. (i 8pm. l-roo btit lickotod. lll llto iil'st ol l\\o spocial locturos. journalist Eli/o l)i Martino looks at tho history of tho ronoyy nod ai't lt‘stl\;ll.


Keep it Out! the Colorado Beetle and All That Royal Musoum l.octui'o ’l'hoatro. 2 ('hambors Stroot. 247 42 l‘). (i.3(lplll. £4 (£3). .-\s bird flu grips tho hoadlinos. \yo trayol back to I877 yy hon tho pooplo ol' Britain \yoro grippod \y itli tho loar ol' anothor alioii btig. John (‘lark. diroctor ol' llio liistittito l‘or Em ironmontal History at l'iiiyorsity of St Androyys, osamiiios tho l'oars surrounding tho ('olol‘atlo Bootlo. dil‘l'or'oiit l‘csponsos to tho throat and tho politics ol‘ ‘managing' tho natural world. Booking adyisablo.

Wednesday 8


Fundamentalism and the American Right ()pon Door. 420 Morningsido Road. 447 ()757. ll).3()am. This Morningsido Jtistico and l’oaco (iroup mooting is lod by Roy Stophon Parsons. roctor at St ('uihbort's Episcopal ('hurch.


Writers’ Group North Edinburgh :\l1.s ('onti‘o. l5a l’oiiiiy'yyoll (‘ourt 3l5 2l5|. 0.45 8.30pm. £3.50 (£2 £2.50). (iot togothor \y itli l‘olloyy scribblor and lidinburgh-basod \y ritor l.iii Andorson to sharo idoas and inspiration.


Budongo Talk Edinburgh Zoo: Education ('ontro. (‘orstorphino Road. 334 ‘ll 7 I. 7.30 0pm. £3 (£2). ('hiol o\ocuti\ o ol‘ Edinburgh Zoo. l)ayid Windmill. talks about tlio loo's inyolyoiiiont in tho Btidoiigo (‘liiiiipan/oo Rosoarch proioct in l'garida.

A Conservation Alternative for African Elephants (ioorgo Squaro 'l'hoatro. l'niyorsity ol' Edinburgh. (ioorgo Squaro. b50 ‘)l‘)5. 7.30pm. Soo llitlist. Diary of a Mother Under Seige North Edinburgh Arts ('ontro. l5a l’onny \yoll ('ourt. 3l5 2l5l. 7.30pm. £5 (£I £3). .-\s (‘arolino l)unt‘ord found out. liy iiig \y ith a too yoar old isn't oasy. Sho docidod to koop a diary of hor soli\ plan

to bond tho knoyyii uniyorso to his yyill. rcsulliiig in hot book Him to Sin-trio [llt' li'l'l'l/’/i' 'lnm It's a roal lilo account roassuring othor' paronts that thoy 'ro not alono. .-\ cr'ochc is a\ailablo tor your littlo darlings it you book in adyanco.

Activities & Events

Boxwars l'tll‘L‘sl ('alo. .3 lil'lsto l’lac‘C. 220 4538. 9pm. Join tho Bosyyars cardboard warriors in a tight to tho doath (yyoll. probably not dcathi. Email

mi‘ky logroonysotklm holmailcom to takc pan. Soo pl’L'\ lo“. [‘25.


Valentine’s Card Making Bits & Bobs Scrap Storo. l'mt l5 Noys l.airdship Yards. Broomhouso Road. 443 0400. l lam 1.30pm. £5. Mako a card tor a hood orio. curront or prospoctiyo. Booking rcciinimondod,


Cate Scientifique: Coral Reef Fish - Dating and Discos l‘ilniliouso (‘alo Bar. 88 l.othian Road. 050 805‘). 8.30pm. l)r Stoyo Simpson pi'osonts a talk on tho roprodtictiyo stratcgios ol' root lisli. \y itli possibly tho lk‘sl ltllk titlc C\ Ct”.

Space Observations Royal ()bsoryatory Visitor ('ontro. lilacklord Hill. («)8 84m. 7.30 8.30pm. £2 (£1 ). ()li\ la Johnson tlisctlsscs tho llso ol' modor'n toloscopos aboard orbiting obsoryatorios such as tho llubblo. So. lloyy do thoy' “ink and \y hat cool spaco sttlll ttl‘L‘ lhcy sooing'.’ No“ ‘s yotll' chanco to liiid otit.

Tuesday 14

Activities 8x Events

Valentine’s Book Party: Fall in Love with Poetry Scottish l’oolry Library. 5 ('richton's (‘loso. (‘anongatca 557 2870. () »8pm. £5 (£3). l’orloriiiaiico pool Elspoth Murray loads tho way at this attor-botirs poolry—l‘ost.

Wednesday 15

Activities & Events

The Contemporary Face: The BF Portrait Award National Portrait (iallory. l ()uoon Stroot. 624 (3200. 12.45 l.l5pm. Eroo. Art historian l)ay id Taylor looks at soloctod \yorks troni tho oxllibitiotl.


From Elsa to Egypt Royal Mtrsoum l.octtir‘o 'l'hoatro. 2 (‘haiiibor's Stroot. 247 421‘). 2.15pm. Barrio Broml royoals goms lrom tho Royal Scottiin (ioogr‘apliical Socioty 's colloction of maps and photographs.

The John Masetield Lecture: Robyn Marsack Scottish l’ooti'y Library. 5 (‘richtott's ('loso. ('anongato, 557 2876. 7.30pm. £3 (£2). 'l'ho l’ootry' Association of Scotland's annual loctur'o. Marsack \yill bo discussing ‘l-‘rom (ilasgoyy to .\'iiioyoh: pooplo and placos in tho pootry' ol' Edyyin Morgan. Scotland's pool lauroato'.


Selected Works: Pat Kane Scottish l’ocll'y Library. 5 ('richlolt's (‘loscfi (‘anongato. 557 2876. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). Tho Sum/(iv Hora/(l co-toundor. ox- llugh and ('i‘_\ mombor and proporiorit of tho Play Ethic. talks to Roby ri Marsack about his ton layourito poorns. Booking ads isablo.

Ongoing Edinburgh

ActIVIties & Events

Clairvoyant Gathering Sat l l & Sun l2 Eob. Brodios How. High Stroot. 0l50o 872 750. I lam—7pm. A \yookcnd ol

clairsoyarico. modrumship. tarot. psychoiiiotry. paliiiistry. psychics. toa loal roading. nmo roadmg. aura photography. crystal ball roadmg and much moro.

Filmhouse Movie Quiz Sun I: l-‘ob. l‘ilriiliouso (‘at'o Bar. 88 l othiaii Road. 22" 5032 0pm lost your tilm

klloys lodgo .it tho phonomoiially succosstul and umquo monthly lilm qui/ (iot tllL‘l'c call} to got .l scat. Meditation Classes \Vod 8 l-‘ob St (‘olumbas-by -tho-('astlo. Joliiistorio 'l'orraco. 0| 387 soil 40o 7.30pm. £5 Roduco stross and o\poi'ioiico a poacolul mind through tho doyolopmont ol concontratioii. Each class includos .r talk and limo l'or riioditatioii.

Third International Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace WM 8 l-‘ob Sun 12 Mar. \y\yyyiiiosporgtik. Various \onuos in Edinburgh. l’ositiyoly alliriiiing tho diyorsity (it both tho Middlo East and Scotland this iiionth-Iong. lt‘sllHIl loaturos contor'oncos. \wrkshops. lilm. lhoatro and otbor arts and cultural oyonts coiiti'od on tho thorno ot spiritual approachos to poaco.


Fabric to Fashion: Scottish Textiles and International Style l'ntil Trio 28 l‘ob. Musoum ol' Scotland, ('hambors Strcol. 247 42W. l'i'i Sat 10am 5pm; 'l'uo l0am 8pm; Sun

noon 5pm. An oxhibition ol‘ piocos trom tho big \yigs in tho \sorltl ot' lashioii. highlighting thoir continual loyo at'lair yyith tyyood. tartan and knitysoar.

For a' that l'ntil Sat l8 l-ob. l.oith (iallory. (i5 'l'lio Shoro. l.oith. 553 5255. l'ntil Sat 18 liob (not Sun). I lam 5pm; An o\hibition inspirod by tho \york ol- Robon Burns.

Sale oi the Centuries: A Celebration of Shopping in Scotland l'iitil Sun l2 liob. National library of Scotland. (ioorgo l\' Bridgo. 226 453]. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Stiri

2 5pm. Ari oxhibitioii focusing on tho o\porionco ol‘ shopping in Scotland from tho middlo agos to tho modorn day. Through the Letterbox l'niil Sat 4 l'ich. Scottish l’octl'y Library. 5 ('richtoii's (‘loso. (‘anongato. 557 287i). I lam (rpm; Sun 1 5pm. l‘roo. An oxhibition illuminating tho making ol a book containing liaikus \yritton by lato Scottish chaissallcc pool. (icot‘go Bruco. and illtistratod by Eli/aboth Blackaddor. Work by you ollor Shoaiia Stophon is display od alongsido.


Antique and Collectors Fair Sat 1 l and Sun l2 l-‘ob. Royal Highland ('oiitro. liigliston, 0121 360 3B4”. 9am 5pm. Pick up your own littlo Bobby l)a/llor.

Food & Drink Edinburgh Farmers’ Market Eyory

Sat. (‘astlo 'l‘orraco. 652 5940. ‘)am 2pm.

l.ocal. quality. othical produco. You know tho scol‘o.


African Dance Workshop liy‘ory' 'l'uo. lnstittit l‘rancais d‘Ecosso. l3 Randolph (‘rosconL 07840 344 2 l 8.

7 8.30pm. £5 (£4). Instructor Bobo ()uali introducos stops from tho lyory' ('oast. Mali. (iunioa and Burkina Easo. .\'o oxporioiico nocossary.

Drama Group Eyory 'I‘hu. North Edinburgh Ans ('oiitro. l5a Ponnywoll Court. 315 2|5l. 030 8pm. £3 (£1.50 £2). Exporionco tho world ol thoatro. Eyoryono “ClCUiilL‘. no oxporioiico nocossary'.

Felt Accessory and Jewellery Making Sat 4 at Sat l l Eob. North Edinburgh Ans ('ontro. 15a Poniiy'uoll ('ourt. 3l5 2|5I. l0am 74pm. £55 (£25~£40). l)osign a scarf or bag on tho first Saturday. thon somo cool l'olt jowollory on tho socoiid. Loam basic tochniquos and croato somothing beautiful. suitablo for boginnors and moro oxporioncod l‘ollors.