
Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Beat Root Juice al lllL' .la/l liai

‘) illpiii iaiii licc \M‘c'kl} .\lio hcai. l..illll and \ka iioiii lC\IilL'lll hand ihc (ioai \li'n ()lclk'\ll.i. plux l).l liarnc} and lhc odd Inc gum! and \pinnci'

I Blueberry Soundsystem al \ulma} ('o\\_-,'.iic llpiii iaili L1 iLii, “ct-kl} l)uh. iunglc and icggac cai caiid} Iioiii l)_l\ (icoigc l’iolii and l)add} Scull}

I Born to Be Wide .ii lllL' Snch

‘lpiii lain l'icc Il-ch, .\lu\ic induxir} \ocial c liih iliai aiiiix lo hring lllllxih. [(llllllilll\l\. pl‘iilliiilcl‘x. i'cciil‘il \liiip \Killlu'h and iiiu\ician\ iogclhci: With a \oiindiiack li'oin \ariou\ lllilll\ll‘} hodx ai llll\ \ccond hiiilida} \\ iih lhc .‘It’llil arix and lllll\lc \iiiicix.

I Bounce al l’o \a \a. llpiii 3am. £4 IL ii \Vcckl}. Siudcni nighi dimn l’o .\'a \a gcix llic placc iuiiipin‘ \iiih ll\ nii\ ol' hip hop. iiihaii. Rikli and drink\ proino» I Capital City Radio al l-aiih.

llpiii iani L3 Lil. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hrcc lloorx ol dancc hcalx and lic_\oiiil. ()ur llouw lakc caic oi ihc niain iooiii pa) ing hoinagc lo a|l lhingx hoin l'i'oni ihc cai‘lic\l da_\ \ io lhc higgcxi cluh llll\ oi loila}

I Club Hustle al lici'lin liici‘haiix. lllpiii .iain. U. \\'cckl_\. .\'c\\ \xcckl} cluh \\Illl l).l\ l’-15 and l’Si}|/ hringing )ou hip hop and \li‘cci soul.

I FlashBack ai Rlil). lllpin 3am. L'l hclorc iiiidiiighi; L": al'ici‘. 3 I‘ch. Rcii'o nighi lcaiui'ing l).l /.andcr pla_\iiig out c'l;i\\lc\ li‘iuii ihc 7llx. Xllx and ‘lllx.

2}: For Your Eyes Only at llic Bongo (‘Iuh ‘lpin .iani. £7 (UH. () l‘ch, .\ nighl loi‘ cx ll gcniuwx and \upcr \pic\ ax .‘\hci'lcld_\ hccoinc liloicld} l'or onc niglii onl_\ and Mondo .\ (io-(io. .‘\\ci'agc \Vhiic lio_\ and Kidd} ('iiiciiia prmidc llic iuncx alongxidc ihc lahuloih Bond (ill'l (iii-( in ilillli'L‘H.

I Fur Burger ai ligo. llpiii 3am. U. ‘) l'ch .\'c\\ nighi lor girl\ \\ ho likc girlx. dim iokcx. innucndo and an cxcr cclcclic |llll\lL' polic), Hop plcaw rciiicnihci

)ou nccd a lciiialc cxcori l'or cnii‘) lor llll\ \alcniincx \pccial.

I Genetic ai ('iirux ('luh. | lpiii 3am. l‘i‘cc hcioi‘c l l..illpiii; £3 al'icr. \Vcckl). Siill a inighi} popular \oircc iliai \lioxxc;i\c\ alici‘nainc. indic and lU-ll. No \inoking ai ihc har. mind.

I Kombustion at Suhua) ('oxxgalc. llpiii .iani. [3. ‘l l-‘ch. .-\ iiighi ol' hard dancc \\ iih hi‘cakhcai. hard icchno and hardcorc Illllllt‘llCL‘N

I Nowhere ai ligo. llpiii 3am. £3. 3 HI». liaxcd on ihc cwr changing .\'c\\ York cluh \ccnc \\ iih a cron d ihai'x ax cclcciic ax ihc lllll\lC. Hula} Bird. 1)] .\lichcl|c. ihc l-uiiki Him and DJ Yonix lk‘illlll't'.

I Random ai Rlil). l lpiii ~iain. l~'rcc hcl'orc inidnighi; [I aim: I l‘ch. 'l‘aking )ou ihi'ough up-hcal icchno and clcciro. a nc\\ inonihl) i'oi' ligo aiiraciing the limo- pail} iaiihi‘ul. hringing logclhcr \oinc oi lidinhui‘gh'x up-and-coiiiing DJx. Sinokc} ck ihc Bandit i(‘iiliiuix/Siigarhcali. l’_\/ iSpliii and random lUx.

I Sauté Parté ai ('ahai'ci Voltaire.

l lpiii 3am. H. ‘l l-ch. Dchui daic ior ihix nc\\ nighi \\illl a li\c w! from hip hop \l;ll' Dudlc) l’crkinx and lll\ ini\ oi l'unkx danccilooi' groowx and plainiiu‘. ' inii‘oxpccliw |}ric\ ax \ccn on hix .\ladlih produccd alhunn .l I.i/'I.ig/ii and

[xi/W \\IUII\ Ill/3 .ll '.

I The Snatch Social ai llk‘ Liquid Room. I lpiii .“;llll. £5. \Vcckl}. (‘oincd_\ capcrx iioiii Hair) .-\in\\\orih and Ton) ('aricr ai ihix chcck} caharct-cuni-di\co. liill‘k‘h and 'l'rcnd} \Vcnd} inionihl}

36 THE LIST 3—7:: Fob COCO

R'Hle'llll \lllll‘l} hip hop and iunk} iunc~ ('hcck “nu \ll.ilc'll\ik'l.il coiii ioi iiioic inio

I Spies in the Wires .ii ('aharci Voltairc. llpiii Sam. {5 lo l'ch l.ccd\ hawd punk iunk. pod-iock part) ixch ,l-oiuaid. Rii~\1a' hpr launch llll\ ncu lciiiicld indic cluh. l’lux hack up iioiii l)ii\c li} \rguincni and DJ \clx iioiii ldlcmld. Siuaii liraiihuailc i,\log\\.ii i. (irainnc and ihc l H} Spiiiircx l),l~ l’ioduccd iii coniunciion \Hlll Ill: In:

I White Heat ai (‘ahaici \oliaiic

‘lpiii 3am £5 itili. 3 l‘ch l.ondon\ lllll'.lL'llll.il indic cluh lL‘llll'lh. Iondonk Jaiiiic 'l‘ I\ all crackcd \ocalx and ha“ uhilc l:diiihurgh\ Rll\llL'\ aic ili\c‘i> punk u iih a grungc cdgc iunioriunaicl} ihc l‘Nlh lia\c caiiccllcdi, i-\ll hackcd up h} ilic l)J\ and gucxix iroiii (ioulag licai

Edinburgh Fridays


I Awooga! al \\'c-c Rcd liar.

llHllpin .iani. £51Hi. Ill l-ch Hip hop. clcciro. icchno and hrcakx iiiadi-iip iioiii .\ll\l;l Bocuii and (ioi‘anoxaur.

I Badaboom al .\la\\a. lllpni 3am, £5, \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc hcxi in commercial Rik” and urhan llt'k\ \Hlll gucxh ironi |.\ira and Radio 1 lliing in ioi‘inigliil} i\'alcniinc\ Ball \xilh 'l‘rc\or \clxon. 1'7 l'chi.

I Bang ai Suhna} (‘ongaict llpiii 3am. l'rcc hciorc niidniglil; £2 alicr ([1 i. \Vcckl}. ('luh iiiglii ihroning on! an cclcclic ini\ oi c'\ci"\ihing l’roin rock. punk and incial io \ka.

I Blaze ai ligo. llpiii Sam. ‘5. 3 l'ch. l'ill'llllglill}. l)J .laincx l,ong\\orih igniicx ilic ga} ucckcnd \\ iih a chari and iunk} lioin \oundii‘ack.

I Cult ai l’o .\'a .\'a. lllpni 3am. £3.50 hcl'orc l lpiii; 5 al’ici'. \Vcckl}. l).l Nikki and ll'lL'lltl\ dig up ihc \cr} hcxi in iunk. ilixco. Rile liouw. kllxcli c‘l;i\\lc\ and part} lullh ai ihi\ cool dancci‘looi' lll;i\ll- up.

I Evol a! llic liquid Room.

lllfillpin 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. lidinhurgh'x loiigcxi running indic night. With ilic ll\ll;ll

' Felix is a legendary figure on the electro scene Fe'lx da Houmt and the head behind the seminal album Kittenz and thee Glitz and the more recent Devin Dazzle and the Neon Fever. So expect some post-punk electronica, new wave glamour and electro classics at this midweek, intimate show as he joins We Are . . . Electric for a three hour set. I lied 75 Feb. We Are. . . E/ecmc a: Cabarer vats/re. Edinburgh.

ini\ oi ihc l‘c‘xl cuiicni and c'l.i\\i\' alicrnain c. crown cr iuncx. ii\ an

I lndigitous ai ihc Bongo (‘luh

ll! :lll‘lll .‘am 1“ hcioic ll zllpiii. is aiici IH l-ch lhc pochcdclic iraiicc pai'lk li'llllllx with a ll\L' \ci iioiii l‘lll‘ l-lop. a collahoiaiion hciuccii ('liiix llanwn i('ii\p} and John \lonkiiian lllL‘llll\}ll\' and ihcii 'hugc \lahx oi giooxcn liippcd oui landxcapw and chcck} inclodicV liack up iioiii llciu') ~\cligiiian il)i.igoiiil) i and ihc Indigiioux cicu,

I Jackhammer al Siilma} (‘ougaic lll‘lll iani L'ihc 1 lch. \\'iih \l‘ccial gucxi \laik \\illiani\ lilL‘l.lll\ ihci

I Misfits ai Suhna} (‘oxigaic

llpiii iaiii. LC lll l'ch l-oi‘inighil} \ighi oi alicrnain c cluhhing pla}iiig ihc hcxi in indic. cino. punk and rock. iiiorc oi a coiiiinunii} ihan ilN a cluh nighi haxcd aiound \\\\\\.llll\lll\0llllllL‘ couk

I Mocha Rocka! ai Bcrlin liicrhaih

lll illpni 3am £5 hcioi'c midnighl; {h aiicr 2-1 l'Cl‘. \liillllll} 'l‘\\ii (ll ladinhuigh'x hcxi collccincx ioin ioi'ccx Spacc l'acc l'L‘HilL‘llh l’cpc Saiiiainaria and llic lilondc l-ladi hring ihc Rik”. hip hop. iunk. dixco and inoi‘c \ihilc ’l‘ok'w lilu iakc caic oi ihc houxc and dixco.

I Modern Lovers ai ligo. llpiii .iain. L‘h. ,1 l’ch. .-\ poxi—inodcrnixi iiii\ oi \oul and iunk. ia/x. \ka. garagc and immi- \\llll a gucxi \cl iioiii :\ndrc\\ ‘\\'liiic'}'

\\ hiic iioiii ihoxc chcck} chappicx ihc K.l|\t‘l ('hicix. l-or inoic iiiio clicck \\\\\\.lllUilL‘l'llliHL'l'\.L'll.lll\. Scc pic\ic\\. pagc 33.

I Nightstrike ai Rial). Ill..‘~llpiii Rain £3 hcl'orc inidnighi; £3 al'lcr, 3 l‘ch. 'l‘cchno. clcciro and hi-ick lunk l'roiii l’olarix and l‘uiurc .\l}iholog_\ ioincd h_\ (’odc ‘) i.\langai \iho‘ll hc hringing \oiiic druin & ham io procccdingx.

I Nuklear Puppy ai lagoi Illpni .iaiii. L'ihc. ll) l’ch. RL‘\lilL‘lll\ Jaxon ('oric/ and Phil York kccp ihc hard dancc l'lag ll} ing in lllL‘ capital \\llll \pccial gucxi liddic llallmcll.

I Planet Earth at (‘iu'iix ('liih. ll)..illpni 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .\lll\lL' ll'illll

l"~h iliiough io NV) oi. in oilici \xoi‘dx. a licalili} doxc oi punk. iic\\ \\.l\ c. nc“ ioniaiiiic and clcciio pop

I Scratch al ilic Bongo i‘luh

lll zllpiii lain {1H ‘l‘ch Kingu oi ihc oiicroli hip hop iani Sciaich iciuin \\llll _\ci anoihci killci gucxi. -\li \lialtccd \luhaiiiinad ihc lcgcndai} pioducci and Ill ioi a l‘iihc ('allcd ()ucxi Scc pic\ic\\, l‘.i‘__‘L‘ i:

I Solescience .ii i‘ahaici \oliaiic

lil .‘llpiu :am to I“ l-ch Dcdicaicd io hiinging ihc l‘c\l oi undcigiouiid houxc. digital dixco and iiackhcad \oul a\ ihci aic ioincd h} lhi/a hcio l’aul \\oolioid iSpach and a gucxi \loi ioini ihc liouhlc l\\\}\

3? Soul Biscuits .ii (‘alxiici \oliaiic

lll illpiii ‘nini £5 il'ch l’hc hip hop nighi 1\ hack “llll \a\l_\ l’ dixhing oui ihc hcah and hicak\ a~ ihc} limi ihc \L‘llll iinal in Him .\l(' haiilc l.i\c a\ani gaidc hip hop iioiii ihc l’L‘lll‘lhlli'h a\ a honux I 33/45 at licilin lilL‘llith

Ill illpiii iain H hcioic inidnighi. {o alici 1H lliL‘llll‘Cl‘sl 3 l'ch l).illlll \c\} xouliul houxc iioiii l).l\ l con l‘.l\lk‘l. lo M} lcx and Nick \Valxoii

I Tokyo Blu .ii ihc \cnuc

lllfillpni Ram 95 hcioic iiiidiiighi. t“ ailcr ifii i l-ch. .\lonihl_\ 'l‘lic l.i\c llouw Scxxioiix coniinuc .l\ ihc 'l‘ok}o lilu l).l~ i‘cluin \\llll ihcii cighl piccc hand ioi \oinc iunk_\. dixco. I aim. (‘hicago and clcciio lingcd liouxc

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Diggity ai ihc lixlahlixhniciii

lllpiii Rain, 9;" itii. \Vcckl}. l)_l l".il\iilo/. llarr} 3|). Rico and .\l(‘ I'Iou gci doun \Hlll ihcir had \chcx. playng \kllil\l) lc Rtkli. hip hop and \li'ccl will.

I The Egg ai \Vcc Rcd liai. llpiii iaiii {4.5” it" ifilli. “cc-kl}. Siill ihc lk‘xl iiii\ oi indic. (illx gai'agc. noi'ihcrn \oul. \ka. 7llx piin and MC“ \iaxc )ou'ic likcl} io \iaggci' ilt‘l'ikx .\ \\cll loicd inxiiiuiioii ihai rciuxcx io changc.

I Fever ai ltgo. llpiii 3am. L'lll i£5 io 'l'axic inciiihcrx hciorc l lil5pin. L‘h’ ior lllL‘llllk‘H aiicri. J l‘ch. Morillil}. 'l'axic lll;illl\l;l_\ \ l‘ixhcr & l’i'icc and .\lariin \alcniinc arc on ihc niain lloor uhilc lhc \'i\iioi‘ and Kaupuxx iakc an ainihiiig gocx aiiiludc in ihc ('ocicau loungc,

I Fish Fry al ihc la// liar. llpiii iaiii. l‘rcc hci'orc l l..illpiii; 5 aiicr. \Vcckl). Scoiiixh ia/x. iunk. mid and l.aiin lMllth join 'l'rouhlc |)J lirik l)‘\'iking and l)cpai'iurc l.oungc\ l)J .-\\ll'()liil}. ()rgan hca\} iunk} groom-x lroin Rooidoun i4 l-chi and acid ia/l. iunk rock and i‘cggac iioiii (iccko i ll l-‘chi llll\ ioi'iniglii.

I Give it Some! ai ihc liongo ('luh, llpiii 3am, £4 hcioi‘c inidniglii; L'h allcr. l l l’ch. l'unk. \oul. ia// and iarc groow arc ihc ordci‘ ol ihc da} \\ iih l)JRcdh doing lll\ hcxi io iirc oui ihoxc dancing icci. l)cco} RU} \clccix rcggac. \ka. [Unix and duh in room ixio.

I Glitterball! al .\la\\a. l lpiii 3am. £5 hci‘orc midnight; L7 aiicr. 4 l’ch. launch iiighi ax local hoin licadx Jon Mancini. llllgg‘}. l.l\1i l.llllc\\ooil. Rick} RL‘lil and \Variici‘ l’ii\\Cl‘\ pui llic \parklc hack in )Ulll' ucckciid.

I JakN ai lhc \cnuc. ll). illpiu Kain. 16 i. ll l‘ch. l'iiK-Nii'l‘ puix in a three hour \ci. \o )ou can c'\pcci a iuurnc} through all ihingx icchno. induxirial and junglc. l)rlllk‘\ pl‘nllliix all night and ircc (‘l)\ at ilic L‘lltl ol L‘\ cr} L'\Clll.

I Joy at the \cnuc. l lpiii Rain. U) hcl'orc midnight: £8 aiicr. ll lich. l'p-ironi. diri} houxc grooch on lhc main iloor iroiii Alan 8c Maggic Jo} and Brcii King to work )ou up into a laihcr on the main llooi‘.

I Liquid Soul ai l’o .\'a Na. lllpiiiJaiii. £3 hci'orc l lpiii; L'h alicr. \Vcckl}. (ici dim n carl} i’or ihix consixicnil) capacii) rciro dixco and iunk} housc nighi.

I Love for the Music at (‘aharci \iillairc. lll.3llpiii—3am. £6 hci‘orc l lpiii: 8 Mia. J lich. Ncii lll()llllll) up-lronl houxc pari} i'roin ihc pcoplc v. ho hroughi _\ou l’rogrcxxion. Booinshahooni and L'nlock‘ ihc Houw.