Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

The Adventures of Greyfriars Bobby t PG) .0. iJohn llenderxon. l'K. 2005i ()lixer (iolding. Jainex (‘oxiiio. (ireg Wixe. ('hrixtopher l,ec llHinin See re\ re“. page ~1l (ii'Iti'I'u/ I'i'/i'ilu'.

African Film Rebels iitici thlrlttllxl A dm‘iimentar} douhle hill ol Alrican iniixical xiiccexx xtoriex. .-lIniIi/uu it .lliirumr lhmum he (I Ii’iimiilu. lolloux tuo intixiciaiix in Mali. and lelii Kim. .llinii I\ (I nut/mu ix an e\.'iinination ol the radical political lile ol Kitti. loiinder ol Alto-heal l’art ol the .-\lrican Soul Rehelx l'K tour I'i/ni/iuuu', la/iIi/iure/i

After Midnight (Dopo Mezzanotte) ilSt 0.. il)a\ide l'ert'ario. Ital}. ZlNHi (iiorgio l’axotti. l'r.‘incexca lnatidi. l‘ahio 'l'roiaiio. ‘l iinin. Slight hut engaging tale ol Martino l l’axottii a itiglit \xatchman at ’l'urin'x Miixeuiii ol ('incma. \xho lallx lot the uillou}. xlightl} liii}ixli—|ookiiig Amanda t lnaiidi l. hut \xill xhe lall lor hix lilin hull charmx" Nice. mellilluoux cinema. lllltlt'l'plil}etl and tteall} handled (iliixemi I'll/n I'lii'ulri’, (i/uxeuii ,' I’i'lmliuiiu‘. I'fi/iIi/mre/i.

Ashes and Diamonds (Popiol l Diament) l IS) .000 iAiiitr/ei \Viiiila. l’oland. WSSI [hignieu (‘}hiilxki. l-.\xa Kt'/}/e\x xka. Wacltm /.axtr/e/_\nxki. lll5iiim. Maciek t('}hti|xkii. a )oting Rexixtance lighter. ix iit'tlel'etl [U kill S/c/uka. a ('oinmunixt dixlrict leader. on the laxt da_\ ol' World War ll. Though killing hax heen eax) l‘or him in the paxt. S/c/uka \tax a lellou xoldier. and Maciek iiiiixt decide Whether to lollim hix ot‘det'x. ()tte ol Waida‘x \‘t‘l‘}' hexl liltnx. a gilt to poxt \xat l’olixli einettta. l’art ol an Introduction to litiropean ('inetna. I'i/m/inim'. Iz'i/i'n/mre/i. Atash (Thirst) t l3.»\) 0.. (Tan lik Ahii Wacl. lxi'acl/l’alextinc. jun-ti lliixxein Yaxxiii Mahainc. .-\ma| Bueerat. Roha Blal. l lllllllll. Scc i'ex iexx. page 43. l-i/niliiiuu'. Iai/iIi/iure/i.

Bee Season l l3:\l .0 (Scott .\lc(iehee/l)a\ id Siegel. l'S. 2005i Richard (iere. Juliette Binoche. lilora (~r()\\. .\ltl\ Minghella. Ill-1min. Alter ll-)L‘;ll‘-ttltl lili/a'x t(‘roxxi xuccexx in a Spelling Bee. her lather Saul t( iere l. a religioux xtudiex [\l‘tilt'SStll' xpecialixing in the lx'ahhalah. dccidex lltttl lhix tltttk'ex her the perfect gtiiiiea pig l'or hix theoriex. :\x he l'ocuxex on lili/a he xtartx neglecting hix \\ il'e tBinochei and oldext xoii tMinghellai. and they react h} rebelling againxt him. 'l'edioux and coiiliixiiig px} chohahhle familial drama. .Si'li'i‘li'i/ I'l'lf'll.\('.

Big Momma’s House 2 ll’(il .0 (John \\'liitexell. l‘S. 2mm Martin


l.a\xi'ence. lalton l eBlanc. Ma 1 on};

‘Nlmin l~Bl agent Malcolm 'liiinci tl.a\\rettcei goex undercmer ax Big \loinina again Yaun -\t lcaxt it p.i_\x lot laxxience'x rchah pa} iiientx (ii in mi ’.('/('(l\f.

Blue I IS i .0. l.'\lltll‘ lliioxht. .lapatt. limit lchikaua Mikako. Konixhi \laiiaiiii. hnaiiiku -\xami lllllllll \daptcd h} Miter/director lliroxhi lroin the ‘xhoiiio manga' lj._'lrl\ comic i. Ii’lui xtihtl} e\ploiex .i xame-xe\ relationxhip hetu een l\\ii )ttllllg' Japanexe xchool girlx Breaking .ma} lioiii their group ol lriendx and xpeiiding more time alone. the} dixcm er that lo\ e ix nc\ er xintplc l’art ol ('omic l’roportionx. a xeaxon ol lilinx adapted lioiii Manga Ii/ni/ioim'. Ia/IIi/mrg/i

Breakfast on Pluto i tit .00

i.\'ei| Jordan. Ireland/l 'K. DUNS) l.iam .\'ecxon. (’illian Murph}. Ruth \egga. l35min 'l‘ranxxextite l’atrick ‘lx'itten' Braden‘x lMurph_\ i lile xtor} ix recounted in 5H indixidnall} titled chaptei'x ,-\ii innocent xx ho ignorex the ieahtiex ol Me. the iourne} \\ iiidx through \arioiix adxenturex 'lakiiig the hext elementon Jordan'x pi‘ex ioux lilmx tlrom .l/onii law to ( ‘imi/iiini of lliili-ex I_ the \\ hole docx not hxe up to the xiiiii ol itx partx. l'l/lH/IUHH'. Lil/lilting/i.

Brief Encounter l rm .0. tl);t\ ltl lean. l'l'x'. 1045i (‘elia Johnxon. ’l‘rcxor llouard. Stanle) llttll()\\;l). tx‘tiiiiin. Still upper lipx and eiiiotionall) charged hruxhex ol' the handx are all that Johnxon and lloxxard \\ ill alloxx themxehex ax their e\tra-inarital ‘al'lair' doexn't den-lop much he)ond unxpoken longingx at a railxxa} xlttlitin. l'ilil' xitttle. lhc learx \\ ill xlill lit)“; for othei'x. the iingix ing inoralit} ix e\axperatiiig. (iixen the rigidit) ol’ thix linglixh romance. the Rachmaninox xoundtrack ix unliltingl} x\\ eel. l’art ol Mitii l);i\ Id l.ean xeaxon. l'l/NI/IHHH’. Iii/inlmreli, Brilliant Shorts! t l3.-\t t\'ariotixl Utliiiin. :\ collection ol xhort lilmx h} deal and hard ol hearing lillllllltlkl‘l'x ranging from ()xcar-xx inning directoi'x to hudding iiexx taleiitx. 'l'hix xeleetion incliidex lie“ Scottixh liltnx. ()&A unit actor Samuel l)ore tl‘roin BB("x Suite/ii. BSI. interpretation. l’art ol Sign Language ('ineiiia .-\ ('elehratioii ol l)cal Mm iith ltttage ('tillttrc. (i/iiiunii' I'ilm 'I'lteulri'. (i/uigoii: I'l/III/IHHH‘. I'alui/im'e/i.

British Animation Awards Frog 1 ll5l t\'arioux. l'K. 3005i 80min. 'l‘he hext ol‘ all thingx neu. Britixh and animated? Vote for the \\ innerx. l’rograiiime ()ne includex (iaclle l)cttix‘ (in l’ill‘ili/Iu' ill \xhich 'l'oiiioko. a xtudeiit in London to learn linglixh dixcox'ei'x a dark underground. And lint llope'x .llenemii ('inemu.‘ Revenge /\ ('nlil. ahout Woody. “ll” dreamx ol' hecoming a lighter heing conned h} :\lilll\ the cactux into an e\pedition to the North Pole. (i/iiwou l-i/ni 'I'lieulre. (ilmeou _' I‘ll.‘ll/ll’ll\l'. I'fi/i'Ii/mre/i.

Claude Faraldo’s brilliant 1973 anarchistic masterpiece really needs to be seen on the big screen to be believed. This blacker than black cult comedy is a call to arms for all those who have simply stopped giving a shit. Showing as part of Psychotronic Cinema. I Fi/ninouse. Edinburgh (Thu 2 Feb only). GFT. Glasgow (Tue 7 Feb on/yi.

British Animation Awards Frog 2 il5- i\arioux.l K. I‘M.“ «\lllllll‘l l‘hc hext ot all thingx new Britixh and animated' \ote lot the \\lllllef\ l’iograiitnie lxxo includex Jon l'\enx‘ Voting in \xliich a grandiiiother‘x ixolatcd lite ix threatened h} the lll\.ltllll_‘_‘ cit_\ \nd (1min..- (hi: or {iii Bari i. the quirk} tra\elx ol a xiiiiiig maggot (ifiixeim li/ni Iiii'ixtri. (ii'igxeim. li/m/ioiiu‘, li/l/t/"HIe/t

British Animation Awards Frog 3 115) i\'aiionx. l'lx'. IMF) SHmtn lihc hext ol all thiiigx new Britixh and aniinatcd‘ \otc tor the \\ innerx l’rograiitme l'hree incltidex the (‘harlatanx' II’\ .leiim [iii/iii iiiuxic \ ideo. a \xitt) addition to the ‘houncing hall' tiadition :\l1\llli1ll\ 1)“!th h} Jeni Rohertx ~\ii attempt h} a film diiectoi' and hix xtunt man to lilm a magnilicent cai chaxe (i/meim Ii/ni I/li'itll'i'. (i/(1\L’Ilit

* Brokeback Mountain I IS. 0... t.-\ng l.ce. IS. 20”.“ Heath ledgei. Jake ( i} llcnhaal. \lichelle \Vilhamx. \nne llatltaxxa} li-linin leex intimate epic poigiiantl} chartx a liirtixe relationxhip hem eeii t\\o ranch handx met the etttll'xe Ul xe\eral ileeailex ltl ti \lli'tlg' caxt ledger ix trul} outxtaiidiiig. imhtnng hix inarticulate character \\ itli an aching humanit). l.exx a ga} \Vextern than a unnerxall} rexonant loxe xtor} (ii'iieiii/ H’lt'llH'.

* Calvaire (The Ordeal) l txi O... tl'ahrice l)ii \Vell. Belgtiiiii/l'rance/ l.u\einhourg. ZlNNi Laurent l.ncax. Jackie Bet't‘o} er. l’hihppe

Nahon. Jean-l.uc ('otichard. Brigitte l.ahaie.

lx’7iiiin. See rex ten. page 43. film/tome. Iz'ili'liliureh.

Casablanca tl’( it 000.. ifxlictiiiel ('iirtil. l'S. l‘NZi lluinphrc} Bogart. Ingrid Bergman. l)iiole} \Vilxon. lillinin. You mtixt reincnihcr lliix Bogart heing iinpoxxihl} nohlc. Bergman torn hem ectt tuo lo\ erx. (‘laude Rainx pla} mg hoth endx againxt the middle. dex ioux .\'a/ix. a l'oghound airport. a piano-pla}er tinkling that tune. .-\ \xondcrl'ul hill ol heanx (i/iiwuii' I'ilm 'I'lieulri'. (i/uwiiii‘; Si nix/mm .S'i'rei'm'ne Room. l'fi/iIi/mruli.

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 t l’( i)

O. t.»\daiii Sliankman. l'S. 2t)t)5i Steve Martin. Bonnie Hunt. l’iper l’ei'aho. Tom Welling. 03min. 'l'he Baker laiiiil) are hack and the} are going on ltolida} hut the} hadn't e\pected Jillllll} Murtaugh dew) and hix hig hrood. l’athetic xequel to a heuilderingl) xuccexxl'iil lamil} coined}. (it'lti'l‘u/ I‘i'li'uu'.

Chicken Little 1 l 'i 0.. i.\l;ii-k l)indal. l'S. ZlKJSi \iiicex ol Zach Bral'l. Patrick Sleuait. Joan (‘iixack. (Ear) Marxhall Sllmin. See re\ iexx. page J |. (it‘lti'l'tl/ I'i'lulu’.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe tl’(ii O t.-\ndre\\ .-\damxon. l'S. 2005i (ieorgie llenle). \Villiam Moxele}. Skandar Ke)nex. Jaiiicx Mc.-\\o_\. Ra} Winxtone. l)a\xii lirench. 'l'ilda Six iiitoii. l35min. llilN. the lirxt ol xe\en propoxed children littnlax'x hlnekhlixlet‘x httxed on ('S l.e\\ix‘ much lm ed allegorical nm elx. ix an ahxolute xtinker. and one made all the more unpalatable h} the lac! that the \er} unchrixtian greed ol ilx producerx ix xii utterl} palpahle o\ er itx \eellllllgl) eiidlexx running time. l’root~ that great hookx can

make lrlll} appalling l'ilinx. (ienenil H’li'UH’.

City of God 1 IS) 0.”. tl’ernando Meirellex. Bra/il. 2002i ll‘hnin. The international rexurgence ol~ Latin .-\iiierican cinema xlttmx no xignx ol xlim ing doun. l:()ll()\\ ing (‘enlru/ Stu/(mt. xiniiin'x I’errm. )' 'Iii .llimiii 'Iiiliiliii'ii and .Vine Queem cotttex an e\hilarating Bra/ilian drama. (in u! (iml. Baxed on l’atilo l.inx'x xprau ling novel and xpanniiig three decadex. it'x an epic account of the grouth ol’ organixed drug-dealing in a xlum holixing protect. the xo-called ('it} of (iod in Rio de Janeiro. (ii/Iiiiirelii'l/(ill. (i/uwiiii.

Clifford’s Really Big Movie i t 'i

0. (Robert (' Raiiiirel. l‘S. IOU-ii Voicex of John Ritter. Wa) ne Brad}. (ire) l)el.ixle. Jenna lill‘man. 7-1min. ('lil‘l‘ord ix an eiiorinoux big red dog; uho'x well

knoxx n to under-l'n ex e\er_\ it here through the telex'ixion xhoxx x. Here he emhark'x on


an ad\etitiitc that exeii the xiiiallext . liild \\lll tiitd Hunt and ol‘x ioiix lo“ :iade kiddie c .iitoon l‘ic x. teen adaptation. teattiiing xetontl iate \oite aitzxtx l‘ait ot \\c.ittx' “mild lawman /.::':".ii;-:

A Cock and Bull Story l<i 0.00 i\lichael \\ intcil‘ottoiiiJ lx. .‘tltl‘i lx‘oniii \ncona, \te\e (hogan. lx'oh Bixdon. Stephen l i\. lxeele_\ lla\\ ex \hiile\ llendeixon. l)a\ id \\alh.iiiix ‘l‘llllll la\xien\e Steiiie‘x lisi 1.". ..r:.." ( {wanna-x .' [Inna-n: \izt.i:..’~. (ii r:.'.i "an: \\.ix .ll‘.‘ll.ll‘l\ the liixt poxtiiiodeiii timel. and iiou thaiikx to the tiielexx eltoitx ot liliiiinakei

\\ intcihottoiii. \xe haxe a poxtiiiodeiii attempt to ittteipiet it llioiii'h thix ix .ix much ahoiit the llldklli‘.‘ ot .l \eixioii ot liixtmiii Vinita". .ix it ix .ll‘i‘lll the lead actor-x it ‘oogaiii t".'\‘l\lll. thix ix .i \xoiideilnlh iiiexx} xatiie and ioiiip ot dexiationx and di\eixionx lliix ix Biitidi cinema at itx iiioxt aiiihitioiix and iiioxt

\\ t‘lctllllt' \i [it It if M ii ii'\i

The Constant Gardener. tn

ll t'llidllilit \lk'llk'll\'\.l \ l Still<i lx’alph l iennex. Ra. hel \\eix/, lliiheit lxoiinde. l)ann_\ lliixtoii l.‘.\iiiiii \\ heii \aiiohi haxed diplomat liixtiii l)iiax Ic'x ll‘lellllt‘\l oiitxpoken at ll\ ixt \\ ite lexx i\\eix/I ix loitiid iiiiiideted iii .l ieiiiote region ol \oithcin Keiita. he lii':'iiix to “none! .1 \\ hole litdtl i'l illllk \k'\ lt‘lx Beatitiliill_\ \llllxllllt'il aiid xhot. \leieillex' lilin xutceedx .ix hotli a l‘t‘lt'llllt .ll thiillei .iiid a ietioxpectn e lo\ e xtoi_\. \xith l ieiinex otitxtaiiding in the role ol a man :‘l.lilll.tll\ opening tip to the depth ol hix lt't‘llll‘.’\ tot hix \xile oiil} altei hei death li’iiiiitiin llii'iilii. li/ui/iii/e/i

Corpse Brideit'tti O... ‘lllll BtiitoniMike .lohiixoii. l ix. .‘HH§ \oit ex ot .lohtttt} l)epp. llelena Bonhaiii ( 'aitei. l'ttitl} \\atxon. li.ice_\ l lltiiaii "min hi .i gloom} \ ic toiian tou ll. lallen aiixtot iatx the l'\el_‘_'litl\ ate getting iead} to iiiaii\ theii daughtei Victoiia i\\atxoiii oil to the xon ol llHll\e.tll llk he lixh In oonx the \aii l)oi'tx 'l he ttotihle ix that the \aii l)iiitx' xenxiti\ e xoii \ lk tot il)eppi liax gone and got hiiiixell hitched to anolhei lad} i( aiteii and the contiact lookx like it'x hiiiding lanoiinoiixl} ctt|o_\ahle gothic xtop iiiotioii animation liom the xaiiie team who l‘lllllt'lll )titi .-l \Ie/ilniiiii' lie/ore ( liiixlniiix (il/Hluli'ltl/lU/j. (llll\L'illt

Cromartie High School t.xi 0.0 thidai Yaiiiagiic lll. .lapan. .‘HHV lakaiiiaxa Suga. Mitxtiki Koga. llllitxlll \aiiiaiiiolo 35min. Run entiiel} h} itx xtiideiit hodi. (‘roinartie lligli \Llltlttl hax a \lt'ert'tl reputation loi heiiig the \xoixt xchool Ill 'l'okyi Ignoring com eiitioii. \aitiat'iic lii'x coined} hax a non linear time thread. ittxlead ollering .i xettex ol iiiliigtiiiigl} ahxtlt'd xkclcltcx II/HI/JI'HH, li/iIi/iiuzu'i Cyberworld 30 t Wit 1 \atioiix. I S. Itilitli Jenna l’llman. Mall l'le\‘.el. \\ood_\ :\llcn -1-1inin Jenna l'.lllll.tll ix the e\hei hoxt \xho iiitioducex iix to \aiioux iiiiielated xegttletllx HI Qhet atllttialiott Hi: \Iiii/miiix and sin/g. make il) appeaiantex in a xpcctaculai dixp|a_\ ol toda} ‘x iiioxt impicxxne graphic tecliiiolog} Ill l \' l/lr'illl‘i'. (i/il\;‘iiti


Tue 7 Feb



Wed 75 Feb 70.30am, 7.30pm & 7.30pm BROKEN FLOWERS (15)

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

.7 ‘i’, FM '3 THE LIST 45