Cheaper by the Dozen 2 II .I 3 III. i_‘II I. {Ii

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe I’( ., : lilI

() lll

A Cock and Bull Story I5. \ III

Fun with Dick and Jane I I: \I 3 III I. 11H~ (I w. lIIIII

Get Rich or Die Tryin’ I5» IIII. 5 5H. \ III

Jarhead 15: 5311 (I15 IIIIII

Just Like Heaven II'III II III

King Kong I 1.? <5II. " 511 MunichII5I IIIII. zaII, \iilI

Rang De Basanti I I: \I I 5H. 5 III.

,\ 5II

Rumour Has It I.‘ \I I .TII. I III. (I111). \ jII

Underworld: Evolution I IM 3 .TII. 4 III. " IIII_ ‘I jI.


Brokeback Mountain I I 5. \\I'i'l\Il.i}\ ill. 5 ill. 3 5” Sui A Sun S ‘11

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 II’( II hull} 1 {II 4511. IIjII \l\l‘ IiIuiIIII'u Sui I\ SIIII Chicken Little I I I

Sui .\ Sim 11115uIII. 13111. 1.1111. .7111. 5111. 4111. 5111. (I111. "111. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe II’( 11


Derailed I I5.

I).II1_\: IIII IIII II 11). 01111 Elizabethtown I 1.? \I

SIIII. 4.1111

liIu: ".1111

Fun with Dick and Jane I I3 \.

Hull}: 5.21), 5 HI. S111

\lw IIIuiIiqu Sui A Sun: 13 511.

Get Rich or Die Tryin’ I I

Hull}: 3.4M.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

I l3.\I

\luimuu Sui A Sun. 11.4Hum

Mere Jeevan Saathi Ii I Hull): 3.)”. 5 311. IS {(1. \1w Iliuimuu Sui IK SIIII. Munich I 15)

Hull): 1211. 4511. S15. North Country I I5I Hull}: .7 511. 5.511. S511. Rang De Basanti I I3.\I l)uIl_\j 4.2(I, SIIII

.\|\II IIIuliIqu Sui Ik SIIII. 13.411. Robots IIQI

.\luiIIqu Sui Ik Sun: 11 lNIuIII. Rumour Has It I I3,\I

Hull}: ".(III IIIIIi 'liiuI. “.311. UndenIvorld: Evolution I I.\'I \\e‘t'l\Il.l§\j l~lll. ll”. “.4”. ‘llll. Walk the Line I I: \I

Hull}. 15”. 51111. S311.

\lw IIIuiIIqu Sui I\ Sim: 1|.IIIIuIII. Zathura II’( II

Hull}. 3.1111. 45”. ".1111. ‘IIII. \l\il Inulmuu Sui I\ Sun. 11.511um.

Vue Edinburgh

()IIIIII. (llL‘t‘HSlilL‘ l’luuu. IIIlII [mu (IVIZ j-llll-lll .\Ililll\I (“its .\ll‘ll l'Il l‘ulIII‘u 5IIIIII. (’1IIII1IuII*Siudunix'( ).\1’: {3.1111

It i (III .\1IIII l'll 1IulIII'u 5mm. l';illlll_\ in‘kui: {15.211It’14.411\lun l'l'l l‘i'lillk‘ Spill). (lIIlil (‘luw llt‘lxuh lIII' II\uI' lIS\ IIIII): LES 50 I L" 5(1\1IIII l‘l’l 1IulIII'u 5IIIIII.



1111115781‘4‘: .

Brokeback Mountain I I5I 130. 4.45. .\'.I.5.

The Chronicles oi Hamia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe II’I iI I3. III. 4.11).

A Cock and Bull Story (Gold Class) I I5I |.4II. 4, III. II4II. II. III

Fun with Dick and Jane I I:-\I I3.5II. 3,311. (rill). S311.

Get Rich or Die Tryin’ (Gold Class) I I5I 12.111. XIII. 5.511. 5.411.

Jarhead I 151 mm”. 3.45. 5.45. S45. Just Friends I I_‘.\I I.5II. 4.:II. I»..5II. IIJII.

Just Friends (Gold Class) I I:.\I I3. II I. 3.50. 55H. SliI.

King Kong I I:.\» “.SII.

Nowhere Man


Memoirs at a Geisha I I3.\I III). 4. III S111)

MunichII5I IIII. 5.I5. *HII).

The HewWorldII3.\I I34II. 4.2II. “.15.

Rumour Has ItII3.\I 1.115. 1.45. (I511. “15. 11.5”.

Underworld: Evolution I IxI IIII. IIIII (\ 511. H.511

11111 ISM/VI“ I Brokeback Mountain I I5I

Hull}: 3.111IIIIII lqu. 5.3“. .5511. Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ll’( 1 I

.\1uimuu Sui Ik Sun: 11.111um.

Chicken Little I l ' I

Sui IK Sill]: llHliluiIL ll_l)i);I|n, mum. 1.111. 2.15. XIII 4.51). (x45.

A Cock and Bull Story (Gold Class) I I5I

F 1311/0”

l‘l'l \lIIII.\\I-I1I\'l'11u: 1.411. 4.111. (I411.

‘1. III.

Derailed I I5I

Dull}: 1.1111. 5.45. (xiii. 0.15.

:\l\U IIIuiIIqu Sui Ik Sun: 111.311um. ‘\l\li lulu l‘l'l Ik Sui: 11.511.

Fun with Dick and Jane I I3.\I

Dull}: JIIIIIIIIII SiIIII. 4.511. ‘IIIIIIIIII l‘iIuI. ‘1. iII.

.\l\l) IIIuiIIqu Sui Ik Sun: 11.511um. .\|\II1uiu l‘l'l IV Sui: iIIIIlIIIgIIi.

Fun with Dick and Jane (Subtitled) I I3.-\I Sun: 3111).

Inc: ".IIII.

Get Rich or Die Tryin’ I I5I

l'l'l Ik Sui' 111.511.

The Adventures oi Greyiriar’s Bobby II‘I 'l'uu: ".1111

Jarhead I I5I

l)uIl_\: S45.

\lSl‘ l'I‘l. .\1IIII.\\'uI1IK 11111: 13.15. :15. IIIIII

\lxII lulu l‘i‘l Ik Sui: 11.411.

Memoirs of a Geisha I I3.-\I

\\i‘e‘l\Il;i_\\I l.:ll iIIIIi ‘l‘ilui. 4.4.5. S1111. Sui IK Sun: S1111.

.‘\l\U lulu l'i'I I\ Sui: 11.211.

Munich I I5I

1‘1'1. \lun. \Vud Ik 'l‘hu: 1.311. 5.111. ‘HIII.

Sui Ik Sun: 124”. 4.15. 0,111). The New World (Gold Class) I IZ.\I l'l‘l .\lIIIII\ \Vuilfl‘liu: 13.45. 4.15. ".45.

Rumour Has It I I2.-\I

l).III_\: l.411_ 4.3II, “III, «I4II,

rr~!l Ir 1!» v / ;I~ II \’ [‘1 I'll a I' VIII/Ill‘.

Underworld: Evolution (Gold Class) I IIS'I

l'l'i .\lIIII Ik \VuIl. 11111: 1.1111. 3. 511. (Ill), S41).

Walk the Line I l3:\l

Hull): 1.51). 5.111). S’. 15.

.’\l\il Inuiinuu Sui Ik Sun: 111.5(1um. .'\l\ii luiu l'll‘l Ik Suit 1 1.511. Zathura il’( ll

Hull}: 13.30. 3.111). 5.311. 7.511. .’\l\l) mulliqu Sui Ik Sun: 111. Ilium.

Vue Edinburgh Ocean

()uuun 'lI-I‘IIIIIIIII. ()uuun |)I‘i\u. 1.uiih. (1151 555 (17110. Ailuli: UI IhulIIru 5pm £5I.('lII|I1IunIlui' I5I: £3.81). Sillilt'lll/():\l)3 £5.01). l‘umil} iiukui: £15.41). Klil\('llll12 £3 Innu uuuumpun} in}: uIliili gnux l'I‘qu.


Bee Season I I2.-\I I.4II. TIIII. Brokeback Mountain I I5I 3.5II. 5.5II. 3.50.

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 mm I.I5. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Il’( i) I. III. Frozen I I51 IIIII. _I.I5. 5.3II. 7.45. Fun with Dick and Jane I IZAI .I. III. 5.4II. 3.11).

Get Rich or Die Trvin’ i I5I 4.IIII. (1.4.5. IIII).


Just Friends I I2.-\I 5.2II. 8.21).

Just Like Heaven ll’( II 5.45.

King Kong I 13:\I 1.31). 7..III.

Match Point I I2.-\I 4.I5. 0.21). Memoirs of a Geisha I l::\I I45. 4.45. Sill).

MunichII5I 1.31). 5.3II. sen. 3

Rumour Has It I I2.-\I I30. .40. (IZII. s_4II. Underworld: Evolution I lISI 4.III. (I.4II. (III).

For films showing between


Sukezo (Naoto Takenaka), a former Manga comic artist, sets up a rock polishing business in his shed. He tries hard to be successful, but business does not go well and his family becomes progressively poorer. This bizarre, inane but endearing Japanese drama kicks off ‘Comic Proportions', a season of Japanese films adapted from Manga.

1 HID/W .‘L 11 Il 111:;1 I

Brokeback Mountain I I5I \\IL'k'l\tlill\\. 3.5”. 5 5ll. .S 511 Sui I\ Sun, S511

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 I l’( 1. Hull}: 1.311

.'\l\l) IIIuIIIqu Sui I\ SIIII Chicken Little Ii I

Sui A’ Sun: 11115uIII. 1| iiIuIII. l.‘ ‘11. I45. 3.45. .I IIII. 5 IIII. I5. " I5 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe I l’( i)


.'\l\l) iiiuiiiiuu Sui I\ SIIII llliilll

Frozen I I5I

l.uiu l‘l'l Ik Sui: 11 iii

Fun with Dick and Jane I I: \ I

1)uI|_\: JIIII. 4. iII. " IIII. II ‘III

.\l\il IIIuiIiqu Sui Ik Sun 11 IIIuIII

Get Rich or Die flyin’ I I 5.

l'l'l I\ Sui: llHlli.

Harry Potter and the Goblet oi Fire I13:\I

Nluimuu Sui Ik SIIII Jarhead I 151 l);Iil}' 3.311. 5311. IS 311

.-\l\II lulu l'l'l IK Suii ll 111

Just Friends I I: \I

Dull}: 0,111.

King Kong I 13.x.

l);ill}i 5.45. 5.45.

Match Point I l3.‘\i

l.uiu HI I& Sui: 11.15

Memoirs oi a Geisha I I3.\.

l);ill}I 151). 4.45. S IIII

.‘\l\ii muiinuu Sui Ik Sim. III IlIuIII Munich I I5I

Hull}: 1.15. 5.111). S. 511

North Country I I5I

1)ui|_\: 2.111. 5.1”. S III

.‘\l\ll lulu l‘l'l Ik Sui. ll lli

.'\l\li iiiuiiiiuu Sui & Sun 11 llIuIII Rumour Has it I 13m

Dull}: 1.111. 5.411. (I. 11). 15411 Aim Iiiuiinuu Sui Ik Sun: 11) 41IuIII .-\|\II lulu l'l‘l Ik Sui: 11.1)”. Underworld: Evolution I IxI Wuulxilup: 1.411. 4111. (I40. ‘1 311 Sui A; Sun: 0.311.

Valiant (Senior Screening) I I "I Muiinuu \VL'IlZ l l5lluIII

Zathura II’(;I

l);ill}i 2.111. 4.511. " i1I.

.'\l\ii Inuiinuu Sui Ik Sim: 11.21IuIII


Ii) lllluIII