Various venues, throughout February

‘History is written by the victors‘ is a quote often attributed to Sir Winston Churchill, and it’s a maxim that possibly explains the absence of openly lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered figures in the standard reading of history. An oppressed minority rarely gets to record its experiences when the oppressors control the pens and paper. Ironic, therefore, that the victorious war leader should have admitted to a homosexual affair with the Welsh composer Ivor Novello, drily describing it as ‘musical!’

The quote more accurately belongs to Niccolo Machiavelli, the Renaissance philosopher whose writings inspired many a politico to deceive and manipulate for power and personal gain. ‘Machiavellian‘ is the wrong word to describe the process of actively seeking out queer histories and documenting them, but it’s a clever strategy to enforce acceptance of gay lives - write the history, and you become the winner. There hasn‘t been a more benevolent time to do so.

February is the second annual national LGBT History Month. In Scotland, Glasgow Women‘s Library on Trongate is conducting a tour of its lesbian archive (pictured), the largest in the UK, on Saturday 11 February. OurStory Scotland, the Scottish Arts Council-funded charity that collects, archives and presents the life stories and experiences of LGBT folk, is organising a storytelling and oral history meeting at the Mitchell Library, Glasgow on Tuesday 7 February. And LGBT Youth’s FUSION project is putting on a variety show on in Edinburgh on Thursday 16 February. See listings for more


Also of note in February are two universities' LGBT awareness weeks. The University of Edinburgh‘s draws to a close with a History Month workshop on Thursday 2 February, and a party on the evening of Friday 3 February. The University of Glasgow‘s Pride Week runs from Monday 13 to Saturday 18 February - see www.gulgbt.co.uk/prideweek for details. (Robin Lee)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to gay@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.

Edinburgh I LGBT History Month Workshop

Dining Room. Texiot Ron IltttISL‘. I3 Brixto Square. M0 4073. lpiii. The l'iiixerxit) ol Iidiiihurgh'x I.(iBT .-\\\arene\\ Week eeIehi'atex the Ii\e\ and achie\emeiit\ of I.(iIIT people.

I Nowhere Iigo. I-I I’ieai‘d} Place. 478 “434. I lpiii 3am. L 3. Baxed on the exer ehanging Ne“ York eltih \eeiie \\ itli a cum tI lIltlIK ttS eeleelic ;t\ the llltlxlc. Dela) Bird. DJ .\Iiehelle. the I-‘tinki Him and DI Yoiiix feature.

58 THE LIST .,‘ ‘2? let» 2.1%}


I Burly The Arches. \litlltilttl Street. 07030 35740I. l0.30pm 3am. LS LIO. The ga_\ and hi inen\ eItih that's dcxiglicd to he ct'tti\_\. Note the drth eode: denim. \portx. induxtrial. tiniforiii. rtihhei‘. kills. leather.


I Blaze Iigo. I4 I’ieard} Place. 478 7434. IIptn 3am. L5. I)I Jamex I.ong\\orth ignite\ the ga} \xeekend

\\ ith a ehart and funk) house soundtrack.

I LGBT Awareness Week Party The Street. 2 I’ieard} Place. 556 4272. (3.30pm. The t'niversit} of Iidinhtirgh'x LGBT Awareness week draws to a elose. with Trend} Wendy on the deekx.

Saturday 4 Edinburgh

I Luvely The I ItIlIItI Room. ‘Ie \ ietoiia Street. 225 25h4 Ill 30pm 3am LIlltLS memherxt Ihi~ ~aue} wtiee. .i

g.i_\ mi\ed night of ltlIIrttII. drrx mg IIUIISC. prexentx IIS ‘I.ti\e|_\ I'ndei (‘onxtruetioii' theme. \\ here hard Itgilx rigger hoot~ .iiid ltNII I‘th are the ttl'tlcl til the It}

I Fever Iago. I4 I’ieartl) I’I.ice. 4‘s "434. IIpm 3am LIOtL5 loi I.t\le iiiemherx heloie I I I5pm; LS .tlteri l.l\lt' Illillll\l.l_\\ I‘ixher tk I’riee and Martin Valentine are on the mam floor \xhiIe the \‘ixitor and KJIIPIISS pI.i_\ tItI\\Il\I;lll\


I BootyLUSHous Medina. 45 4‘ I.othiaii Street. 225 (\3I3 I0pin 3am L4. L3 hefoi'e itiidiiiglit. More of .t Stiiitla} \oeiaI than a hill on glam .tllair \tith |)_l I)aIe I.ll\Il. Simmorie Illaek and Uccthltllltll guest \tip;i\la\ mi\ing tip Rik“. Iiip Iiop. \tltll and funk.

I Taste The Liquid Room. ‘Ie Victoria Street. 225 2504. I Ipiii 3am. LS’ LI2 (Lo Lllli. I-‘ixhei‘ tk I’riee \tlppl} IItIll\c atid garage in the mam room. and Martin Valentine “mu nith funk} I'S llttlhc gemx through the haek.

Monday 6


I Passionality (‘uhe. 34 Queen Street. 22h N000. Il.30pm 3am. L2 L3. I’Ieaxing ehartixtr} from D] Shaun Roliet'lx. \Nhti doc\ Iiix IIL'SI l0 l‘extixcilale the \xeekend lor the gin/tuned eroud.


I FUN ('tihe. 34 Queen Street. 220 8000. I I.30pm 3am. L2 L3. I)J Shana IIaIIi\\e|I IIII\C\ older elasxiex and Itiii ltlne\. chtlcflx \\ eIcome.

I Movie Night (ilttxgtm \VtillIL‘llS Librar}. I00 'I'roiigate. 552 8345. 7pm. Monthl) \ei'eeiiingx of elaxxie IL'SIIIHII arid hi lilmx This month: .‘Iflllt't' tt‘ .liietuir. a film looking at the relationship hetueen a Na/i'x \\ ife and her Jen iin Io\ er during \Vot‘ltl \Var II.

I OurStory Scotland Mitehell I.ihrar_\. Kent Road. 287 2000. 5.30 7pm. Stor}telling and oral Ill\l0l') meeting eotiie along and join in collecting and presenting our stories. More information at w“ \\'.t)tll‘\lt)r_\ \eotlandorgtik.


I Vibe Iigt). I4 I’icar‘d} Place. 473 7—134. I lpiii 3am. L3. (la) night \xith Jamex I.oiig\\orth on the deekx.

Wednesday 8


I Gossip Strathehde l'nixerxit} l'nioii. 00 John Street. 552 1305. 8pm lam. L2 alter Illptn'. free for SI' students tip to four gtlc\l\ allou ed. The IIISI ga} night in a Scottish \ttideiitx' tiiiioii. \Vith uii\ed~tip pop. eleetro and chart tunes from D] Rieci.

I Allure The Tunnel. 84 Mitchell Street. 204 I000. II.30pm 3am. L3. Ilapp}. eheex} pop from D] Darren and the guy behind I’;i\\i0li;ilil}.


I Fur Burger Iigo. I4 I’ieard} Place. 478 743-1. I Iprti 3am. L3. Night for girlx \\ ho like girlx. dirt} _i0kc\. innuendo and an e\er eclectic tittixic ptilic}. I3ti_\\. )otl need a female exeort for entr}.


I Lesbian Archive and Information Centre Tour (ilaxgtm Women'x Librar}. I00 Trongate. 552 8345. A tour of the I'K’x largest and most significant

collection oI ni.iteri.il\ .ihotit Tainan Ii\e~. .ieti\ I\lll .III\I .itIiie\eiiient\


. Joy IIIt' \k'IIlIL'. IT (alllilll l\,\‘.I\I. 55“ 30‘3 Ilpiti 3am Lo before midnight. LS .illei l p lioitt. dirt} Ilt‘tl\t‘ lioiii \I.in tk \Iaggie Jo} and Then king to \\t‘lI\ ton into a lather on the 01.00 llooi I’lux Irenth “with and S.il|_\ IN \t‘llI. ltitik and than tIt\\\ll\I.tII\

Edinburgh I BootyLUSHous \letlina. 4% 4‘

I_othi.in Street. 225 (HI3 Illpiii 3am :4. t3 heloie midnight See Sun 5

I Taste The I ItIlIltl RHUIIL 0. \ ittoita Street. 225 2504 IIprii 3am LS LI.‘ lLf) LIIII See Sun 5


I Gutted Ihe (lithotixe. I5 I iiiori Street. 248 Milli» Illpni 3am L3 Li \ \pankiiig next queer night ltoiii the people I‘t‘IIlIItI l'ttei (itittei .\l.id.iiiie S I\ tometI h} IIoII_\ Hayheam for a night ol homo eIeetio. eoek pop. ttiiik ioek tll\\l' \Iea/e. punk Ilt'.ll\ and dirt} Iltltl\t' .it the It‘IllII‘ISIIt'tl (lithotixe The leqtiila'x going eheap too I Passionality ( ‘tilie. 33 Queen Street. 22o .\‘000 I I 30pm 3am t2 t3 See \Ion

I Why Cats? ( iI.i\go\\ \\omen\ I II‘Ial). III‘I Trongate. 552 S345 “pm \eu open ended tIISL'IISSIHII \t'llt‘\ aimed at It‘SI‘IJII and In uoiiien. IIir\ month poiiiogtapln

Tuesday 14

Glasgow . (itlltc. T-l (‘Illt't'll Slieel. 22“ NW)” I I30pm 3am. L2 L 3. See Iue "

Edinburgh I Vibe Iigo. I4 I’ieard} I’Iaee. 42S 74 34 I Ipiii 3am. L 3. See Tue 7

Wednesday 15


I Gossip Sli';ilIieI_\de l'iineixil} I'nioii. ‘III .Iohri Street. 552 IS‘I5. Spin Iain L2 alter 10pm; free for SI' \tudentx tip to I'tttll‘ gtlc\l\ tiIItm etI. See “ed 3

I Allure The Tunnel. S4 \litt'hell Street. 304 I000. II.30pm 3am. L3 See \Ved S

Thursday 16

Edinburgh I FUSION Variety Show .‘\\\t'llll‘l_\

Roomx (ieorge Street. ()2 2200

(r30 I0.30pm. I'i'ee; eontaet lot Ilclxt'l\ I.(iIIT Seotlaiid'x )oung \Hllllllt‘cl\ eeIehrate queer IIINIHI'}. \\ itIi iiitixit‘. drama. fashion and an e\Iiihition h} Rt-mi'nt/u'r II'Iit'ii. I)re\\ \mar't. oi III IIISIHI'IL'HI drexx.


I Bennets Hit-00 (ililSSIUI'tI Street. 552 57M. Wed Thu it Stiii I I.3llpm 3am. In Sat I I30pm ‘s, 20am. l‘l‘lL'IItII}. tltmll to earth late-night dixeo \eiiue recently reltirhixhed and l‘ISIIIg' from the axhex alter a major fire.

I The COCO Club IS Jamaica Street. 347 0320. Thu Sun IIpm 3am. LI L4. ()fleriiig ltiii eoiiiiiier'eial Itlllc\ and funk} pup. (ilttxgtm \ llcu L'\I gtt} \enue Hpcth ilx \egax Slit)“gIl'I-lllxpllt'tl door»

I The Polo Lounge 34 \t'ilxon Street. 553 I22I. Mon Thu 5pm Iain. I‘fl Stiii 5pm 3am. Spaciotix. wank}. gin/mixed Merchant (It) eIuh. \HIII sexeial rooinx tilltl it do“ ltxliiirx tltiltcclltitir ripen at [he ueekend tL5 alter I Ipllll.


I Blooms (I. l‘lllHIlIIS. 25 2-1 (ireeiiside Place. 550 9.55 I. \Itin. I'Tl'l Sal (rpm 3am; Sun. Tue Thu Xpm 3am. The east coast \eerie queen pumps out dance and cheese delights e\er_\ night.