Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids© Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.


Activities & Fun

Acting Up! Drama for Children and Young People Sui l k Sui l I l'L‘lt. lltiill lllNlll. x\lxit \Vt'il N (K \Vt'il l5 l'i-h. (t. 3H S, 3Ilpni. L5. (‘( ‘.'\. 35H Suucliichull Sircci. 352 JUN” l)iuinu \Mtl'lelIHp lt'tl It} .lk'llll .lllil \Klllt'l (‘luic llt'lllplllll. Sui t'luxxcx uit' lot (i ll )cur olilx. \Vt'il \L'SSIHIIS illt' lot l2 IS _\t‘uix. Hooking L‘\\L'llllul.

Sailors’ Valentines Sui I l Mom I 3 id). I. 3U 3. 3llpin {-1.05 litllt' t'lllltl gocx Iiu' \‘.llll cu'i} uiliili ot t‘itllt't'SSIttlll iL3 75 l. ‘l hc 'lull Ship ui (iluxgou llui'hoin. Illll Stoht'ioxx Rouil. 222 25l3, .\lul\c )oin outt littlc ho\ oI low. ux iruiliiionull} t'i'ulit'tl h} lillIL'Mllllt‘ xuilorx on Iui' lliing xcu \o}ugcx.

Saturday Art Club Sui ~I it Sui l l l't'h. Illuni Ipnr l‘iu'. (iullt'i"\ oI Motlci‘n :\ri. ()nccn Sircct. 22‘) limo. l'llll urt ilt'll\|llt'\ I'or t'Iiililri-n ugcil 3 lil including (ll;l\\ ing. collugc. \t'lllllllll't‘ inuking unil gutncx. l’urcntx cun gct \lllL'lx lll too.

Sunday Craft Club Sun 5 & Stilt I2 l't'h. lluin Ipni. l'rt‘c. (iluxgou \ltixt'iinix RL'SUIIIL'L' ('L'ttii‘t'. 2i)” \Vooillit‘uil Rittiil. Nilxlllll. 270 037.5. llrop-in crul't cliih \\ ith u tlillt'rcni lllt'lllk'

L'uL‘lI \\ L‘L'k. .-\j_'t'x 5 l2.


Children’s Classic Concerts: All that Jazz Sui -l li‘h. lpni & 3pm. {9.5” (L5); Iutnil} tit'lwt £20. l{o_\ul (‘ont'cri Hull. 2 Suut'hichull Strcct. 353 SINK), l‘roni rugtiinc to x\\lllg. thix L‘itlit‘t‘l'l l‘l'Ulll lllt‘ Kiltgx til S“ iltg Big Hund und H} Right Duncc ('oinpun) ix u l'iin introduction to jux/ Ioi' lxltlS ugul -1 II

Theatre & Dance

The Underground Princess Sui .1 l‘ch. 2pm & 3.45pm. £4.50 (Hi. Scottixh Muxk & l’tippct 'l'hcuiic ('cnti'c. S It) liulcut‘rcx .-\\cniic. Kclx indulc. 33‘) (iIS5. Motixctulc l’uppctx pt‘cxcnt thc \loi‘} oI' u princc in xcurch oI' u princcxx. urincil \\ ith u crcuin hiin unil un clcctric giiitui'.

George's Marvellous Medicine Inc I-i Sui IS l't'h. 'l'uc l4 l-‘ch 7pm lSut niui 2.30pm); “Cd in It).3()uin

i\\'cil 'l‘hu ntut l.3(lpinl. U3 (L‘Sl; I'until} iickct £35. 'l'hcuit'c Ro}ul. 2S2 llopc Sircct. 332 tlililil. Hirtninghuin Stugc (‘ontpuin utlupt Roulil l)uhl'x \xiit} tulc oI' u _\oting ho) 'x ingcnioiIx plun to ilixpoxc ol‘ hix nuxt) Ultl grunn}.


Children’s Storytime Sun 5 l‘ch & Stilt l2 l‘t'lt. 2pm. l'lL‘t‘. lliti'ilt‘l‘x linith l-‘ort Rctuil l’ui‘k. 300 l’rmun \Vullx. 773 2"“). \VL‘L‘H} \\ L‘L'lKClltl \lttl'}lL‘lllllf_' \L‘xxion.


Activities & Fun

Explore the Eureka! Moment l'ntil Mon 27 .\lur. .\lon Sui Illunt 5pm; 'l'uc llluin Spin; Sun I2 5pm. l‘rcc. Ro}ul .\liixcum Scicncc /.onc. 2 (‘huinhcrx Sircct. 247 4219/4422. Drop-in cwnt to lllltl out how )oii cun huxc hrighi iilcux. xolw pu/llt‘x und coinpoxc )our on n pit‘L‘L‘ Ul. iiillxlt‘. .-\gt'x 3 l2.

Saturday Art Club: Travelling with Turner Sui 4 l‘ch. Illuin noon «k

l.3(l 3.30pm. Hi) it‘lill I‘oi' ihc coiirxc. Nutionul (iullcr) oi Scotlunil. ’l‘hc Mound. 624 h5oll. li\plorc druxx ing und nutcrcoloiir icchniqucx inxpircd h} loxcph Mullord \Villiuin 'l‘urncr'x tru\ clx uround Briiuin. l-‘or ung .5 l l. .-\d\uncc hooking ncccxxur}.

Saturday Studio: Contemporary Art Sui »1 l't-h. l3il -1 3Ilpnt £41) I ‘2' HM lot ihc t‘otiixc lk‘un (iullt'i‘). "3 Bt'llllltl Ritiiil. (\2-1lt5hll. lllxlullullitll .il’llxl .lnliunu (upcx lcuilx ihix \xoikxliop lllSPIIL'tl h} urttxtx \xho icprcxcntcil St‘itlliilitl .il lllc \‘Ulllkt' BIL'IllldlC l‘itl ugcx 5 l l. .‘\tl\illl(L' hooking nutt-xxur} The Greatest Fairy Tale: The Amazing Life and Story of Hans Christian Andersen l‘nttl Sui 22 ,-\pl. .\Ion Sun Illuni 5pm; Sui/Sun noon 5pm. L5 it'35lli; luinil} tight

1. l 2.5”. (It) .-\I‘l (t'llllt‘. 2 \litl‘lxt‘l Strcct. 52‘) W93, .-\ Inn. iniciuciiw cxhihiiion t‘clchruiing the lilc untl \xork oI llunx ('hrixiiun :\lltlL'l\t'll.

Funky Dance Well S I-cl» tk \M-il I5 l‘t‘l‘. \Vt‘il l3“ (iptn & (x3ll Nplll. t3 ii; I SUI. North lztlinhnrgh .'\I'l\ ('cntrc. l5u l’cnn} \\ cll (hurt. 3 l 5 2 l 5 l, l.k'£ll'll tlillcrcni dunt‘t‘ xi} lt'x iii u rcluwil uinioxphcic. l'it‘xl uorkxhop ix Ioi' ugcx 0+. lltt‘ \Ct'lllltl ix lot‘ l2+.

Drama Group 'l‘hu 2 l'ch. ’l‘hu t) l-ch (k 'l'hu Mich-1.30 (ipin. £3 ([l.5lll. North lailinhiirgh .'\I‘lx ('cntit‘. l5u l’cnn}\wl| (‘outi 3l5 2l5 l. (ict on xiugc unil C\Pl(llt‘ ihc cutting \xorlil ol lhculi't' \\ Illl u pi'olt'xxionul ili’uittu lL‘tiL‘lIL‘I'. .-\f_'L'\ l l+.

Tiny Music Makers Sui -t id). Sui Illuin. lluni x noon. [4 tL'l.5(l t2l. North liilinhtii‘gh .'\rtx ('t'nti'c. l5u l’t'iitt}\\g|l ('ourt. 3I5 2l5l. ;\ Iiin xt‘xxion ol‘ IllllSlt' inuking in\ol\ ing guincx. [tiippcix. l'll}lllL‘\ unil iiiou-incni to lllllSIL‘. lllt‘ lirxi \xot'kxhop ix I'or l\l(l\ tigt‘il l .3. lliL' xt‘t'itiitl liti‘ .3 5 )L‘ui‘x. First Impressions: Magritte Sui -l l’ch. lluin it lpni. L31 iL'I.5(l £2). North litlinhiirgh .-\rix ('cntt'c. l5u l’t'nn}\wII ('oiirt. 3 l 5 2I5 l. 'l‘ukt' u look ut Snrrculixi ui't unil tnukc Ill) xicrioux ntiwil—incdiu pictiii't'x. l‘irxi \xiii‘kxltiiit ix loi‘ 3 (t )‘t‘ul‘x. lllL‘ \CL'Ulltl ix lttl‘ 7 l2 )L‘urx.

DJing Workshop Sui I I l-L-h. Ilium. ill it'l.5ll [2). North Iitlinhnrgh .-\rix ('cntrc. l5u l’cninxwll ('oiirt. 3l5 2l5l. An introduction to thc xkillx ol' DJing. :\gcx l2+.

Monster Creepy Crawlies Iii It) l't'h Sui 27 Mu}. Mon Sui Illuin 5pm: lug Illuni Spin; Sun l2 5pm. £5

il.'3 HI: lillllll} tickt't U5. Rotul Mint-inn. 2 ('hunthcrx Sircci. 247 ~12I‘). Scc photo cupiion.

Pirate Week: Life on the High Seas Sui ll Mon 13 l‘ch. Sui/Sun Illuin (rpm; .\lon l luin 5pm. Dccp-Scu World. North ()iiccitxl'cri‘}. (H.383 4| lSSIl. .-\ \wck crul't ut'in iiicx inxpiiul h} pirutt'x. trcuxnrc und xcu—Iui'iitg uilwntan'x.

Creepy Crawly Crafts and Encounters Sui II l't'll & .\Ion l3 l‘ri l7 l't‘h. Illuin 4.30pm. l‘rcc. Ro)ul \liixgnni .\luin Hull. 2 ('hunihcrx Strcct. 2J7 42W. ('rultx. xtor}tclling. liw L‘llL‘UlllllCl‘S unil othcr cit-op} cruwl}

uctix iticx to coincidc \\ ith thc iniixciini'x inonxtcr hug mhihiiion. .-\ng 3+. Dance Kids Sui l l l‘clt. Sui Illuiii.

I Iuin & I2.3llpni. £4 it'l.5(l £2l. North liilinhurgh .-\rtx ('cntrc. l5u l’cnn} \xcll (‘oiirt. 3|5 2|5 I. (it! _\oiir \llUCS und xoclxx ol‘l' und prcpurc to xtunip. \lltlL'.

innip unil lcup. Illunt und l luni: l 4

)curx. l.3(lpni: 3 (1)L‘£ll.\.

Big Art Wee Hands Sui I I l-‘ch. Sui Ill.3lluni & I.3()pin. £4 (£1.50 £2). North liilinhurgh .-\rtx ('cntrt'. I5u l’t‘iitt}\\cll ('oiirt. 3l5 2l5l. lluxc u go ui u rungc oi \ ixnul urt incdiu including puiniing. xculptut‘c. inxtullution uml tligllul pltologi'uph}. \Voi‘lxxltopx in lllL' morning urc I'or 7+ )L‘urx. ihc ullci‘ttoon lot" 3 (i _\curx.

Kids Make Felt! Sui I I l-‘ch. I Ium. £4 it'l.5ll £2). North litlinhurgh .-\itx (‘cntrta I5u l’cninncll Court. 315 2l5l. l.curn ho\\ to inuGC CUUl hiix ol It'll. which )ou cun turn into u \wc hug or

\\ rixt hund. .-\gcx 4+. 2 Scottish Traditional Games Sun 12 l‘ch. l2.45pni. I.-l5pin. 2.4.5pm & 3.45pm. l-‘rcc. Ro)ul .\lu\L‘lllIl. 2 ('hunihcrx Strcct. 2-17 42 I‘M-1422. l'llltl oui u hut grunn} und grundpu plu) Ctl

\\ ith \xhcn ilic} uch )oung.

4%”? he?»


Western Scotland is known for its damp climate, but a tropical rainforest sprouting up in Motherwell seemed unlikely until Amazonia opened last August. Housing hundreds of creatures in premises within Strathclyde Country Park, the wildlife discovery centre is based on a vision of education, conservation and animal welfare. And an awareness that few things delight a child more than the chance to get up close to a tiny simian.

‘The kids seeing pygmy marmosets here today may not be able to see them in the wild in 20 years because they could be extinct,‘ explains co- founder Neil Cunningham. Butterflies and birds fly around the lush foliage, koi carp swim in pools, and other animals are housed in carefully designed areas, many in toddler-friendly low-level display cases. A darkened section is home to frenetic bats and laconic bush babies.

It’s easy to see Amazonia’s appeal. Opportunities to watch tarantulas, tamarins and toucans are rare in this area since the closure of Glasgow Zoo. ‘We’re offering something a textbook or video can't - the sights, sounds and smells of a rainforest,’ says Cunningham. There are plenty of textures too, thanks to twice-daily handling sessions with spiders. snakes and giant millipedes. Excited kids, who would likely flee in terror from a spider in the bath, seem to have no qualms about allowing a large hairy arachnid to squat on their palm.

Amazonia is a fun place to spend a couple of hours, particularly on a cold day when its heat and humidity offer a welcome respite. Your children will think it's wild, and you too may succumb to beetle-mania. (Jo Ross)

I Alma/Ohm. Stratltdyde Country Park. f‘Jli/l/.V,‘/‘.‘./‘,‘l/. 5 JV", ’1‘ ’1‘, 333777. it’ll/w.(//:;<,‘()vem/7ta/ori/(i.(go.i/k


Theatre & Dance

Martha \Vcd I5 l‘L‘lt. lil3iluin. £5

(£3 £3.5(ll. North litlinhurgh :\l1\ ('cnirc. l5u l’cnn} xxcll ('ourt. 3|5 2|5 I. (‘utltcrinc \thclx PI'L'SL'IH lllL‘ tulc Ul' xiuhhorn Munhu. u ho liwx h} ihc xcu ull on hcr loncmntc until one du} xhc hux un uncxiwctcd \‘ixilur. Ang 4+.

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