. .. Amber ., r ' ' .0. {{l351;‘_:llil‘ilf,‘Tllf‘r'uWhiv"? '_' lib/weir MST-a i :' ’I()lllllll£lll()ll’>, lxze‘ sunny grooves. "er: l.1.:'« i4 1'" soul—ia/x aiwt lll‘S'l _ __ ()r‘oir) electio / ' On first itsten ltliy-ie ggggffévpeeggfice a ) )e; rs ‘( ii: itfii- «7’ ‘. ,, .. Life is like a Singles roundup: y0u never know H‘K: wimitliim H,- (’“ ‘M' .... what you're gomg to get. Furthermore. grit your pm_,l()m I "Mm A )3 teeth through the dross and the triumphs seem (WWW Wnlnmm.‘ (i_ so much sweeter. Firstly. Vector Lovers have CD1 IS (“mum cranked up the squelch quotient for the release exclwmm gm.“ W It. of 'PostArctic lndustries' (Soma) 00 . It may SDIHm-S MVWHM mm 2 be like drowning in frigid electrics but it's at least mm mm WW My HM. a damn sight more interesting than the mm WM Up (.1 MN.“ hairdresser-friendly step-aerobics of Julian (w W} “mm! d“: (“M Jabre's ‘Swnnming Places' (Defected) O , Mk“; W} WWW 1m, . “‘1”le typical Of the label‘s D'SSY' repetmve soulful elerttro teiiitei',. .lr "iii la; ii 3 0:: 'i v . . OUIpL‘t' You“) th'nkmg DOO'S' Junen' or baths but never really sets; the hit, Late W‘.‘ 'i l z w : ." . . :- Ordinary by nobody's standards but surely not mm mm“ (WWW, I, z 1., , .. good, 'All the Young Children On Crack. All the thmymlms' mm: “MW/M, g H.“ “1,. 3 _ -'-. ; YOWQ Ch'ldren 0“ SmaCk‘ (Domino) . by are some gems in this; (7(illf;llll‘.."‘.fl’.(' . i The Te'eViSion Personalities is one Of those line-up. which it; less a'i;iiiun.i it'll} ii? ' Sen'mdulgem' tW'Sted' tuneless exerc'ses that spectrum and more the creatint. lli:.: Kin : a JO FOOKS makes you Wonder like it or loathe it 'f' as the multiple shades; of filltllttt‘ifflifii’v’(ii.. . an,.d Nogt. listener. you are not the butt of some idiot prank. Spmm-S IHHWHWS‘ mm- mzflqhwl H: ,T V Elsewhere entirely. 'Pretty Little Thing' (Ninja (Mark demmnm 4W}- M.._,IL.Y I. I: Tune) 0000 is floaty future blues care of Fink. “mm, mm“ , . . g t... bobbing along on foot—tapping solemnity. ROCK m ,1...) “mm (.1 Al i. I . , . H ( Spunky young Norwich rockers The Pistolas THE GOSSIP “M W, ,‘_.(',z‘,,._”)iw ,. are attempting some of that thrashy indie-punk Stand'ng m the Way km“, (kit/(“t ()i m, I U 7.1,. . 1.. I. .. that the kids are so down with the-now. though fillfigfiflswq mnmm. mm ,f..':,...]‘, , if. ., t. ., | 'Listen Listen EP' (Fierce Panda) 0. doesn‘t .... J I...',l.;1..‘_ . ,. . _ . exhibit quite the level of retarded irony required H“ ,8 I, My}. I”: I I for “may-S sceneSterS' Mind VOL" Sugar We're Sometimes; llllll(lf3 jtlf3l two llltlfgl’ilfilllf, .'.-.«’l : 1, i : .r ' . (30mg DOW”. (Mercury) . by F3" out fall into place. lhe equipped ti; parthi gi'w " . l' '_' . 1' : Boy '8 way 0" the mark; nU'AmenCan'power' Gossap's bratty. spare in llllf; hiiih lf:'."" maxi a: : -- l . . ' " w 2 Dop'rOCk'piss Commg to a teen mOVie near you' funk and aggr ,ssion llll(fll)l(t',l liatsiuit if: 3.; 2 .i . i ' i '. ' phar'e' Wimams Altogether more home grown and Who'esome- nevei quite hit the spot Danielsmn \tl‘i’l " :' ' °. ; ;i' l.“ No1sons debUt I27. (Xtra Mne) ... 'is 8 Lil) until now. lll()f$l|\,’ (lt'uiniiier l‘.’1£:llil‘ l 'ti'i H", 7‘37! ' 5 " stomping, Io-fi. altcountry workout for all the through hem” mt (M10 m M WNW i ., .i .1 mm'ly‘ aggreSSIve 0r futiley (:oriteniriiiitii’. : title he ' 1 5 ' ‘11") Eve” The Haley Janes are getting m on the enough. Not any more. 53(?lllllt;_ lite. ik '.' - 'i 5 5 " h'gh'energy am With your Enemy (Measured) Yeah Yeah Yeahs are an siil itli. ll‘n'lHll. «i la . ii ~i V Calla t/ , u ... _ same langie' jUSt a Whole lOt more of n OUVIOUS reference point elegant " lint ut'i 3 4' ' 1 f9” ' to the pound More dependably 30‘”th is the for their guitar. drums; {ltltltlii:'tft:il i . «(3‘ 3' " ' pred'ctab‘e mt “0t unwelcome return of Beth and female voice set- tuni ff$ egi' :h in. 52- ' A ‘1 Odo" Wm] .COnCe'Ved' (EMU ... and The up but this is less S‘xxallmx. arm: Kid”, 7""3- V’ ’" Magic Numbers' gentle duet ‘I See You See mumhcmed yet mm”... (gr/(MW, My Chemical Me' (Heavenly/EM” ... ' Hmm‘ melty‘ bUt effective. Singer Beth's; iKenn. Niail‘ltt‘i’ ' ‘;' -- : ' Romance 1 leaves a lingering ‘Chocolate Girl' taste in the VOICE howevm It; mom . ,. z . 1 f I. .. ,, 'l Til/r}? f)" mouth. Let us have no qualms. however. about Tamala MOWKMH Wm HOV/ii -, .. “I ,. . 12’! .‘5« m: r jumping on the all-new. bumper Belle and DFA EfaséEI-L & ,. ‘1 .. I ,1 r . ,v ,1 g ,, w ,y I, Sebastian bandwagon. Unabashed head- Coal m Dmmmm- 8 MARK LANEGAN I I .V . , .1 , 2 fr) ,;, p, in,» wobbler and Single of the Fortnight. ‘Funny as good a song as B H d fth B k , ,. ._ ., .. ,. . . i; w - . . ; Little Frog‘. (Rough Trade) 0000 isa beefy ‘- , ., f , . g , a a 0 e m en -, ., . . you ll hear all year. It s a Seas . 2 z r .. i , DOD revelation. SOlld. U-mnblmg hGaSL a i\/:), .... . I: ; I 1 pm i .. Beth Orton Cym‘ Wu Apologies for ending on a low but finally a word . . ;,.. .. (it: 1. w: l of warning: a bit late for the Christmas market. Tm; “mm” W ,W 1. I 1: h H ~ r ' "Hz: v r thus Surely fixed on les Valentines. Buffs Grow' “Map E ma" My)... f. i , r (Mercury) . is pureSt Wank' a Crass and peculiar. a (iti;.'.‘::lttl 9-45.”.- : 4' f) " / ' “fl” wholly horrific assault on one's sensibilities. Utter (3,053 0mg UH (tong: t . ivy, , . Jason Mraz A ./ “It” H you Should 589 MS fOOI in the Street make .‘.llll an iilli}£:ll’, ‘.'.’est l .2 » rzl : 1v." '- Sip/"V'I like a monkey. son in your hand and fling it Em w! am H“ ._ , , I, Buffwards. as he‘s doing the aural equivalent Cmmfl am Laryflzd, r. I. E35.) '10" 2. ' here. Unforgivable. (Mark Edmundson) mm, M WM L“: i .1, f Marv: Crappie Nanci, than 8"} ;i"_: win" , .'.r‘.:i"


is. Cleo oil-um .Lii«.=i .\.\in i-ionE swam lininizoitiD-CLEA: so ax

64 THE LIST Felt Ji‘i‘t‘t‘