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Oi 3 I 555 l897


I The Dykeenies Hull} (.I\\L‘ \HL-x-I‘ ll\"ll all" ll‘I‘N mp“; 1< ,1; I’l~';lt'\\l‘.c punk ,ul lath wulfn Ilt‘lll (ilmpm l‘:.:_\ Illinlctlut‘

»n;‘~l.-.n \ JW


I Blackjack Blues Band, Roadhouse .unl Jacobs Pillow \\ llhllclullhlcx. 1 h \nnlh Illnlgc. “T *1 181 (mm I It: I‘clulc lllllllll;lll.:1.:llcl Illncx huh nun! lhc IIIIB xklIII j_'lllI.1l wuntlx .III\I twwh llwn‘. IIIt‘ IL'\I HI IIlt‘ I‘III

I The Jamm .mll The Paul Weller Connection lllt- Hungul'luh \lul.l_\ III‘II\L'. i" IIHI_\I«N‘\II\)\'.1\I. “\ “NH "l‘nl LIII \L‘\‘ I II III

I Das Contras, Miyagi .mll The Set- Up IIcnu'x (\‘IIJI Itu. \ lm \Iunlwn \lit't'l.33.\‘l1‘l‘ Mun Llht Innnpcl .lntl tungu j_'lm\\t‘\ Hill“ I)» ('nnnm


I The Darkness \I (‘( '. I llllll\‘\lt'll (‘Ill.i_\_ (LVN ll-Ill .lllllll h VIP”) :31 RH ()Ill \thnul ll.unhn_\.lnl Int-1.x]. hul hm Ihc Inks nN punt“ mnc \lcp lmr l.u mm mm .llhlnn ()Ili IIIH III I! I 1'4' Ill I’ll “"111, “in; I

I; Sparks ( Lu'hn; \tmlcnn (iI.l\;’n\\. I.f,'IlllIHll ~\Ilt't'l. “5—.” “TI :IIIIII "Inn L'le I L'_‘_'k'IIlI.lI_\ plum pup \IIIU. wlllpmml HI t'llIt‘. I.lI\L'IlH \Ult't‘tI I{ll\\L'II \Idt'I .IIItI Inx myth-I} \num'l Iw_\hn.ull Imxlnn: I‘IHIIIt'I Run. uhn IlIIk'kI lht' mil} "In mlh IllI\ \ut'h .l\ "Ihl\ qun \ln‘l In: Innugh IHI' IiUIIi HI I \' St‘t' [‘lt'\ l\‘\\. [LlfJL' MI

I Sunn 0m and Earth \ll(‘3. NH Suut'lnchull Sin-cl. “I 32 ‘3 ~pin LII 5H St'l‘lmhl} huh) \Iudgc num- \ lI‘l.llll\ll\ Il'Hlll t‘nIl t'unlhn. \nppul‘lul h_\ UlljJIIIdI th'unc IHL'IxL'H I'.;ulIl

I Helloween (Jun-n \I;llg;.ln'l l'nlnn. 33 l'nnt'ml} (iunlcnx. i“) ‘ITNI \pin t I S (icnnun Int-lul hand uhn Imw hccn l'm'klnp lll \;ll'lUll\ ginxtw \Int'c I‘)".\_

I The Infadels, Sleepmode .lIItI Frequency Hul‘II). 2(l1l(‘l}llt-\‘llt-t-l. (LVN Ull" ll‘N‘). Mun U». Illunnlg: lhc IIIIL‘\ I‘CI\\L'L'|I ruck .qu «Lult'c .I\ mu punk .lnd lunkth‘ncn t-Iu‘n'n hmpx mllnh'

I Big Hand IIIMII ()llIIlIIL'I\. Ilut‘hunan Snch 3pm. I-rcc. St'c Sal II

I Atmosphere \m-‘n'Sltul/y Aljl Sunt'lnt'hull Sll‘ct'l. “WWII” Mill]. In he t'HIlIIl'llIL‘tI.

I Falter Mania Slut-n. I81 Kt'lx lllIl.lllf:Il

Sll‘t‘cl. .‘ (l SHIN. «\Plll,


I Jenny Lewis \Innu. l.‘ I\III:.'\ (hull. I\:::;_‘ \lrccl “I "4“ \l‘lll :lht' Ik'\\l\ l\ huts! Ilenun

.1\'.I‘.\' \lngcl \xnh .lII tnunnx :1I{:1wI\;lc§_lrlcntlxul IillghlIu‘x. m,- 5ch new. .llmn‘. /

( \x';‘1\'\1c\\_l‘.l;t"\:

I The Modern, Stonesthrow .lntl Kessler len: lmk \\.m \\.lh llm. \! \nucnl \nccl, .‘fl ‘3‘" \ 1“I‘m 1‘ \c'.‘. ( rm“ t'lt'tllw g‘uj,‘ Il\\‘ plut- uhw

\ Lutn In lw l'ltc .uunlnlc In [‘nh IIK‘K I clk htxu :1 lhcn

I Fickle Public, Tempercalm, Codeen, In Ernest .mll Orko 1 11h \ulclulc. “' h" len; \llccl. “‘ In“ “pm 1‘ I «u.:l nhhc lmkclx Ik'IIII‘t'deIIII I‘Ii‘Illl‘It' lhcn lltx' \I«‘\\III\‘.l\I.lI‘I\‘ \lll}'I\‘ 'I

\\'\-\I .I ( ill I’IIIII-

I, lllnlvunlh

I Sway IIIC I nnlnl Ix’mun. ‘lt \ ulnlm \nt'cl. I.“ Silvl “pin uh I |\ My hnp ,IIIKI _‘._'IIIII\' ,unxl “hm. mun leun' It'Ik'.l\IIIf_' .lIl .lII‘IIIII. hull in, Red up .1 I‘\'\I Inp hup \I( H“ ) wn lht' \nt'ng'lh ml qu III|\I.II\'\

I Funeral for a Friend (mu

I \thunpti II \k'\\ \I.ukcl lx‘n.uI. I“ l<llll " lllpnl LI 1 ill (nunnnfs. .lnfgxl} pml glunyjt' ,lntl t'\Il\'lllH Ihlx ‘t-nllV hul Innn' \m llunl nnv \\t'I\h I.nI\ I nnt'ml lul .l I IIk‘IIlI \khu .ut' [‘HI‘UI,” unh lht' pump pHIIh HI IluI.‘._\

I Prime Suspect .lml Nathaniel Slade \\ hullt'lunkn'x I h \unlh Illnljgc. “T *I I1 ‘lpn: I It't' I’Innt' \qutl .lIk' .i \IIIH lmlnllnjx I).l\t' I)lI\I:.'t'IIII nl lht'l \ll.lI \nwct‘lx

I The Coviets, The Atom Bombs, Shrinking Violets, OBE, Crazy Vincent .qu Weapons of Mass Destruction (Mun-l \uh.un~. in 1x Illun \nct'l. flllhIah lllpln \nn :5 4L1» \III‘IIICI IIII_‘._'t' IIIIt' up nl \kllIII\II Inthc .lI t‘lnh nlgghl Ix’m-l I’ «mlh Illx Ilunugh lu Run»

I Hobo Ihc Hungu (‘Inlx \IHM} Ilnnxc. i" IIHI'HlHNI Ix’mul, 5* “NH Illpln Run I'It't' I‘t'Il‘It' LI Ipnl. LIJIICI 'I l\t' nth .lIIkI .lIIt'IIIdIHk‘ «hum IUl |ll\IlIIt'iI \Innt'K \t'lx .ut' IIIt' IIIJIIIC} \ .qu IIIk' \I‘IIIUIII\I.I\\

Glasgow I Niall Connolly lth.” ()\ n.1. all ( Hugo I.lIIL'. W“ 5381 \pln L7 Imh

\III‘L'CI Hill!“ I IIt'I

-I :4:

If they look serious, then that’s because they are. Adult., bored

° with being constantly dogged with the electroclash tag, took a sidestep and pushed their music into darker reaches than any of their so-called contemporaries dared go near. The Detroit-based duo burn out a rigid electronic sound that proposes punk through electronics rather than dirty T-shirts and name-dropping. Think DAF, Bauhaus, Teenage Jesus. Mean, lean and definitely not Keane.

a a."(:f;f':,‘.‘.. r” 1/ 3.5.1.