I Union of Knives lxrn: lurk \\,lll \Kah llul. 3.3.: \l \ llch‘lll \trccl. 331 53"}

.\ illptll L; \c‘.‘. lil.r\‘_'ll'.'. .lcl lill'lllt‘tl l‘} c‘-. ltali} ('ll.io\ailll l)ccl.aitl man('hr1\ (It'llll‘ll who haxc iuxl launcllcll lhcir \cll- llllL‘ll tlL'l‘lll

I Take a Worm for a Walk Week liar lill’L. l l- llalll \llt‘t'l. 5—»1 lill’ih Winn lick- l'.l\l. chaqu ainl mlcnxc onxlaughl


I Laura Veirs ( ’allaici \ollallc. SS lilau \ltccl. 33H blah "tun LN \ ll.tllllllll;'. \patxc llll\ ol tlcallpan lolk antl hluw lroin l \ \tngct \llllj3\'-lllt'l laura \cux. uthmc turrcnt alhurn |\ llllL'tl (til/lull (Hm It I

I Project: Van Hell, Stars Kill, DuckXStab and Today we Fight! \ulma} (ougalc. ll‘l ( 'ougalc. 335 (PM)

" illpm U \ngular \th‘dlllll rock l‘lhlllllj.‘ uuh tau cncrg}

I The Rough Ensemble and Solipsism llcru} \ ('cllar Bar. H llia \lorrrwn \liccl. 33h 0““ 3pm Li lruhc tlouhlc lull

Tuesday 14


I Darren Hayman \‘rcc'n'Slca/y ill \allclllcllall Slit-cl. HHilton spin Llhc. lla_\man l\ lhc c\ lioulman ol accrhrc mthc trio llclnci. grcal l’ccl la\ourrtc\ m thcu tl.t_\

I The Impossible Flower 'l'chai ()\ na. ~13 ()tago l.allc. *5" 4531. 5pm. {3 \mlucnt \ountlxcapcx on guitar and L'lL'klltllll\'\

I Stars Kill, Project: Ven Hell .llltl Wall Street Ammunition Band Slcrco. l-l Kclxmhaugh Strcct. 5"!» 5lllN 3pm. L5. Stan Kill arc a hclhgcicnt Stc\c .\|him mllucncctl trio. \upportctl h} thc uhitc lllll\t‘ ill l)lll|L'L'l. \‘k‘ll .llltl lllL' lit; ltlacltixms ol tuo-mcn and a drum machinc \VSKH

I No Gallants and The Darlings King lut‘x \\ah \\ah llut. 333a Si \‘mccnl Strcct. 331 53“). h. illpm. £05”. \luaxn c anti lolk liom San l'l.lllc'l\c;lll \llll‘ .-\tlam Slcphclh and 'l}\on \ogcl.

I Free Diamonds and We are the Physics ltal liloc. ll" llalh Slt’ccl. 5‘4 (Willi. ‘ll‘lll. i'lL'C. l'lt't' l)l;lllltllltl\ tll'L‘ it quirk} lrro lrom \L‘\\L';l\llL'.

I Burst, A Rebel’s Guide and Paradox Hartlx. :0” Huh Sum. llh‘ill un‘ (NW to. (im- l-l~ {how

I Claire Sproule 'l'hc l.|\ mg Room. I50 5! \inccnl Slrccl. ll.\”ll 33ll3ll33 Uhc. Young l)oncgal \mgctsongwritcr “litixt' cpon} llloth tlchut alhum comprixcx a hatch ol \otig\ \hc \\rotc m hcr Ialc lccnx.


I The Cribs ()uccnK llall. ('lcrk Slrcct. rim" 3llI‘). “Kllpm. L“). Dog-carctl garagc llltllL‘ lrom l.cctl\ hantl thc ('rihx uho rcccntl} tourctl \\ llll lx'aixcr ('hiclx and arc making lhcu‘ o\\n mark \\ uh thcir hlcntl ol' punk. thc Smith\ and .\mcrican mtlic lplcaw nolc \cnuc chanch

I Kiss the Traitor, Of Other Minds, Hiding from Tomorrow and The Charles Manson Rollerdisco Experience Sulma} ('ougatc. h" (‘oxxgattx 335 (Fun. "pm. (4. llartlcorc antl olhcr c\ttcmc lormx ol rock.

I The Research and The Hussys ('aharcl Voltau'c. in _‘~.\' Blair Strccl. 33“ MW». "pm. to. l'lwr-uinxoinc \}nlh pop lrotn thc chcarch.

I Dirty Husband, Al Qaeda Anonymous and Up on Blocks llcnr\ “x (.L‘llal‘ litll'. .5 llLl \ltll‘l‘luln Sliccl. .338 l 0303. “30pm. t4 ltfii, .\ '(irim) Valcntuu" xpccial ax hittcr \mglcx and unhapp} couplcx arc \crcnatlctl \\ ilh c_\tucal. \lllhlL‘l' l;ll\c\ on l‘t‘lalltllhlltpx

Wednesday 15


I Ryan Adams ('arlmg ;\catlcm_\ (ila\go\\. l3l liglinton Slrcct. 037'” "l 3000. “pm. £3l.5ll. Scc prc\ icu. pagc (‘3 tor thc mtluxtrioth t‘oolx} lllkilL' rockcr.

I Hypocrisy 'l‘hc (‘athouxu IS l'nion Sti‘cct. 3-18 («with ‘50an (Ill, ()\ct‘—l-l\.

I Endor and Wake the President Stcrco. H KclHtlhaugh Strcct. 57» 5M8 3pm H lantlor arc a (ilaxucgtan quarlct comparahlc to a morc mclothc .\rah Strap. antl hcat'llcll guitar pop lrotn \Vakc lhc l’rcmlcnt

I Engine \ic'c'ri‘Slca/y 43! Sauchrchall Strcct. i‘Hl‘lllli Spin L i. l‘hrccvprccc hand pla} mg a nu\ ol tunk .mtl rock‘n'roll.

I Indi Rev, The Passengers and Stocious (ilaxgou l'nncrxit} l'nron. 33 l'nncrxil} .-\\cnttc. {W KN)". Hpm. \Vcckl} ltanthxagon night

I Little Man Tate, The Suffrajets, Roland Shanks and The Fridays ltarll}. 2M) (lulu Stu-ct. mm on" out»), Hpm. L5. Kick .i\\ girl troupc lhc Sullraiclx lcaturc c\-ltah} \hamhlcx tliummcr (icmma hack in hcr righttul placc. l.itt|c Man lalc arc dirt} guitar pop lrom Shcllicltl.

I Michael Simons 'l‘chai ()\ na. lh‘) l)can\ton l)ri\c. llHI (i4‘) 7355'. 3pm. £3. SL'L' “Cd 3.

I The Sundowns ltrcl. W -13 .l\\hton lanc. H3 4000, 3pm. l'rcc. ()ualit} .»\mcricana qumtct lrom latlinhurgh.

I Transaudio liar Bloc. I I“ Hath Sll'L'L‘l. 5-7-1 (illlih~ Spill. i'yl'L'L'. l.HL‘;tl lt‘cllliti l'tk'le‘l'\.

I We Start Fires King 'lilllK \Vah \Vah llut. 37_a St \inccnt Slrcct. 331 537‘). «Villpm. 1.5. \\'c Start l-ircs arc an all—girl mdic pop outlit. rccalling thc likcx ol' l.u\h and thc llcartlhrohx. lor thoxc \tho klltm thcir ‘lllx illtllc.

I The Flykicks, The Prayers and The Last Project l3th .\'otc (arc.

5t) (ill King Strcct. 553 In“. 0pm. £4. lntlic rock triplc hill.


I Nikitone, Countervayl, Lunatic Fusion and The Paul Bell Experience 'l'lic Bongo (‘lulx Mora} llouxc. 57 lltil}r'ootl Road. 558 700-1. 7pm. £4. Night ol' |i\c music. llltllL‘ and luck.

I Union of Knives and Quinn ('aharcl \‘ollairc. 30 38 Blair Strcct. 33(l (i|7(i. 7pm. £5. .\'c\\ (ilaxgoxx act liUl'lllL'tl h} c\-Bah_\ (ham and l)ccl\artl man (‘hrix (iortlon \xho hax c just Iaunchctl lhcir \L'll'~llllctl tlL‘l‘lll lil’.

I Kiddo, The Midnight Noise Conspiracy, Darklight and Taylor Kayne “likilcl‘lltklt‘x. 4 () Stilllll Hridgc. 557 5| l4. 0pm. l’rcc. Rock and intlic. coxcrx and original\.

Thursday 16


I Nine Black Alps .-\B(‘. .W) Sauchichall Strcct. 333 3333. 7pm. fill). Young .\lancunian hand uho hax c ignorctl thc muxical trcndx ol' lhcir (m n cit} in l'a\our ol thc grungc rock ol' .\'ir\ana. last war supporting \Vcc/cr and hitting thc chartx \\ ilh thc cpic

'l 'tlxttlhlicd‘.

I Nickel Creek 'l‘hc .-\rchc\. 353 .-\i'g)|c Strcct. 0870 3-H) 7538. 7.30pm. U5. Blucgraxx rc\ i\ali\t\. acoustic titllo\alot'\. _\oulhgra\\ just \omc of thc \\a_\\ this .-\mcrican lhrccsomc ha\ c hccn tlt‘wt'llk‘tl in lllL' pthl.

I Cold Night Song 'l'hc (ioat. l2,\’7 .-\rg} Ic Strccl. 557 7373. 3pm. l'ircc. 'l‘hc L‘\-:\\ll‘ltl/RL‘intlL‘L‘l' SL‘L‘lltlll cnxcmhlc continuc a monthl} rcxidcnc}.

I David Ford and The Unstoppable Flying Raincoats Barll). 2M) (‘htlc Stu-ct, (lhflll 90‘ l)‘)‘)‘)_ Spill. U), li\- liax} \iorltl mcmhcr \tt'ikcx out in \olo lllUtlL‘.

I The Kipper Family 'l‘chai ()\ na. 42 ()tago l.anc. 553 4534. 8pm. £3. l-‘rcxh \Ulllltl\ trom thc Kingdom ot liil'c.

I Exit Pilot, Chief and Cosmos l51h .\'otc ('al‘c‘. 5” (ill King Strcct. 555 llfih‘. 3.30pm. {-1. Anthcmrc rock l'rom li\it l’ilot. Black (irapc-xt} lc funk l'rom ('hicl and pop rock from (‘osmox

I The Rifles, Milburn and The Upper Room King 'l‘ut'x Walt Walt llut. 3"3a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33! 537‘). .\'.3llpm. Ur. l.CCkl\ quinlct intlucnccd h} l)} Ian and lllL‘ littlllCN

I Chevron and Frog Pocket l ‘~tli \otc ('atc. 5” (ill King Slrccl. 55“ In.“ “pm (3. :\l\';\ Jonathan \alcrumc uhoxc all‘uin lilt‘l'H/IIIIL’ ix [1 ha I/\ {In Sir/m hlcntlx ragga. lcchno antl clcctronica. \upportctl h} lhc happ) ‘Nltl tollt} L'lL'cll'Hlllca ill l‘ng' l’tk‘lxcl.

I The Ronelles and The Moogs lhc Bultcrll} and thc l’Ig. 15‘ Bath Sticct. 33| "I l. ‘lpttt l-rcc (ilaxgou rock'n'roll act \\ho ho c \upportctl thc lrkcx ol thc /.uton\ and King\ ol l.con


I Goldfrapp l'xhcr llall. l.othian Rl‘dll. 338 l I55 "pm. Lin .'\ll\tlll (ioltlltapp and hand \hakc a talllcalhcl to thctt mcrcasmgl} glam rock \Ulllltl\.

I Delta Mainline and Earnest Cox ('ahat‘ct Voltairc. if» 3.5 Blair Strch 33“ MW». 3pm. £5. l’\}ch~h|uc\ rock lrom litlmhurgh hand |)clla Mamlmc.

I Magner’s Very Best of Scottish Unsigned Sulma} (‘ougatu (N ('tmgatc. 335 mm». 7pm. {-1 Scc 'l‘hu 3 I Fuse \Vluxllclunkicx. -1 (i South ltritlgc. 557 5| l4. 0pm. l't'cc. local rock and indic tmorc actx thc l.

I The Hustlers 'l'hc Bongo ('Iuh. Mora} llouxc. 37 llti|}r‘otitl Road. 558 mu. ‘Ipm. {3, limit} hlucx trom lhc lluxtlcrx ax thc} launch thctr Stu-«mu In! Stu/«Ti alhum packctl u ith tlccp \otll and rocking tuncx.

I 3 Student Music Awards llct'tolA Watt l’nixcrxit} l'nion. Riccarton. J5l 5333. 9pm. lircc. (‘roxx gcnrc lixc llllhlL' comp l‘or morc into chcck \\\\\\.\llltlL'llllllll\lL‘;l\\tll‘tl\.ctl.lll\.

3?: zForward, Russia! and Drive-By Argument ('aharct Voltairc. 3t» 38 Blair Strcct. 330 MW». llpm 3am. £5. ;l"or\\artl. Rtiwia? hclp launch ncn I.er L‘lltlUl'\L'tl lCllllL‘lkl intlic club night Spicx in thc \Vircx. l’ltis hack up l'orm l)ri\c—li} .-\rgumcnl and 1)] \ct\ l'rom ltllL‘\\lltl. \ltiguttl tllltl lllL‘ l H} Splittl'cx l)J\. SL‘L' prcx icu'. pagc (i3.


.‘fivv’t‘ .VI a V.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules.graham@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.


I Live Jazz llutltla. I‘ll: \l \ nltcnl Sliccl. 311 33l3 lllpnl Inc “with Inc. mlunalc la// and atouxut a!» ii: iii.- upxtaux l‘al


I Tessa Souter la// t cnnt- lllt‘ l o:

.1 (ilil.t\\lll.lll\cl. lh‘ \‘HH \ lupin 2\

lift ()nl} Scollixh llalc lor lhcl \ \mccr

who a\ all_\otlc lucid cnough to t at, lr

hct at Ronmc \ottk rctcnllx mll lt'xlll\ ha\ a \on c \xhich l\ rcllctlnc. ll\l‘lll‘llt

antl \ctroux

I Richard & Chris lt‘lll. .‘l‘ l.llll.ll\.l

Slrccl. 45h 5 i ii ‘liun lrcc lax/ lilo

lcaluimg lx’n ll.llll .llltl ( 'luix liom


I Beat Root Juice llit- la/.’ Hal. l

(illdllll‘t'lx \ltccl. 33H 1.‘lltl ‘l illl‘lll llcc

:\lto hcat. l alm antl \ka ltom icxrllcnl

harnl lhc ( ioat \lcxx (lit llt'\ll.l. [\lm Ill

llatllc} and thc l‘tltl h\c gucxl arnl \pmnci


I Mario Caribe’s Nu Quartet l.i// (‘L'llll'tfl lllc l.ol. lli ( itaxxlllailtcl. l"- Sjnti 3. mp.” 1L3! lilllil\\lll_‘.' .ul aucxotllc autumn pcrlormantc lllc lira/than l\.t\\l\l .llltl harnl lt'llllll \\ rlh morc rollicking rhjtlhmx ainl mlct llHl;\ grooxcx. \\ Ilh lama \lacl )llllJltl lallo \;l\l. Kc\m \l.lt'Kt‘ll/lt' .llltl loin (iorllon ltll'llllhl.




by John Scofield & Mark-Anthony Turnage with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Thursday 9 February

UK premiere of this unique jazz-classical fusion

African Soul Rebels UK Tour 2006 Amadou & Maian * Souad Masst * Ermauel Jd Saturday 25 February

Malian funk. Algerian blues 8. Sudanese hip hop from three outstanding African stars

3“ Chris Rea Sunday 2 April

.7 Groundbreaking blues from rock guitar legend

l " Ladysmith Black Mambazo


Box Office 0131 228 1155


". 8- guests Mahotella Oueens *7, Saturday 20 May

Captivating Zulu harmonies 8. emancipating rhythms


" #1: ' THE LIST 73