I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra Play the Kansas City Suite ()iiccii\ llull. ('lcll. \llccl. N05 jlll‘) \ 30pm

9. I0 Ll: 5“ I UN Llll 5Ili lninin} \niilli lt'.ltl\ llic cicuin nl \cnllunll\ hi3: hunll Iulcnl lnr u pcilniinuncc nl llcnn) ('.iilci\ l‘lhll Ruliulx ( ill \llllt \Hlllcn \pccllicull} lni Ihc ('niinl li.l\lL' (llcllL'\ll.I

I Guest Bands Night Ihc J.i// Hui. I ('liuinhch \Iiccl. 220 4200 0pm l'icc l'culiuin: Illlli'lt'lll Incul f2llt'5l piniipx cucli \acck lHllllell 'Kiiic nl \‘cul‘ l'lk'tltllt' King: icluim \\llll.ll1l[ll\.lllll

Saturday 4

G asgow

I Richard Burton Quartet “ml. 30 43 \\lllHll lunc. 342 4066 3 6pm l'icc. lznln} .lll .ilIcinnnn nl \mny. hchnp :ind \l.lllll.lltl\ \Hlll .illn \.i\H[\llHlll\l llurlnn und l\.lllll

I The Michael Deans Quartet Hui lllm'. llfi‘ llulll \llt't‘l. 55.4 (lll()() .5 Nplll. l'icc. \lnllcin |.l// quuilcl lk'll h} Icnni \.I\lll;ill l)L'.Ill\ I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Hui le. lluchunun llnlcl. |N5 lluchunun Sliccl. 3‘2 57234. 5 30 0pm l'lt't' S\\Ill:_'lllj_‘ Sului'llu} iu// \L'\\IHII I The George Penman Jazzmen ('ulc Sniucc. I SI .'\lllllt‘\\ \ Squurc. .543 6020. Spin. {lb 05 including: l\\n L‘I)lll\L‘\ .lllll lcu ni cnllcc Vinlupc \cu ()l'lL'illh |u// \kllll u 5le Iluxnur. I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra Play the Kansas City Suite RS.\.\II). 100 l<cnlic\\ Sliccl. 332 .5057. Xplll. U2501L'0I. Scc l-ri 3. I BBC SSO: Blood on the Floor - Mark-Anthony Turnage 'l‘hc ()ltl l-iuiIinuikcI. :\ll‘lilll SIrch. 237 55| l. 0pm. [l5 Scc prc\ icu. pugc 76.


I The Mellotones XII ()uccn Sircci Bur und chluui'unl. NI) ()uccn Sli'ccl. 226 .500“, 2 5pm. l'rcc. .liinin} 'l'u}lnr uml llullil plu} \llll:.2\ h} .\lcl 'liII‘Illt‘ illltl nlllL‘l' gicul iu// \nculixlx.

I House Trio 'l‘hc .lu// Bur. | ('huinhcrx Slrccl. 220 4200, 3pm. l‘rcc. Rclu\cll .ilIcinnnn \lnl \\llll Ihc llnuxc 'l'rin nn piunn. huxx unll llrunix.

I Swingin’ and Singin’ l-‘cxiixul 'l'lk‘ull’t‘. l5 2" \icnlwn Sll‘L‘L‘l. 52‘) (illllll. 7. 30pm, U2. R}un ()uiglc} und Brynn .\llcn llirccl Ihc RSI-\Ml) \llltlt‘lll\ in un cwmng nl \llim whipping numhcrx l'rnin Ihc \\Illltl\ nl hi3; hund unll lllll\lL‘;ll Ihculrc. I Rumba Caliente .lu// ('cnirc. Ihc l.nl. 4/6 (il';l\\lllglll\t‘l. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £7 lUH. SIVPIL'L‘C huml lL‘tl h} Sulxu ('cllicu Iruiiipclcr lnh} Shippc}. prn\ illiiig Ihc lincxl Ill hnI iuunch} \(lllll\l\ l'rnin l.uIin .-\incricu. ('uhu. unll Ncu ank.

I Clare Daly and Trio HI) Quccn Sin-cl llui und chluurunl. .\’0 (‘luccn Slrccl. 226 .500". 0pm niillinghl. l’rcc. .-\ rclulixcl} nc\\ \nicc nn Ihc iul/ \ccnc. nl'l'cring u lrcxh. ii‘rc\crcnl Iukc nn luiniliur inulcriul \xilh hcr innnxulnc \ncul \I}ling.

I The Jazz Bar Quintet 'l‘hc Jun Bur. | ('hunihcrx SIrch. 220 4200. 0pm. l’rcc. Mir} in; linc-upx lnr llll\ liw-piccc hund nl' Inp llll|\l\'l.lll\. put lngclhcr cuch \\cck h} inuianu} nl Ihc lulinhurgh iul/ \ccnc. llruinnicr llill |\'_\|c.


I Jazz 8. Ragtime llircc .Iullgcx. lhiinhurlnn thltl. 33' 3055. 2pm. l-rcc. chulur Sunllu} rugliinc und iu// \C\\l0ll Ill Ihc ‘rcul (iluxgim. rcul ulc' puh.

I Chris Clark Trio and Friends Bur llullllhu. h’ ('rcmcll l.unc. 3.3~ 620l.

4 7pm. l’icc. .\lclln\\. lll;Illl\ll’L‘;llll _iu// I'rnin ('lurk uiill huml \\illl \lll‘lUlh gucxlx inining in Ihc lun cuch ucck.

I Alex Yellowlees’ Hot Club 'l‘rnn 'l‘hculrc. 63 'l‘rnngulc. 552 426". 8pm. £8 IL‘W. \inlinhl .-\lc\ \clln“ lccx' untl hund \ci‘x c up m in; in Ihc cluxxic Rcinhurcll- (iruppclli \I} |c.


I Martin Kershaw and Friends l-‘orih l5lnnr chluurunl Bur & Bruxxcric. llurw}

74 THE LIST Q- In Feb 2006

Scottish National Jazz Orchestra

The SNJO have turned their attention to the

music of Count Basie before, but this new show features saxophonist Benny Carter’s 1960 classic written for the band, the Kansas City Suite. I Orion/2's; Hull. Edinburgh, Fri C)’ fob; HSAMU. (Elgisgniiz Sui 4 7m.

Nichnlx. 30 34 SI Anilrcxu Squurc. 524 3350. I230 3.30pm. Kcrxliu“ prmidcx lhc pcrlccl lllll\lL';Il ucclunpuninicnl In u linc Sundu} lunch.

I Maria Speight Duo ('cnlnll‘c. I03 (icnrgc SIrch. I 4pm. l-‘rcc. \n“ u rcgulur l'ucc nn Ihc Scnllixh _iu// circuil. Ihc .-\luhuinu-lmrn l;l\\ \lcp\ up Inr unnlhcr hlucx}. Snnghnnk-inxpircll \cI.

I House Trio 'l‘hc Ju/I Bur. l (’hunihcrx Sll'L‘L‘l. 22H 42‘)“. 3pm. l‘il'L'C. SL‘C Sul 4. I Live Jazz ('ulc (irumlc. lh'4 Brunlxliclll l’lucc. 228 l lh’h’. 7pm. l’rmiding lixc jun In «linc ln Illix \icck urc gucxl dun guilurixl llullnr Mcdhnc und \nL‘ulixl ML‘I'L‘} Bl'L'llCll}.

I Live Jazz 'l‘hc .lillll llnlIxL‘. .5 QIIL‘L'II Slrccl. 226 4380. 3 llpin. llullnl' Mcdhnc nn guilur und Km in (iluxgim nn bu“.

I Louise Dodds and Tom Scott llclugu. 30u ('hunihcrx Slrccl. 624 4545. 0 | lpni. l‘rcc. .\'c\\ \xcckl} rcxidcnc)‘ l‘nr Ihix Iulcnicd piunn uml \nculx dim.

Monday 6


I Joe Bonamassa chli'c“ l-‘c-r'i'}. :\lltlL‘l‘\lI)ll Quu}. 'l‘hc Brnnniicluxx. 0|60X 265 5| l. 7.30pm. £12 It'll) in udmnccl. \"iriunxn nl‘ hlucx rnck guilur. Inuring in \uppnrl nl his \i\lh ulhuin lim (rm/31v.


I The Great Jazz Jam Session lhc .lu// Bur. I ('hunihcrx Sirccl. 2204200. 0pm. l-‘rcc. li\pccl u rich ini\Iurc nl \I} lcx ux l'uccx Ultl und nc“ drnp in In pcrl'nrm \\ilh Ihc llnuxc 'l‘rin cuch \wck.

Tuesday 7


I Jason Faichney S}gn. l5 (’hurluuc l.unc. 32.5 (lllhll. 6pm. l‘iliL‘L‘. \Vcckl) rcxillcnc} l'nr Ihc \ingcr uml piunixl plu}ing_' ~iu/I injcclcd hlucx und snul.

I Blues Day at the Jam House 'l‘hc .luin llUll\L‘. 5 ()uccn Slrccl. 226 4380. 0pm midnight. l'rcc. 'l'ucxtlu} ix hluc\ llu} uI Ihc Juin llnuxc. .\'nr\ul Burclu} lcuclx Ihc tlL‘Ulhlic-lI‘L‘th‘Ll prncccilingx.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet 'l‘hc Jun Bur. l ('huinhcrx Slrccl. 220 4200. 0pm. l-‘rcc. l'phcul group lculuring Bill K}lc (drums). Dnug 'l‘iplud) l\u\c\l. l’uul Kirh} ipiunni untl chin (iluxgnu Ihuwl.

Wednesday 8

Glasgow I Michael Simons 'l‘chui ()\ nu. I60 l)cunxinn l)ri\-c. 0l4| 640 7258. 8pm.

£2. (iluxgnu *lNhL'tl guilurixl pl;l}lllf_' lnlk. hluc\ und hcymd.

I Bed-Head Sextet Hunk \nl. l5! \chl (icnrgc Slrccl. 220 7560. 3,30pin. l'lL‘L‘. (ill) t‘L‘Illl‘L‘ I’L‘\ltlL‘llL"\ l'UI‘ llll\ lI'L‘xll \i\-piccc plu} in; hclmp uml hlucx.

I Dr Novo Gats Three l'IIxL‘. Sim-k li\chung_'c llUth‘. .\'cl\nn .\lunllclu l’lucc. 248 7333. 0pm. l'rcc. .\'c\\ rcxillcnc} lnl' Ihc lmpl‘ncuxcd Irin.


* Brian Kellock and Tommy Smith Jun ('cnlrc. Ihc l.nl. 4/6 (il'il\\lllill'l\t‘l. 467 5200. 3.30pm. L'll). \Vllllcxx u Irul) inIcrnuIinnul cluxx dun in lull lln\\ ux l\\n nl' Scnlluntl'x lincxl iu/I lllll\lt‘lt|ll\. \u\ inun Sinilh und piunixl Kcllnck. Icuin up. I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session 80 Quccn Slrccl Bur uml chluurunl. XI) ()uccn SIrccl. 226 5007. 0pm iniilniglil. lircc. 'l'hc ll'lhl) npcn \cxxinn \clllc\ in In ll\ ncu \Vcdncxdu} night \lnl.

I New Bands Night 'l‘hc .lu// Bur. l ('hunihcrx Slrccl. 220 4200. 0pm. l‘rcc. 'l'nnighl Ihc \hnucuxc ix l‘rcc-runging pnsi—hnp quurIcI. l’uhlic lnl'nrinulinn.

Glasgow I Live Jazz Bmldu. l42u Si \‘inccm SIrch. 243 22l2. 7pm. l-‘rcc. Scc ’l‘hu 2.


I SCO Scorched l'\llcl' llIIll. l,nllll;IIl Rnud. 223 1 I55. 7.30pm. U0 £22.50. Slclun :\xlihiii"\ cnnduclx u [k‘l‘lill‘lllllllL'L‘ nl' .\lurl\ .-\nlhnn} 'l'urnugc’x Sum linl. u piccc nl' Iruc jun-cluxxicul lll\lUll. l’rc- cnnccrI lulk uI 6.30pm Iliilinhurghi. Scc prc\ icu. pugc 76.

I Todd Gordon - Jazz from the Movies Ju// ('cnlrc. Ihc l.nl. 4/6 (il'il\\llllll'l\L‘l. 467 5200. H.30pni. £7 (£6). 'l'hc cx cr-\uu\ c 'l‘ndd (inrdnn lips lll\ hul In \ninc cluxxic xxx inging \nunlllruck \L‘nl'cx. .-\d\uncc hnnking rccnrnincndcd_ I Richard 8 Chris lglu. 2h Juinuicu Slrccl. 476 .5555. ()pm. l'l'CL'. SL‘C Thu .2. I Beat Root Juice 'l'lic Ju/I Bur. l ('huinhcrx Slrccl. 220 4200. 0.30pm. l'il'L‘L'. SCC ll“! 2.


I SCO Scorched (‘ii_\ llull. ('umllcriggx. 353 8000. 8pm. U5. Scc Thu 0.


I Guest Bands Night lhc Ju/I Bur. 1 Chambers Sirccl. 220 4200. 0pm. l-‘rcc. Scc Fri 3.


I Leana Zaccarini \li‘llll\‘\c‘ ('cnliul. 6 5 \\uicillm.\iicci.3210500

2 30 5 30pm licc \nuc\ lni \xxizicinc ln\ci\ linni Ihc \IN‘l l.I/.’ \\‘\.Ill\l

I Lorna Brown Quartet llicl. 1" 1* \xlllnll l .inc. 34: 4066 3 l‘l‘lll licc \ll.llf._‘lll .ihcull |.i// lrnin Ilnx Iniir piccc lcll h} nn Ihc up .illn \.I\U[‘ll\‘lll\l llinun I The Michael Deans Quartet Hui lilik'. l la liJlll \llk't'l. 5‘4 Nth 5 \I‘lll l'lL'C \t‘x' \II 4

I Big Bob‘s Jazz Band II.” I“. lluchunun llnIcl. l.\5 lluchunun \IIch. 332 "2.54 5 30 "pin licc \cc \ul 4

I Tuxedo Junction \niiciuncu 5" lninn \Iiccl. _‘_‘l l 340 .\ llpni l icc 40x \I}lc iux/ unll hlucx linin \l‘\.lll\l l l/ \lucl-uun .llltl kc}hnunlnl (il.lll.Illl



I The Mellotones NI (Jul-cu \iicci ll.” .llltl chluuiunl. Ml ()uccn \Iiccl. 22h .500" 2 5pm licc \cc \ul 1

I House Trio lhc .l.i// llui. l ('liuinhcix Sliccl. 220 4200 3pm licc \cc \uI l

I Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra .lu// (‘cnlin Ihc l nl. 4 h (il.I\\lll.Ill\L‘l. 467 5200 .\ 30pm t" 50 @6501 .\.i\nplinni\l lniniin \niilli lt'.l\l\ lll\ )nung: pinlcjgw

I Sue McHugh and Friends Ml ()uccn Slrccl Hui .llltl l\’\'\l.Illl.Illl. .50 ()uccn Sliccl. 226 5007 0pm inillnigghi l'rcc \nculixl \lt'lllljill lliiw inln Ihc (in (ii .llllr'l'li «III Bung/le

I The Jazz Bar Quintet Ihc .l.i// Hui. l ('hunihcix SIich. 220 4200 0pm l‘icc SL‘L‘ hul 4


I Jazz 8. Ragtime '| liicc .lullggm. lhiiiihurlnn Rnull. 33“ 3055. 2pm l-icc Scc Sun 5.

I Chris Clark Trio and Friends ll.” lludtlhu. .\' ('icxucll lunc. 3376210

4 7pm. l'rcc. Scc Sun 5

I Martin Kershaw Plays the Music of Charlie Parker 'I ll)” l'hcuiic. 63 ’l'i‘nngulc. 552 4267, 8pm LN (Ur. 'l hc uccninplixhul ulin \;I\Uplllllll\l .llltl hunll pu) lrihulc In |cg_'cnllui} |u// lllllu\.llnl ('hurlic l’urkci \\llll \iIuliI}. \Lill .lllll nriginulil}.


I Martin Kershaw and Friends l‘Ullli l'lnnr chluui'unl llul 8c lliuxxcllc. ll.u\c_\ Nlt‘llnlx .5” 54 SI .'\lltllt'\\\ Silllult'. 5:4 3350. I2. 30 3. 30pm, Scc Sun 5 I Claire Daly and Gabriel Latchin (it'lllllllt‘. lll5 (icUI'jJL' SllL'L'l. l 4pm l‘lt'k' lnxpircll llllL'llll'L'lilllth nl clumic |.I// \cnrcx lrnin l)uh|in \nculixl l)ul_\

I Live Jazz 'l'hc .luin llnuw. 5 ()uccn Sli'ccl. 226 4330. H llpin. Scc Sun 5 I House Trio ’l hc .lu/I llui. l ('hunihcix Sliccl. 220 4200. 3pm. l'icc. Scc SuI 4

I Louise Dodds and Tom Scott llclugu. 30;: ('huinhcrx Slrccl. 0 llpin l'rcc. Scc Sun 5.


I The Great Jazz Jam Session 'I hc .lu// Bur. l ('huinhcrx Sli‘ccl. 220 4200. 0pm. l'rcc. Scc Mnn 6.

Tuesday 14


3*: Todd Gordon and Jacqui Dankworth qul (‘nnccri Hull. 2 Suuchichull Slrccl. 353 3000. lell Ll5. Suhliinc \ingcrx lndll und Jucgur pcilniin L‘l;I\\IL‘\ lrnin llic (mu! .lmr/u (m Sung/Hui illltl ililtltl.\ MC“ tIllIlllll /,III("\ ///ir\mn\.


I Jason Faichney S} gn. I5 (‘hurlnirc Lunc. 225 6060. 6pm. l’rcc. Scc 'l‘iic 7. I Liz MacEwan and Trio 'l'hc Juin llnuw. 5 Quccn SIrccl. 226 4380. 6pm.