' Miisiicroik Fol it

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to morag.bruce@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Norman Chalmers.

l (linliurgli

I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh Dance \\\t-riilil_\ Roornx (ieorge Street. ‘W S ;"1 Spin LS l)arice hand ill I \‘.llil taller Keri (iourla)


I Music at the Manor Folk Club \lanoi Park Hotel. Krlrnarnock Road. Hl .“L‘. WWW; .S ll |5prn. Ur it'5i llic \iltix \\c\t Hand petlorrn Scotthh traditional and conlcrnporar} \ong. lronlcd l\_\ the lug once and dieinhe druni

Saturday 4 .

l (linliurgli

I Filska llrunton ’I‘hcatrc. l.ad_\ \\ ell \\a). \liixxelluirgh. (m5 33W. £11.50 ti“)! (clehrated liddle drnen lllllSlt' lrorn the _\outhliil powerhouxc Shetland hand

I lmbolc Ceilidh Dance 2006 Rudoll Steiner Ilall. Sp_\ la\\ Road. MW in 330 JUN, 7pm lam, t'lll NJ) in ad\ancei. Dance lllllSlt‘ lrom lltid Yer \\ Iieexht. in aid ol Relormting Scotland \thdllk'k' lickch cart he piiichaxed liom SuxieK Diner. \Vext \Ieilitixoll Street.

I Ciaran Flynn i'ot'eSI ('ate. Hrixlo I’Iace. 3le ii“. Sfillpni. llumorou\ \ongx \\llil guitar acctunpamment.


I Box and Fiddle Day RS.-\.\ll). chlien Street. I‘ll 8242. Horn Illam. Inlorrnal St'SSIUIIS and \\oi'k\hop\ on accordion and liddle. li\ent\ during the da_\ are lree‘. the e\cning concert h}

lll\ Iled gtle\l\ lS Ur tL-l l.


I Ciaran Flynn \Vee Folk ('Iuh. Ro)a| ()ak. lnlirrnar} Street. 557 2070. S.3tlpm. U. Sec Sat 4.

Tuesday 7 ' Edinburgh

I Kieran Halpin l.eii|i l-‘olk ('luli. lhe \ illagc. South l’ort Street. 478 "Sltl. “Milli, t5. lrixh l'olk and original \ongx lrom the \inger- \ongniiter and guitarixt no“ rexident in Scotland.

I CGilidh Club The i.ol. (il';l\\tll;tl‘|\el. 235 330‘). .S'pm. to. Scottixh dancing. iltitiit'l\ and ;l caller.

Wednesday 8


I Alastair McDonald lidinhurgh l-olk ('luli. ('aharet Bar. The l’leaxance. (fill 33-10. .S'pm. L'o itll [5r (ilaxgoxx- horn inuxician and entertainer. \\ eel kent till


I Ewan Wilkinson and Sandy Brechin Dunlermline Folk ('luh. HHSllL‘ ’I'a\erii. lialdridgehurn. (HSS‘S 739073. Spin. {5. Singer/\ong“rilel' [in an join\ up “Hit the nimble aecordionixt.

Thursday 9,


I Stramash Star Folk (‘luh S‘i .\ndre\\ '~ in the Square. off Saltmarket. .Sl .-\ndre\\ \ Street. 35.“ 0230. Split. {7 MIN. .\uthentic and powerful traditional

76 THE LIST .‘ ".1 “01‘

Scoh \ong and lllllSlc lrorti the \eteian perlornieh. including \dam McNaughton and (iordeanna .\lc(‘ullough


I Eduardo Nibela 'lollximili. .lail \\I_\nd_ (ll 750 2-41M)” Spin { Ill i LSI Supcr‘h technique and lllllSlcdi imagination trorn the Spam\h guitatixt

and compo~er


I James Chadwick iile \nnc\e. Slenartulle Street. i’ar‘tick. i5" “71". 7, illprn. U». Radio 3 Young I'olk .\\\ard \xinner play lolk and took rock. hlucx ia/x and indie

I James Nara iron 'l‘lieaiie. 'l'rongate. 55: 43o" 9. illpm. LS. Young il'lSil \inger \oiiguritcr launchex illS dehul lil’.


I Simon Bradley and Luke Plumb \Vee l-olk ('Iiih. Ro}a| ()ak. lnlirmar} Street. 557 I‘l—ih. Nillplll. L3. 'l‘remendoux inxtrumental dtio ol .\l;iriclte\ter'-horn. lidinhurglrrcxidenl and Spanixh group |.|an de ('uhel liddler Bradle). and Shooglenilt} hou/ouki pla_\er |.uke l’lumh. \xlio'x lrom 'l‘axmania.

Tuesday 14


I Stuart Cassells and Friends l.eith l'olk ('Iuh. 'l'lie Village. South l’ort Street. 478 TSIl). 7.30pm. l5. Stuart (';i\\c‘ll\ hax tno Mod gold medalx lor \Uio piping. iie\ alxo recorded \\ iii] the i);tt‘klle\\. .-\lid he “ax BBC Radio Scotland Young 'l'raditional .\lu\ician ol' the Year 2W5.

I Ceilidh Club 'lihe |.ol. (iraxxrnarkel. 225 220‘). .S'pm. U». See Tue 7.

Wednesday 15


I Ewan Wilkinson and Sandy Brechin lidinhurgh Folk (’luh. ('aharet Bar. (it) The l’leaxance. (fill 334‘). .S'pm. {hit->1 [5 l. See Wed 3.


I Nick Allmark Dunlermline l’olk ('luh. 'l'hixtle 'l‘a\ern. Baldridgehurn. (H.183 730073. .S'pm. l'ree. Dunkeld- haxed \inger.

Thursday 16


I Nickel Creek The .'\l'L‘ilL‘S. .-\rg} |e Street. 0370 240 7528. 7.30pm. L‘IS. Bluegraxx re\ i\ali\t\. acouxtic inno\ator\. )outhgraxx welcome back to the American threewme \xho'w trampled o\ er \ome com entional houndar'iex while making c|e\ er ntuxical rna_\hem.

I Concert for Malawi Royil (‘oncert Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 Sill)“. 7.30an £8.50 HIS” (‘hoirx t'rom all m er (ilaxgim. plu\ the Scottixh l'iddle ()rchextra and countr} dancerx.

I Frank McLaughlin and Gillian MacDonald Star l-‘olk (‘luh St

.-\ndre\\ \ in the Square. ot‘l‘ Saltmarket. St .-\ndre\\ \ Street. 5—13 (illlt). .S’pm. t't» iHi. Mainl) traditional Seotx \ong~ and tune\ l'rom the guitar/\ocal duo.


I Middle East Evening lnxtiiut l-rancaix d'licoxxe. Randolph ('rexcent. 335 5300. 0pm. l‘ree. The Middle iithl l'iexthal Ztltlo celehrato tradition and art. \xith 'l‘urkhh muxician llhan Barutcu and a hell) -dance performance h} \tudentx t'rom Dance Baxe.

I Kodo l-‘extixal Theatre. Nicolxon Street. 53‘) (30M). 7.30pm. “(3.50 {'2 l. High-energ) Japanexe ritual drumming.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to morag.bruce@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, and Carol Main.


I Music in the University: Da Vinci Piano Trio (ii.t\go\\ l'nixcmt} (‘oncert Hall. l‘nnerxit} \\enue. “ll lit":

I lit 2pm. :\ pertormance ot l-aure\ \Iri/iurrt III I. 1L1].Strauxx'Int/Huiinitiulr. i)ei\tt\\} S I’M/Iii ll/t'

I RSNO: Denéve conducts Beethoven Seven Ro}ai (‘oiicert Hall. I Sauchiehall Street. 353 Siltlll 7 .illpm .-\n e\emng ot e\hilaration lzom Stephanc l)erie\e and hrx orchextra. \Hlil .Iame\ .\lac.\lrllan\ HINil/llllil opening proceeding\ and the dramatic. llllt'llSL‘i} heautrlul Violin (‘oncerto \o 3. .llc'liilrioIp/rim'n h} i’enderecki .‘\ll\i. ol courxe. the glorioux llcethox en x) mphon} that lend\ the night ll\ title


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart 250: Master and Pupil QueenK Hall. ('lerk Street. Nix Illl‘l 7.3llpm. {S {3‘ 5”. Johann \epomuk llumrnel \llltileti “liil .\lo/art and \xax a child prodig} \\ ho toured at the age ol ten and L‘Sltli‘ihheti a \uccexxl'ul career ax a piani\t and compoxer. 'I‘he haunting heatlt} ol hix tit;r\let'\ (.ltll'I-IH'I (.I'Ht i'rlu. \\ilh the S('( )‘x on n. eharixmatic .\la\imiliano .\lartm ax \oloixl. i\ centrepiece.



I New London Chamber Ensemble RS \.\ll). loo Rentiexx Street. “I “‘57 lpm :7 it,‘I \ rare chance to hear and we lillS inno\ati\e enxeml‘le ax tlie§ peitoim a ei‘lllllllSSIUIlt‘d \xork troin (ilaxgou coinpmer .lohn \la\\\ell (icddex \\ho celebratex iIIS o5th i‘lllitd.t\ lillS _\eat I I French Horn Masterclass

RS \\ll). liNl Rentren Street. “3 WV 2 ;“pm l‘tee. ticketed Stexe Stirling. member ot the \e\\ l ondon (‘harnher l'nxemhle. takex RS \Xll) pupil\ through their pace\

I New London Chamber Ensemble Masterclass RS.\.\tl). loo Remit-u Street. “I 50‘" I itlpm i‘lk‘t‘. ticketed \Voodxxmd enxernltlex trom the RS \.\11) milk on repertoire in\ol\ing .l\PC\i\ ot muxic theatre \\ itli maxterx ol the genre I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart 250: Master and Pupil tux llallx. ('andleiiggx ‘5; Solid 7 {lipm See Hm 3


I Lunchtime Organ Recital \ici'\\.tll Hall. Ilrhto Square. hill -1 ‘Sl l lllpm l-ree ('lui\ l)}ter perlorrnx a \t'it'kiltlll ol \xor'kx b) (iurlmant. llormet. \'ierne. (iigout and \\'idoi

I Cendrillon l'cxtnal l'lieauc. l i 2‘) Nicolwn Street. 53‘) tillllll, 7l5prn

U: 9cle NittxxeltelS \t‘lSlUll ol the (‘inderella \tor} IS perlorined h} the RS-\.\ll) opera department and wine )oiing SllljJL'l‘S lrom the St l’eterxhurg State (iotl\el'\alolte

I Christ Church Caritas Concert: The Christ Church Vespers ('linxi (‘hurclr Morningxide Road. no.7 Vi“

John Scofield

Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Thu 9 Feb; Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow, Fri 10 Feb

The UK premiere performances of Mark Anthony Turnage’s Scorched will feature the talents of American jazz stars John Scofield, John Patitucci and Peter Erskine in partnership with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra.

The English composer is a long-standing admirer of Scofield’s work, and Scorched is a development of Blood on the Floor, an earlier piece involving

the guitarist and originally written for Ensemble Modern. From there, Turnage

suggested making arrangements what he describes as ‘re-contextualising’ - of tunes by Scofield, which provides the source of the title, derived from

‘SCofield ORCHestratED’.

Describing the genesis of the piece, the composer says: ‘Two of the movements actually began as encores for Blood on the Floor. This was back in 1996, and John was very enthusiastic about taking it further.’

The score combines jazz improvisation with full orchestration in exciting and imaginative fashion. Turnage has worked with jazz musicians before, including American saxophonist Joe Lovano with the SCO last year, but he doesn’t agree that he is carrying any particular torch for that generic fusion.

'l’m attracted to their qualities as musicians - they happen to be jazz musicians, and I like the real individuality they have in the way they play. Of course I’m interested in jazz as a form, but I haven’t been going out specifically to try to blend the two. It’s not a big campaign, but I love working with these musicians, and I have a feeling now that John and I may work together quite regularly.’ (Kenny Mathieson)