2 I.t'\t'll SIIL'L'I. i2‘) NIH“ “(1 WM

Trainspotting l‘iiliI Sat .1 l'L'Il 7 trip”. that IIIIII 3. illpiui. Llll LII RL‘IIIHII. Sick Bu}. Spud .lIItI Ilt'ghic i‘t'llii'ii In the \I.I‘._'t' Ill IIII\ adaptation iil lIic cull Ir\ IIIL' \Vt-lei niiit-I. \kIllt'Ii IK'LIIIIIL' .i .L't'llt'lilllltll (It-lining: liliii \I.ll'llllf: I‘.\\.’lll \Ik'(llt'f_flll'.

Mack & Mabel \Iiill (i Sill II I'L'I‘.

7, illplu (\Vt-il tk Sal “till 3. illpiiii

L'I-I {3‘ .\Ill\lL'.'lI I'L'IIlIIIlUlI Hi my low \IHI'} IVL'I“ L't‘ll ll”II_\\\tlli(I It‘fJL'lItI\ Muck ‘Kiiig: ul (Rum-«If St'iiut‘tt .IIItI t‘iiiilctlit'iult' \iuhcl \iii’luuiitl. St't'

pin It'u, page 7‘).

Private Lives 'Iiit- Ill Sal Ix I‘t'I‘.

7. VIP”) l\\'t'il tk Sal IIIIII 3. illpiiii.

L I 3 L3 I. St'c (illixgim. Ilit'ulrc Rii};il.


IX 33 Ult't‘lhltIt‘ I’Illt't‘. “37” NW) I334. III. \‘t’( '. \\‘.v\l

Swan Lake Inc 7 & \Vt'tl H I’t'h.

7. illpiii l\\'t-tl iiiul 2. illpiui. Ui £30.51). Yt'l .‘llllIIIlt'I' I'L'Illl'll \ I\ll Ii'iiiu lhc (‘Iiixiiinu \uliuulil Illillt'l. pt'l'lurmiug IIII\ pt-i‘t'iiiiiul laniiuritt' Ii'iiiu the classical canon.

Sleeping Beauty IIIII 0 Sat Il I-‘ch. 7. illpm (Sal mat 2.30pm). UIISII. (’Iiixiiiliu National Ilatllcl cuiuplclcx its tIHlIItIt‘—I\III ill 'It‘hulkm \Ix} IMIIL'I\ \xllIl iIiI\ I;iii'}l;ilc lawuritc.

The Circus of Horrors Mun I3 I't'h. 7.30pm. L'Ill £25. St't' (IIII\}_'U\\.

I’m iliuii IIIt'ilII'L‘.

Lord of the Dance ’I'ut' l4 Sun I‘) lit-h. Rpm (Sal/Sun iiiul 3.30pm).

£25 £33.51). .-\\ \w :tuuit lIit‘ :il'rixail ul' Mich;ch I'Iztllt'} '\ ncu \htl“, (It'll/t" lll‘g'r'r. ltl :\[ll‘II. IIL'I'L"\ It L‘IIIIIIL‘L‘ lH L‘ttlL'II his huggcl) popular Iriin (IRIIIL'L' t'\li';i\;ig;m/;i.

I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (il'llltIIil) Street. 343 4848. II’. II. 'I'I‘. \\'('. \\'.r\|

Tartuffe l'nlil Slit I I I'L'Ii liiiit Sun/Mun). 7.45pm (\Vt'tl & Sal mat 2.31)pilii.£|ll £3! (U [I ISIII. |.i/ IMCIlIIt'altI'x Itu‘I} St‘tilx \‘L'l‘xttm HI Mullt'rc'x coined} about IIIL' IIII\t'IlIt‘\UlI\ tluingx ul' IIIC unstoppable 'Iill'lllIIt‘.


III ()l'\\ c” 'I'L‘I‘I‘ltL‘L‘. 3—H) I405. I\\'(‘. \\'.r\l

Jekyll 8. Hyde the Musical l’iiliI Sal ~l l‘ch. 7.30pm (Sal mall 2.30pm). U1) U2. Musical iiiIxL‘ on Riihci‘l Louis Slt‘wnxun‘x cuwuliw talc ul romance and IIIL‘ t‘plt‘ Imlllt‘ hcluccn guild and

,- 51-“,



I TRAVERSE THEATRE ('ulnhi'itlgc Sti'ct‘l. 333 MIN. lI’. II. II. \\'('. WA]

Mt Ragged 'I'hu ‘) I‘t'h. 7.30pm. £4 ((3). A chalicc It) Iit‘ut' no“ \uirk I'riim Alixlrulilln plu} “right Rug ('i'ihh. .III li’riuur'r/ is the tale ul~ I‘L‘L‘Ill\l\t‘ liliin puct

Daniel (iurtl'cll and his dark. dark \t‘cl'cl.

October I‘I'I ll) I-t‘h. 7pm. £4 lL'Z I. The second piccc It} a cuiitcnipurur} :\lI\II‘;tIiilli \i'rilci‘. this time Ian Wilding “how plu) I'ullmx‘x :1 Im lug C(llIPIL‘ I'urccd lii cunl‘runt a \llltxlt‘l' \li‘angci‘ uhu appears in their Iillll\t‘.

Liz Lochhead’s lively Scots adaptation of Moliere’s

X Factor Dance Company \Vt-il IS & 'I'Iiu Iti I‘ch. 3pm. £7 upm U3

(£4.50 [7). Sue (ilusgim. 'I‘i‘im 'I‘Iimlit',

Outside the cities



In} Squurt‘. HHS: 32353“. II’. II. \\'('I Scottish Dance Theatre IIlll 0 Sat I I I‘ch. 3pm IIIIlI mat Zpiiii. {Ill

ILS LXI. SL‘L' IitIlllhllI'gIt. I‘t'xlIMlI IIICIIIIC.

Dr Korczak’s Example IIIII It» Siil IX I‘ch. 7.45pm III)“ that 3. “IPIIII. LN (£51. 'I'hix thought pi'imiking plgi} Ii}


classic is wowing audiences at the Lyceum. Tony Cownie’s production gets some outstanding performances from the whole cast. in this farcical story of religious hypocrisy, greed and venality. Look out for Stephen McNicoIl’s dullard family patriarch, which is worth the admission price alone. I Rot/(ll Lyceum, Fri/riliirrgli, i/rili/ Sal I 7 Int).

I).l\llI(II\'If_‘. \t'l III.lIIHI|\II.lII.l1‘t‘ lIl .i \\;li\.i\\ iIIlcltn III I‘ll.‘. tells IIIt' \lim «it the IlIIIIlllI\ I’llIl\II I‘Jt'tIIJIIIk I.tl| .IIItI t'IiiItIlt'u'x .llIIIIlll I)i ,I.lllll\/ I\i»ii /.II\ .'\j._‘t‘\ Ij‘ St't‘ [‘It'\lt‘\\. l‘.I‘.'k' \I

Save Money

see page 113 for details

Thursday 9 Friday 10

H4"- II‘ I‘llll‘. I“.\'Il6-‘ PM . R8.J

Salaam. N .l'”. Iwn'." flamilii. Nun“! I

Matinee Idle

Matinee Idle

t‘. _‘\t\'-I

Matinee Idle

I‘m". Ilii'iii-o

Safari} 1‘. N .l‘il It‘.""

Ilitanic the Mu3ical Titanic the MUSical Titanic the Musrcal

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh‘s main theatres. More information. including events at smaller venues. can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Saturday 11 Sunday 12 Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 1:3 Thursday it;


Comiirhmn C(rmlrmnrmni Grmansnltmn Givrmnmltvni

Wins. . Ganges Mmhxs... Game's Muir”)

SH: ROFL. 1'. I” >[1

Arches Citizens

ream Gilmorehill King's

Oran Mor Ramshorn Theatre Royal

Tramway Here's What I Did Here's What I Did Here's What I Did See Jazz leiiingiad Siege- Tron Brunton . . . . . m Edward Sassomands Edward Sossorharxis Edward Sossorhands Vagina Monologues Vagina Monologues Scottish Dane Theatre Kodo Festlval Theatre 0 Mm s Mirna. Mack» Ma. a .-‘. M in.» r v . King's 3 Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Beauty Circus of HorrOrs mm of the Dance mm of the Dance mm of the Dance Playhouse g Minnie Itlrltilli' lair-.2» Lyceum a I 1 Mt Ragged October X FactOr Dance X Factor Dance Traverse