Capital Comedy Charity causes have never been this much fun with a gaggle of gigglemeisters helping to caress your tunnybone and ease your conscience. See profile. Arcade Bar, Edinburgh. Thu 76, 23 Feb.

Ben Elton Stewart Lee won‘t be guest of honour at either of these gigs and nor will any of the many who have slaughtered the once-legendary figurine. King '3 Theatre. Glasgow, Sun 79 Feb; Festival Theatre, Edinburgh. Mon 20 Feb.

Danny Bhoy The wee wag gives us one more night (as Phil Collins used to plead for) before heading off towards warmer climes. The Jazz Bar. Edinburgh, Sun 79 Feb.

Bill Hicks: Slight Return Even better than the real thing? Well. no. but in his stead comes Chas Early (pictured) taking a wander into Hicksville. Citizens Theatre, Glasgow. Tue 27 —Sat 25 Feb.

Laurence Clark: The Jim Davidson Guide to Equality An old school comedy-free night as the wheelchair-bound comic puts the boot into prejudice of all shades. Glasgow University College Club. Fri 24 Feb.

We Are Klang The tallest man in comedy is joined by his two smaller mates for an evening of daft routines and dark sketches. See caption. The P/easance Cabaret Bar. Edinburgh, Tue 28 Feb.

Boothby Graffoe What better way to spend St Dave‘s Day than with a man named after a small rural Lincolnshire hamlet playing the guitar and telling jokes? The Stand. Edinburgh, Wed 7 Mar.

38 THE LIST 16 Feb—2 Mar 2006

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.

Thursday 16


Jongleurs Comedy Club lllllglt'lllS. l'(i(' lltiildiiig. chltcu Strcct. 08707 870707. 8pm. L7 1L3i ()ltl'lihlllollt'tl ciilcitaiiici Allic loci tcanix tip \\llll ('tirtt\ \Valkcr. clicck} chappic l’ltil lltttlci and llllSL‘lllL’UtllS ttinn} ho} .loc llcciiaii

The Big Bluu Comedy Gong Show Bluu. 50 'li'oiigatc. Mcicliant ('it}. 548 I350. 8.30pm l‘rcc. Scott .r\giic\\ and Man .-\iidcr\oii li'oiit llllS atidicncc lcd \lltm lll \\lllL‘ll a L I00 ca\li pri/c IS gncn tlic pcop|c\ latotii‘itc.

The Thursday Show 'l‘lic Stand. 3 H \Vtmtllumlx Road, llSqll (illll (ill55 S 3(ljijjj Lo (£5t. .lolin (iillick \harcx thc luiicltglit \Hlll L'tllllctl} “llleCl'Sllilpjk‘l Kcn .Mc.-\l|i\tcr. Stixan (‘aliiiaii and [TH ia-lm nig lioSl. Sand) \clxoli.


Big Word Performance Poetry 'l‘lic 'l‘ron. ‘) lltiiitci‘ Squarc. lligh Strcct. 22o 0‘)3l. ‘lpiii. L3 rL'2i. l)tiiidonian .Mark 'l'lioiiixon joins tip \\ itli lhg \Voi‘d rcgtilaix \'i\ (icc. Richard Mcdringtoii and ('upar'x Milton Balgoni. lloxtcd h) Jciiii} l.llltl\il} tllld Jcm Rollx.

The Thursday Show 'l‘lic Slatid. S Yot‘k l’lacc. 558 7272. ‘lpiii. Lo IL3 L5l. l’ic- \\cckcnd laughs \\ itli clialtcrhm Ra} iiioiid .\lC;ll‘ll\. dark l.citlicr ('oliii Raiiionc. l’aul l’iric and lloSl Janc Macka}.

Capital Comedy ‘l'ltc :\rcadc llar. l8 ('ockhurii Strcct. 220 I207 0.30pm. L3. .\ ncti \icckl} cltarit_\-happ_\ lauglitcr \cxxion lor tiic ('apital ('oiiicd} crc\\. llllS tinic l'caturing Bill} Kii‘ktxood. (iux 'l‘atixc and Rick \ltlllillltl. SL‘L‘ l’rolilc.

The Snatch Social ’l'lic Liquid Rooni. ‘lc \‘ictoria Strcct. 225 2504. l lpiii 3ani. L5. ('oiiicd} capcrx lroiii llari'} :\lll\\\ol’lli and Ton} ('artcr at this L‘llL‘L‘k} caliarct- Clllll-tllSco. italics and ’l'rcnd} \Vcnd} lllltlllllll} rcxidcntl Suppl} hip ltop and llllll'x) lung-x. (’licck \natclixocialcrtin l'or niorc inl‘o.


Peter Powers l’a\ ilion ’l‘licatrc. l2! chlicld Slrcct. 332 lS-lti. 7.30pm «K iitidiiiglil. L'll Ll.3. llnllllillSl act l'roni Potter. “llo has hccii callcd 'tlic Ali (i ol \tagc li}piio\i\'. 'l'lic iitidiiiglit Slit)“ ix \ti‘ictl} adults onl_\.

Jongleurs Comedy Club longlcurx. l'(i(' Building. RCllll‘L‘\\ Strcct. 08707 870707. 8pm. L'l2. Scc 'l'liu lti.

Ha Ha Comedy (‘tirlcrx 250 200 Bircx Road. 338 (i5l l. 8.30pm. £3. .Morc hall» pricc conicd} trcatx ax (iordoii Bitinton lcadx this hand ol' nicrr} iiicn. including Simon Bi‘oitn. ch .-\lltlL‘l'\0ll and conipcrc .-\|aii .-\ndcr\on.

The Stand lllllc Stand. .35.3 \YtKKllilllLl\ Road. 0870 (will) (i055. 8.30pm. £8 tL'7i. Joliii (iillick. Mac\ c lliggiiix. And) Mcl’attlatid and tiiolor-niotitli llo\l Stixaii .\lt\l‘t‘l\0ll do thcir tltiiig.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jotiglclll‘S. ()iiini ('cittrc. (irccnxidc l’lacc. 08707 870707. 8pm. U0. Silk} Slc\c \llgllk‘S llic linicliglil \tith (irihhiii. conicd) all-rotindcr .-\iitlioit_\ King and l'oriiicrl} drcadlrx‘kcd ('anadiaii .lllxoti‘lollli \Vliitclicad.

The Stand 'l‘lic Slatid. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £8 lL‘7l. Jaiic Macka) lioSIS this \icckcnd laughtcr \cxxioii. starring conicd} giant Brcndliaii l)Clllp\L‘_\. l‘cixt) local Iadx ('olin Raiiionc and Paul l’iric. plu~ John .\'c\xton.

The Bedlam Improverts Bcdlarii 'lhcatrc. I ll‘ Bl‘lxlo Matt. 22.5 939.“. l0.30piii. £3.501L'3l. l.oiig |i\ c tlic conicd) rclcrcnduni as a changing rota ol iniprm pla} crs crcatc niorc \[X‘lllilllL‘UUS xkctclicx based around audicncc suggcxtions.

Saturday 18


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lottglctltx.

l (i(‘ litiilditig. Rciilicxx Slicct. 08707 870707 Spin Ll 3 Scc lliti llt

Ha Ha Comedy lllackltiatx ‘~o llcll Sticct. 552 502-1 8 30pm L3 Scc l'll l7 Saturday Night Live lllc Statc Bar. l-lb llollaiid Slicct. 332 2l5‘l ‘lpiii Ltr (LSl lrllL' (an) (d‘lllk'tl) (..llk' Lllu‘S Hll .l iicu loriitat liaxcd aiotiiid iiiiprox. \kctclicx and stand up ltoiii tlic liitpio llahlc (‘oiiicdi l’la}ci\. [‘llIS \tippoit troiii (llIS la\\\c and Hill} Kiiktxood

The Stand l‘llL‘ Slalltl. 33“ \\imtll.jntl\ 0870 (too (i055 0pm L to r L.\l St-t- l'll l7


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lotlglclHS. ()iiiiii (critic. (iicciixidc l’lacc. 08707 870707 Spill. LII. St-c lit 1"

The Stand “w Stand. 5 Yolk l’lacc. 558 7272. “pm. LllllL8i. Scc l‘l'l l7


Ben Elton King'x l‘lit-atrc. 3‘)" Bath Strch 240 llll. 7. 30pm. L175“ Ll‘l 50 l‘lic \liont}. lclt} coiiiic icttiriix to tlic \taiidaip \tagc altcr an ciglit _\cai gap Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service llic Stand. 333 \\oodl;itid\ Road, 0870 (too (loss. 8 30pm Lil lLI L3i. ll'lSlllllilll Michacl Rcditiond \H‘lctllllt'S niorc latiglitcr lllL‘lSlt‘lS to lllS coiiicd) hotidoii. including John ( iillick. Stixaii ('aliiian. .-\nd_\ Vaughan. (ilIS '|a\\\c and Xmici 'Ioli}.

Edinburgh Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'l'ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 1pm. l'rcc. llalitxli that iiiorning-altcr lccliiig \\Illl a doxc ol' l'rcc tloriiii latiglitcr lroiii tiiiprot \tarx l’aul (iraliaiii and Stuart Murpli}. Danny Bhoy: Show You’re Working 'l'lic .la// liar. l (‘liaiiihcrx Strch 220 4200. 7pm. £5. llic liiial cliancc to \cc thc t\\ tiik|_\ c}cd l'utiii} lad licloi‘c ltc licadx oil on a tour ol .-\ti\tralla and .\'c\\ /.ca|and. The Sunday Night Laugh-In 'l‘lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. S3lll‘lii. L4 tLl L20. l)tiiidcc lad Kcir .\lc.'\lli\tci' tcanix tip \\ itli Sian llcxan and cutting lltlSl lli'ucc l)c\ lin.

Monday 20


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 'I‘Iic .Sltllltl. 35.3 \Ytiotllillltlx Roiltl. llS7ll (illll (i055. 8.30pm. L4. 'l'cani Monkc} lhctlcr knoxi n as Sand} .\'cl\on. .-\llcn ('lialiiicrx. l’atil l’iric. l)c\ Mcl.caii and Ra}inoiid .\lc;tl'll\l \picc tip Monda} night \\ itli iiiorc \pontancotrx \kL‘lL‘llCS. lllllSlc and


Ben Elton l'cxti\al lltcall'c. I3 2‘) Nicolxoii Strcct. 52‘) 0000. 7.30pm. £l7.5ll L'l‘).50 Scc Stiti l‘). Red Raw 'l‘lic Slalltl. .5 York l’lacc. 5.53 7272. 8.30pm. L l. Jaiiiic .-\ndcr\on atid .\'cil Mcl'arlanc \hoxi niorc liopcl'ulx thc conicd} ropcx.

Tuesday 21


Bill Hicks: Slight Return (‘iti/cnx' lllL‘illlL‘. l l‘) (iorlialx Slrccl. 42‘) “(DJ 7.30pm. £12 (L3 L5t. 'l‘lic rcttirn ol llllx popular coiiicd} \llll“ that t‘cxurrcclx tlic talciil ol' thc lalc. grcat Bill llickx. Red Raw 'l‘lic Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 0870 (will) 6055. 8.30pm. L2 lLl i. Morc llL‘\\CUl]lL‘l'\ tr} out tlicir licxt lincx iii tlic coiiipait} ol' card sharp Stcwn l)ick aiid .\'cil Mcliirlanc.


Comedy Benefit Night 'l‘lrc Stand. 5

York l’lacc. 558 7272. 8.30pm. {ML-1i.

SUSuli (‘almaiL ch in Bridgcx aitd lamic .-\iidcr\on doiiatc tlicir laughlcr-inducing

lalt‘lllS to\L‘ iiioiic_\ loi (apiltrlitt Sullldlltl

Hairy Watt Comedy Club llctiot \\.ill liii\ct\ir\ l iiioii. l\)l\\.lll\‘ll. J51 5 3 33 “pm L3 \lro (‘cltic ltniiii iiiaii llititc l'llllllllt‘} \l.llltl\ up in tlic coinpan} ol 'So You Iliiiik Yoti‘ic l llllll_\. llll.lll\l .liiiiiii} \ldihic and kcii \lt \llixlci Sttidciitx and gtic\t~ onl_\

Wednesday 22 Glasgotx'

Bill Hicks: Slight Return l 'ili/ctiV lllL'itllt‘. l l‘’ ( it'tl‘illS \llt‘t'l. 33" ll“): 7 30pm L|2 rL3 L5i \cc Inc 2] Comedy Benefit Night llit- Stand. Hi \\ootl|.tnd\ Road. rix‘o noo rrr l\5 8 30pm Lo lLAll l’cio\idc ianlci \ ladiriiii \lc l.l\l\ll lttlllS ,loc llccliaii. Kcii Mc \llixlci and Rn“ Hatllic loi llll\ tiiglit ol l.tllj_‘ll\ lll aid ol tlic lliitixli lx’cd ('ioxx


Bruce‘s Quarterly lllt' Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272 8 30pm Ll rL2 L 3| Your toiiiancc tlllk'Slll'lh anmcicd. Milll dcugn t|llt‘llt'\ \ol\ctl and plcnt} ol laughs along tlic \\a_\ ll] llIIS llc\\ ltxc inaga/inc Slio\\ ltoiii Stand icgulat Iliucc llc\ llll Mm lllt'llltlt‘S art on tlic \pot aiidiciitc iiiakco\ci and liaiiomng ical lilc diaiiia

Thursday 23


Bill Hicks: Slight Return ( 'iti/cnx' 'l-llLKlllk'. l l” ( lilt'l‘illS Sllt't'l. ~12” ll“): 7 30pm. Ll2 tL3 L5). Scc Itic 2| Jongleurs Comedy Club .IongIt-trix. l'( i(‘ lltiilding. Rciilictx Sticcl. 08707 870707. 8pm L7 tL3i \oi'llicin lllSll It'SlL'l Martin lligpig lt'illllS tip \\llll |\'c\in (iildca. kook} ('aiiadiaii loin Sladc and multicultural lunii} iiian lltticc l‘llllllllt‘} The Thursday Show llic Stand. iii \\‘tmt||..rrtl\ Road 0870 (loo no“ 8. 30pm Hi tL3 L5i \ladniiii \lc la\ lSll licadx tip llll\ coiiicd} pack. aidcd and alicltcd h} /aii_\ lotiiict \ticct pciloinici ('lirix l.}iili;tiii. .\'cil Mclailanc. \iall Hi'ouiic aitd hoiiiliaxtic llHSl Ra} iiioiid .\lL';ll'Il\.


The Thursday Show 'l'lit- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. ‘lpiii. Lo r L3 L5i ()nc Iiiicr \ioiidcr .'\lllllllll} King |lllll\ cotncd} loi'cc\ \\llll (icordic llllSlll Ion} (liitci. Kcir Mc.»\l|i\tci. Stan llcxan and llllSL'llchtllS llttSI .loc llccnati

Capital Comedy llic \tcatlc llat. -l.\ (‘ockliurii Sticct. 220 I207 0 3UP!“ L3 Still} ()‘Sulliiaii L'lllL‘l'lillllS in tlic coiiipaii} ol l)otigic Munro

The Snatch Social 'l'lic liquid Rooiii. ‘lc Victoria Sti'cct. 225 25ol, llpiii 3am, L5. Scc 'lliti in


Laurence Clark: The Jim Davidson Guide to Equality ( ilaxgtm l‘nncrxit} ('ollcgc ('Itili. l'iiiicrxit} .-\\c. 3 30 3740. 7pm. l-rcc rmci l8\ otil} l. \Ylicclcliair llSL‘l' l.atii'ciicc ('laik itllS lllS \icux on Jun l)a\id\oii. ('lici'ic lllaii and plciil} iiiorc. Hooking L‘SSL'lllléll. /’rrrI o/ ()llr'U/uturm.

Bill Hicks: Slight Return ( ‘rn/cnx‘ 'l‘licalrc. l l‘) (iorlialx Strcct. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. L12 1L3 L5t. Scc 'luc 2l.

Peter Powers l’a\ ilion ’Ilicatrc. l2l chlicld Strcct. 332 I840 7_ 30pm 8c iiiidniglil. Lll Ll3. Scc l'l'l l7. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jotiglcurx. l'(i(' Budding. Rciilrcxi Strcct. 08707 870707. 8pm. Ll2. Scc 'l‘liu 2 3. although lack (’oulc} tach tlic coiiicd} hatoii lroiii Mr l-iiiiiiiic} on l'rida} and Salurda} nights.

Ha Ha Comedy (‘rrr'lt-rx. 35!) 260 mics Road. 338 (i5l l, 8.30pm. L 3. Saj brings on thc laughs iii thc conipan} ol \olllL' lll}\lcl"\ support acts and M(' Alan .'\ndcr\on.

The Stand 'l'lic Stand. 333 \Yoodlands Road. 0870 6le (r055. 8.30pm. £8 l£7l. Morc l‘tilI-l‘orcc hantcr l'roiii Vladimir