Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

The Adventures of Greyfriar’s Bobby l l I ... tlitltlt llL‘lttlL‘tlet. l'K. ZlMSI ()lncr (ioldtng. Janch ('oxmo. (ircg WIxc. (‘lIrIxtophcr |.cc. llHInm In IXSH. John (in) dual and hIx laIthlul tcrrIcr yuanlctl hIx graxc III lttlInhurgh‘x (irqtnarx KIrlI toI l-l }t'.Irx 'l'hIx Ix a uhImxIcal lictmn lli\Hl\ mg: Ilogcatchcrx. cutc orphanx and connn In): councIllorx. lt'x cllcctnc ax chIlIlrcn'x cntcrtammcnt. and aIlultx “Ill cnlo} xccmg thc ltkcx ot [cc and ()‘llanlon hum}; upxtagctl h} thc \xcc \chtIc Impoxtot, 'l‘hIx Ix chartl} ch‘ccnIng III aIIl ol llaI’narIlox. thc Dogx 'l‘ruxt and thc Jout'nalIxt ('haIIt}, (iI'III’rII/ I't'll'tlH‘

Aeon Flux I ISI 0 1'8. JtNDSI ('haI‘II/c 'l‘hcron. \laI'toII (‘xoltax Jonn} \lIlIct‘. SophIc ()koncIlo 92mm Scc rcncu. pagc 4| (iI'III'rIIl II'II'IIII:

>l< Alchemists of the Surreal I ISI (Jan Sxankmalcr. (’Icch chuhhc. IUMI 74mm. :\ xIIapxhot ol uork h} thc t'IlmIIIakcI'. aIIIIIIator. graphIc artIxt. xculptor. Ilt‘ngIIL'I‘. poct and author Jan SIaIIkInaIcI'. thc IcaIlIIIy lIght ol ('lcch anIIIIatIon. I'IlmlInuu'. IzI/tII/mru/I.

Army in the Shadows I IJAI 00000 than-l’IcI‘rc .\lcl\'illc. l-I‘ancc. I‘HI‘M lino \‘cntura. SIIIIoIIc Slgnorct. Jcan-l’IcrI'c ('axxcl, I-lllmm. A l‘L'\l\l&IilL'C lighter Ix capturctl m Vich} l‘t‘ancc and. “hilc III a prixon camp. trch to track do“ II thc Inlormcr u ho hctrayctl hix group, .\lcl\ illc uxcx ltlx Im II upcricncc ax a mcmhcr ol thc mIII/Im to huIlIl a tI'ihutc to thc l5rcnclI chIxtancc that Ix tt'uthlul and tragic. Part of (ilaxgou l-'i|m l’cxtnal. (i/uwou [VI/m HH'IIIII'. (i/uwmt.

The Asphalt Jungle tl’( it 0000 (John llllxlttll. l'S. IUSUI Stcrlmg lla_\tlcn. l.oqu ('alhcrn. Jcan llagcn. ~\‘am .lall'c. .\l;II'I|)II Monroc. l llmin. 'l‘hIx taut and unluxx} trcatmcnt ot \VR llurnctt'x cI'tmc llil'lllL‘i' hax an c\ccllcnt caxt ol' hoole litlllllf.‘ out al'tcr thcir thxt tallx through. Iltrccthl \ch lluxton'x cttxlotttat‘} aplomh. l’aI't ol (ilaxgou l‘tlnt l'cxtI\a|. (ilIIsuIm' l'I/m Ill/It'lllllt'. (i/uwnn.

BAFTA Scotland Winners Selection ttth (\EII‘Ioux. Scotland.

Cockles and Muscles

tKaI'} II Kuxama.

\'.IrIoIIxI.-\ chancc to xcc onnc ot thc noInInathl anIl auarIl \x InnIng; anIInatIonx aIIIl xhort llllilx tIoIII thIx yank ll \l'l \ Scotland -\\\aIle ('cIcIIIoII} l’aIt ot (ilaxgou l’lllil l'L'\ll\.tl (I{'IJ\L'I’-'. [:nt

Iltc IHI‘I. (Humans

Ballet Russes I ISM IllaIIIcl (It-IIt-I l)a_\na (ioldtlnc. l'S. 2W4» llxnnn \ IlocuIIIcntaI'} coIIIpIIxIII; archnc loolaj.’c ot thc leth ccntm'} Ilancc troupc llallct RtIxxcx. \thch coIIIpcthl III thc IntaIIIoux ‘hallct hattlcx' xccn In pIc \\ \\ H l oIIIloII l’att ot (ilangm l'llill l’k'\ll\.tl (Hanna: I'l/HI I/II'IIII'I. (ilmguu

Bank Holidaycl'I 00. I('anl Rchl. l'K. l‘l‘MNI .\laI';_'aIct lockuooIl MIIIIIII Stcphan llll\\.lltl ltax loxt lllx \kllt' IlIIIIIIg clIIlIlhII'tlI and a hoprtal nmxc otthx to takc hIIn homc llc rctuxcx .IIIIl xlIc gocx aua} uith th' ho}lrIcnIl hut thmkx conxtantl) ahout llo\\.IIIl anIl I'cxolxcx to IctuIn to l,oIIIloII and find hIm l’at'l ot (ilaxcou l‘lllll l‘cxtlxal (i/IIonI II/m I/IIImI, (i/mcon Belle of the Alhambra (Ia Bella del Alhambra) I IS! II-IIIIIItIc l’IIIcIla llaInct. (’IIha. l‘lN‘lI licatI'I/ \'alIlc/. ()IIIaI \‘alIlc/. \cI'oIIIca |._\IIII lHI‘x’Inm 'l‘hIx IIIIIxIcal Ia I‘arc thIIIg: loI ('uhan cIIIcIIIaI locuxcx on a choI'ux gn‘l III thx lla\aIIa aIIIl th IIIIlonthlc IlI'canIx ol xucccxx. l’aIt ot (‘tlhan Scaxon [Inn/mun. Ia/III/uuu/I

Big Momma’s House 2 mm 00 IJohn \VhItcxcll. [8. MIN .\laItm l.a\\I‘cncc. l'.llUll l.cll|anc. \Ia long; 00mm. l'lll agcnt Malcolm 'l'uI'ncI tl.a\\thIch gocx IIIIIchcowI‘ ax “If: .\loIIIIna agam. Yaun. (il'lll'l'tl/ I‘I'II'IIII:

Blithe Spirit t |’(iI 0.. Il)a\ IIl lcan. l‘K. I‘HSI Rc\ llaI‘I'Ixon. ('onxtancc (‘IIIIIIIImgx Ka) llaInInonIl. \laI'gaIct RtItth'loI'Il. 00mm, .-\ c}IIIca| ltII\L‘ll\l anIl hIx ncu “llt‘ arc haunthl h} thc InIxchIc\oux ghoxt ot hIx litxt \Hlt‘ .\'ocl ('oxxartl'x xtagc pla} glIIlcx xtlcccxxlttll) onto thc hi1: ch‘ccn ll\llt;_' Ilathl. hut atlcquatc. xpcclal cll'cctx anIl uonIlI-I'tull) llI‘itIxh IlIalogtIc. l’aI't ol’ \lIIIi-l)a\ IIl l,can xcaxon. l‘l/Ill/lltllw'. IalIII/Iurg/I,

Boy Eats Girl I lh’I (Stcphcn llI'aIllc}. lI‘claIIIl. ltlllSI Samantha \lumha. l)a\IIl Icon. lh‘mm .»\ tchIth'atcl} tonguc III chcck ll mm It‘ xct on a l)uhlIn councIl cxtalc \\lIcI'c a hunk ol loItIhicx arc unlcaxthl on thc cIt} atth' a IIIotth' IIxcx an ancIcnt \IIIItlUU xpt'll ltt t'L‘fltl't‘L‘c'l llt't' (lt'dtl xon. l’art ol(ilaxgo\\ l‘IlIn l’cxtnal, (i/Itwou lilm I‘III'IIII'I'. (/luwuu.


Breakfast at Tiffany‘s t< O... -lilal\c l Il‘.\.Itle.l \ l‘ml \tIIlIc} llcphutn (icotgc l’ct‘t‘aIIl. l‘atIIcIa \cal. litIIlIl} ll‘xcn. \lItkc} lx’oonc} ll‘nnn 'll-m Ilo I look " axkx I~I':Inal \\.tll llcphtnn III thc Iolc ot hoIIchlInc xthI/oplIIcIIIc lloll_\ (IolIghtlx '\ct§ gootl l IIIIIxt \.I} l‘III aIIIa/ctl.' Ict‘lch l‘cm‘aIIl In tlIc Iolc ot tItIxtIathl \xIIth and part tIIIIc gIcolo l’aIIl \aIIak III tlIIx atlaptatIoII tIoIII thc nowl h} lIIIIIIaII (apotc lhc Itonn llcphutn hax nc\cI InaIlc ncIIonIx look xo gooIl. aIIIl \\lIIlc thc llllli IIIaI haw IIIIIncIoIIx IcIlchntnc tcatuII-x «not lcaxl thc c\IIquItc tillt'lll.tli‘_‘_'l.t[‘ll_\ h} lIan/ l‘ Ham and thc xxxmgmg xotIIIIltIatk hi llcnI_\ \l.lll\llll I. It Ix xlIc “ho IcIIIaInx chpoanhlc toI\lil_‘,' It xtIth a hull lo\cIl I l.l\\l\ (MIMI. IIIII (,I'Ingwtt

Brief EncounterIt’tiI 000 Iltamt lcan.l K. l‘H‘: (‘clIa ,IIIhIIxon. lIc\oI llouaIIl. \tanlc} llolloua_\ Munm \tItt tIppcI lex and t‘lilttlittllall} \ll.tl1'\‘tll‘lll\ltt'\ ot lltc haIIle aIc all that ,lolmxon aIIIl llH\\.tlIl \\lll al|o\\ tthIIxcl\cx ax tlIcII c\tIa IIIaIItal ‘altaII‘ Ilocxn‘t Ilcwlop mm It lw_\onIl IInxpola-n loIIg'Incx at a IaIIua} xtatIon l‘Hl onIlc. thc tcaIx \IIll xtIll tlou. toI otlIchI thc unchIngg InoIalIt} Ix c\axpcIatInj_' (incn thc IIL'IIlIt} ot thIx l.lt_‘._'ll\lt lHllldlltt'. thc lx’aclIInanInox onIIIIltIack Ix lllllllllllt‘l} xucct l’aIt ot \lIIII l)a\ M I can xcaxon III'nI/Iouu. la/III/wrg/I

British Animation Awards Frog 3 ISI I\aI‘Ioux. l‘lx'. 31M“ Mltnm llIc hcxt ot all tlIIngx ncxk. llIItIxh anIl anIIIIathl' \‘otc toI lltc \\ll1llt'l\ l’lUf.‘l.tlltlllt‘ 'l lIIcc IncltIIlcx lllt‘ ('haIlatanx‘ In lszIIn IIu/III InIIxIc \IIlco. a \\lll_\ aIlIlItIon to thc ‘houncmg: hall' tIaIlItIoII .'\ll\l l/II'II\ llnmu h} chII Roth'tx \II attcnIpt h} a lllm IlIIcctoI aIIIl lIIx man man to llllil a lll.l_*:lttllct‘lll caI chaxc II/Hl/II’HHI l.t/lI1/’1(I'L’/I

British Asian Diaspora Shorts I ISI l\.ti'lttll\ l'KI XHIIIIn l‘hc l’chlcc l>lIaIkaII llll\l hcaI‘thcatI totIIIng piocIammc aII‘I\cx III lutlInhnglI to xlIIm a chch ot coIIthIIpoIaI') InIlcpcnIlcnt tllIIIx lIonI l’akatan and thc llIItIxh .'\\l.tll l)IaxpoIa /I/nI/IIIII\I'. IzI/In/tmu/I,

>l< Brokeback Mountain I I5. oooo t:\n;_' l‘S. ZUIISI llcath chlch. .lakc (3}Ilcnhaal. \lIcthlc \\'I|lIamx. \IInc llatltaua}. |‘~~lmm [cox IntInIatc cpIc poIgnantl} chaI'tx a tuItI\c I'clatIonthp


The new film from Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau (Dréle de Felix, Ma Vie) is easily their most accessible to date (some critics have even suggested

that this will be the film that moves them out of the queer cinema closet). This funny and filthy romp follows the

fortunes of a family who decide, one summer holiday, to return to the seaside house of the father's youth. Once

there, the daughter takes up with a biker, the son roams the beaches with his gay best friend and parents Béatrix (Valeria Bruni Tedeshi) and Marc (Gilbert Melki) deal with old flames and lovers. This immensely fun farce is showing as part of both the Glasgow Film Festival and the Renault French Film Festival UK.

lC/newor/d. Glasgow (Tue 27 Feb only). FI/m/Iouse. Edinburgh /Wed 7 Mar art/II.

lx'tuch‘. t\\o laltclt hantlx owI tlIc \I‘lllM‘ ot

xcxctal Ilctatlcx III a xtton; taxt l ctlch Ix tIIIl_\ \‘Ul\l.lll\llll‘_‘. IIIIhtIIng lll\1il.tllltlll.llt‘

c'l \\ ItlI an achmg hIIIIIaInt) lcxx a ga} \M-xtctn than a IIIII\ch.Ill) chonant lox c xtoI} (II '3: I... 'l [I an

Camcorder Guerillas IV I\.tll\‘ll\.

l l\. SIM“ NtIIIIn \ xct ot taInpaIgnIng tIlIIIx tIoIII thc (ilaxpou hachl tollcttnc

lllt ltIIlIII; ll l:\ V. :m (A ,1» ..-r \le Ham and IIIoIc Hm “I” hc tollouI-Il h_\ a \ll\\ll\\l\‘ll on Ixxucx ot l‘l‘Nlll\llllll .IIIIl IlIxtIIhtItIon III a non ptotlt tlltn tollcttIxc /1.'n:/:I '.'4\( I Itinr'nu :I'I

Capote lRI 0.. Illcnnctt \lIlch.

l \. .‘HH‘I l’hIle \t‘}lilt‘lll llotlInan. ('atthInc chIII-I. (‘lIttoII ('ollmx ll~1IIIIn \cc In In» pagc H (II 'l( I..'/ II [I an Carry on Matron It’( ‘.I 0..

-( icIalIl lhoIIIax.l K. I‘VII \IIl .IaIIch. lxcnncth \\ I|lIaIIIx, ('lIaIlcx lla\\tIc_\. llattIc JaIIIIch. chI} ~\'tI~tt. llthaIa \\ IIIleoI VIIIIII \ moup ol Iohl‘ch hatth a plan to lll.ll\\' tlIcIt tottIInc h} IIIakIIIc ott “Hit a \llli‘lllt‘ltl ot tontIaIcptnc lelx lIoIII a ll‘\.ll lonpItal llIIx lcale lllt‘lll to llllllllalt‘ thc llI'xl‘llJl IIIIIch IlngIIIxc hut lhc o\cIl§ lIIcIIIll) Ilot ton and ntnxcx Inakc tlII' taxk haIIch than IIchIonxl} llll.tf_'lllt‘\l \I otwun: \I II I IIIII'; Room III'III/IIHUI

Casanova I I.‘ \I so It .txxt' llallxtIoIn.l \. .‘HIItII llI-ath l I'Ilch. \Icnna \lIlch. .lL‘lt'lll} lIoIIx. ( )ll\t'l l’latt. l cna ()lIn lllIIIIII \t't' it'\lt'\\. pagc J l. and [‘ltllllk'. payc 13 (II III MI [I /I an

The Cave of the Yellow Dog (Die Hoehle Des Gelben Hundes) II’III Ill}atnhaxntcn l)a\aa. \lonyolIatchmany. .‘Hlllt ‘HIIIIII Sn _\cat olIl \anxal cIIcotInthx an ahanIloncIl pupp} III \longollan Inountamx hut th noIIIaIlIc taIIIII} Ictuxc to lax-p It lllIlll It Pltl\k'\ Itx \\Hlllt \xhcn thc} aIc III IlIIc IIchl l'aIt ol (ilaxgou l'lllll l'cxtnal (i/mgou lI/nI I/II'IHII. (i/Itwuu

The Champions (Die Champions) IliI I( 'hIIonplI lluhncI aIIIl (iahiIclc \oxx. (it-Imam. ItItIh II‘lIIIIII IhIcc lt'k'll.l_L‘t'l\ playng toI lloI‘tIxxIa l)oItIIIuIIIl\ ItIIIIoI tcam tcatIIIc III thIx IlocumcntaI_\ that hccmx III I‘NH anIl clIaItx tthI xIIucxxcx anIl laIluch up to I‘ll” l’aIt ot (ilaxcou l'llllt l't‘\ll\.ll (II/(1‘1"4’H ll/lll [/It'tlllt‘. (illflfitflt Cheaper by the Dozen 2 mm

C. I-\Il.IIII Shankman. l S. ZthSI Sta-\c \laItIn. lionIIIc llunt. l’tpcI l’cIaho. 'l'onI \Vcllmg. ‘Hmm llIc liakct l.tlilll_\ aIc hack and thc} aIc com}: on holIIla} hut thc} lIaIln't cxpcctI-Il JIIIIIII} \lttttauyh II my and lle III; hIooIl l’athcttc xcqucl to a lIcI\I|Ilt'IIII;_'l_\ xIIcccxxtul taInII} coIIIcIl}

(it Ill'lil/ It Ii’tlu'

Chicken Little III 000 I.\t;uk l)InIlal. l'S. 2Hth \ltlct‘x ol /ach llIatl. l’atI'Ick Stcuart. Joan (‘tIxaclc (LII) \laIxhall Htlmm. l‘ollomng thc Ilcath ot lIIx lllHlllL'l‘. (‘hIclIcn |.Ittlc (\oIthl h} .\I Ill/M xtaI llI‘attI xtIugulcx to coInInIIIIIcalc unit a hutch tatth \IlIo'x 'ncxct tlIcIc loI lum'. tthI chIle tltc toun Into chaox alth llll\tll.tj_'llttxlll_‘_' that thc xk} Ix lallltt): lhc tuo hccomc thc laughmgg xtock to all hut a tcu cqtlall} oxtI‘achctl oIlIlhall tI'Icnle l'axt pact-IL tun and a lIttlc corn} hut \IIth Itx hcatt ill lhc IIgltt placc (/I'III'III/ It'l((l\(' The Child (L’Enfant) I ti: 0... IJcanl’IcrI'c l)aIIlcnIIc/l.uc llatIlcnnc. llcluIunI/l'rancc. NMSI JcI'cIIIIc RchI. l)chorah l‘ranton 05mm 'l'hc l)aI‘IchIncx hrotth'x' l’almc l)‘()I \xInIIIIIg: lllm about a )oung couplc hung: otl pctt} ct'IInc. hcnclltx and child xupport Ix a Ilccpl} totIchIng. tIouhlIng; portraIt ot IIIoIch'II Ila} l't'ancc aIIIl llclqum l’art ot (ilaxgou. l‘llill l'cxtnal (;/11\L’(ll1 l‘l/m I/II'IIII‘I'. (i/(lxgrm

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe I|’(iI O t,-\ll(er\\ AIlaInxon. l'S. IINISI (icorgtc llcnlc}. \VIlIIam \loxclc}. Skantlar Kc}ncx. Jamcx \lLAHI). Ra} \VIIIxtoIIc. l)a\\ II l'rcnclt. 'l‘IlIla Sumton. l25mm. 'l'hIx. tlIc llrxt ot xc\cn propowd chIIIlrcn lanlax} hloclthuxtcrx hachl on ('S l.c\IIx' much lo\ M allcgorIcal noxclx. Ix an ahxolutc \lllllKL‘r. anIl onc Inadc all thc Inorc unpalatahlc h} thc lact that thc \cr} unchrIxtIan grccd ot Itx pnxluccrx Ix xo uttcrl} palpahlc o\ cr Itx xchIIIngI} cndlcxx I‘unIImg tIIIIc. l’root that grcat hookx can Inaltc trul} appallmg.y lllIIIx. (irm'm/ n'lruw.

"Z COD-2 443' [/16 THE LIST 45