
Climbing l~llgh It') 00. II'IIrIII Reed. l'K. HEX) Margaret Lockwnnd XIIIIIIII. Diana meets the w ealth} Nick} at her new inb. Lad} (‘nnstaiice printtles cnIIllK'lItInn but l)iana\ hrnther Is determined that she shnuld get her inan and takes the three nn a climbing trip In rcsnl\e the Issue. l’art nl the (‘arnl Reed rctrnspectise at the (ilasgnw l‘llllt l'estnal. (i/uwim I’I/nt I/II'IIII‘I'. (Iliiir'im.

A Cock and Bull Story I I5) .000 IMtchael \Vinterhntlnttl. l'K. 2005) Rnnni Ancnna. Stexe ('nngaii. Rnb llr}dnn. Stephen H). Keele} llawes. Shirle} lleiidersnii . l)a\Id Walliains. 95min, l,awience Sterne's 'IlII' Life and ()[HIIIUIH ur Il'lU/‘Illll Shani/i. (iI'IttlI'muii was arguabl) the lust ptisllllIKlCrll Iin\ el. and Inns. thanks tn the tireless ellans nl lilininaker \\'IiitI'rl)I)ttI)IIi. we liase II pnstinndei'n atteiiipt In interpret ll. 'l‘hnugh this Is as iiiticli abnut the making nt II \L'r\lI)ll nl Il'HlI’Il/ll Sham/i as II is abnut the lead actnr's I( ‘nngam egnisin. this Is II wnnderlull} lllt‘\\} satire and rninp nt

dex Iatinns and tll\CrstI)tts. This is British ciiieina at Its iiinst ainbitinus and innst

w elcntiie. ('u/m'n. Iz'III'Iilmre/I.

Cockles 8. Muscles (Crustaces 8. Coqulllages) I IS) IJacques Martineau/ ()lisier l)ucastel. France. 2005) Valeria Bruni 'l‘edeschi. (iilbeit Mt‘lkt. Jean-Marc llarr. ‘Hinin. Beatrix and Marc gn nii hnliday In the Riviera with their teenage snn ('harly and their independent-minded daughter Laura. w hn leases lnr l’nrtugal with her biker bn_\ lriend alinnst nii arris‘al. Beatrix and Marc begin In wniider abnut (‘harly's sexualit} due In his habit nl' taking lnng walks alnng the cnast with his triend Martin. but IIInre transpires In be happening than just (‘harly's antics. l’ait nl‘ (ilasgnw l‘iltn l‘estival. (‘IiII’iI'nr/I/ Ri'ri/I'I'ii' Street. (iIIisquI'; I'ilni/iume. Iz'Ili'Iiliiuglt.

Coming to England (1') (Keith 't‘a) lnt'. l'K. 2002) ()0inin. (‘hildren‘s TV presenter l-‘lnella Benjamin tells her .stni')‘ nt‘ travelling lt'0ttl 'l‘rinidad In the grc) nl lingland. where her l'aiiiily had In endure racism and culture shnck. (i/Ingnii‘ I'i/m Theatre. (i/Itsguii: The Constant Gardener I I5)

... Il‘ernandn Meirelles. l'S/lVK. 2005) Ralph l‘icnnes. Rachel \‘l’eisI. Hubert Knunde. Danny llustnn. l28inin. When Nairnbi—based diplninat Justin Quayle's Il‘ieniies) Iititspnken activist wile less IWeis/I is t'nund murdered in a reinnte rcginn nl‘ Nnithern Kenya. he begins In uncns'cr II whnle lnad nl~ duty secrets. Beautifully structured and shnt. Mereilles‘ tilIII succeeds as bnth a pnleinical thriller and II reti'nspective anc stnr}. with l'iennes outstanding in the rule nl II Inan gradually npcning Iip In the depth nl~ his feelings lnr his wile nn|_\' after her death. Selected It'l’t'USt'.

Corpse Bride Il’(i) .000 (Tim Burtnn/Mike Jnhnsnii. l'K. 2005) Vnices nl‘ Jnlinny l)epp. llelena llniihain ('aner. liniin Watsnn. 'l‘racey l'llinan. 77min. III II glnniny Vietnrian tnwn. t'alleii aristncrats the liverglnts are getting read) In lllttrr} their daughter \"ictnria IWIItsnIi) nl't' In the san nt‘ nnuseau riche lish tycnniis the Van l)nrts. 'l'he trnuble is that the Van l)nrts' sensitive .snn Victnr tl)epp) has gone and gnt hiiiiselt~ hitched In annther lady (Carter) Iiiid the cnntract lnnks like it‘s binding. linnriiinusl)‘ enjnyable gnthie stnp Iiintinii aniiiiatinn than the same team whn brnught )‘nu .-l Nightmare Befim' ('Iirismius. (ii/mnreltillU/l Glasgow:

The Cranes are Flying Il’Ii) COO. IMikhail Kalatn/nv. USSR. 1957) Tatiana Sainnilns'a. Alexei Batalnv. ‘l-linin. A )nung hnspital wnrker learns that her fiance hIIs been killed in the war. and subsequently Inarries II man she dst not hire. Unpretentinus and lyrical ln\'e .stnry which saw the beginning nt' II thaw in the pnsI-war Snviet cineina's institutinnalised austerit). Edinburgh Film (int/II. Edinburgh. Cyberworld 30 (PG) (Various. l'S. 2000) Jenna lilt‘Inan. Matt lirewer. \Vnnd} Allen. 44min. Jenna liltinan is the cyber- hnst whn introduces Us In sarinus unrelated segments nt~ c_sber animatinn. 'l'lie .S'i‘inpsuns and .‘lllli. Inake 3D appearances in a spectacular display of today's most impressive graphic technology. [MAX

46 THE LIST 16 Feb-2 Mar 2006

llII‘Ill/‘i. (ilIH L'Illl

Date Movie I IS) .. IJasnIi l'rII-Illwtg/.-\arI)n Selt/er. 18'. 2000) \lssnn llannigan. .-\dain ('ainpbell. JeiiIiIIeI ('nnlidge ‘lIlInin See In iew. page ~11 (iI'III'I‘IIl Il'll'tlH'

Derailed I IS) .0. IXIIkaI-t llatstInni. [8. 2005) Jeutiitei .-\Iiistnn. ('lI\e ()w en. Vincent (‘assel l0"IIiIII -\Il e\ec ('harles Schinc‘s I( )w en) lite Is pleasant but bnriiig until a missed tiaIIi results In a meeting witli sedIiItise l uIIiiIla llarris I.-'\nistnn) that will change his lite lnrc\er. \Vhat threatens In be snnie snit nI Inndein tiibaii inni'alit) table waitiing against the c\ils nl Intidclit} tltattklull} turns intn sninething Inuch Innie tatal and attractne. (iciII'I‘Ii/ II'II an:

The Devil and Daniel Johnston I IS) .... IJcll l‘cueI/eig. IS. 2005) ll0nitn. .-\ dncuiiientar) ehIniiicling the perinds nl inental Illness and cIeatis it} iii the lile nl the acclaimed musician and hIs battle In cling nIi In his dearest pnssessinn. his music. l’art nt (ilasgnw l'lllll l’L‘\ll\.ll ('I'Iii'iinr/Il RI'II/I'I'u Strut. (i/Iiieim Douches Froides I IS) I:\ttlI)It_\ ('nIdIeI. l-rance. 2005) Salniiie Stexeiiin. Jnhaii |.ibercau. l’tet're l’cri'ici'. l02inin. .»\ sInI'_\ nt a l7-}eai‘-nld Jttdn laiiatic whn becnincs ttt\nl\ ed In an awkward Iiieiiage a ll'lt)\ with his girllriend. as he alsn hIIs In endure bnth a ncui'ntic Iiinther and alcnhnlic latheI. l’art nl‘(i|asgnw l‘llltl l-estnal. (i/Iisenu II/ni I'lll'llll't'. (i/Itwmi.

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Il’(i) .... I:\le\ (iibiiey. [8. 2005) lllliiiin. l)ncIIiIientar_\ tnllnwing the spectacular cnllapse nl lznrnn. l-'nntage slinws linw tll\t‘\l0l‘\ Inst inilliniis. principles went nut the w indnw and niil} the actinns it the whistle blnw ers ensured the Hand was detected. l’art 0l(ilasin\\ l'ilIIi l'icstival. (i/Iisguu I’llm I‘ltI'IIti‘I'. (iIIIsumi.

Eraserhead I IS) .... Il)a\ Id l,}llc'll. l'S. W70) Jnhn Nance. 00min. Ynu Ina} neVer eat jell} babies again alter the repellent btit cninpelling tale nl~ lleiir}. his haircut. his girlfriend. his strange nl'lspring and II si/eable quaiitit} nt' pus. Disturbing stull. Inereit'ully liliiied in black and white. Part III (ilasgnw liilni l'cstisal. (him-Inn): (ilusgmi'.

Ethan Mao I IS) (Quentin ('aiiada/ l'S. 200-1) Jtiii llee. Ril}lllI)lltl .\la. SHIIIIII. 'l'eenagcr Man is thrnwn nut nl his hnuse lnr being ga) and ends Iip becnining a street hustler. ()ne 'l'hanksgis ing he sneaks hninc. belie\ ing his latnil) tn be nut. in nrder In retrie\ e sninc pnssessinns but when he finds

Great Expectations

nut his tnlks weie theIe all alnng he takes them hnstagc l’aIt nI (ilasgnw l lllll l'L'\lt\.Il \ce (la). page ‘\ I ma nut/a"

RI lIlII 'I'. \.'II I .' Exotica l-\) .... \tniii l gnsaii. (‘anada I‘l‘M) llIIIIc (iieeiiwnnd, \lia lsIIsI'lIIII'I. I has lsnteas III—1min \ l‘lt'tkllll}: \I‘l I>l llI‘lll‘lI'Il \I'llls \\llI) It'llI‘Il iii a ship I lub ate linked l)_\ .I Ilaik esent iii thciI pasts III a was. I gnsan‘s ltllll. despite


Its setting. isn‘t .Ibntit sc\ at all It Icitainls \lllk'\ll'l .tllII\\ lllc‘ \Ic‘\\L‘l lt' I'\s.t[‘\' llllI' lantas}. Instead tnIussing nn linw these Iiauinatised InIli\ Iduals Inpc with then peisnnal sense nt lnss lhe tiliiiinakci's itinst accessible liliii tn date l’ait nl the New (‘anadian ('Inciiia scasnII lilniliunu III’IIi/iiueli

#4 Familia Rodante I IN 000. Il’abln liapcin. \igeIitIIIa l IaIII e (it'llll.tll_\ Spaiii' Ilia/Ill ls. 2001) l Iliana I aptiiin. ('iaciana ( 'liiinnt. Rtitli l)nl\cl. l’lt‘slt‘lltt‘ I‘inueIin. lleinaidn l-nttc/a lttliniii \cc to Ic“. page ~12 ll/Hl/lIIIIH, I I/III/uuglt The Family Secret lll‘I ) COO I.\lIt/utant lnshi_\uki. Japan. l‘l‘L‘) Kin/n \.Igatsuka. .\lIc .\akan. (‘luliaiu |00inIII \Vlicii businessman llIInshI accidentall} hits a wniiiaii whet) he Is dining hniiic latc nnc night. his wile I'nn\ IIIIes him In Insei tip the cIItiie and Iint gn In the pnlIIe Intriguing cnIiIeIl} thiillei that‘s pait n) the se\enth seasnn nt ('nIIteInpnIai} Japanese l'IltIIs. (ii/IIIIII’I'ltil/I i'/._‘. (i/Iixgnii

Fateless (Sorstalansag) I 13.-\) Il .IIIII lsnltai. lltiiigat}/(ieiinan) “l 'l\'. 2005) .\laicell Nag}. llela |)nia l-ltlinin \lnxiiig W“ H Iltatna abnut lluiigaiian .lews ti‘anspnrted tn cniiceiitiatinn caIiips lhis stnt’). w liicli lncuses nii .I _\nung bns whnsc lather Is taken aua}. Is based nii the Iinsel b} linie Ket'tI'sI. l’ait nl (ilasgnw l‘lllll l'eslt\al. l’at't nl (ilItsgnw l'lllll l'cslt\.Il (i/IHL'IHI I'I/llt IllI‘IlllI‘. (i/IHQIHI,

Feed I IN) ... Illiett | eniiaid. .-\usttalia. 2005) Jack 'l'hninpsnii. x\le\ ()'|.nughlin. (iawa \lIllgate. l)a\id \n l00iiiiii. Sec res Iew. page -l i. liII III/I'n/iurgli ()I can. laliIi/iiu'e/I.

Fight Club: Members Only I l2.'\l I\'ikrain (‘hnpt'a. India. 2000) Sunil Shell}. thail Khan. /.a)cd Khan. l)Inn .\lniea. Ritiesh l)eshiiiukh. :\It\lll\lt ('hnudhai} l‘titll lI'Iends Vick} IKhan). Kaian I.\lnieai. Snniil ‘l)L'\lttltllkltl and |)IkII I(‘hnIIdhai'_\ ) get entangled in a web nt incidents. sniue I‘ninaiitic. inan} limit}. and all that test the e\trciiies nt their lI'Ieiidship. lliesc lnui li‘ieiids w hn cnuld he Iiiistakcii lnI binthcis nl'lcr an e\IIIiiple nl wnnderlul caiiiai'aderic. all thrnughnut a Inurne} with Iiuiiiernus

.2 “o,

David Lean made two of the greatest Dickens film adaptations there have ever

been - this 1946 evergreen classic and 1948’s Oliver Twist. See them both on the big screen this fortnight - they’re showing as part of a mini- David Lean season which also includes Blithe Spirit and a 70mm

screening of Lawrence of Arabia.

I Fl/mhouse. Edinburgh (Fr) 77 Feb only).

highs. twists and Ilaik tuizis Ila’Iur: \.' IcI (JI‘IIA ()LI'IIWgI 'l'. (i...‘\ \‘I "II

Final Destination 2 1‘) O.

Il)a\IIl R l llis. l \. 20”“) \II latter \I I‘nnk. \lIIhaI'l l andcp 100nm) l llIs‘ seIItzel In 2001's eiiinsal‘le supcInatIItal thiillei Inpies Its IcI ipe nl IIsihle Ilialneuc. ll list .IItIng and e\IcssI\cl\ giisls, tnItIinusls plnttcd slaughtei It Is this black hIiInnIII that sa\es thc tilIiI tIntii linitni sequel InedInIIits. as plate glass pigcnns and pinsthetII llllll‘\ Innttihutc tn .III iti\enti\c settes nt Heath ls’nbiiiwii Iiispiied latalitics. all picIechl h} at least niic lalse ending l llIs sktltull} IIIIhcstIates Ilte set pIcI cs but Ilnes less well with the sill_\ InIIII idcntal links between IlIaIaI ths tliat the sIIipt Iniiiuics tip I ‘iiII iII-ii'II' link/II ..Il (l/Ii\‘\'i’l\

Final Destination 3 I 1*) O.

I_|.IIiIes \\nng. l 8. 200m \lais l lt/abcth “Instead. ls’}ati \chtIinaII. llaiiis \llan ‘Nltnin lltc thud tiinc nut the latal dcstiiiatinii is .It at) .iiiiuscinciit park lwn wnids 'Iliniitushing lt‘lllllls III ):I )al


Five Easy Pieces I Is) ooooo IIIIII) Ratclsnirl \. lii"I)) _l.IIk \IIlinlsnn. lsaien lllaI k. \usan \nspth ‘l.\iiun \lecntuies t‘l a middle I lass Iingnndiuk. his piegnant Iiiistiess .iiid his hinthci's giilliiend \IIliI't_\p.Il|} Iiiipisli \IIlinlsnn pcilninIaIiIc and sninc all tune I lassiI scIiuenIcs. InIluIling the lcgcndais set In in the dinei. aniIiIl Ingetlici “till a siiiashiiig InIIntI} snundtiaIk ()nc nl the liiiest liliiis nl the "0s Ii/Ilsemi li/m I/II III/I. IilIiseIiiI

Fun with Dick and Jane I II \I

.. il)can l’aisint.l S. 200*) Jun (Lure). lea l enni. .-\leI llalIlwiii ‘llliniii lhinwn nut nl wnik and nntn the liteadliiie during the dntcniii cnllapse. l)iI k II 'aIIe_\) and Jane Il ennii Iisk the dIiniaiitling nl theti Ilicain hnuse b_\ Iieditnis unless the} can itiake a last bitck. leading them Intn such anti sncial IIIainties as dniiig I)\t'l banks and dressing tip as Snnn} and ('hci. with ('aiie} as (‘th lenni pic\inusl_\ displa)ed a natural gilt lnI cnnied} In .lItlllk'\ l, llinnks' \IIIIIIe/isli. btit with ('aiie_\ pla_\nig In the back inw .Iiid bI-_\I)IiIl. she has little clinicc but In Ilenieaii lieIsell III a guining cninpetitinii Substituting slapstick lnI satIIe. (uric) Ietuiiis In his Iubbei laced Innts. and sadl). that means nn Inn at all lnI ainnne nld ciinugli In Iead (iI'iiI'III/ )I /('I1\(' G Screen I IS) I\aiinus. l‘l's'. 200*) ‘lllllllll. :\ shnwcase nl Iicw slinit liliiis cuiated especiall} lni the (ilasgnw l'lllll l’L‘\ll\.tl (i/Iiseuii I'll/ll llII'IIIII, (i/Iisenii George Best: Football Like Never Before Il'i Illelliiiuth ('nstaIIl. (iei'nian_\. I‘l7ll/l‘l7l l ‘lSInIn (‘niisistiiig nl the lllll ‘lll inIiiIItes nl llest's .\laiichestei l nited appeaiance \cises (‘IwI-iitI} Ill 1070 (iei‘nian c\peiiniental dIIeItnI (‘nstaid tiains his lens Iipnii the \nithein liish staI at all times leasing the \ Iewei tn guess what is happening acinss the pitch l’ai‘t nl (ilasgnw l'lllll l'esti\al (i/Iiseuii II/ni //II’IllI'I'. (i/In gnu.

Get Rich or Die Tryin’ I Ii) 0

IJIIii Sheridan. [8. 200*) (‘ui‘tis ‘RII ( ‘eIII' Jacksnn. .-\dewalc .Nkiiiiitin} e .\gbaic. Jn) llr}aiit. llInnIn. (‘tii'tis Jacksnn. Iising his real name. pla}s hiinsclt III a lltt)\tt' that starts nll with the shnIIIIng that alInnsI lelt liitii lni dead Jtiiiipitig back In time we see him gi‘nwing up in derelict lintisiiig. and Irish diiectni Sheridan then sets abnut sweetening the stni'). .\'nw altei )L'Itls nl pnsturing we‘re tnld that 50 ('eiit Is in tact a \ Ictiin nl circumstance In slinwing the rapper as inii and lI)\L't Sheridan nserlnnks the mute llttsauitlt'} aspects I)l the Itl'llsl aspects that Iiiade lint: II I/II llmul and IllHl/l' and Him tick This is inst .I desperatel} pnni IIIteIiipt In sell Innie Itlllttllh. .SI'II'I II'I/ I‘I‘lt'tlxi’

Give a Girl a Break It') 00.

ISIIIttlc} l)ntiatt. [-5. l‘).i i) Marge and (inwcr ('ainpinii. llehbic l<I-}IiIilIls. 34mm The lead Iii an Iipcnining llrnadwa} shnw decides In walk nut. leai mg the prnducers with the task nl lindiiig II replacenieiit Alter a shnrt auditinn the} all tasnur dillereiit candidates lnr the inb and haxe In dc\ Ise awa} In pick between them. resulting Iii much snug and dance. 5/ lira/("s (Mitre. IiI/in/iureli.