
Gomen1111111111111 111:.11111. Japan. 2‘1‘121 \l.11.1l111111111.11111.\'11k111..1Sakuiatani. S111111111 Sato 1111111111 -\ 11111111'1 J.1p.1ne1e 1.11.1'111111111'1111y‘1 11.111.1g1' 111111113211 puberty 1111111'111111111l.11111 1111.11 [’11 11111 111111 .1 much more 111-111.111' approach 1111111111111'1 .111'1.11:1n;_'.11 11111111111111. Sei 1.1111 1111 .1 woman 11111y1'.11111l1l1'1 111.111111111 Part 111 the 11'11'11111 113111111111 ('111111'111por.11y J.1[Mllt'1t’ ('1111'111.1 (ii/1111111 Jul/(112.


* Good Night, and Good Luck 11111 C... 1(11'111g1'('|1111111'y.Japant l-raiice/l‘K/l'S. 2111151l).1111lS11.1th.111n. Robert l)1111111'y .li. (i1'orge(‘looncy, l’.1tr1c1.1 ('larkson. l-rank l .111g1'll.1.l{.1y \\ 111' 92111111 St‘t' lL'\ 11'“. [1112C hilr‘i l11/Iil11l11‘ Great Expectations 111 11 00000 1l).1111l|1'.111. l K. 1911111111111 \lill1. l11'111.1111\1111'1.l-1111.1y ('111111' 115111111 |.1'.1n‘1.11l.1pt.1t1onol 1111' l)1ck1'111no11'l 1‘1'111.11n1 cineina's111'111111111' \1'1111111. 1'11'11 alter hall .1 century \11 orphan 1111'1'11 .111 1'11.1p1'1l 111111111 .11111 11 1111111111111'11 111111 .1 111-11 11111111 111 .11111'1111111'1 .11111 linely 111111'111'11111.11.11'11'11 Photography .11111 1l1'11g11 .1t 111111'11 l’.11‘t 111 \11111 l).1111l I can 11'.111111. I1/111/111u11, l.1lIItl1111';'/i

The Great Yokai War 1 1.11 1 1.111.111“ .\luk1'.J.1p.1n. 21N151l<y11no1uke K.11111k1. 1111111.1S11g.111.1r.1 111-1111111 /1l11 1111' l1'1//11 director \lnke 1'11'.11c1 .111 epic 1.111ta1y 11111111 populated by .l.‘1p.1111'1c lolkloie 1111pii'1'1l ghoul1 .11111 gl1o111 The Yokai 111-.111111'1 111111 lot'ces 111111 .1 'cl11111'n boy' to light 1111' army 111 11.11kn1'11 .11111 111'1' 1111' 11111111 1111111 then 1'\1| 11111111. Part 111 (11.11go11 1'111111-1'1111al. (1/1111'1111 Ill/11 lllt'rlllt, (17111111111.

Grizzly Man 1 151.... 1\\1'1n1'1 ller/og. l'S. 2111151 1111111111. 111'1/11g'1 superb 11111‘111111'111ary about 'l'unothy

'l‘rcadw 1'll. 1111' troubled .11111 eccentric c11111'11111111'11tali1t .11111 lortnci .11'1111 who 1ought t'1'1l1'111ption through dedicating l1111111'll 1111.11111g gru/ly 111'ar1. 1111111'111111111' incredible 111111.1g1' 111 them .11111 11.11 1'11'11tually killed by them. 'l'l111 ('11111a1lian portrait 111 .1 111.111 coming apart 111 1111' middle 111 11.111111' 111.1111'1 1111.1111111111lii1g.1111111111111g 111-11mg. (17111111111 l'ilm I/11'1111'1'. (17111141111. l‘llHlllUllH'. [21/111111111'11.

Gypo 1l’(ii O... 1.1.111l)111111. ['11. 2111151 l’auhne M11} 1111. ('hloc Sirene. l’aul Mc(1.11111. Rula l.en1ka. 911111111. Told 111 three 11'1'1111111 111111 each 1111111 .1111111'1‘1'111 pc1'1pcc111c. (i1/m 1111111111 a couple 1111 the brink .11 .1 11'11111 111 1l1'pr1'1111111 .11111 p111erty. .-\ Romany ('/ecl1 relugec 1111'11 con1e1 111111 their 1111'1 c.11111ng tl11'111 torea11e11tl1c11‘ relation1h1p1. l’art 11l’(il.11go11 l'lllll l'1'1111al. (;l(l\l"tlil I‘ll/III Ill1'1lll'1'. (l/(IHJHH.

The Harder they Come 1 1.11 O... tl’crry llen/ell. Jamaica. 19221.11111111y ('lil'l. Janet Barkley. ('arl l11‘.11l1lt.1\1. Ra1 Daniel llarttnan. 1119111111. .-\ brilliant 111111111111 reggae 11111111111'.1ck .11111 gangster 11ory .11 country boy Jimmy (’lill con1e1 1111111111 .11111 1111111 11111111'11 1e1luce1l 111111 .1 11.111 way 111 living. The name 11111'1111'111111111. 1111' take 1111 111 111111111'11 111.1cl11n.111o111 11111111111. 1111' may 1'111'11111g. (1/1111’1111 lI/m Illeull'e. (1l111g'1111. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire112.-\1OO 1.\lik1'\1'111'll. l'K/l'S. 2111151 l).1niel Radclille. l:n1n1a \\'at1on. Rupert (111111. l).1111l'l1'11n.1nt. Ralph 1"11'11111'1. 157111111. llarry .11111 1111 111111 "idles get 11111) at 1111' inter-111111111 111' magic 'l‘riWi/ard ’l‘ournamcnt. only 111 be laced with 1111' return 111 e111 111.1111'1‘11111111 1.11111 \111111‘111111‘1 11"11‘11111‘11. 111111‘111111} 111111111111. clunky adaptauon 111 lotlrlh Potter book directed with 1111 llarc wl1at1oe1 1'1 by 111111111 11111‘11 N1‘\\1‘ll. .V1'l1'1'l1‘1l I't'l1'1l\1'.

Havana Blues 1 151 00. 1111-11110 7..1111brano. Sp.11n/(‘1111a/l"1.111c1'. 21111.51 .-\ll1erot Yoel (iarcia. Roberto Sanmartin. Yailene Sierra. I 15111111. /..1111l1r.11111'1 11'1'111111 leature 1111111111 11111 young ('uban 11111111'1an1 111111 dream ol lame .11111 leav 111g Havana. During 1'1'heai‘1al 1111 their 11111 large concert they learn 111.11 11111 11111111111 Span11h producer1 are 111 ('1111.1 looking tor talent. c.1111ing the p.111 111 .11111 111 ‘conquer the Spani1h' .11111 be 11gned 11p. Part 111 (11.11go11 1511111 111111.11. (11111111111 lllm I'In'ulrc'. (1711121111.

Hidden 1 151 0.00.1 Michael llaneke. l"r.1nce/.~\111tr1.1/(iermanylltaly. 2111151 l).1n1el .-\ute1ul. Juliette Binoche. Maurice Benichou. Annie (iirardot. l.e1ter

48 THE LIST ‘4‘ F1111 -2 111.11 221211

\lakedon1ky 112111111 (icorg1'1 1;\utc11111 the pre1e111cr 111 .1 literary re11e11 programme 1111 111'11111 'l V. .11111 1111publi1hct 11111'.-\11111' 111111111'111'1 r1'11'111' p.11k.1_1_'e1 containing 11111'111 111111 1111111111' then 11111' 111burban 11111111' 1\1 1111' 1.1pe1 .11111 the 111.111111g1 they come wrapped 111 become more p1'r1onal .11111 .1l.111111ng. (11'11rg1'1 11eg1n1 to low 1111 11111111 llaneke 11.11 .1lw.1y1 111111111'11polenuc through 1111' 1111111 p1'11onal ol 1cc11.1r1o1 //1./.l111 11 .1111'1.11t.11111g. g11l11y1ng 1'\.11111n.111on111 11111l1ll1' 11.111 1111ug11e11. the burden 111 1111' p.111 .11111 1111' deeply 1111lt'1' 11‘ll 111111'11111111111 1111‘ 111t1'llc1tual lieauttlully .11‘11'11. p.1cc1l.e1hte1l .1111111111'1'11'11. 11 11111 l1'.1\ 1' you ga1ping .11111 perplexed .11 all great cinema 1111111111 11 you 11.1111 to know why 1111'1'1'11111 11111111 .11111 11111'111111‘111'11 111(11‘111111'1 .11111 \1111'111111'1111 211115. 1111' .1111“ 1'1 11111'11' 81/1111'1/1'1‘l1'1111'. The Hindenberg 11'111 0.. 1111111111 \\'111'. l'S. 19751(ieoige(' Scott. .-\nn1' 11.1111'11111 125111111 111: budget 1111.1111'1‘ 11111111- 11.111'111111 1111' 191“ ll1n1lenburg 1111.1111'1 l’.1r1111 (11.11g1111 l'lllll l'e111\al (il111gr111 Illm Il11'11111'. (il111e1111

His Girl Friday 1121 0....1ll1mard ll.1\\ 111. 1'5. l9~1111(‘.1t'y (11.1111. R111alin11 1111111'11. Ralph Bellamy 92111111. 11.111 1.1. dynamic comedy 1111111'111 1111' be1t ll11lly1111111l1'11'1 111.1111' (11.1111 .11111 Rti11ell .111' 11111p|_1 l.1i1t.11tic .111111' 1p.1rring

111'11 1pap1'1‘ 1'1111111 .11111 111p reporter drawing l1.1ttl1'|1n1'1 111 then prole11ional .11111 pe1‘1onal 1111'1. llecht .11111 .\l.11'.-\rt|1ut"1 1111111 1111111 their original play I/11'l-1'11111l’1ie1'. spits 11111 .111'1‘11'1111 1.1pi1l-lir1'11111p1and1‘1‘1111-1‘utting gag1. 11111 .11111111 1111' 111pporting character1 111 11.11 c 1111'11 1c1'11c stealing 111111111'111111111. l)1111‘t 111111 11, \‘1 11111111111 .81 1‘1'1'111111' l1’1111111. 11.111111111111/1,

Howl’s Moving Castle 11’111 000 tllayao .\ll_\il/11111. Japan. 2111151 \'11icc1ol (‘111‘1111an 11.111'. l..1uren liacall. Billy (‘ry 11.11. 119111111 .\lty.1/aki. 1111' director 111 Spirited .»\11.1y 11'1111‘111 with .1 11'1'1ion 111 l)1.111.1 \Vyttttc J11111'1'1‘1111111‘1‘11‘1 hook Hun/N Uni-1111' ("1111/12 The re1ult 11.1 111.111ge 111111111 111.11 11.1111 out .11 a cheery kid1 .11111'1111111' then cl1ange1 direction hallway through t111'111i1age 1111' hell ol .1 11y1t11[11.111 lutureworld ruled by 11 .11. Despite \liya/ak1'1tit1111111bt1'1lg1111 1'111‘1111ry. character .11111 cute .1111111ati11n. the 1111 er1e cultural agen1la1 1.11 badly. li.11t meets West 111 awkwardly here. (inure/1111'. (il1111'1111. In Memory of my Father1 151 1(‘111‘11111pher J.1_1 1111'1. l'S. 2111151 J1're111y Si1to. ('111‘11111pl1e1J.1y111c1. 95min. A

llolly 11111111 director .11111 1.1tl1erol'1l1ree 11 111111 ly dying in 1111 111.111111111 and. alter becoming 1'111111111'1'11 111.11 1111 p.111ing will be


111 great h11tor1cal unponance. bribes h11 11m 111 a11en1ble .1 crew and film 1111 death Part 11l(il.11g1111 1311111 Fe1t11al (17111111111 Film I'lteulrt‘. (ilitwrm.

In Which we Serve 11‘1 see

1l)a111l Lean .11111 Noel Coward. l‘K. 19421 Noel ('oward. John 511111. Bernard .\111e1

1 14111111. The expenences 111.1 WWII 111'1troyer and 111 crew are rev 11ited alter the 1111p h.11 been sunk. The tale 11 111111 through 11.11l1bacl11 highlighting in particular the cllect1 111~ bombardment 1111 community 1pir11. [*1/111/1111111'. Edinburgh.

In the Land of the Deaf 1P(11 1N1chola1 l’hilibertl Various. 99min. .-\ documentary from the director 111‘ litre 1'1 .-’11'111'r l'eaturing deal people from various countries giving their point1 111~ 1 1ew 1111 1.1riou1 matter1. (17111111111 [51/111 Theatre. ([11:11:1111‘; Flint/11111111 Edinburgh. Jarhead 1 l5) .0. (Sam Mendes. l‘S. 201151 Jake (iyllenhaal. Scott MacDonald. Jamie 151111. l23n1in. Adaptation ole\-111.1r111e sniper Anthony Swol‘lord's .1ut11biographieal account 111~ l'rontline duties in Operation l)e1ert Storm. concentrating on the boredom of soldiers 1tatione1l l‘or 11111111111 111 the desert. Jar/mu! never quite get1 under the skin of 111 characters. but Roger l)e.1kin1'1 bleached- 11111 cinematography comes into its own. ('llll'H‘Ul'ltl Re11f1'1'11' Street. (I‘IHRIL'UH'j

( '1111'11'111'lrl Edinburgh. lidinlmrgli.

Just Friends 1 12111 0. (Roger K11111ble. [S 20115) Ryan Reynolds. Amy Smart. Anna l-‘aris. 911mm. Based 1111 the 1111111111 111.11 women put some men 111 the '1‘1iend1hip 111111". Reynolds plays .1 record 1'11'1'111111' who 11111111 tip in New Jersey on ('hri1tmas live. 'lhere. he tries 111 bed his high school chum (Smart) with .1 few laughs .11111 plenty 111.111.1wkish moments. ('1'11e1w1rlrl R1'I1/1‘1'11‘ Street. (ilus'gmt‘.

The King 1 151 0.. 1James Marsh. l'S/l'K. 21111.5) (iael (iarcia Bernal. 1115111111. Returning from the navy. lilvis (Bernal). is rejected by the pastor father he never new. who sees him as .1 reminder 111‘ his own sinluI past. Bleak drama showing as part 111‘ the (ilasgow Film Festival. The screening will be attended by director Marsh. See leature. page 16. (17111111111- I'ilnt Theatre. (1l1l.1g(111'.

King Kong 1 12A) 00. 1 Peter J.1ck1on. New Zealand/l'S. 201151 Naomi “.1111. Jack Black. Adrien Brody. Andy Serkis. Jamie Bell. 187111111. Jackson‘s lavish remake 111' (‘1111per and Schoedsack's 1933 classic puts the mother 111' all monsters in 1111 own .-\-list show. Jackson presents his computer-generated Kong as .1 spectacle for audience1 to 11gle 111 disbelief. The film

A small bit at last year's Edinburgh International Film Festival, Jan Dunn’s excellent if grim character study of racism, marital

breakdown and poverty in the south-east of England is now showing as part of the Glasgow Film Festival. The film stars Paul McGann (pictured), Pauline McLynn, Chloe Sirene and Rula ‘Would you like me to be the

cat?’ Lenska. I GFF Glasgow 1Sun 79 Feb 011/11).

take1 111‘1‘1111nng the .1rr1\.1l at Skull 111.11111 but 111 the final third ll really I111e1 momentum The ending 11 .11 11 1111111111 be. on top 111' the limp1re State Budding. .11 Kong cl1mb1 tip the 111p 1111111 battle with b1~ plane1. But it all tee|1 111 111.111k11h Alter three 11mm. 11111 111 be moved by the linale 11 11 p11}. Selected 1‘ele111e.

Kinky Boots 112.-\1.. 1Juhan Jarrold. l'K. 2(11151('h1we1el lillt‘litir. Joel lidgenon. Nick liro1t. Sarah Jane l’ott1. 11111111111. l.11ckle11 (‘harlie l’r1ce (lidgenon) take1111er the running 111‘ 1111 lather'1 footwear lactory when the old boy k1ck1 the bucket. l'nable 111 11.11 1' 1111 bankruptcy. ('harhe lucks 11111 when he meet1 drag queen l.ola 1111111111“ while drowning 1111 1111111111 111 beer alter .1 bust 11p 111111 1111 girlfriend 111 London. Formulaic. moderately entertauung comic drama set un1urpri1111gly 111 .1 northem lingli1h provincial town. 0111-1111. 15.1111111111111.

* Lady Vengeance 1 1111 “00 (Park Chan-11111111. South Korea. 20051 Lee Young- .1e. ('11111 311111111. (111 Suvhee. 112111111. Alter l3 year1 (1e11111~_|a 11.1'1' Youngaei 11 conung 11111 111 prison alter h.11 111g gained notoriety lor 1'111111'11111g 111 the abduction .11111 murder of .1 111-year-old boy. But all 1111111 .11 11 seem1 (11'11111-Ja has .111 agenda 111.11 is written in blood. The 1111111 .11111 linal part 111 Park ('han-wook's ‘Revenge Trilogy" (preceded by Svmpulltv [111' Mr \i'neeunee and (Milan) 11 .1 work 111' 1'1111111itely bleak gore. With 111 perplexing but remarkably executed flashback montages. recurring theme1. bi/arre dream sequences .11111 sen1e ol‘ political .11111 conununal absurdity. the 111111 11.11 .1 lot more in common 111111 the lirst film 111 the trilogy 111.111 the second. Park 11 back .11111 111 is 1111 number one lady. Seleelerl release.

Laura‘s Star11'100 Met [)1- Rycker/Thilo Rothkirch. (Bermany/Bulgarta. 20041 80111111. Sickly sweet animation about .1 seven-year-old girl who 1111111 .1 lucky star which she must retum 111 the sky before it dies. Pan 111-Weans‘ World. Flint/rouse, Edinburgh.

Lawrence of Arabla11’(11 00000 (David Lean. l'K. 1962) Peter O'Toole. Alec Guinness. Jack llawkins. ()111ar Sharil‘. 222n1in. l.ean'1 mammoth desert epic. restored 111 its directors original cut .11111 the big screen. where lilmmaking on this scale belongs. ()‘Toole's debut as the enigmatic adventurer 111|l impresses. but apart l'rom the majestic action sequence1. it‘s the disturbing sense ol'clinical .11111 cold—blooded violence hanging over the highly literate characterisation that today seems especially striking. Part 111' Mini-David l.ean season. I’ilrnhome. Edinburgh.

Lemming 1 I111 (Dominik M1111, l‘rancc. 20115) Laurent Lucas, (‘harlotte (lainsbourg. (‘harlotte Rampling. Andre l)ussollier. 129111111. A young man living in 'l‘oulouse sees the death 1111111 111111‘ wile alter they come to dinner. This results in .1 strange psychological metamorphosis 111 his own wife as she begins to show signs of being possessed by the deceased. Pan 111(ilasgow Film Festival. (ilusgmi' I'll/11 'I‘heurre. Glasgow.

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island 1tf1 O. ll’iet De Rycker. Germany. 20115) 811mm. Juvenile polar bear Lars and his best buddy Robbie head oil to rescue a friend from the (ialapagos Islands. An argument against reproduction. General release.

Lobo The Woif1151 (Miguel Counois. Spain. 2004) liduardo Noriega. l25min. A political thriller based on the me of Mikel Lejarza. a Spanish agent who infiltrated ETA during the 197111 and the linal years of General Franco‘s life. The character 11 conflicted as a result of liTA in that period being allied with pro-democracy forces throughout Spain and the factionalism within the Basque separatist movement. Part of Glasgow Film Festival. ('1111'11'nrlrl Renfrew Street. Glasgow.

The Long Hight1151111asan 7mm. Pakistan. 2001)) Faisal Rehman. Nadia Jamil. Anwar Solangi. 94min. An unflinching portrayal of Karachi's drug and sex fuelled underbelly. Part of Pehlee Dharkan (First Hearbeat). I’llrnhnuse, Edinburgh.