Cineworld Edinburgh

l'nnnlulnpulk. i)lllltlL'L' \11661 24111 1111111111IIlli1111\(tlt‘tlllfIIltl11111111111: 1.1111- 113"1 211112111111 ('.III- 11.” \IIIIII L5 311IL-111l1.\11111 1'11116111165111111 1'11111113111111'111I111111'331I111 L 3 (111 131113111111 1'1116 {3411.11111I'III11111.111t6\ lwlnII' 11111111 1.111111} Iltkrl L111 Maul} 11.1“ 1111111111111-11 ll]11\lk'\1 L 111 ‘1‘1 pm 1111111111

1111111511151 '1

The Adventures of Greytriar’s Bobby 11'1 111511.1111. 12 55. 5115

Big Momma’s iiouse 2 II’1 11 12411. 1111. 5.111 3,111

Brokeback Mountain I 151 2 5n. 3 511

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 1111 IIIIIIII Chicken Little 111 11 15.1111. 11I1I111. 1,15. 2115. 315. .1111. 515.1115. 7.15. 3.211

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 11’( 11 11.211.1III. Derailed 1 151 111111.1111. 1311 41111.

(1 111. 11.111.

Final Destination 3 I 151 4.111 r1511 3511

Fun with Dick and Jane I 12 \1 7.15. 11211.

iiiddenI151 .1111. 11.15. 11.211 Jarhead I 151 111111.

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island 111 111.511.1111. 1235. 2 211

Memoirs of a Geisha I 12.-\1 2. 111. 5.111.

5 311_

11 311.1111. I 511.


3.15. MunichII51 1.1111, 51111 335 ProofII2.-\1 12.511. 5211. 5.511. 3.211.

Rumour Has It I 12.31 11111.

Walk the Line I I2.I\1 11.411.IIII. 2.411. 5.411. 3.411.

ZathuraII’111 11111111. 2.111. 4.211. 11.411.


The Adventures of Greytriar’s Bobby II'1

111111): 1111111111. 1.311. Aeon Flux I 151

111111}: 11.25.1111. 1.45. 3.55.

.‘\1\111;11L‘ 1'11 Ik Sul: 11.15.

Big Momma’s House 2 11’( 11

11.1111: 12.411. 5.111. 5.411, 3.111. .’\l\t1 1.116 111 & Sul: 111.411. Brokeback Mountain I 151

111111}: 1111111111. 2.111. 5,111. 3.211. .'\1\11 11116 111 Ik Sui: 11.311. Capote I 151

“611: 11.311.

Casanova I I2.\1

l)ul|_\: 12.311. 3.111. 5.511. 3.311. .-\l\11 1.116 1‘11 1\ 5.112 11.211. Chicken Littie 111

11.111}: 111.511.1111. 1141111111. 12.35 1.45. 2.211. 3.511. 4.111. 5.55. 3.1 Derailed I 151

11.111): 3.55. 11.35. 11.15.

.-\1311 1.116 1'11 6; Suit 1145.

Final Destination 3 I 151

11.111}: 2.1111. 4.211. (1.45. 11.115. .'\l\11lillL' 1’11 Ik Sul: 11.25.

Fun with Dick and Jane I I2.-\1 l)uI|_\: 11.35.1111. 1.35.

Good Night, and Good Luck 11’( I1 Dull): 11111111111. 1.211. 3.411. (1.1111, 8.211.

.-\1\n 1.116 111 I\ Sul: iiidden I 151

D1111}: 3511. 11.31111111l\\6111. 11.111. Uttle Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island Il'1

11.111): nnnn.

Memoirs of a Geisha I 12.~\1

111111}: (1.1111 111111. Munich I 151 11.111}: 1.411. 5.111, Prooi I |2.»\1 Dull}: 3.35. 5.55 x .\'.15 111111 \Vch. .‘\l\(1\\.L‘Ll: 3.55.

Walk the Line I I2.-\1

Dull}: nnnn. 2.55. 5.511. 3.45. .-\l\11 1ul6 1'11 & Sui 11.411.

Zathura 11’(I1

Dull): 11.35um. 1.45.

4.115. (1.2.5.




56 THE LIST ‘25 I‘.‘_I'

l\ \1'\\1‘.1111L' 1611.116. 111 51 44— 4.551 111111 11131 14- 2111111.1111l 44" \4511 (‘(‘ 11I1I1k1nl_y 11131 41- 455-1 RL'\l.llll.llll liuI 11)] \I11111 \I.I11I1.IIIl :5 "11.\111\I'11I11 12111111. (1116111.: 3 11111111 lit-lulu 1111111. \11111 111 \IunIluIIlL~1"‘1.\1111611I11 L4‘111.(‘1111-111.I 34151111

(51111165\11111\ (11111111111 \l.lll\l.1111‘z4:11. Supt-III” L511II.('1111-111.1 341.1211 l’nllIIIuIIx \111'111I1I111L11‘111.1\1'11111; L11 511 \III.I\ i<k'\1111L'l\ \111‘111I1I111

L“ 511. 13611111}: 112 511 (‘1111‘111u2 \I11.1\ \llt'llltH‘ll L" 511. 13611111}: L5 511 \IIIIlt'III\ I\1111 111111{411111116111I11'xu IIIIIIk 1.111111} [161.1% 1111111 1234111161 1161\1111

The Adventures of Greyfriar’s Bobby I I ' 1 1.111. 3311. 5 511

Brokeback Mountain I 151 3 15

Chicken LittieII 1 12 55. 51111. 5111.

* 3n

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious island 111 1. 35. 3.511. 5 55

March of the Penguins II' I a :n Memoirs of a Geisha I 12.\1 55 MunichII51“5n

Zathura 11’111 12.15. 5111

111111151 ' 111111153111‘1‘1' L

The Adventures of Greyfriar’s Bobby I I 1 11.111}: 2.45. 5115

;\1311 11111111161' 8.11 I\ 81111: Brokeback Mountain I 151 11.111}: 2,111. 5.211. 3.11) Chicken Little II‘1

11.111}: 3.1111. 5.111. 5.411. .\1311111;1111166 Sul Ik Sun: 1.1111.

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island 111

11.111}: 3.15.

.\i\11 111.1111166 Sui I\ 81111: 1.115. Memoirs at a Geisha I I2.\1

1);lll_\l 5.115. 3.1111.

Munich I 151

111111}: 7.311.

Zathura II’(;I

Sul Ik 81111: 11111111.

Edinburgh Film Guild

.11'1'116 1'lllllli11ll\6. «58 1111th11 RnuIl. 11131 228 211.33. 5161111161311111 L35. “116% 11611613 1161' 361661111132: {5.211. 1’16u\6 111116 111.11 111616 urc nn li't11161\ nI' 1111\61'15 111111 361661111ng \IuI‘I .11 (111111 [il‘L‘L'1\t'l}. 11113 5611\1111 11161111161'3111'61113116111111611111 .11161111I111cnl 1111' 1111113 being \L‘I'ccncd 11} 1111' 1'llllllil1ll\6 6.1611 811111111} ul uppl'nnnlulcl} (111111. 1111 111111161 Ilcluilx \66 \1 11 \\ .1'111111111132111'11111;1111111‘11111.

SUNDAY 12111715 Walkabout I 151 (1.1111.

SUNDAY 91% Fl 13 The Cranes are Flying II’( 11 (1.1111.

88 1.111111un RnuIl. 11131 223 2(133 liuI'. leunrunl. [1i]. ||)|. 51.11111‘11'1111111 361613111135; (53111142111. 1iuI‘1) lixcning wru-ninp 4pm 7pm: 1.5.211 11.37111. .\l;lllliL'6\I {4111111251111 1'1'1Ilu} burguin Inullnccx: [3.11111L‘17111.


1. Proof I 12.\1 2.511. 11. I 5. 3.511.

2. Grizzly Man I 151 5.511. 11. I 5. 3.511. The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave (La Notte che Evelyn Usci dalla Tomba) 1131 11.1111.

3. Brief Encounter I1’(;1 5.1111.

Voice of iran: Mohammed Beza Shaiarlan, the Copenhagen Concert 200211’('11 (11111.

Mixtape, Inc the Movie I 151 3.45.


1.Pl’00t112x\1 1.45. 4.1111. (1.15. 3511. 2. Familia nodante I 151 2.15. 11.511. Separate Lies I 151 4.511. «11111.

3. Great Expectations mm 145. Oliver Mist ll)(11 4.15.


Brief Encounter II’( ‘II 11 45 Belle of the Alhambra (la Bella del I 151 .\ 4.5

1. Camcorder Guerilias I 151 Inn ProotI|2\1 2511. 1115. 3.511

2. Familia Bodante I 151 215. 11511 Separate LiesII51 4 511. 111111

3. Motionlng: Film Poetry in Sign LanguageI1’(}1 21111

Brief Encounter11’1'11 415. 345 Great Expectations II’(‘II 11 15

7 ‘I F [15

1.Pi‘oot1121\1 2.1111. (1.15. .\..311 Proof (Subtitled) I 12.>\1 4.1111

2. Familia Rodante I 151 2 I5. 3 5n Separate UesI151 4.511. 11511 3.InWhich we ServeII'I 145. 345. DIiverTWistIl’UI 4.15.

Brief Encounter li)(11 11.45. 1.11’1N1L1‘1Y FED

1. Proof (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 112.-\1 111.311.1111.

ProotII2.-\1 2311. (1.15. N311.

2. Blithe Spiftt11’(i1 3.1111 Saudade do Future I I2.-\1 11.1111 Exotica I131 3.511.

3. Familia iiodanteII51 5.5n. 315. Brief Encounter II’(‘11 11.15.


1.ProofII2.\I 2.511. 11.15. 3.511.

2. The Mother I 151 5.1111. 11.1111. Alchemists of the Surreal I 151 3.45.

3. Familia Bodante I 151 5.511. 11.15.

A Simple Curve II’( 11 3.511. WEDNESDAY 22 FEB

1. Proof I 12.41 2.511. 11.15. 3.511.

2. Alchemists of the Surreal 1151 5.1111. British Animation Awards Prog 3 I 151 (1,311.

Saints Martyrs des Damnes I 131 3.15. 3. Familia Bodante I 151 5.511. 3.511. Blithe Spirit 11’(11 (1.1111.


1.LawrenceofArabiaI1’(;1 2.1111 7.1111. 2. ProofII2.-\1 5.1111. 11.15. 3.45.

3. Familia Bodante1151 5.511. 3.511. Laiieuvalne1151 (1.1111.


SD N" [3551

1. Brokeback Mountain I 151 2.511. 3.25.

The Constant Gardener I 151 5.45. 2. ProotII2.-\1 5.511. 3.55.

ALong iiightII51 (1.1111.

3. March of the Penguins II‘1 2.15. 4.15. (1.15.

Zeppelin! mm 3.111.


1. The Constant Gardener I 151 2.511. 5.45.

Brokeback Mountain I 151 3.25.

2. In the Land of the Deaf II’(11 2.1111. ProofI12.-\1 (1.1111. 3.15.

3. British Asian Diaspora Shorts I 151 11111.

March of the Penguins II'1 5.45. 11.15. Silent Waters (Khamosh Panl) 111m 3.511.


1. Brokeback MountainII51 2 The Constant GardenerII51 3.25. 5 1

ProofII2A1 (1.1111. 3.15.

3. Laura’s StarII'I 1.511.

March ofthePengulnsII'1 5.1111. 5.1111. 7.1111.

Plait! mm 3.511.


1.Brokeback Mountain1151 2.511. 5.411.

The Constant Gardener1151 3.25. 2. Laura’s Star II'1 1 1.311um. ProofII2.-\I 5.511. (1.1111. 3.15.

3. March of the Penguins II'1 2.45. 4.45. 11.411.

3iieedlesII5I 3.55.


1. Brokeback Mountain 1 151 2.311. 5.411.


2.Pm0t112.‘\1 5.511. (1.1111. 3.15. 3. MarchoithePenguinsII'I 2.45. 4.45. (1.411. 3.45.

‘.'.EI‘\ESEA\ ' MAR

1.Bmkeback Mountain1151 2511. 5411 CocklesSMuscieswmstacesS Coquiliages)I151 3.5I1

2. ProofIl2.-\1 5511. 11.1111. 315

3. March ofthePenguins II'1 2.45. 445. 11411 Sabah-ALoveStoryI151345 1141115511211 .‘ MAR

1.8mkeback MountainII51 2511. 54I1_ 325

2.ProotI12.-\1 5.511. 3511 MariaAntoniaI131 111111

3. March of the Penguins II'1 245. 4 45. 11411. 345

11815111111111Rnud.1113l 221 1477111111 .11111('('11I1I1k1111:11371 22 4411117 11.11 .-\111111‘ 1.5 511111'1I11c4pm. U1 511.1111'1 8111111111111;\1’J('111|I1 £4


Brokeback MountainII51 2.511. 3.15 Chicken UttieII'I 21111. 415. 11.211. The ConstantGardenerII51 5.5n. FinaiDestination3I15I 115. 3.45. 11.15. 3.45.

Memoirs 0i860i8i|3112:\1 3.15 MunichII51 1.511. 4.45. 3.1111.


Brokeback Mountain 1 151

111111}: 3.11).

Casanova I 12.-\1

Dull}: 1.1111. 3.211. 5.45. 3.311. Chicken Uttle II'1

111111}: 2.111111111181111. 345111111 811111. .-\|\1111111111166 Sul A; Sun: 1215. Chicken Uttle (Parent 8. Baby Screening) Il’1

31111111661116: 11131111111.

Chicken Uttle (Subtitled) 11'1 51411111668111: 21111.

Sun: 345.

The Constant Gardener I 151

1)uIl_\: 5.311111I11 1"111. 3.151nnl .\1I1111. The Constant Gardener (Subtitied) I 151 111: 5.311.

Mnn: 3.15.

Final Destination 3 I 151

l)uI|_\: 1.15. 3.45. (1.1111.

Kinky Boots (Senior Screening) I I2.-\1 Mullncc 1111‘: 1 1111111111.

Munich I 151 Hull}: 1.15.

Ddeon Wester iiailes

“63131116 1’1u/u. 121111163161 11:11163 RnuIl. “63161 11111163. 11371 2.2441111741111111. Adullx: {5.71111161‘11r6511111£47111. ('hIIIIrcn/( ).»\1’/Sludcnl: £4.21). 151111111} 11611612 L15. liurguin 11111 Tue: {3.751111 36:113. 1’rc-nnnn 31111113: £3.75.

4.311. 8.1111.


The Adventures of Greyfriar’s Bobby II'1 12.311. 2.511. 5.111.

Big Momma’s iiouse211’111 2.111. 4.211. (1.311. 3.311.

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ll’(11 11111111.

ChickenUttieII'I 1145:1111. 12.311. 1.45. 2.311. 3.45. 4.311. 5.45. (1.311. 7.45.

TheChroniciesofiiamia:TheLion,the Witchand theWardrobeII’(i1 12.511. DerailedI151 3.25.

Final Destination3 1151 2.511. 5.511. 3.15.

Fun with Dick and Jane I 12.31 5.211. (1.1111. 3.511.

MunichII51 7.511. WaiktheUneII2A1 1.45. 5.1111. 3.1111. ZathuraIPUI 12.45. 3.111. 5.311. 11.1111.


The Adventures of Greyfriar’s Bobby 11'1 Dull}: 1.411. 4.111. .-\1\(1mtllil166 1'11 Sun: Aeon Flux 1151

Dull}: 1.511. 4.111. 11.211. 8.311.

1 1411:1111.