
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to gay©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.


I Blaze Iago. I4 I’Icattl} I’lacc. 47S

74 34 llpm 3am L5 I)J Jamc\ I,ongworth lglllIL'S thc ga} wcckcntl with a chart and lunk} holixc \oundtiack

Saturday 18


I Death Disco Ihc .'\IL’IIL'\. 3“ Midland Strcct. llS‘7tl 240 7523

llpm 3am Llll IIprmg cclchiatc onlmc maga/mc |)i\copia\ IIISI lmthda} with Inc \ctx liom I’ctc /, and Bangkok Impact.

I Ethan Mao ('mcworld. 7 chlrcw Stu-ct, tl.\‘7l 200 2000 5pm. L5 iL4i Scc I'IIlll. pagc 45

I Original Pride: The Satyrs Motorcycle Club (ilaxgow l'lllll IIlL'allt'. l2 Roxc Stlcct. 3.32 SI2S

3. 30pm. L5 lL4i Scc I'lIlll. pagc 45.

I The Rocky Horror Picture Show ('mcworld. 7 chlicw Sti'cct. ()S7l 2M) 2000, Ill 30pm L5 (L4) Scc I‘lIlll. pagc 45.


I Mingin’ 'I‘hc \cuuc. I7 2| (‘alton Road. 557 3073. llpm 3am. L5 hclorc midnight; Lo altcr. A dark. \c'\}. dirt} honxc cluh. Alan Jo} and Brian I)cmp\tcr aic thc I)J\ hchmd lIll\ \mall. mtimatc. lriciidl} and prcdommantl} ga) allair. .\lu\ic l‘ttllgt‘S liom liancc to dccp Iiouxc. with a touch ol tcclmo and hard hoth \olllclllllc‘\ thrown in

I Snow BaII Axxcmhl} Roomx. (icorgc Strcct. 228 | I55. Spin lam LI(i.5t) lLI3.5(ll. Scc lliilixi

I Splash Iigt). I4 I’lc'al'tl) I’ItlL‘L‘. 478 7434. lt),3()pm 3am. L5 tlicc to Big Splaxh \"ll’ tickct holdcrxl. 'l‘hc pcoplc who brought _\ou thc Big Splaxh t‘l'rcml} \Vcnd) and Jon I’lcawdl rcturn with a \calcd-down monthl} night ol houw. dixco. kitxch and a w holc hcap o' Inn and lrolicx.


I Ethan Mao ('incworld. 7 Rcul'rcw Sll't‘t‘l. (IS7I 2U“ 2IXN), 2pllt‘ L5 (L4). SL‘L‘ l-‘ilm. pagc 45.


I BootyLUSI'Ious Mcdina. 45 47 I.othian Strcct. 225 (i313. Illpm 3am L4; L3 hcl'orc midnight. Morc iii a Stmda} \ocial than a lull on glam allair with DJ Dalc I.u~h. Simmonc Black and occasional gucxt \upa\la\ mi\ing up Rtkll. hip hop. will and limit.

I Taste 'I'hc Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Strcct. 225 2504. | lpm 3am. L5 hcl'orc | l.3()pm; LS al'tcr (Lo mcmhcrx). liixhcr & I’ricc suppl} a progicxxiw IIlI\ ol' hoth and garagc in thc main room and Martin Valcntinc \\ow\ thc ini\cd/ga_\ crowd with l'unlx} I'S houxc gcnis through thc hack.

Monday 20


I AIDS Quilt (ilasgow I'ni\ci\it) ('hapcl. l7ni\cr.\it} l)ri\c. (ilaxgow. 330 54W. Mon l-‘ri ‘lam 5pm; Sat 0 I lam. With cach patch rcprcxcnting a Iil‘c loxt to the tliscasc. lltc‘ I'K'x .-\II)S quilt comm to (ilasgow l'or thc first timc.

I Original Pride: The Satyrs Motorcycle Club (ilttxgow liilin 'l‘hcatrc. I2 Rosc SII‘L‘L'I. 3.32 SI2S'. Iplli. L5 (L4). Scc I-‘ilm. pagc 45.

I Passionality ('uhc. 34 Quccn Strcct. 226 890i). Il.3(lpni 3am. L2 L3. I’lcasing chanistr} from [)1 Shawn Roberts. who does his best to rL‘SllSClltth the weekend for thc gay/mixcd crowd.

I TransAmerica ('mcworld. 7 chtrcw Sticct. llS7l 200 Boon 5pm. ‘4 30pm L5 iL4i Scc I‘lIlll. pagc 45

Tuesday 21


I AIDS Quilt (ilaxgow l‘nncixit) ('hapcl. I‘nncrxit} I)ii\c. (ilaxgow 33” 54W Mon I'I'l ‘Iam 5pm. Sal ‘) llam SL‘L' Mon 2”

I Cockles and Muscles (inc-world 7 chlicw Strcct. UH7I 2M) Zooo 4 15pm. 0.30pm L5 1L4» Scc I'lIlIl. pagc 45

I FUN ('uhc. 34 ()uccn Sticct. 22o 50‘)“ l I 30pm 3am L2 L3 I” Shana IIthchI llll\L'\ oldci (I.t\\lc\ and Ill” ltlllL‘\. chucxtx wclconlc

I TransAmerica (ilt)\\CllHl (inc-ma. Axhlon I,anc. Ilillhcad. 33‘) S444 ‘lpm L5 lL4l Scc I‘lIlll. pagt- 45


I Vibe Iago. I4 I’icaid) I’lacc. 47S 74 H llpm 3am L3 (ia) night with .IitlllL'S |.ongworth on thc dcckx. plux thc Dancing Stud Mullinx. thc Singing Han} Iilokc and thc Mnnmg .\'tm_ I)on't \a) wc didn't warn )a.

Wednesday 22


I AIDS Quilt (ilaxgow I'nixcrxit} ('hapcl. I'nixcrxit) I)ri\c. (ilaxgow. 330 54W. .\Ion I'l'l ‘lam 5pm; Sat ‘) I lam. SL‘L‘ Mon 2”

I Allure Ihc 'I'uimcl. S4 Mitchcll Strcct. 204 Itltltl Il.3(lpm 3am. L3 Ilapp}. chccx} pop hour I” l)arrcn and lhc guy hchmd I’axxionality

I Gossip Strathchdc l'nixcrxit} l'nion. ()0 John Strcct. 552 IS")5. .S'pm lam. L2 illlt‘l' lllpm. licc l'or Sl' \tudcntx up to tour gucxtx allowcd. 'I'hc lii‘xt ga_\ night in a Scottixh \tudcntx' union \Vitli miwd-up pop. clcctro and chart tuncx lrom I)J Ricci.


I AIDS Quilt (ilttxgow I'lllH'l’xil} ('hapcl. I'nixcrxit) I)ri\c. (ilaxgow. 330 541‘). Mon l‘ri 9am 5pm; Sat ‘) I lam. .SL'C Mon 20.

I Reminiscence Workshop & Time Capsule (ilaxgow \Vonlcn\ Librar}. ltl‘) 'I'rongatc. 552 S345. Ilam 5pm. Booking cxscntial. I.;ttIlC\. bring in an ohjccl littt‘ lIlL' rcminixccncc Iio\ that rclatcs to chhian lilc. 'I'hc ho\ will hc dccoratcd and hccomc an ‘archixc on whcclx'. l’ur! u/ l,(ilfl‘ Himrri Mont/i.

Ethan Mao


I AIDS Quilt ( ila\go\\ I iti\ci\it} (Itapcl. l'nixcmt} |)ii\c. (ilaxgow, {ill 54W \Ion Iii ‘lam 5pm. Sat " Ilam SL‘C \IHII 2”

I Dorian Blues (‘IIIL'WUIItIA 7 Rt'llllt'\\ Sticct. llS7| 2H“ 20”“ 3pm. Spin L5 iL4i Scc l’lIlll. pagc 45

Edinburgh . Blaze I‘gtt. I4 I’Icattl} I’Iau‘. 47S 74 34 llpm 3am L5 Scc I’ll I"

East Kilbrido

I Carol Laula I1.i\l l\|Il‘IltIL' \lI\ (it'llllt‘. ()ItI (‘oach Rthltl. III 355 2(iIlNNl Spm LS iLm l<L'SIK'(IL'tI local \ingci/wngwiilci picxcntx inatciial lroin hci hack cataloguc and ncw ‘lII‘lllll

Alli In It Stu/1m

Saturday 25


I AIDS Quilt ( ilaxgow l'nnciot} ('hapcl. l’imcixit} l)ii\c. (ilaxgow. 33” 54I‘) .\Ion I'll ‘lam 5pm. Sat " Ilam SL‘L' M0112“

I Adam and Steve ('incworltl. 7 chlicw Sticct. 0le zoo goon .\' mp”. L5 tL4l. Scc I‘lllll. pagc 45

I WTC View ( ilaxgow I‘lIlll Ihcatic. l2 RUSL‘ Sllt‘t‘l. .3 32 3I2S 4pm L5 tL-ll SL‘L‘ I'lllll. pagc 45.


I Burly Too Marmcix. 3‘) 4t) ('ommcicial Strcct. 07‘) it) 3574tll, lt).3llpm 3am. L7 L8 'l'hc ga_\ and hi mcu'x cluh that'x dcxignctl to ht- cruix}. .\'otc thc drcxx codc: tIL‘ltllll. \pol'l\. induxtrial. umlorm. ruhhci. I\III\. Icathci I Upstairs Downstairs Iago. l4 I’Icai'd} I’Iacc. 47S 74 34. llpm 3am. Lo. ('hrix l’aton and (iracmc I' graduatc lrom Ilahana to Iigo w till a llll\ ol camp. part} anthcmx and thc but land “UNI ol thc Stlx and ‘)(l\. l)ow ll\lttll'\ Alan and Maggic Jo) go hack to thcii‘ l'tltll\ with lItL‘ lk‘Nl til Iii}.


I 20 Centimeters (ilaxgow I'lIlll 'I’hcatrc. I2 Rnxc Strcct. 332 SI2S. S.l5pm. L5 1L4). Scc I‘llltl. pagc 45.


I BootyLUSHous Mcdma. 45 47 I,othian Strcct. 225 (i3l3. lllpm 3am L4; L3 hclorc midnight Scc Sun I‘),

Ethan's kicked out of his home after Dad finds his gay porn; he becomes a hustler on the well-trodden streets

of Los Angeles and hooks up with new friend Remigio. Hearing that Mao's family are going away for Thanksgiving, the pair break into his former home to retrieve a necklace. But Ethan's family return unexpectedly, and a tense situation ensues.

I Cinewor/d. 7 Renfrew Street, Glasgow. 0877 200 2000. Sat 78 Feb. 5pm <3

Sun 79 Feb. 2pm. {‘5 (L4).

I Tackno l go. l4 l’icaitl} I’l.itc\~17i\ 7134 llpm 3am L5 L Ihc cxci w lo\cI_\ licntl} \\cntl§ and hci kitxch

c I.t\\l\\ at lac kito\ Smmh ill!“ and (il.tl" It\ a top\ and IUI‘I‘CH p.nt_\

I Taste Ihc I ltlllltl Room. "c \ictoiia Sticct. 225 25h4 llpm 3am L5 Ik‘lt‘lt‘ ll 30pm. LS .iltci iLh lllt‘lltl‘t'hl Scc Sun I”

I Trial By Jury & Pineapple Poll |c\ti\al Ihcatic. I 3 2" \icolxon Sticct. 52‘lthNl 30pm Llll L2H Scc IIIIII\I


I Passionality ( ‘ulw. *4 (Jim-n Stlcct. ljnxwo II Hipm 3.llll L2 L3 Xu- Mon 2”

Tuesday 28

Glasgow I FUN (‘ul‘c~ 34 Uncut Sticct. 22h NNH II 30pm 3am L2 L3 Scc Inc 2|

Edinburgh I Vibe Igo. I4 I’icaid} I’lac c. 47S "434 llpm 3am L3 Scc luc 2I

Wednesday 1

G asgow I Allure Iltc Iurmcl. S4 .\Iilchcl| Sticct. 2H4 Illtltl ll 30pm 3am L3 Schcd

I Gossip Stiathc|_\dc l'mxcixit) l'mon. UllIohn Sticct. 552 IS")5 Hpm lam L2

altci Illpm. licc loi Sl’ \Illtlt‘lIIS up to

I01“ gtlL'\I\ .tIIU\\t‘tI \t't‘ \\t'tl 22


I Disko Bloodbath Iigo. l4 I’icaid} I’lacc. 47S 74 34 llpm 3am L3 Izdinhurgh'x IIISI quch altcinatnc night. llll\ IS an cclcctic nu\ ol clcctio. indic. punk and rock tor thosc who arc \cicammg out loi \olllt'llllllg tlillcicnt on thc ga} \ccnc_

Thursday 2


I Nowhere Iago. I4 I’icaid} I’Iacc. 47K 7434‘ I Ipni 3am. L 3. Ilaxcd on thc c\ci changing \cw York cluh \ccnc. with a crowd that\ ax cclcctic ax thc immc I)c|a_\ Hm]. I” .\Iichcllc. thc I'tmki I)i\a and DJ Yonix lcatuic.

I Volunteering @ LGBT l.(;l£'| ('cntic lot Ilcalth & \‘l'cllhcmg. ‘) lIowc Strcct. 225 (loll). () Spm, Drop in and lind out moic about \oltmlccimg at thc I.( iIiI (critic lor lIcaIth and \Vcllhcmg


I Bennets Sll Ull (il;t\\liiltl Sticcl. 552 57(il. \Vcd 'I hu & Sun l| 30pm 3am. I'll Sat ll illpm 3 Want. I'llt'lltII}. down to cath latc night (INCH \cmic rcccntl} l'L‘IllllHSIlt'tI and ll\lll_L' liom thc ashcx altci a maioi lirc.

I The COCO Club IS Jamaica Sliccl. 3470321). 'Ihu Sim llpm 3am. LI L4. ()llcrmg Ittll commcicial lllllL‘\ and lunk} pup. (ilttxgtiw \ ncwcxt ga} \ciiuc opcllx Il\ \t‘gax \Ittiwglll IIISPIIL'tI door» X I'acloi‘\ Ilrcnda gttc'xlx on IX I14). and 25 I'd) IS I’orno. lcaturing Ilannah Joncx I Pink Devotion ('Iuh I)L'\tillt)ll. l3 Jamaica Strcct. x47 Ill-<20. 'I ha Sun

I lpm 3am. L3 (I'i‘cc paxxc’x axailahlc lrom thc ncarh} I.(ili'l (critic). Ilapp} ga} action with popular I)J\ Marc and And) I’crr).

I The Polo Lounge X4 Wilson Strcct. 553 l22l. Mon 'I‘hu 5pm lam. In Sun 5pm 3am Spacious. swank). L'd}/llll.\t'(l Mcrchanl ('1!) club. with \mcral roornx and a dow ll\lttll'\ dancclloor opcn at thc w cckcnd (L5 altcr I Ipm).


I CC Blooms (I. IiIoolllx. 23 24 (irccnsidc I’IaL'L'. 55b ()33I. Mon I‘rl ll).3(lpm 3am. Sun 6pm 3am. 'I‘hc cast CUIISI \cctlc quccn pumpx out (Iztncc and chccsc delights cwr} night.

1‘, Fob—2 Mar 200‘; THE LIST 59