Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to glasgow® and for Edinburgh to Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore.

Thursday 16


I Nine Black Alps, The Zico Chain and The Longcut .-\B('. 33” Sauchlchall Sll'ccl. 3 32 22 32 7pm. LII). Yuung Mancunian hand \xhn haxc ignui'cd lhc IIIlI\lt‘;ll ll‘cnd\ ul lhcu' nun cu} m Iamui nl lhc gl'ungc mck ml Nii‘xana. laxl \ccn \uppni'ling \Vcc/ci' and hilling lhc charlx \\ nh lhc cpic

'l 'llxalixlicd'.

I Liz McLarnon ll.\l\'. Inn 5 (l. l.c\\i\ Building. .-\l'g)ll Slit-cl. 2H4 -1737. 5pm. I'l'cc. l:\r:\lumic Killcn mcmhci l}'knlm. lhc unc \\ ilh lhc PUlkt‘l'-\Il';llf_‘lll hlundc hail‘l launchcx hcr \lah al a wln cal‘cci' \\illl llllx mxlm‘c and \igning \cxxinn.

I The Endrick Brothers .'\B(‘2. 33H Silllk'lllt‘llilll SII'L‘L'I. 332 2232. 7pm. U). :\|l.cnunll‘} Imm c\~mcmhcr\ nl Rt‘lllt‘ll}.

I Chief, Exit Pilot and Cosmos \Ic'c'li'Slcax}. 42l Sauchiclmll Slrccl. 333 ()Ullll. 8pm. £3. Scll «)ch ‘i'uck wul i'cmluliun‘ l‘mm ('hicl.

I Cold Night Song 'l‘hc (inal. l2.\'7 :\i'g_\lc Sll'ccl. 357 7373. 8pm. lil‘cc. ’l'hc L'\4.'\\ll'ltl/RCIlltlL‘L'l' SL‘L‘IIUH L'Ilwnlhlt‘ cunlinuc a munlhl} rcxidcnc}.

I David Ford, Duke Special and The Unstoppable Flying Raincoats lllll‘lil}. 2N) (‘l'\tlL‘ SII‘CCI. “37” 007 (NW). 8pm. L'h. li\7lia\_\\\m‘ld mcmhcr \u'ikcx out in will) mndc. \uppni'lcd h} lruulmdnur lhc l)ukc Spccial.

I Finniston and Caragh Nugent ’l‘hc Liquid Ship. l7l I75 (ircal \chlcl'u Ruad. 33l I‘IIII. h'pm. l'il‘cc. Bmllicr/xixlci‘ duo on guilar. Iiddlc and mandnlin. \uppnrlcd h) local \ingcr/wng“rilcr al this I-‘i‘cc ('and} Scxsium nighl.

I The Kipper Family 'l'chal ()\ na. 42 ()lagu Lanc. 357 4524. Spin. £2. l‘rcxh \uund\ Hum lhc Kingdom ul~ l‘il'c.

I Pylot, Nemesis Theory and Stark Raving Normal 'l‘hc \'alc. 5 “Width Sll‘t‘t‘l. 332 4023. 3pm. £3. MCIUdlL‘ allcl'llaliu‘ ruck.

I Exit Pilot, Chief and Cosmos I3lh Nulc (‘alt'n 50 (ill King 541111.553 M33. 8.30pm. £4. .-\nlhcmic ruck l‘rum Ii\il I’ilul. Black (nape-\l) lc Iunk I'mm ('hicl and pup ruck I'mm ('mmm.

I Hiding from Tomorrow, Airspiel and Resident Soundhaux. 47 llylcpark Slrccl. 22l 465‘). 8.30pm. £4.50. .\Ii\cd hag of indic and mclal al lhix Suundwl nighl. .-\ir\Picl Prunmlc lhcir ‘llnmc’ lil’. I The Rifles, Milburn and The Upper Room King 'l‘ul'x \Vah \Vah llul. 272a Sl Vinccnl Slrccl. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £0. I.ccd\ quinlcl inl'lucnccd h) D} Ian and llIL' Bcallc'x \\ iIll :\l‘t‘liL' Munkc}x-cndurxcd \uppm‘l l‘rnm lhc mccllcnl Milhurn.

I Chevron and Frog Pocket l3lh .\'ulc (‘alt’x 50 (ill King Sli‘ccl. 553 I638. 0pm. £3. .-\K:\ Jonathan \'a|cnlinc \thc alhum Ifi'cfltflliilg '\ Iz'mcllv I/u' Smm' hlcndx ragga. lcchnu and clccll'unica. suppnrlcd h} lhc happ} «ad l‘nlk} clcclrunica of “'01; Pocket.

I Quinn and Nanobots ()ran Mm: 73l 735 (‘n‘cal Wmlcrn Road. 357 (3200. 0pm. £5 (£4). 'l‘hc Inc muxic al llli\ ('Iuh 'l'rmnnlo nighl ix prm idcd h) \Iink). lripp) huuw hand Quinn and \cicncc- nhsc'sscd space rock dun .\'annhul\.

I Standard Lamp Sessions 'l'hc Hall Bar. mu Woodlame Road. 352 9996. 9pm. I-‘rcc. Acoustic singer/songwriter nighl \\ ilh acts to be confirmed.

66 THE LIST it; Foh~2 Mar 20013

I The Ronelles alch The Moogs lhc- Bullcrll} and lhc l’lg. I53 Balh Slit-cl. 22l "ll ‘Ipm l'lcc (ilaxglm luck'n‘rull acl \xhn ha\ c \uppnllcd lhc llkcx ml lhc /.ulun\ and King\ nl lcun pla} al Illl\ ('igal’cllo and luck \Il mghl


I Goldfrapp l'xhci Hall. lnllnau Rnatl. 22X ll55 "pm {In :\l|\nn (inldllapp and hand \hakc a laillcalhci In lhcu mcrcaxmgl} glam mck mundx

I :Forward, Russia! and Drive-By Argument (uhal'cl \hllall'c. 3!» 3.\ Blall Slrccl. 22Il(\l7(». llpm 3am £5 lccdx haxcd punk lunk. pmlrmck pail} l}pc\ ,l'ul'uard. Rll\\l.l' hpr launch nc\\ lclllicld mdic cluh mng Spicx m lhc \Vlrcx. a \cnlurc m cullahul’aliun \\ Illl l/ll‘ l.le l’llh hack up li‘nm l)il\c B) Argumcnl and DJ \clx IIUIII ldlcmld. Sluai'l Bl‘allhxxallc l.\lug\\;n l. (il’amnc and lhc I H} Spillircx “L

I Claire Ward and Athens 'l'hc .lanl llnuw. 5 ()uccn Sll’ccl. 226 4 3M)

7 lllpm L7; L5 hclul'c lam. l’upulai cmch lI‘Hlll lhc ll'l\ll \mch and [‘lilllhl lnlllmcd h} pup and luck cmcix li‘nm .-\lhcn\.

I Delta Mainline and Earnest Cox ('aharcl \hllan'c. 3h 33 Blair Sli'ccl. 22H (ll7(l. 7pm. £5. l’\}ch hlucx mck llHlIl lidinhurgh hand l)c|la \lamlmc

I Elysium Suhua} ('mxgalc. N)

(1m galc. 225 0706. 7pm. £4. I‘ll'c gai'agc

mckcl'x lil}\ium hcadlmc lhix .\lagncl'\ ‘\'cl'_\ hcxl HI Scnlmh l'nxigncd' nighl. I Magner’s Very Best of Scottish Unsigned Suhxxa} ('mxgalc. (N ('mxgalc. 225 (x700 7pm. £4. Bandx lhc. I Edinburgh Sound Collective 'l'hc l.cll Bank. 37 (lullu'ic Sll'ccl. 225 0744. 3pm. l‘l'cc. l)i\ci\c IIllhlL'ill lalcnl I'mm a

\clccliun nl' lidinhurgh'x lk'xl wngm‘ilcix.

I Vitamin Flint Heart, Unkown Hagana and Tam Lin Baimcrman'x. Niddr} Sli‘ccl. 550 3254. 8.45pm. [4. Original indic.

I Fuse \\ lll\llL'l‘llIl\lL‘\. 4 h South Brldgc. 55‘ 5| l4 “pm l'lcc local luck and mdxc lmmc aclx lhcl

I The Hustlers lhc Bungu (‘luh. \ltlla} lll'll\k'. 3-3 llHl_\lUHd Rudd. 5.58 "(am “pm 12 l‘unk} hlucx llHlll lhc llll\llt‘l\ ax lhc} launch lhcn Mu I mm In! Mn 1.. Ix alhum packcd mlh dccp wul and mckmg lllllt‘\

I Rage lhc | cll Bank. 3" (iulhiic hut-cl. 225 “744 ‘lpm t3 Ragc :\gain\l lhc \lachmc li'lhulc acl I.ll\lll:._‘ lundx lni lh dc l'chicin cummuml} hcallh clmic I 3 Student Music Awards llcllul “all l'nncixil} I'nuin. Riccal‘lnn. 45l

5 3 33 ‘Ipm, l-icc ('iuxx gcnic Inc muxlc cnmp. \\ nh a guc\l \cl llHIll lhc l)ug\. lHl mmc mlu chcck \uux \lullcnlmuxic .l\\;llll\ cduk

I Kim Edgar lllt‘ Slat Bax. l \nillmmhcrlaml l’lacc. 5 3" KIWI 031mm. l'l't't' l’np. Ian and original culllpuxlllulh nil plalln. gllllal' alld \nlcc lmm Incal muxlclan Kim Izdgar.


Broken Social Scene (ilaxglm Schuul HI \i'l. lh7 chlicxx Sllccl. 353 453l. "pm. S()l.l) ()I'l. lull l’awmcnl} allci'naiock mundx hum ('anadian t'nllt't'llu‘ lilnkt'll Slk‘ldl Sc‘t‘lk‘. SL'L' pl‘c\ icu. pagc (ll.

I The Go! Team, The Grates and Smoosh Bal‘l'mxland. 244 (iallmxgalc. 552 400]. 7.30pm. £12.50. ()xciv l4\ \llll\\. Snnic Ynulh mccl lhc Jackwn 5 plu\ all pninh in hcluccn pup up during lhc .\lci‘cui‘_\ .\lu\ic l’i‘i/c~nmuinalcd (In? lcamK cclclu‘alul‘) \cl.

Kanye West Sli(‘(‘. liinnicaun Qua}. (MI) ()4() 4lll)(l, 7.30pm. £275”. 'I'hc hip hnp hchcmnlh ll'umllcx inln [nun nu llix "l‘uuch lhc Sk)‘ lnur. pla}ing u'ackx lrum laxl )car'x c\ccllcnl lull" /\’¢'QI\II'(III'41II llllllllll. SL‘L‘ lL‘ilIlll'L'. page I4.

We were gonna put a picture of the Soledad Brothers here but you

know where you stand with all that Detroit blues sub-Mudhoney mob anyway, and this picture is pretty great, no? Liars have always been well weirder than any of the other art punks to snot their way out of NYC’s mucky gutter in the last few years. For a band who came out of the same scene as Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Liars seem pretty resistant to bullshit, as they contrarily disassemble and reassemble their acid-fried sound regardless of public appeal or critical acclaim. Their new single ‘The Other Side of Mt Heart Attack’ is a Jesus and Mary Chain homage while previous efforts have swung anywhere between early brutal Sonic Youth and an indie rock Cabaret Voltaire. Go see them and be delighted.

Nice'n'S/eazlc G/asgow. Fn 24 Feb.

I 3Forward, Russial, Kubichek! and The Pigeon Detectives kmg l‘ul\ \\ah \\ah llul. 272a SI \ mccnl Xllccl. 22I 527" 8 30pm th Scc lihu In 1le l'\\l\\.lltl Rll\\l.l \Imc c\clamalul_\ aclmn llum \uppurl Kuhichck'

I Joseph Arthur \\alanchc. 34 l)undax Sllccl. 332 2”)" 5pm l‘lcc \\l\h_\ “axln Nc“ \ulk ha~cd \mgcl wngm‘llcl m lhc Daxid (hath-x namc glc) h_\ nallnc \cm play an IlhlUIL'

I Logan \Bt‘2. {Ill Sauchlchall Slit-cl. 332 22 32 "pm L5 (hm I4x \hlm (ll.l\:_'\‘\\ hand I ngan haw gaincicd lhc palinnagc nl (’iccd‘x \laik liamunli and haw madc lIllH.l\l\ m lhc .\\ \xlulc lcmammg lalgcl} unknmm al hnmc

I Amplitude, Vendeta, Drift and Castro Rt‘llllt‘“ l-‘cil'\. u\lltlt‘l\lllll Quay lhc Bimnmclan. «mm :m <11 ' t5 l'nxlgncd handx \hmxcaw I Lose Your Illusion l‘hc ('alllnlixc. l3 I'nuin Sllccl. 245 mm» 7 3llpm {Ill

()xcl l4\ \hlm. (iunx'n‘Rmcx liihulc act I The Chipshop Warrior l’hc .\Il\mg Rimlllx 224 \Vt‘fl Rt'gt‘lll SIIL‘CI. 22l 3h" 8pm, l-i'cc (ilangMK .lll\\\t‘l In Julmm ('axh Ill \a}\ hci'cl

I Errors Slc'icn. l4 Kclxmhaugh Sllccl. 57h 5lll.\‘. Rpm. licc lilmlx launch llicu llllmd} t'lL‘L‘lln \qllullk lil’ 'lllm (‘lt‘illl l\ Yum .-\cld lluuw "

I Graham Lacey and The Cyren Ruhanal. 0-! Bum Road. 34l lll4| .\'pm l'l'L'L‘ .‘\llHlllL‘l l'lt‘t‘ (and) Scwunx night I Headstones, Frothing Mucus and Alrosa ’l‘hc \alc. 5 l)unda\ Sum. N2 4928. 5pm. £3. l)calh mclal.

I Humanzi, Dirty Perfect and The lnvisibles Bal'll). lull (‘Itllc- Sac-cl. (MI 007 (NW), .‘x‘pm. t5. l)uhlm hand \xhu haw \uppm‘lcd Ian Bnmn. \uppni'lcd lhcmxchcx h} (‘aidlll haxcd angular indic lthL‘lllkx l)u'l} l’cl‘lccl pi'umulmg lhcn cpun_\mnu\ lil’.

I Lan Formatique, Kink and Satellite Dub Barl'l} lllp\lall\l. 2N) ("l-\dc gnu-i. llh’7ll 9m (NW, xpm U. Bcalx. \amplcx and \}nlh\ Imm clccu'nnica \xhi/lkid (‘ralg Bnmn aka Salcllilc Huh. I The Mode and The Merchants NIL‘CdLSlCIII}. 42| Saucluchall Slit-cl. 333 (MINI. 3pm. £3. Mcludic luck m lhc \cm nl ()ccan (.(lllllll‘ SL‘L‘IIL' and (Iltl\\tlt'tl llnllw Il'nlll llIL' MHdC.

I The TWisted Melons, Call to Mind, The Hype and The Ads 'I'hc .-\I'L‘llL‘\. 253 Alg) lc Sum. 0870 240 7528 .‘x‘pm. U). Mclndic luck lmm lhc lulxlcd \lL‘lnnx.

I The Contradictions, Forgotten Sunday, Pale Black and Revolutionize I‘ur) Mun} ‘s. W) .\Ia\\\cll Sli'ccl. 22l ()5l I K3llpm. £4. including cnli'} to ple cluh. \Vcckl} \ll(l\\t'il\t' nl Incal Indlc hand\.

I l-F, iamelectron and Tim Hamblin Baxura Blanca. lil'llll\\\l(l\ llnlcl Baxcmcnl. lllh Brunxuick Sli'ccl. 552 lllllll. 9pm. t'lll. An mumalc cwnmg ul ruhnlic dixcnlllcquc. cnllllcd Rnhul l)I\cH 'l‘crrui‘. hcadlmcd h} l)ulch clcclru dixcumclxlcr l-l'. l.Illlilcd In llNl [Ickch

I Juniper Spark Bcanxccnc. 35‘ 42 Wuudlandx Ruad. 352 930“. "pm. l‘l'cc. l‘llcclmmd Mac and Ncil YIlllllg‘lllllllt'lltt'll uullil pmmulc lhcnr dchul alhum .'ll‘('/Illll(‘l/('\ Smi/c.

I Creme de Menthe, Kartel, Gardi- super, Halo Hot Mix and The Retrosexuals Suundhaux. 47 ll}dcpark SlrL‘L‘I. 22l 405‘). lIIpln. DC l£7l. lilCL‘lm ruck Irnm lhc Rclrmcxualx al Illlx ()ur llilllx nighl.

I TODD 'l‘hc .-\rL‘llL'\. 3” Midland SII'L‘CI. 0870 240 752K. I lpm. £3 (UH. :\LllllL‘ punk liiiik and hrcakhcalx I'rum cx-Rcd Snappcr uullil ’l‘uuh. pla}ing al lhc ncn cluh nighl. l’lll\ DJ \cl Irnm lhc Hcrhallxch. ()lllc 'lccha.


I Fatalists, Skyless and Stripping Velvet llcnr} \ ('cllar Bar. 8 lha Murriwn Slrccl. 228 9393. 3pm. £3. Ruck and indic.

I The Briganties \Vc-c Rcd Bar. Iidinhurgh (‘ullcgc nl‘ Art. Laurislun Place. 22‘) I442. 6pm. I’rcc. Indic ruck u) start lhc ucckcnd.

7 3llpm