eontemporar} Unetx m ith another aet tber.

I V for Victory “0th at the Bongo ('ltth. Mora} llottxe. ‘7 llol}t'ood Road. 558 7(r04. |0pm iam l‘t‘ee betote llpm; L5 alter. ‘l.i\e muxie and altet'natne diseo tot lthllllL'tl \mnerx'

Monday 20


I Goldie Lookin’ Chain and Killa Kella ('arlmg .r\eadem.\ (ilthgou. |2l lighnton Street. 037“ 77' 3W“ “W”- £12.50. The eomed} \Velxh t'appen regroup no“ that Maggot ll.t\ been set loose lt'om tlte Hie “Nil/HT house.

I Buddy Miller and Hayes Carll The Arehex. 253 Arg} Ie Street. 0870 240 7528. 7.30pm. Ll2.50. l'.llllll}ltttl lltll'l’IS. renouned guitar pla_\er \\ llll ltl\ band supported b} 'le\an singer/song“rtter lilt}L‘\ ('arll \\ ho hax tuxt released lll\ latest albutn /.llI/¢’ Ix’ruA m the l'K.

I Chicks on Speed and Bad Dancer Barth. 2b0 (‘hde Street. 0370 007 009‘). Split. “0 lileett'o punk trom Berlin-aned tem trio (‘hielxx on Speed \xlttt L'\lL'll(l lltL‘tt‘ l)”. etlne [0 (hell. \lttgL‘ eoxtumex.

I Acoustic Jam .\'Iee‘n'S|ea/.\. 42I Sauehiehall Street. 333 0000. 8pm. l-‘ree. Weekl} \houeaxe tor loeal \Ullg\\l'tlel'\ perl'ornnng original material.

I Jim Whyte 'l‘ehat ()\ na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. Split. £2. Roek. blue\ and tau int'leetionx trom llli\ songuriter.

I Johnny Truant, Waterdown, Ella and End of Everything King Tut's Walt Walt llut. 272a St Vineent Street. 22| 527‘). 8pm. £0 ()\et'- l4\ \ltou. Metal band \xho reeenll} \ttppot'ted Alexixontire at 'l‘ut'x.

I Proxy and Kings Die Kings Stereo. l4 Kelxinhaugh Street. 570 50IS'. 8pm. £3. ('atelt_\ pop-punk trom l’l‘n\).

I Keith James: The Songs of Nick Drake (ilaxgtm l-"ilm ’l‘heatre. l2 Rttxc Street. 332 \‘l28. H.45pm. £10 (£7). Songmiter and muxie producer Keith James brings .\'iek\ \nng\ baek to the stage at llti\ (ilaxgtm l-‘ilm li‘slhal e\ent. \xhieh “ill ttlxtt inelude a screening of the Drake doeumentar} .l Skin 'lim [hr The Um \ or Nit/t Dru/d: I Amok, The Deadites and Self Made Man l5llt Note (tile. 50 (ill King Street. 553 tats. 9pm. U. .\'o- nonsense lltt';t\lt t'rom Amok.

I Lukestar, Deathofafilmstar and Free Diamonds Bar Bloc. I 17 Bath Street. 574 (who. 0pm. l~'ree. limo band from (No. promoting their JR [in ing- produeed album Alpine ('m’r tnot t/tut JR). supported b} SL‘Ulle‘l'x Deathot‘atiImxtat'.


I The Magic Numbers (‘orn lixehange. ll .\'e\\ Market Road. 477 3500. 7.30pm. H5. The Magie Numberx feature (“0 \et\ of brothers and \i\lL‘l'\ t‘eaehing out to all llx tellou tttuxieal siblings with their .\\\oon\\ot‘llt} harmoniex and summertime \(tllml\.

I Jack Rose and Chris Corsano Henry’s ('ellar Bar. 8 [ha Morrison Street. 228 0303. 7.30pm. £5 £0 (£4 members). See Sun I‘) and pre\ ten. page ()3.

I Stepping Stones The Jam Home. 5 Queen Street. 22o 4380. 7pm—midnight. l-‘ree. 'l’alxe llllx opportunit} to graee the Jam House stage and shou thetn \\ hat )titt't'e tnade of. and possibl} be snapped up to pla} t'uture gigs. (‘ontaet Kenn} on 0777! I49 982 if you'd like to gixe it a go.

I Open Mic The Left Bank. 37 Guthrie Street. 225 0744. 8pm. liree. Unplugged session \xith John Hunt.

I Non Zero and Cold Fusion Bannerman's. Niddr)‘ Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. Roek and metal line-up. with guests the.

I Open Mic \Vhisllchtnl‘lCm 4 h South Bridge. 557 5| 14. 9pm. Free. Jll\l turn up and perform.

Tuesday 21


I Shattered Realm Bartl) ttl[‘\l.tll’\l. :(ill (lulu Street. “57” VD" (NW) "pm U) llardeore band trotn l'ot't lauderdale. l-lortda. aka .\larr|_\n Manson eotmtr).

I Denied Sons of lglesias, Mummy Short Arms and Dirge \tee'n‘SleaI}. 421 Sauehiehall Street. 53‘ 0*)00, Spin. £4. Melodie lett-tield guitar roek trom the Denied Sons.

I The Kiteflying Club Tehar ()\ na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. Spm. £2. lmprm ixation with member\ ot the (ilaxgou ltttpt'm txetN‘ ()t‘eltextra.

I Loris and Scarlatti Tilt Stereo. l4 Kelunhaugh Street. 57b 5018. Split. L4 l-olk}. px) ehedehe roek trom l.Ut't\.

I Open Mic The .\lr\mg Roontx. 224 \Vext Regent Street. 22l ".ih‘). Spin. l'ree. lltt\lL‘Ll b_\ Robm Martin.

I Ryan and Andrea Marini The l,lqllltl Ship. I7! I75 (ireat \Vextern Road. 33! WW. Spm. Free. l-ree ('and} SL'SHUle night.

I Southpaw, The Parting, Hyaline Theory and Toed Up Rut'ux T. l-‘ireth/ ()ll\ li. l)l‘tll\\t)tttl. 207 Hope Street. 5.52 Mb”. Spm. l’ree. ('rrung). hea\_\ roek. I Takota Bat't‘l}. 2N) ('I}de Street. ()S’70 007 090‘), Spin, £5. ()\et‘- l4\ \ltou. ()range (‘ount_\ quintet lltxpll'L‘tl b_\ the old \ehool roek \ttltlltl\ ot Zeppelin. Queen and Journe}.

I Jim Noir, Alan Cassidy and Paul Napier King 'l’ttt'x \Vah Walt llut. 272a St Vineent Street. 22| 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. \Vext ('oaxt sunshine pop \Ullltth from .\'oir. uhoxe lime/- u/ [we albunt ltdx been getting good uord ot’ tnouth.

I Das Contras Bar Blue. I 17 Bath Street. 574 (r000. 0pm. l‘t‘ee. lidinburgh tour-pieee grow ing on e\er_\thmg t'rom lt'ttlnpetx to eottgttx

I Dresden, The Hedrons, MIA and Fokara |3th .\'ote (are. 50 o0 King Street. 553 1033. 9pm. £3. Denim and Ieather-eneaxed night oi good punk roekin' \xith intilueneex ranging from the Stooges to Rage .-\gain\t the Maeltine. I Juniper Spark Beanxeette. 1‘)

Skin ing Street. Shaxx ltttltlx. 032 8000. 9pm. l‘TL‘L‘. SL‘L‘ l'il‘l l7.


I Jools Holland and his Rhythm and Blues Orchestra The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 407 5200. SOLD ()l'l'. Britain‘s biggest blues eelebrit} tinall} puts in an appearance at ltix mm elub.

I Buddy Miller Trio ('abaret Voltaire. 3!» RS Blair Street. 220 (i176. 7.30pm.

L‘ I 3. (iuitar pla}er \\ ith limm) lou llttl'l‘ix. .\'a\h\ ille-baxed Miller.

I The Foggy Mountain Hop The left Bank. 37 (iuthrie Street. 225 9744. 8pm. l-"ree. The (ireenman Bluegraxx lio}\ u ith a good times hoe do“ n. featuring Jed Milt'o}.

I Band Showcase \\'hixtlelunkie\.

4 b South Bridge. 557 5l I4. 9pm. Free. ("all in adxanee tor a

Wednesday 22


I Recloose .-\B(‘2. 330 Sauehiehall Street. 532 2232. 7pm. U2. l.i\e \hou t'rom the Detroit nati\ e DJ Reelooxe. eurrentl} eauxing a \tir \xith ‘Du\t'. lllx llt‘Sl album \\;t\ out on ('arl ('raig'x l’lanet li and his new album Hiatus Hit the Horton ix ottt on l’eaeel'rog \o e\peet toward thinking. e\pan\i\ e teehno.

I Voodoo Glow Skulls The ('atltottxe. l5 l'nion Street. 248 (>606. 7.30pm. £0). ()xer-l4\ xiii)“. .-\drenalixed punk roek set \\ ith added brass seetion interest.

I Midnight Machine and Flat Fire Bomb Bar“). 260 (‘hde Street. 0870 907 new. 7.30pm. '

I Chris Brokaw Mono. 12 Kings Court. King Street. 552 9458. 8pm. tbe. .-\ \olo. LiL‘UlhllL‘ alt.eountr} al‘t'air from the e\-(‘odeine and (‘ome man.

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