

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.

Thursday 16


I Concert ior Malawi Royal (‘oneen Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. .353 8000. 7.30pm. £8.50—£I2.50. This event brings together choirs from all over the city. as well as the Scottish Fiddle Orchestra and Country dancers.


I RSAMD Lunchtime Concert: Jean-Efflam Bavouzet RSAMI). l()() Renfrew Street. 3.32 5057. Iprn. £7 (£5). The French pianist performs some of his favourite works.

I Piano Masterclass: Jean-Efflam Bavouzet RSAMI). I00 Renfrevv Street. 3.32 5057. 2.30pm. Free. ticketed. The French pianist leads a masterclass in the an of tinkling the ivories.

I RSAMD Youthworks Music Prize Competition RSAMI). I00 Renfrew Street. 3.32 5057. 6pm. Free. ticketed. Young players take part in the Gilbert lnnes Prize Competition for Piano and Woodwind.

I Cappella Nova: City of Love St Andrew‘s in the Square. St Andrew‘s Square. 55‘) 5902. 7.30pm. L") (£6.50). A quintet of voices celebrate St Valentine's day with gorgeous vocal chamber music. The fast-paced programme ranges from madrigals to medieval love songs. including some of the original (‘urmr'nu

Burunu ditties. and from romantic pan songs to the Beatles. Love is in the air.


I Lunchtime Organ Recital Reid ('oncert Hall. lidinburgh l‘rirvc'rsitv. Bristo Square. l.I()pm. Free at door. ('hristopher Nickol performs vvorks b_v Bach. Stanlev. ('ouperin. vaeelinck and Frescobaldr.

iii London Sinionia: A Midsummer Night’s Dream l-‘estival theatre. I.) 3‘) Nicolson Street. 52‘) 6000. 7.30pm. “54225. The RSV provide the actors, while Mendelssohn‘s score is reproduced to create a unique version of this outrageoUs Shakespearean comed_v.

I RSNO: Lazarev Conducts Shostaltovich l'sher llall. l.othian Road. 228 l I55. 7.30pm. {I2 £28. The mighty Alexander l.a/arev returns to conduct an all Shoslttkov'ich blockbuster of a concert. finishing vvith the vvit of the Sv'mplionv' No 9. alter the drama of his film score for Hum/er and the beautiful I'iolr'n ('onr'erro no 2.

Saturday 18


I The Kelvin Ensemble l'riiversiiv ol (ilasgovv ('hapel. l'niversitv Avenue. 330 54l‘). 7.30pm. £7 (£4). The programme will include Tchaikov sk} 's Sv'm/r/ronv .\'o 5 and (irieg's I’runo ('oni'erlo.

I RSNO: Lazarev Conducts Shostakovich Royal (‘onceri Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £I3—L‘30. See I‘ri l7.


I Cappella Nova: City of Love Augustine United Church. 4| (ieorge IV Bridge. 668 20I‘). 7.30pm. 9.“) (£6.50). See Fri 17.

321 London Sinionia: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Festival Theatre. I.) 2‘) Nicolson Street. 52‘) 6000. 7.30pm. £l5—L‘25. See Fri 17.



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A UsherHoll


78 THE LIST 16 Feb—2 Mar 2006

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I Composers’ Sunday RS.\.\II). loo Renlrevv Street. 332 505" Iprn lice. ticketed. Hear the Junior Academv students perlorm music vvritten bv their friends. In vvorkshops and in concerts

I House for an Art Lover: Flute and Piano Recital House I'm all .‘\n Lover: Music Room. Bellahousion l’ark. I0 Humbreck Road. 353 4‘20

2.30 3.30pm. £3.501L‘25tlr. A music recital featuring Ilutc and piano bv Stephen ('larke and ('hrrstopher Baster I The Best of the West End: A Valentine's Gala Roval ('oncer‘t Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. .35} 8000. 7.30pm £l6 £23.50. The RS.\'() loin Iour' \Vest lilitl sololsls lol' Illls \Itlelllttle's gala conducted b) Martin Yates. bringing a sparkle of romance to classic tunes lrom sour favourite shovv tunes.

Monday 20


I Maggini String Quartet Queen‘s llall. ('lerk Street. 668 20l‘), 7.45pm. U0 {l7 (f‘) £l5). l’litvitig .\lo/ai't\ Quartet in .l. Bridge's Quarter .\'o 3 and Beethov en's Quartet in I)’ Hot.

Tuesday 21


I Ramshorn Lunchtime Concert Ramshorn 'I‘lieatre. ‘)8 Ingram Street. 552 348‘). 1.15 2pm. £3. 'I'raditional Japanese music b} Ilidcka/ti Is'ato on the bamboo flute and taiko player Joji llirota.

I Governors’ Recital Prize Competition for Woodwind RSAMI). I00 Renfrevv Street. . 32 5057. 2pm. l’ree. ticketed. l'illlalisls lot this prestigious competition present a programme of vvoodvv ind treats.

I Organ Recital: Kevin Bowyer I'niv'ersitv of (ilasgovv (‘hapel. l'niversrtv Avenue. 330 54I‘). 5.|5pm. liree. A performance of vvorks b_v Bach. I‘rescobaldi. Mendelssohn. vaa_vne and l)upre.


I Get Organised! Audience Requests l'sher Ilall. I.oihian Road. 228 ll55. l.l0 l.50pm. £3. Informal lunchtime organ recital. featuring the l'sher Hall‘s iriagnilicent organ.

I Lunchtime Recital: David Wilde Reid ('oncer't llall. lidinburgh l'niversit}. Bristo Square. I.I0pm. l’r‘ee at door. Pianist I)avid Wilde performs Birsoni's If/egit' No 2. .-l// IIu/ro arid's Sonora in If minor.

Wednesday 22


I Woodwind Department Concert RSAMT). ll)” Renl‘revv Street. .332 5(l57. 7.30pm. l'l‘c'c'. llL‘lsL'IL'tl. .\ programme oi music featuring students of the RSAMI) \Voodvv ind Department.


I Lunchtime Recital: Ian Smith King's Buildings. (ilass Arcade. School of Agriculture. l'niver'sit} of Iidinburgh. Mayl'leld Road. (v50 5772. l.()5pni. (‘lassical guitarist Ian Smith performs a programme to include vvorks b_v Munro. Ytk‘oh and Ponce.


I Music in the University: Barbara Downie and Claire Haslin (ilasgovv l'niversitv (‘oncert Hall. l'niversitv Avenue. .330 40‘)2. I.I0: 2pm. The violinist and pianist perform a programme including Strav inskv 's Store Ito/(wine and Prokoliev ’s Sonora .\'o 2. I BBC SO Thursday Night Series (3i!) llttlls. ('andleriggs. .353 SHUT). 7.30pm. £‘)»—£2l.50. Young Israeli maestro Ilari Volkov. \) hose Beethoven performances vvith the BBC SS() have

caused quite a stir. novv conducts them in the I run ii lot the first time Sibelius~ \rolor (1 mi ( Ito vvrtlt legendaiv violinist lvr_\ (iitlis can onlv add to the cscrtement Belore the concert tlietc \\ill be a discussion starting .rt 6 715pm al‘olll the antrheio in music itree to in kct llilltlel‘sl


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart 250: Piano Concerto ll (‘)llt't'll‘\ llall. (.lt'tk Silt‘t‘l. “(‘5 :lll"

mlint LN L23 50 lo the second ol the \lo/ait l’iarro ('oncertos series. co directors l’iotr \iiders/evvski and -\le\arrder .lamc/ek present tvvo ol the great concertos rtrvtaposed vvith the iieo classrcism ol Strav mskv Ills ltidiiig his I’ll/It/tilllr'll Univ. a piece inspired lvv Tltlc'lbs [front/i Ii/no: ( I'Ht ( 1:.) \u \‘

Friday 24


I Lunchtime Concert: Hebrides Ensemble RS \.\Il). loo ls’eltlievv Street. ‘32 505" lpm t" \lllslv lrom one ol the most original \t‘llll‘t)\t'l\ lr'oirr the last ceritiirv. Maurice ls'avcl. as vvell as rtevv vvor’k loi prarro trio Iroiii RS.\.\ll) cotriposrtion student ls’oss

.\lc( 'r'ae.

I RSAMD Youthworks Music Prize Competition RS.\.\ll). loo l\’t'llllt'\\ Street. {32 505" 6pm l-iee. ticketed Young plan-rs take part in the Nail (‘hr'rstie Mcrirorral l’ri/e (‘orrtpetition loi Strings and the ( iilbeit Imiess I’r'r/e (‘tnllpc‘llllnll it)! lllass

I North Ayrshire Council: Flagship Concert Roval ('oliceit Hall. 2 Sauchielrall Street. 353 8001) (lions and orchestras lrom across the I'L‘g'lttll coine ltrgt‘lllt‘l it) ct‘lt‘lualt' It'll _vear's ol North '\'\I\llllt' council

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart 250: Piano Concertos 2 (it) llalls. ('andler'tggs. 353 Sill)“ 7.30pm. L") (2|.50 See Thu 2;


illpm lj”


I Edinburgh Friends of the RSNO: Prokofiev’s Quintet Si ('iiihheii‘s (lunch. 5 l.othian Road. 0| 506 Sl I *I ' I2. I 5pm. L5 lL'l ). .\ chance to meet members ol the RSV) and hear their) lk‘l'lttl'lll relasing music vvhrle helping to raise limds lor the l-r'ierids' sponsorship ol kev orchestra [)l;l}c‘l\

I Lunchtime Recital: Charles Wooler Mclivsan llall. Br‘rsto Square l.l0pm. Tree at door ()rgaoist ('lrarles \Vooler pet'lor‘lns vvor‘ks Irv (i Ives. Higgins. \Vhrtlock. .\l.r\vvel| l).ivres and Stanford.

I Edinburgh University Chamber Choir('r'arrrorrd Kirk. 'l he .\l.riise. ('r'arrrond (ilebe Road. 2. 30pm L5. laric von lbler conducts the choir in a perlormarice ol music bv Bach. lassus and Mar) Queen ol Scots

I RSNO: American Icons l sliei llall. I.othian Road. 228 I I55 7. itlpm -

U3 L" 30. (iarr'v \Valker' leads the RSV) ()rchestra. (‘liorus and Junior (hours in a provocative programme lrom America that spans the vvor'lds ol pop and c't)lllc'lltpi)l';tl') classical and Hit ltltles ('opland's li’r/lv the [vol Sin/r and lilliltgloil's llrll'lr’lll.

I Brahms Violin Sonatas l’olvvaiih I’arish (lunch. 36 l’olvvarth Terrace. 667 84I7. 7pm. £7 it5/t2). The second recital in series b} violinist llcctor Scott and Julia Lurch on piano leatures Brahms alongside eas} listening pieces b_v likes of Vivaldi. Kreisler and Dvorak The hour long lorniat follovi ed bv tea makes this ver} suitable lor children and litiilllles.


I RSNO: American Icons Ro};tl ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l.3r£30. See l'rI 2-1.

I Silk Mountain RSAMI). lot) Rerifrevs Street. .332 5057. 7.30pm. £8