
Events are listed by city, then I ORAN MOR ' :w I I u - 2- The Maimed Woman (La Dona alphabetically by venue. Dance M‘I H 5 I 'II‘III \\< \IvIH R" *1 i "5"” \Z 6 ' -'v -‘ '~» Manca O Barbi-Superstar) I ~ events are listed after theatre. A may, a Pie 3- .3 Pint: \I t ' ~ H \. « submit listings at leas‘ ten days Conversations in Havana I I I“ \.;' TRAMWAY ' I \_ -,\ before publication to I" II‘I‘ I "’I‘I" 3'" I'M» "’IW II \ " " II" l‘ A ' I - ~ -\\ Listings “"'" \I’I‘“ I ""”~'I“fi -‘ ""‘I “I M \\ \ M I _ I' are compiled by Rachael Street. I .IIIII \IMUIII :II \IIIIIIA am! ,' .zIIII II SETUP I ._ I w‘y'r -~ -'~ “hum I ;- " :u " w w n " I TRON THEATRE APlay,aPie&aPint: Burns on \~ ~v:~"II-I I I*- ' x I. a ~V I the Solway \InI. ‘n M: ‘\ I.-I~ mum ' I\'. II. -' I . The Leningrad Siege !- . a \ - t G I IIII‘III fI'I \III‘IIIIIJI'III‘} II~.;'I\' :VII'»_:IIn" l' ' ' I '~ \~- \ " ' ~ .IIIII [\I.'\‘.‘.II‘.'IIIi .IIIII'IIII\'( / 1L4” /. w' r- " " IIw " III \; ' I I 25 SOUTRA PLACE One of our Ain IIm ,‘ ¥ A I :: ‘L I “w 24 Preludes by Chopin 8. Chorale I - In” \ ("LIIIIIIII I .let'IIInIm: RSI Niil i' {Hpm 9_ IH \unim Hurrah \ ;\I.:. I 2' ‘1 I .'I‘ ;";\'I H 2" U .I \ s a Home Glasgow \.II _‘< A \IIII .‘II I'I'II \'\IIIl|I\'\ I\\|I\‘\ nI IIIIIII III‘ Ix I :Ii‘. \I I 'n» .': 17‘? 1*: I! \ Heid I x ‘x I n x. .x i NIIHII A hpm I la" Inl IIII‘ Inns .II‘IIIL IIHII_ III.IIi.IIIL' III; E‘IIII .mwu I\.II‘. prx q If .m III "mm: x H W M I‘v g 1‘ II v .I\'..IIII‘iI I.IlllI\II HI iIlI' \.IIIIIII.II iiik'.liik' HI IIII' iII\.I[‘II\‘.II.III\I III .IIIII" 'IIIIIH HI I". l I .‘ 'I' II ' x ..I . \Ig ‘3 I ' I" nI \\HIIJIIII, Inlm IIII.III\ [mm-1m Ile (’n.III\IIII:'I‘ L'III \IHII.I \IIIII-Iwuv “.1 Ir. /’ ' ".4. /v w I I .v a w v » lIIIIIIIII' IIIII'IIIII‘IAIIHII nI IInIm' III .III I.\ A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Six and a VI'I’ I e \I I \Inn'_\ Inxwi lentk mun IIII' \Ih IIII\ I\ Tanner \Inn .‘q IvII \.:I 1\I.I: \\ El Jardi lnexistent I I; ‘\ I pH \ " \I ;~ .I: .III HIIIIIHHI III‘IIUIIIIJILI' \n III.II.I‘ \lIlt' \IIHII IIIt'.III\' Imxc \‘.IIIII'II In InI .‘.IIII‘I ' ‘I’I‘III ?\ 4!». I i'IIII .‘IIIII‘I.I"~ IIMIIM How to Kiss (Your Lover) |' \- \IIII‘II-IIII-xxt-IIInI IIlI‘<I\\.I\IHII.lII(I Ix’nm IIIIII:'\\.III.I_~IIIIIII;IIIv. IIemI “Inmt .II.!III". :1 \ |-'::;~n L\I,~ \;~v' H '1~ m -r \H \'\[H'\I In In- \I.I//Ik'li II} IIle \HIIII‘IIMIIHII II.I\III.III /' \.. /. .I ‘Iwrr I. I I I‘ _. ‘\-« I

nI .II\\I'|I1II‘.‘. (Iantv .llItI liw IIIIII


I \\"A \le‘t'I. \\i' IIIIII \\( \I

38% \wxlv \Im-I. II\ 'II ,‘ III '\’_‘x I\\( _ How to Kiss (Your Lover) \\uI

“\I - II‘I\ N 1“pm {\I‘ In \III'I .I\«'II~|IIIIIIII

Ouarrel in a Far Away Country .II III; Inn-m- I.le .mhmm. IIII-Jm-

\\ml .‘7 .\ III“ 3‘ II'II i' Wpin H) II, II ()Im'kln iI‘IlIIII \‘.IIII IIII‘II \IIIIIIIIIII'IIII‘.‘

\cu \\nIL IInIII \\iIIvi \Ikkl \\IIII'II‘L'I nmx \I\II.II I‘Il‘lilh IInII, .I III.“ II InIIu-IIx

Ullkt‘llllll‘.‘ .III \IIII'IIIJII'x IIIII In IIIt' III\I‘\II‘.'.IIIII'.' [I.I\\IIIII .mII III-\Ilm Hun III

(VI-(II Ix’vpuhln In tI|\\('\k'I IIk‘I I.IIII|I\ Ax Inn-Ix~ II'I.IIII|II\IIII‘\. Impuqu In I‘m I


IIlIIII\ Mirage IIIlI \I.:I ' *lIIIm {X I! I. \III.I I\’.I|.II.IIII II'IIIIII\ In I’.:I\II‘-. \II\


I I‘)(inII\.II\ SIIH'I. 37" (III)? II’. II. I I. \I.III\(' .IIIII II\\‘ IIIlI\I\ \‘. [III .I InIII II nI

\\(‘.\\\| \III\.II|IIH'I\

Romeo and Juliet Im- _‘,I. Him

3‘ \'.II 7* I \‘II .\ Im' 38 I III. \\nl I .\ I RAMSHORN THEATRE

IIlll .‘ \I.II ItnIIIIIIIu'xIHIIII5.11 I \I.III ‘Ih IIIL‘IJIII \III'I'I. N‘.‘ ‘13” II’. \\(

7 NIpm IS.” 75 il'I‘ HMI 3 Winn niII} I. \\ \. \\ \ \I

I)? III II: VI |IIc('III/cn\' IIII'JIH‘ Volpone \Inn _‘n \.II Iw " me

('nmlmny kit‘kx nII .‘IIIIh \\IIII Ln UNI? IV \II.II|II‘I\III' IIII-JIII-

.\|I.II\I'\|\I'.III'\ LIIt' .II‘UIII 111nm nI \I.ll (iinup [‘I‘IIHIIIh Iit‘ll III|I\HII\ \\‘IIICII‘.

tlH\\t‘II Inwix' .Iml IIII‘II \t‘npclnl \t'I III IHIII I I'IIIIII\ \t'lih t' .II‘HIII IIII'

LIIIIIIII‘x IIIIIII\'\\ i'It'I'tI nI \nlpnm' III; I n\'

Passing Places I IIIII $3.: I.\ II-Iw

Hipm Uv II M (iI.l\_L'H\\ ('nllcfgt' nI I ROYAL CONCERT HALL

\illlllk'di \‘Iudlm pcnlnrmx \It'pln‘n _‘ \IIII IIII'IMII \III-I'I. 5‘ \IIIIII II’. II.

(iit't'nhnin'x III\II|I\ Ilt \\l‘iI|\II Inlul Imp \\ ( C \\ \I

Mk: III \\IIIt‘II Iiimn and \Im Inuul InI Derek Acorah ilIt' .‘I I\ \\I'II ‘.‘ I uh

I hurm \\IIII Inml _L'.lllj._'\lt‘l\ nn IIIt'II I.III " z(Ipm LI“ iII I/m/ III/mm ./\ \IIIIII

Blood Wedding 'I II“ Ih Sal IX. \\ul IIII‘IIIIIIII min-x Inx Imxln .II \IIII\‘. nn Inn:

33 (k S.” 35 i't'I‘ Immmum unul S.” 1 Apollo Players: Sentimental

.\I.iiI " iIIpIII I3 LII IN (“I In .1 Journey \un \‘Is I ch {IIIIIII 9 I I I. IN

IIIIIII}: rnmplcmcnl In A’n/m n um/ .IH/lt I. In \\"It‘I‘lilit' IIII‘II IIIIII .IIIIII\«'I\.II_‘. IIII‘

I'I'II Ililglim' Il.lIl\IilIIUII nI lIIt' t‘I.I\\II \pnIIn I)Iil_\t'I\ lunch! .I ‘,'.II.I |II|I\It .II

I nuni ImI Ill\t'\ Ihc UllfJIIlilI IilIt' .iImuI .i Imuc. II'.IIlIIIIIfJ IIIK' Ix'xl nI l nIIIInII'x

Innlc \\Iin mm mm} \\ IIIl IIic \HII nI Iiit‘ \\cxl I IIII .IIIII IiIn.III\\.I\

t'nvim IIIIIIII}. \\IIII Illlght‘x pnclu

\t‘ll\lI‘IIIllt'\ I RSAMD

Shots from Across Town I'hu Inn RI-nlmx \Iln'l. N.‘ \IIV III. \\(1

In SJI IN it'I‘, “30pm. H IIQII Shan \\ -\I

i'clkuiwd imilmgx I») mcIIIIX'Ix nI IIIt' Step into my Shoes I II I" i\' \.II I\

m'\\l_\ t‘l'mImI (III/cm. Ynung: ('n I‘I'II iIIpm IS.” um ilmn In I III \II

Berkoft’s Women “MI I .\I.II'. f Winn. mum”); nI Illll\I\.lI IIImlII‘ \.III.II\'I IIHIII H3 IL'i til I “kid .\I.u|n\\c\ tit'I‘llI \nln IIII‘ |\’\' \\II) \nIIIImnIkx III.IIII‘I \IIIIII'III\ \hnxx mplnicx III-Iknll'x Icumlt' lUIt‘\.

Lining; l\\llt‘\ nI \t'nxlmlil}. I'cwnuc. I SECC

lmlhnx. Innclmmx .ImI IIllIIIHllI i'IlIlIIL‘\lH|I ()Imx. II.\ ‘II IIIII IIIIIII II’.

Diatribe of Love Hm I XI.” ’7 Winn \\('. \\ \I '

(I3 IL'SI. I IIIIIJ \I.ii'|n\w \I.ll\ .l\ InncI} Lord of the Dance III .‘I \Im .‘h

\\IIL‘. (il'dt'lk‘IJ. III IIII\ .uI.IpI.IIInn nI Ilu' I ch. I'II .k \‘II 5pm 15.” nml .‘ iIIpIIn.

nan II} (LII‘I‘IcI (Luna .\I.uquc/ Sun mph] [3* Li.“ *II \x \w ‘I\\.III IIIC \pIII .iiII\.II nI \ih'I I |.II|t-} \ |I\‘\\

I GILMOREHILLG12 \Iln\\. (‘r ll/I //;w I IIt'It'.\ .I \'II.lII\\' In

‘I l'imcixil} \\cnuc. HI! 5533 |\\ ( ', \‘IIt‘II II|\ pcn'nnmII} pnpul.” I!I\II mim-

\\}\| k‘\II.l\.If_‘.III/.l

Bent l'IIIII I'I'l I‘I-I‘I\.”.1IIpIII, U U. I*.I|\c Ii\pct'l.illnn\ pcrInimx IIII\ InII'Im- I THEATRE ROYAL

(II‘IIIIMJI‘UIII III\‘\II’II}1_L‘ICUI IIUIIIchulJlx _‘.\.‘ IIan‘ \III'I'I. ii.“ ‘IIIIIH III. \\ ( '.

In I‘HIIx (icmmny It‘k'll\llI_‘_' nn nm‘ \\ \I

Indnnlual. iilk' I'I.IIIII\n_\.mI \I.i\ George’s Marvellous Medicine l’nlil S.” I.\' I t'I‘ Scc anx II\IIII_‘_‘\

I KING’S THEATRE The Witches of Eastwick Im-

I‘I—I BJIII Slrt‘cl. 3-3” I | | I III. \\('. \\ \I .‘I .\.II 3* ik'I‘ me I IIIlI I\ \II III.II

Summer Holiday l'nIII .\.II I.\ I ch 3 Inpnn L\ LII I’.u\|I-_\ \Inm .II .anI

7. Winn ISnI lll.|l SKIIIHIII {Ii LI" I'Iic ()pcirmt \m It‘I_\ plcxcnlx IIII\ \I.I§.'v

I )I'lt‘ (‘IlII‘ [\L‘IIUI'IIH IIII\ IU.I\I IIII‘ \L‘l\lill] HI ‘Inhn I'luhkk-K nint‘I .II‘HIII

llIlI\I\'.II Ilml \\‘I\ .i I‘lf.‘ I‘Nfi IiIm IIll In: W Em This DaVId Greig play for young

lhc nI'ingI Ixichclni‘ Im}. (‘IIII RIt‘IIJHI Check people was originally produced for the Tonight’s the Night \Imi III I‘vh 8.” Scottish Children's Festival a few years back. It certainly warrants a ‘1 M‘” “M Mm" “‘“II'” '5‘” ""” revival. The tale of a medical practitioner and author of children's

3.30pm); I‘ri nnI\ 5.10pm t\ 8.45pm . . . . . “5 U: (Nuclle “h “L.” HM“ stories and hIS struggke against a NaZl bureaucracy in the Warsaw

\mmi up mm; iqu |\ nnc nI Inx mni'c _ V ghetto, this moving piece is soon to be taken on an international tour by mmnxircmn prmlucimm .l t‘t‘IL‘IH'JlInII U ;‘. ~ ' m Dundee Rep. Catch it before it leaves. nI RUti SIMMII‘I'x gi'txilcxl IIIIx w -' ' ~ I A' " ,V '. l', :'

~ ' THE LIST 87