release its Project l-‘usion sports underwear range which iises e- textile technology from l’olar to monitor heart rate. speed and distance. The fibres in the sports bras and men's vests pick up electrical impulses from the heart and transmit them hack to a display. Adidas is incorporating sensors into its footwear. too. with its l.l (U75) running shoe. lt iises a sensor and a mici‘oprocessor to ensure ail‘ cushioning always remains at an optimum level. Nike has also been experimenting with intelligent sportswear. and has created the Sphere React line. which adapts to physiological changes of the wearer. By maintaining an enclosed air space within the garment. the body is able to regulate its own temperature and the fabric draws perspiration away from the hody to the garment surface.

Beyond sportswear. creative minds have been having fun with more unusual applications of" the technology. such as using Bluetooth to send somebody a remote hug. Product development lah ('ute(‘ircuit has come tip with a range of concepts such as the llug Shirt. and dresses which change length or pattern according to the

wearer's movements or the time of

day. .lenny ’l‘illotson. a research fellow at (‘entral St Martins (‘ollege of Art. has coined the term ‘scerrtsory" technology for the

research she is doing into

aromatherapy and fashion. ller

Smart Second Skin l)ress Uses

therapeutic smell implants.




It is this more exuberant use of technology that interests Sii/anne Lee. In her book I’uslir’imriig I/H’ Future: 'Iomm'mii”.v Him/robe. she explores emergent technologies with a view to predicting the trends of' the future. While clothing can be functional. ‘at the heart of' fashion lies escapism'. she writes. From spray-on fabric to transparent clothing with downloadahle camouflage options. there is a wealth of technology already waiting for mainstream applications. Whether or not these technologies ever reach our wardrobes. the safest prediction is the merging of disciplines themselves. with garments and technology serving multiple functions. But. warns 'l‘or halite-tech fashion to become part of our lives. it will have to transcend functionality. and enhance our experiences.~

Fashioning the Future, published by Thames and Hudson, is out now, priced £29.95

CONSPIRACY THEORY Not sc much a websue. as a .weh vuiiiour. and one that 18 span-ailing plenty of great discussion all Over the internet. .'.73t:l".i;f Or not it's true. bin/rotd-mb/ read: 65731



WE O KATAMARI (Namco) 0000

This game of iher

.Jartanese cuteness, it; destined to he a riiastnx'e cult hit, And you can see why from the infuriatingl', huriiriiahle Tokyo pop soundtrack ithat .‘.’lll stay lodged in your hiain for llOl rsi to the ‘."/l.'lfi()lll(:. ahsurdly sell referential humour. The original Kata/hair Darriar‘y was never released in Europe hut was a great success in Japan and a huge import hit. llie utterly unique premise is that you roll around your katamari. which If; has‘ically a huge sticky hall, picking up more and room ohiects until it reaches the desrred size Within the time limit. The core of the game l“) srrriple yet delightful. but it's the pr—zriplierals that make this a real if”. Even the Iflfslfllt,ll()lit, are more like a kids' stop, hook. Eccentric Japanese huriiour runs through every aspect of the game and its totally hi/arre story of the King of all Cosmos; and the prince who does l‘if, dirty .york.

the ultra cute pastel shades. angular. overly hright graphics; and irrepressiibly perky Vihe can't help but grate after extended play. But this is jtlSl sheer fun —~ nothing more. nothing less and if that's not what gaming should he ahOut we don't know


(Nintendo) .00

this. rim , ‘t. ‘ee! time! the vorivepl of

irini nation" Is it .yhat you lot ik ior in entertainment If so tl‘en Marie ('2 1 till,"

P inner. in lane l‘i guaranteed to drive ,ou mental lhere .s Elllt)()ltllt:ly nothing whatsoever here that hasn't heen done hefore. It IS an extension of Mario a l uig/ Superstar Saga and all that it; good ahout it comes from [if(?i;lfi(fl~,' the things; that are good ahout that single title. But it you feel that


originality is over rated then this wrll surt you down to the ground hecause Superstar Saga was a cracker. A hit of platform action, a hit of RPG adventuring and that unmistakeahle ,et .veirdly ethereal Nintendo riiagir; makes llllf; a erer little addition to their haridheld's catalogue. Sr, now much you eriloy llllf) prohahly depends on whether you’ve played fulfil. : Superstar Saga hefore and/or how much novelty you really want in your gaming But the chorce between sparklineg fresh col0urfu| fun and reassuringly familiar colourful fun is not actually such a bad choice after all. now is it? (lain Dawdsonl

gunman... S ---- ah...—


STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR (Lucasarts) 000

ill ~h_ this. .i ' .ri ftiirg Arrow: the, dial! say ‘riiixeii'. .‘s‘fa' liars: gaining catalogue. the strategy titles have lliltfll t‘fl llltr. ‘xl‘illi ‘.‘.t nah 'i rat“ ‘iltlt‘ f'riririi .r.’ 1111' ri-i’tifiet; tliit; ‘ildllt‘y‘dlill, [llil‘dllllli] a fun Heal limo- f‘ltrate ~ 3. game that iii isitiyel‘, reeks of .‘Jfar liars All the fariiiliar ‘lllltlfi. troops, worlds. l.ll es. Weapons, haddief. and goodies are present and correct, set around Hayride VI: A M in Hopi (:ilflllmhjll‘; try hard to keep you playing hut ithere had to he a hut) hecauue ot the fairiiliaiity and rigii lll‘, of the source material. customisation is iiiipossihle, meanii: ; that tactics are set h, the liriiited unit seleitii ill in each mission Each army must he l);ilari<,s:d. and. along Wllll rather disjointed ground haue’t maps. this makes each hattle feel .‘lf; though it", heen pro prepared hy the 'leyeli iper l or man, Star ‘.‘/ar:; fans llll'i '."./|ll he an lff‘:lf;‘/£lllf,f:. the sheer exmtement of launching TIE {lfiéilfl‘d X-Wing or Snowspeeder against AlAl making up for any paucity of strategic options. Brit for those who are looking for a cracking RealTirrie Strategy game. Empire at War sadly rriiz,ses the exhaust port h, a Bantha hair.

llain Davrdson;

.- The home 'for the sophisticated -,-. study of comic books and

graphic novels' on the wet). Great for news. info and serious dlSCUSSIOfl when it comes to sequential art.

102 THE LIST .7943 v1.3' Q‘Z‘CC‘