I Genetic .1t (‘ttith (’ltih llptn @11111 l‘t'ee helnte I I lllpin. £i .1ltei \\eek|} Still .1 might} pnpul.1t \HHL'C th.1t \llt|\'-L.t\t‘\ .1ite1n.1t1\e. indie .111d In It \n \lllllhlllfj .1t the h.1t. tnind

I Glenfiddich lndependent Mix .11

('11h.'11et \'n|t.1tte hpin K1111 ‘5 U1 3 M.” lhe (ilenliddtth .\11\ 1x h.1ek. higget .tlltl llt'llt'l liltttl llL'lttlL' (lllllt'\ l’t'lt'tvtlt \Hll he hmtinu llttx edtttnn \kllll h.1ek 11p lintn .lne \Lllt'l\Hll ()udttet. |.1\e\11enee\. \l.1| l'ngdit} .111d. nl \(‘lll\k'. the lintihle l).l\

I Karnival.1t (‘.1h.11e1 \nlldttt'

llptn inn ‘5 tltee helnte 111111111‘1ht. £i .1lte11 ‘) .\l.11 .\exx night lni the (‘.1h pinnnxtnj: tn indulge 'e\e1} ple.1\uie. e\e1} \111' 'l he 111.1111 11111111 1\ .1 \1111111th hlend nl IN .1111! IR hnuxe linni .\l.1tt1n \'.1le11t1ne. .\texe \\.111|e\\. R}.111 lxlhx .111d .\ltke l’tnkeitnn .\11_\thtn;_' jgnex 111 11111111 Inn \11th the l‘,tlltlllltlj_'ll S11111h11 \ehnnl. |)l)|’lp.1111|ll Sidexplux111.1211'111t1thtx .ttttl lltl\lk'\\t'\

I Kombustion .1t Suhud} ("nu 3;.1te llptn {11111. £2. lh .\l.11 \ nieht nl h.111l 1|11nee 11. 1th hie.tkhe.tt. teehnn 11nd h.111lenie tnlluenee»

I Nowhere .1t lxggn. llptn i11n1 £i

.\l111 lilht'tl nn the e\et eh.1n;;1n;_' \exx \nik eluh \eene \\ 1th .1 1 1111111 th.1t'\ .1\ eeleette 11\ the lllll\lt‘ |)e1.1_\ lind. I).l .\ltehelle. the l'unki l)t\.1 .1111! IH Ynnh le11tute.

I Shit Trinket .11 \\ee Red l£.11.

Ill. illpin K1111. £1 t£i1 |(1.\l111. laeleetie ;t\ the} get \1 ith e\e1'_\tl11ng_' lt'nni.\hh11tn the Ye11h Ye11|1 \edhx 11nd /.1pp11. lintn S11I111\ lien.

I The Snatch Social 11t the l.lt|tlltl Runni. llptn i11111. £5. \Veekl} ('nnted} e11pet'xl1nn1 H1111} .\111\\\n1't|1 111111111111 (‘111‘te1' 111 llll\ eheek} e11h111'et euin dtxen. litthex 11nd 'l'iend} \Venth tn1nnthl_\ 1'e\11let1ti\11pp|} |11p l1np.1111| lunk} tune» ('heek \ntitehxt1e111l.entt1 lni innie inln.

I Souled Out .1t ()p11I l.nun;:e.

Illpin i111n £3. \Veekl}. l‘l’ttlll .\lnltmn tn .\nithein Snul |.enn l'..1\tet'. .\tek \\'111\1111 11nd .\l1t\te1‘('1111‘dtnt1 1'nt11t1nnt pin\ 1de lnt' thnxe llt't‘tl\. .1d1hng: .1 d11xh nl hnuxe .1\ the night gnex 1111.

I Spies in the Wires 111 (‘11h111et \'n|t1111‘e. I lptu 311111. £~1 t£i1. l(1.\l111‘. .\lte1'11ti111111p|111nt \ldl‘l |11xt tunnth Spiex 111 the \Viiex ietut'n \\llll 11 in e \et the 11nd 11 DJ \et ll'ttlll Snnx 1k |)1tug_'htet\. l’indueed 111 ennntnetinn \\ llll Hit [.11].

I The Spring Equinox 111 the Hungn ('Iuh. Illpin 311111. l'iee, lh .\l11i. Beltane l‘it'e Sneiet} eeleht'11te the \piing; e1|11i11n\ \\ ttli |i\ e h11ndx tlt'tllltlltt‘l'\ 11nd |).l\.

I Surgical Steel 11t ()ptutn. Illptn 311111. lit‘ee. \Veekl}. l’ull nn 111et11| ;t\\.tllll,

Edinburgh Fridays


I Alternanthem 111 ()pttlltl. lllpnt 311111. l't'L‘L‘. \VL‘L‘kl}. Night (ll t'ttt‘k illltl 11lte1'1111t1\ e 1tnthetnx.

I Badaboom 11t .\l11\\.1. lllpin 3.1111. £5. \Veekl}. 'l‘he hext 111 ennin1etet1tl lx’tkli 11nd urh11n liekx nith guextx linn1 l\t1'111tt1d R111lin l thing iti lnt'tt1ightl}.

I BassTrap Productions Present Roni Size 11t the linngn ('luh.

lllfiltpin 311111. £ltl. Ill .\l111'. Sentldnd‘x pieiniei tlt'tlltl & h11\\ \1‘\\11111 l\ intned h_\ lllt‘ lt‘gt‘tltlttl'} Rttlll Sl/L‘ int 1! I” \L‘l. See piex iex1. page fit).

I Blaze 11t lign. llptn i11111. £5. 3 Mn l‘ni'tntghtl}, Ill .l1nne\ l.nn;_'\\nt'th ignite\ the 3:11} \\ eekend \11th .1 eh111't .111d l11nk§ hnuxe \nundtidek.

I Cult 11t P11 .\11 .\'.1. lltpin 311111. £25” helnie l lptn; £5 11lte1‘. \Veekl}. l).l \ikkt 11nd l't'1endx dig; tip the 111') hext 111 lunk. tllu‘ll. Rtkli. littlht'. hll\t‘ll t'l.l\\lt‘\ itlltl p11it_\ .111111x 11t llll\ ennl 1l1111eel’I11111' 11111\h

I DISCOntent .11 \\'ee Red H.111 Ill..‘~tlpn1 3.1111. £3. 3 .\l111', 'l‘he hext 111 eleett'n 11nd pnxt-punk \\1t|1 hxe niuxte lintn ()lili. l).111111 Sl1.1111e\. .\l.1t1\‘.1th .\lilk. Sndiutn Nighthle .111d I‘le l’np \ (Kile de 'l‘11p.

I The Essential Selection After Party at Ocean ’l'et‘n1in11l. ‘ll‘ltl 311111. £l5. lll .\l111'. Big n11n1e hnuxe p11it} lintn the

34 THE LIST f '131‘.'..1'.‘”t*

We Are . . . Electric is rapidly becoming the best midweek

club in town (if not Scotland) and getting yet another top guest, MANDY, further cements its reputation. Forming in Frankfurt MANDY (AKA Patrick Bodmer and Philipp Jung) absorbed the German house and techno of the time and went on to launch Get Physical Music.

.1!1'.L.1‘/l’1,‘. 1'1."1 1:. (/111).t1"'. .1t..1.”'..’1.”.111’1l’

lnlkx11t R11d1n l ht‘nught 11111111 h} the littlk ttl l’l'ttgt'L‘\\lttlt. l’L‘lt‘ 'l‘tlth' .Itttl Stew .\ngelln inek the 11111111 11111111. \\hi|e Seninux H.11i 11nd (i111'eth Snunnen ille |1e11dline the /.111e h111’ 111th plent_\ nl lne.1l \ttpptn't. See pi'e\ ie\\, page it),

I Evol111 the liquid Rnnni

lllfillpin 311111. £5. \Veekl}. ladinhutgh'x lnngext running: indie night. \Vtth the u\1111l 111i\ nl the hext euit'ent 11nd el11\\1e 11hein11ti\ e. t'l‘tt\\tl\ ei tunex. 1t\1111 inxtitutinn.

I Fimbulvetr 111 the |’le;1\;1nee (‘11h111et H1111 ‘lptn 311111. £3. lll .\l111'. .\lnnthl}. |)111'k .1111hient. tlltltl\ll‘l;ll. 11en>lnlk. nen t‘l;l\\lt‘;tl. pnxt—i‘nek.1lnntii 11ndnthe1‘ hl11eke1' th11n hl.1ek |llll\lL';ll geniex.

I Four Corners 111 the lintth (‘Iuh Ill..‘\llpii1 511111. £5. 3 .\l111'. Big; Bent 11nd |)ep.1t'tuie |.nunge lnin lnieextnunle1txh the 1111ght§ l-‘nui (‘nineh l'ni the he\t 111 \ltlllL'L'liltltll' |1t// .ttltl glttltttl gt'tttnt‘x

I A Hard Days Night 111 Suhwn (‘nn g11te. ||pn1 i11n1. £3. i .\l111'. l’nitnightl}. 'l‘he |1111neh nl the Suhxxd} \ ne\\e\t 11lte1'n.1ti\ e night nl 1nd1e. \nttl 1tt11l1'nek'n‘inll.

The Hellfire Club .11 the ('.11e\. ‘lllllt 311111. £(1 £8. Ill .\l.11. The Penn} l)ie11dlul\piexent11111ghtn! \'1etni1.111 deh11uel1e1'_\. \\ 1th 1111 1111dnuhtedh gnnd \nund tt.1ek ltntn the 'linuhle eiexx. h\ e 1.1//.e11‘e11\.1et\.1ndnthet deh.111ehe1_\ I Jackhammer .11 \‘tt1d1n It. Ill..‘\tlpi11 311111. £lti, _1.\l.11. lhe teehnn night h.1\ lin.1ll_\ lntitid .1 ne\\ tltnpelttil} petnt11nent1hnnie11nd tn get thtnp \ltll'lt‘tl lllL'} ll.l\L‘ \L‘t‘lll't‘tl lllL‘ l;tlt‘lll\ til l.nndnn teehnn gnd Hen Stinx.

I Late Nite Groove .1t the .l.1// [$.11 midnight 311111. £5, \Veekl). Regular

l‘t‘ltld} night ltltll\\lt;t\;tj_'.tlt/1t 111th |1\e h.1nd\11111| l).|\.

I Love Train .1t ('1t_\: l'.tlllll‘lll_‘_'ll

llptn 311111. £7 \Veekl}. lillllll\(i11ltl t.1ke\ 11x nn 11 ln\111;_'. ehee\_\ innine) thinugh diwn.

I Misfits .1t Suhud} ('1111;_'.1te

llpiii 311111. £3. Ill .\l.11. l'nitntjxhtl} Indie. eleett'n. punk. inek 11nd iettn. le11tuitng_' 11 (‘|) \11.1p hn\ .111d ehe11p tll‘ittk\. lini innie 111lnel1eek llll\lll\tlllllllt't‘tlllh,

I Modern Lovers .11 let» Ilp111 ‘~.1111. £‘l helnte lltltlllllell. £(1.1lte1 i .\l.11 .\ ptHl'llthlt‘l'llhl 1111\ nl xnul 11nd lunk. 1.1//. \k11.p.1111ee11ndpnehepinxtdedh} t'L‘\ltlL‘lll\ (1.11:: .111d \li l)1\1ne l‘tll tnnie 111ln eheek 111ndet'nln\eixenuk

I Nuklear Puppy .1t lxen lllpin K1111 Ul‘t'. ll).\l1tl'. RL'\l\lL'lll\ .l.tvllt (dHlC/ .llltl I’hil \nik keep the h.11'1l d1111ee ll.1§_' ll} 111;: 111 the e11ptt.1l.

I Planet Earth11t(‘1t1'11\('h1h

Ill.3ll11111 i11111. £5, \Veekl}. .\lthle lt'ntn Ill—(1 th1nug_'h tn NW 111'. 111 ntliet \\llltl\.1l he.1lth} dme nl punk. neu 11.1\ e. neu 1'1111111i1t1e.111deleet1npnp

I Solescience .11 (‘.1h.11e1 \'nlt.111e

Ill. zllptn i.1111.£51£‘1. lll .\l.11. l)e1l1e.1ted tn ht'ingine the hext nl undetetnundhnuxe.digtt.1l dixen .111d t1.1ekhe.1d mid \11th lt'\ltlt'lll\ \1.k \uil .ttttl Rnh .\l.1thiet.1k1nj_' n\et the limit .1“ Ill:_'lll hing:

I Soul Biscuits .1t (‘.1h.11e1 \‘nl1.111e

Ill. Illptn K1111 £" i.\l.11 ltix the lit111l lni then 111.1;111liee11t .\ll‘h11ttle Sn e\peet the hext lne11l t'}l1111ei\ .111d \tttttL' tnp hip hnp11etinn linin guext lttixl ()dixxee \xhn'x \1nt‘ked \11th the like\ nl .l11//} .lelt. 'l'11hh K11 eh .111d chem in lll\ tune.

I 33/45111 lieihn Hieihdux

l" 1Hpiii K1111 11 helnie 1111d111;_'ht. Ln .1ltet 1:1 111e111heixI 1\l.11 l).111111\e\\ \nultul itnuxe tinin lllx l enn l .1\te1. ,ln \l_\it‘\ .1tt1l \ttk \\.1l\1\tt

I Tokyo Blu .1t the \enue

lll :lll‘lll K1111 1‘ helnte 1111dn1eht. L‘ .1ltei 1‘51 1\l.11 Ihe l 1\e llnuxe \1'\\1nn\ .ni1t1nue.1\ the l1~k111lil11lllx 1ettitnxxiththe11eight p1e1eh.1ntl tn1 \nttte ttiiik}.1l1\t11. l .1t1n.t'hitdendnd eletttn tinged hnuxe

I The Venue Winter Olympics .1t the\e1111e Ill illpzn 1.1111 liee helnte 11111l111:ht. 1‘ .1tte1 ill \l.11 (hie nll

\[\'\ |.tl .l\ \1lll1‘ll\ lll\ ll‘t‘h ll‘l \t‘lllt' _-.'nld .1. l11\\ the hn.11d H.111 |il.1111| .111d it But; 111111pete 111 the htphnp.1111l1l111111 .\ l‘.t\\ t'\t‘lll. lllLlll l).\t‘ll/.ll1‘t‘h\l1\l :Jittlk 111 the j..'itine .111d elett1ne\e11t. \\tlll .l.t// t‘t'tN lt‘l .t lllt‘tldl Ill lllt‘ l‘lk'Jh‘ .111d 1'l1'1ltne\1‘ttt \\ 1th hnuxe. tet hnn. ll.lll\t' .111d duh .1t l1l\\ tun llnni\

I Welcome to the Latin Quarter .11 ll H.1111n ‘lpin K1111 U 61:31 \\eekl\ l.1t111. RAH. t|1.11t .111d [\tllk t1.1tk\d11ett linin \p.11n.1111l\nuth \111e111.1

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Bitch .1t |e\1nt lx’ne. l 111nn

lllptn R1111 ‘5 ll \l.1t (inlh 111;.‘ht 111th .1lte111.1t1\ e tunex p.1\t .111d pie\ent l1nt11 lue} ltit .1111II).11k\tnne\

I Diggity .1t the l'\l.ll‘ll\llltlt‘lll

lllptn R1111 £"1£§1 \\eekh I).| l'.1huln/. H.111} iI). Run .111d \l(' l’ltm getdnun \11tl1the11 h.11l \ehex. |1|.11111;' 1x1|11\t_\|e |\’1\ll. hip hnp .111d \tieet \nul I The .ll \Vt‘t‘ l\’t'tl lid]

llptn R1111. £51£11 \\eekl_\ Still the hext 1111\ nl indie. hllx e.11.1pe.tintthe111 \Hlll. \k11. "llx punk .111d 11e\1 11.11 e t1111‘11' llhk'l_\ lti \l.tj_'f.‘t‘l .lt‘tttxx .\ \\t'll ltt\1‘1l |ll\lllllllttll t|1.1t It'ltl\1'\ tn eh.1n;_'e

I Fever .1t hen llptn {.1111 Ht) 1 U tn 'l11\te tnenthetx helnte l I liptt1L£Nlnt 111e111hetx11lte11 l .\l.11 .\lnnthh l.1\te 111.1111xt11}\l-1\he1 1\' l’11ee.1nd.\l1nttn \11lent111e111enn the 11111111 llnnt \1l11le the \‘1xttnt 11ndK.111pu\\t.1ke.111.111}thtn;' ;_'ne\11ttitude 111 the ('nete.1u lntinee

I Fiesta Latina .1t 'Iex 1nt Rnn l‘ntnn 0. illpin 3.1111 £l5ll t£i Slit t .\l.1t l‘nt‘tniehtl}, Still 3411111): \tt'nnj: .1lte1 ten _\e;11\ nl \upphing the hext 111\.1|\.1. nieiengue. n111111hn .111d nthet l..1ttn t‘ll}llllll\ ennitex} nl l).l l’.1nehn\1nh .1 ltee 1l11nee e111“ ltnin the $.1lx11 ;\ng_'e|\ .11 l). illpin.

I Fish Fry .1t the .l11// H111. llptn i11ni l‘l't'L' l‘t'llllk' ll lllpltt; Li illlL'l. \Vt't'lkl} Senttixh 1.1//. lunk. \nttl .111d |,.1t1n h.1111|\ |ntn lil’lk i)‘\1k1n§: .1111l.\\t1nhn_\. l'unk) \k11. te§_'j_'1te11111l.\lt'n 111/l ltntn S1tl\11 (‘eltte11nll\hnnt Bah} lilt‘pllltllh 1.1 .\l111‘1 \titheinmedupemeix.1111lnite1111tlx lt'nn1 the l'lhlttlt l:\pe11et1ee t l I .\11111.

I Give it Some! .1t the Hnngn ( ‘Iuh llptn i11111. £-l helnte lllltlllllell'. £(111lte1. ll .\l.11. lunk. \nul. 111// 11nd 1‘111eg_'inn\e 1tt'e the ntdet nl the 11.1} with I).ll<ed(1 dntnj: lll\ hext tn tiie nut thnxe 1|11neinj: leet. l)een} R11} \eleetx 1e_1_'j_'.1e. \k11. ltitil\;tlltltllllllll 1111111111111

I Glitterballl11t .\111w1. ll). illptn i11111. £5 helnte midnight; £" .1ltei. l .\l.11. l,ne11l l1nuxe he11d\ .lnn .\l.1e1ni. Huge}. |.1\.1l.1ttl1.'\\nnd. Riek} Reid11t11|\\'111‘ne1' I’nn e1~ ptit the \p11ikle h11ek 111 111111

\\ L't‘hL‘lltl.

I JakN .1t the Venue. ll). illpin 411111. U1 t£51 II .\1111'. Rextdentx l‘uKrNu'l .111d Seknn/ .1ie lnined h} nne nl SputnK linext teehnn 111't1\t\. Suhxtult thxei. I’lent} nl dttnkx pininm 11nd liee 1111\ ('l)\ lttttltlt'tl (llll til lllt‘ L'tltl HI t'dL'll L'\ em I Joy1111he\'e1111e. llptn ‘~1tin. £3 helnte lllltllllL‘lll; £|ll11ltei ll .\l.11. l'p 11-1111t.diit} litittxe 341-1111101111 the 11111111 llnnilinn1.-\l11n1k .\l11;_'}_'1e Jn} 11nd Brett K1113; tn unrk _\nu up 1ntn11 l11the1‘nn the 11111111 l'lnnr. l’llh 'l'rend} \Vend) 11nd Sail} l'\ eheek} ltll\ nl \nul. lunk11ntleh111‘t in the 111m nxt111rx \uite.

I Liquid Soul 11! I’m N11 .\11.

lltptn 311111. B helnre I 111111; £(111lter. \Veekl}. (iet 111m 11 mil} lnr llll\