Jim Bowen: You Can’t Beat a Bit of Bully lhc (iat‘agc. 490 Sattchlchall Sttcct. 332 ll20. 7.30pm. £12 t£|0l. 'l‘hc llullu’w prcxcntcr lL'llll'llS u tth talcx ol llIS tottrnc} lrom humhlc lcachcr to kccpcr ol thc onc and onl} Bull}. Scc prcx icu. tilt '/-.

Jerry Sadowitz: More Card Tricks and Close Up Magic 'lron 'l‘licauc. (i3 'l'tongatc. 552 4207. 3pm. £l5 t£|2i. '.\'ot \uttahlc lot childt'cn or lllltg‘lc‘lttllS' It \a}\ oti thc poxtcr. \o c\pcct thc USlldl hlcnd ol HllL’ll\l\L' hantct and cunning trtckx. (i/(‘ly Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. l'(i(' Building. chlrcn Strcct. 03707 370707. 3pm. £ I 2. Scc Thu 9. although l’attick Rolmk takcx o\cr lrotn .\'ct| Mcl'arlanc on l'l'ltld} dc Saturday (i/(lz Lucy Porter 'l‘hc Stand. 333 \Voodltttidx Road. 0370 000 (i055. 3pm. U) t£3i 'l‘hc ltttlc lad} ol comcd} “om \Hlll morc charming litlcx. tilt'l‘.

Paul Merton‘s Impro Chums 'I‘hcatrc l<o_\a|. 232 Hopc Strcct. 332 0000. 3pm. £l5.50 £l‘).50. Tim 'I'\' comcd} l'a\ourilc and lllS cqualI} im cntii c chumx crcatc ldllglh lrom audicncc \uggcxtionx. tilt .In Sex, Chips and Ouzo St :\ndt‘c\\ '\ in thc Squat'c. St .-\ndt'c\\ '\ Sqttarc. 55‘) 5002. 3pm. U l t£‘)l. Scc 'l‘hu 3).

Susan Calman: Short Story lilacklriarx. 3t) licll Strcct. 552 5924. 3pm. £0. Stlxan ('alman dixcttxxcx thc pcrilx ol‘ hcing )titttig. tin} and lunn). (ilt'l-'.

Bruce Morton liltnt. .30 'l'rongatc. Mct'chanl ('it}. 5-13 I350. 3.30pm. £3 t£ti). (‘omcth \ctcran Morton lcawx thc coml‘ort ol hi\ Highland homc l0 tlL‘li\L‘t' lllix doxc ol‘ \crhal trickct'). tilt 'l".

Bumper Value Scotland vs England ('tlt‘lct'x. 2.50 200 li}t'c\ Road. 5.33 (i5l 1. 3.30pm. £0 (£5). Scott Agncu ctinl[X‘t'c‘S/t'c'lct‘ccx lltix ttgc old dchatc in thc ColllPdtl} ol' \i\ comcdiam. That’s thrcc l'rom cach tcam/natioti. tilt '/-. Raymond Mearns ('it} llall\. (‘andlcrigg\. 353 3000. 3.30pm. £3 t£(il. largct‘ tliati lilc cntcrtainmcnt l'rom thc multi-talcntcd .Mr Mcartix. (ilt'l-I

Toby Hadoke: Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarl’ ('it} llale ('andlcriggx. 35.3 3000. 3.30pm. £5. .-\ poigtiatit talc ol' ohxcxxion. ll'x ‘l'i'n-r I’itt'lt lor thc couch potato gcncration'. apparcntl}; tilt 'l-fl Four Men and a Little Lady lilttc‘kl‘l'itll‘S. 30 Bcll Strcct. .552 592—1. ‘).l5pm. £7 (£0). l’ctcr .»\itchixon. Patti l’it'ic and Kcir .\lc.-\l|i\tcr l't‘llL‘“ last )car'x lcstnal lortnat. \\ ith hpr l'rom .-\u\.\ic Ron an (‘amphcll and mini-maidcn SllSzlll ('alman. tilt ‘l’.

lmprobabble Comedy Players 8. Guests 'l‘lic Statc liar. I43 Holland Strcct. 332 2l5‘). 0.30pm. £5 (£4). Morc itnpro lun l'rom thc group \tarring Bill} Bonkcrx. l'ranccx Hcal}. Auxtin l.o\\ arid ('hrix lirootiilicld. tilt'l’.

Festival Club 2006 'l‘hc Stand. .333 Woodlands Road. 0870 000 (i055. l0.30pm. £ l0. Latc tiiglit laughx from a changing rota ol' lcxthal lillllilL‘S. tilt'l’. Late’n’Loud 2006 (‘it_\ llttllx. ('andlcriggx, 353 3000. l0.30pm. £5 £0. Alan .-\ndcr\on kccp\ thc _iokc\ rolling into thc night. \\ ith hpr ll‘tillt Ra} tiiotid .\lCill'll\. DCS Mclcan and Du (dilil’kL‘. (ilt'l’.

Celebrity Comedy Covers Blackl'riars. 3t» Bcll Strcct. 0370 0| 3 540—1. I lpm. £4. Si\ Scottish comcdianx attcmpt to imitatc thcit' [X‘I'Stilldl ltnottritcx from lhc “tirld ol' \ldlld-llp. Think Michacl Rcdmotid ax Richard Pr}or or Bmcc l)cx'|in ax licnn} Hill. Bonkcrs. (ilt‘l-I

The Ultimate Comedy Quiz liltlc‘kll'ldl‘s. 30 Bell Strcct. 552 592-1.

1 lpm. £3. .-\ pub quiz nith a m dil‘lcrcncc‘x. such as thc inclusion ol‘ \quitrclx. hlindt’olds and the thumb uar hcax'} \xcight champion ol~ thc uorld. lt'x kcr-ra/_\ stuff? (il('l~‘.


Aeneas Faversham Thc (‘axcs .\'iddr_\ Strcct South. 07934 0374 I 7. b.30pm. £5 (£4). Prm‘icu ot~ xkctch troupc the Penn) Dt‘cadl‘uls' Slit)“ for thc (il('l-'. in \xhich cxplorcr Aeneas litx'crsham takcx thc audicncc on a comedy tottr of Victorian London.

38 THE LIST 2—16 Mar 2006

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcttrx. ()lllltl ('L‘llll‘c. (irL'CHSIdL‘ l’lttcL‘. llh—l l“ 370707 3pm £|0 Jo Jo Smith \hatw thc comcd} \tagc \\ ttli ~pht [X'l'\tlll.tlll_\ .\u\\tc lircndon Burnx. Simon li ('ottcr and chcct'} chapptc Roh Hccrtng.

The Stand 'I‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7272. 0pm, £3 t£"t. (‘otnc-d} [itikKL'l'llthL' .-\dam Bloom tcamx up with \harp \urt'calN Stcphcn ('at'lm. \ccna Sud and compctc Slhdll Mort‘txon.


Them with Tails lhc Stand. 3.33 \Vtmllandx Road. 0370 000 (3055. 2pm. £0 t£~li; £l5 lanul}. Scc l‘l‘l I0.

Utter Nonsense Scollixh Ma\k tk l’nppct 'l‘hcatrc (critic. 3 l0 lialcat't‘cw .-\\cnuc. Kclundalc. 33‘) 0135. 2pm 3 3.45pm. £4.50 t£4l. Mark l’cncak tcllx thc \tor} til l'nclc llcnr}. “ho ttc'c‘ltlclllttll} \ttckcd lll\ \cnw ol' humour ottt ol lllS hcad. tilt 'l-.

Comedy Coach Tour ( icorgc Sqtlttl'c. 0370013 54M. 4.l5pm. £3) t£4 £7i; £25 l'amil}. lct :\lan .-\ndcr\on gutdc )ou around thc happ} lacc ot'(ila\gou. It ix ‘xmilcx hcttcr' allcr all. tilt 'l-.

Jerry Springer: The Opera Kill:_'\ 'l’hcatrc. 207 Bath Stt'ccl. 240 l l l I. 5.30pm 8c 3.30pm. £ll £34. Scc Mon (i. Bernard Manning liat't'ou land. 244 (ialltmgalc. 03700-10 4000. 7.30pm. £ | 2. :\dttlt\-onl) laughx lt'om thc dtihioux \cpluagcnarian. Scc picturc caption,

Jim Bowen: You Can’t Beat a Bit of Bully 'l'hc (iaragc. 400 Sauchichall Strcct. .332 l I20. 7.30pm. £ 12 (£10). Scc l‘ri Ill.

Glasgow Stands Up: Bruce Morton & Friends (‘mtlctnilk (‘titiittitttiit} ('cntrc. l2l (‘axtlcmilk l)ri\c. 0345 330 350i. 3pm. £3. 'l'hc granddadd} tin \pirit. not )L‘ttt'Sl ol Scottixh comcd} L‘L‘lL‘l‘l‘alL‘S lllL‘ l‘L‘Sl 0i \VL'L‘g'lL‘ Slttlld-llp

talcnt. including (Ear) l tlllc and ch m lirtdgcx tilt l Ha Ha Drumchapel llic- Hull} Bat. 33 Hccla .-\\cnttc. 03-0 01 3 5401 3pm £5 t£4i (‘hartt_\ cottlcd} night in aid ol lhc Drum .-\d\cntutc group. “lllcll lach tccnagctx oti ltlc changing c\pcdttion\ (l/( 'l' Jerry Sadowitz: More Card Tricks and Close Up Magic Iton lllt‘dllc‘. n1 'I'rongatc. 552 >120“ 3pm. £ I 5 l 2! Scc l‘l’l l0. Jongleurs Comedy Club .lotiglcttt\. l'( i(' litttldtng. chlrcu Sttccl. 03‘0" 37070". 3pm. £l3 Scc Hut 0 Phil Ni0h0l lllc‘ Sltllltl. 333 \VtmdlalldS Road. 0370 000 0055. 3pm £3 tic—l 'I'hc 'ncat‘l} ga}' hut \cr} lunn} ('anadtan motortnouth t‘cturnx. tilt 'l.

Ronnie Corbett lllcdltc Ro}.tl. 232 Hopc Strcct. .332 0000. 3pm. £ l 5.50 £ l‘).50. 'l‘hc tllllllllllll\ c partncr to thc lalc. gtcat Ronmc liatkct' \llti\\\ oll hix Icgcndar} tllgl't'\\l\ c )ttl'llwpllllllllg‘ Si) lL‘. SL‘C lcaturc. [ittgt' 20. (l/( l. Sex, Chips and Ouzo St :\lltlt'c‘\\ \ Ill thc Squarc. St .-\ndrc\\ \ Squat‘c. 55‘) 5002. 3pm. £|l t£‘)l. Scc Thu 0. WV Gee lilttc'kll‘lltl'x. .30 “C” 30111. 5.52 5024. 3pm. £0. ’l'hc conic-d} poctcxx dchwrx morc \urrcal gcmx. tilt 'lx Dara O’Briain ('arling .\cadctii} (ilaxgoix. l2| liglinlon Stt'cct. 0370 77| 2000. 3.30pm. U050 l 5 l. 'l‘hc \a\ \} .llml Iln' \li't'l \tar l‘L‘llll‘lh lo \tand-up. Scc picturc caption. tilt 'l-. Jo Jo Sutherland: Wife Idol the Rivals lilutt. 50 'l‘t‘ongatc. Mct'chant (it). 0370 0| 3 5404. 3.30pm. £7 t£5l. 'I'hc ScotliSh \tar ol llilt' Suit/i \pillx thc hcanx on \ihat thc \ho\\ i\ rcall} hkc. tilt 'I-L Steve Day: A Night at the Pictures ('0) llallx. ('andlct‘iggx. 3.53 3000. 3.30pm. £3. 'l'hc dcal' comcdian tricx to com crt thc tnaxxcx to art. iii a limit} \Hl}. oi courxc. tilt ‘IV.

Quite how you are going to choose your evening’s

entertainment is anyone’s guess: messrs Corbett, Sadowitz, Manning, Nichol and Bowen are all in town tonight. But the genial Irish host of Mock the Week will surely get his fair share of the

comedy crowds. In a fairly quiet year, Dara copped it from OutRage! for a wee joke about Sir Elton and was also at the centre of plagiarism claims,

but the O’Briain brand has shown few signs of taking a hit.

The Academy. Sat 77 Mar.

Bill Bruce: Political Hot Potato t‘ttx Hallx('andlcttggx. 3.53 3000 0pm to l'hc tnlottncd and mollcnxtxc ttmn) man lL‘lllIHS \\llll lllS l't‘SllMtl \lltm tilt ~l Four Men and a Little Lady lildchllldlS. 5“ “Cll 50061. 2;: “’21

" 15pm £~ tun Scc l'll Ill Impmbabble Comedy Players 8. Guests lhc Statc Hat. I-lS Holland Sttcct. 332215” 0 30pm £5 it‘ll \‘c I ll lo

Festival Club 2006 l'lic Stand. 333 \\oodl.md\ Road. 0370 M00 no“

I0 30pm £l0 Scc I ll Ill

Late’n‘Loud 2006 t it} lltlllx (antllcttggx. 353 3000 l0 30pm L5 to St‘t' l ll lll

Celebrity Comedy Covers mat ktt NH. 30 licll Sttccl. 030' 0| 3 5~1tvl I lpnt £1 Scc l'll l0

The Ultimate Comedy Quiz lildc'kllldlS. 3h Iicll Sttcct. 552 5021 llpm £3 Scc l‘ll |0


Francesca Martinez & Joanna Neary lirunton l’hcattc. | adixxcll \\.t_\. Mttwcllitngh. 005 2210 7 itipnt £l.‘ t£|0l (‘hatactct contcth ltotti \L‘dl}. [‘llh motc ltank tllSclISSIUIIS on hung \\Illl cct'chtal palx) ltotti c\ tint/tut l/Ill \l.ll. Martmc/ Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlctm. ()mnt (‘cnttcn (itccnxtdc I’lacc. 03qu 370707. 3pm. £l2 Scc l'll l0 The Stand lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7:72. Upttr LIO t£.\'l \t't‘ in l0


Princes Square Kids Comedy Club l’rtnccw Squarc. ~13 Buchanan Strcct. 225 0034. 2pm. l‘tcc .lotn Roxco lhc (‘loun lot c'll't‘tIS ma\k making. halloon modcllmg. lacc painting attd motc ltttt actn mcx tilt 'l Them with Tails 'l'hc Stand. H3 \Vtitidlantlx Road. (LS-‘0 000 0055 3pm Ur t£-1i; £l5 lamt|_\. Scc lit 10.

Comedy Coach Tour t icot‘gc Stittatc. 0370 013 5-101. ~l.|5ptn. £‘l t£~l £"i. £25 latml}. Scc Sat ll.

Karen Dunbar Ktng‘x 'l'hcattc. 207 Bath Stt‘cct.2»l0 |l|l.3pm, £13.50 £|7 50. ('haractct' cotncd} atid llllISchl mirth ltottt lllL‘ (llt'lllll‘l/lt' l'tll \ldl. (ll( 'l.

Russell Howard: Skylarking 'l'hc Hall littl‘. l(i0 \Voodltttldx Road. 3.52 9000 Xplll £5 t£3i. (icmal lil‘ISItlllttll \Nllll a lo\ c ol archaic languagc atid killing ga} pcoplc ton|_\ joking hut ttppttlcllll} that\ “ha! \k}|arktng IS tl )ott'rc a Jamaican gltllgSIt'l t)pci. tilt 'l‘.

Adam Bloom ’l hc Stand. 333\\tiodlttlld\ Rum], timotiootiofifi. 3' 30pm £3 «Ni. ()hxcxxn c compulxn c cotncd} ltotii thc tltlxloppalilc Bloom, tilt "/2

The Bob Doolally Show 'l’ltc l'nncrxal. 57 5‘) Sattchichall l.anc. 0370 0! 3 5-101. 3.30pm. U) (£4 l. 'l‘hc \odka-xtiakcd loothall pundit l'L’llll’llS \Hlll ltlol'c htlc. \porting talcx atid thc onc about hon hc put thc cock into .\ll\\ Kttkcaltl}. tilt ‘l’. Jokes and Stuff! t ‘ohar. 20|a l’tll Sum-t. 0370 01.3 54M. 3. 301310. B it'll, Skctchcx. \hot't liltit atid \tand-up \ntppctx lrom lhc l)on ()tnxotc .-\pprcctatton Socict} Ithat\ Ja} |.;tllc't1}.('hic' ()‘('onnor. l)a\ id Barr arid ll'lL'lldxl. tilt ‘l'. Scott Agnew: Oh Hello! lilacklt'tat‘x. 3t) Bcll Strcct. 0370 0| 3 5401, 3.30pm. £0. 'l‘hcrc'x a quancr-lilc L‘l'lSlS hrcu mg ax Mr .-\gnc\\ llitilll'nx hoth onx. toh low. \ictght low and ho}lricnd low. amongxt olhct' hlc dllll‘llllltg ltiplL‘S. tilt'l'.

Cheeky Bastards Bic-l. 3‘) 43 Axllltitt Lanc, 0870 0| ,3 5-101, ‘lpttt. U) t£~1l lackic Mc('lcmcnt\ and Stcwn Ulclx dlxxcc‘l lhc \iorld oi magic and dcccplion. taking in Ncu Agc thcrap} and strcct lltlSllL'rS along lhc “11). (i/( 'l'.