
Whose Lunch is it Anywaf.’ lltc Sldlltl. 5 Yltl‘lx l’ldLL‘. <55 “3—: ll‘lll l ICC Scc Sun 5

The Sunday Night Laugh-In lllt' Sldlltl. .5 \Ittllt l’ldL'L'. <55 ‘3“: h zl’l‘lll L1 lLl L it Jatttw .'\lltlL'l\Ull. l)cwl\ Johnxlon and l.L'\lk'} Kt'll} |ottt (ht-ck} llttxl l‘ll'llL’L' l)t-\ltn lot tttow Sunda} ltlL'lll laugh»


BBC Radio Scotland: Sabotage ( n} ll.lll\. ('andlcttgpx ‘51S000 lptn llL't' httl lwlwwd Sut'wal LlltllilLlL'l \lwtt'ht-x lt'otn (itant (l'Routlw. l.l\;l (iat'dttct. .lcnnw (‘ook attd lt‘wndx. (i/( ‘l'

VWX Festival Special 'I lit“ Stand. 1” \Voodlattdx Road. 0850 000 00.5.5. (t.~1.5ptn. {-1. Spcctal lcxtttal \L'ISIHH ol llHS \altw attd \at’wt} night. with hoxl .latw .\lat'l\a_\ (i/( '/.

BBC Radio Scotland: The WhY Front (11} llallx. ('attdlt'ttgyx. 5* 8000 "put. l‘lL‘L‘ lilll llt'lxt'lt'tl. lt‘l lllL' lidlllL' ttl lllt‘ \t'\t'\ (Ullllllt'llt't' ax l'.l;llllL' \lacKcn/w l‘.lll\. Julw ('ootnhc. .r\lan \ld 'alwt‘l} and (iot‘don .\lunt'o \ldl ttt llw lout‘th \cth ol thix popular \hou. (il( 7.

Sex, Chips and Ouzo SI .\ndw\\ \ ttt thc Squaw. St .-\ndw\\ \ Squaw. 55‘) .5002. Sptn. L'll (UH. Scc 'l'hu ‘l.

SiStars th‘ Stand. i“\Voodlatttlx Road. 0370 000 00.5.5. ‘lptn. Ur. .v\ll \Htllldll lunn} hour \\|lll Suxan (‘alntatL l.c\lc} Kcll} and .'\l. Kcnncd}, (il( ‘I.

BBC Radio Scotland: Laugh Out Loud ('tl_\ llallx. (‘andlct'tggx 3.53 8000. 11.30pm. l‘wc httt ttckcwd. 'l'hc lunx ll‘ttlll Dancc Monk} llo} Hanu- tthat\ .'\llcn ('haltttcrx. |)c\ .\lc|.can. l{;t}lllttlltl .\lL‘;tl'll\. Sand} .\'cl\on attd l’attl l’it‘wt do tnow ol lllL‘ll' ct'ax} ntuxit'al ttnprox \lllll. (i/( 'l-.


Red Raw 'l'ht- Stattd. .5 York l’lau‘. SSS 7273. 3.30pm. U. A lwxh hatch ol hopinnt't'x lll;ll\L'\ lllL'll' lll'Sl wntalixc \wpx 1010 llk' t‘ttlllctl} \Htl'ltl. lullk'tl l1} ttltl ltand wacn Dick.

Tuesday 14


BBC Radio Scotland: Sabotage ('it} llallx. ('andlct'iggx. 3.5.1 S000. lptn. l’wc httl tickcwd. Scc .\lon l3.

VWX Festival Special lltL‘ Stand. 33.1 \Vootlldlltlx Road, 0370 (till) (tll55, (t.-15ptn. L11. Scc .\lon l3.

BBC Radio Scotland: The WhY Front (‘tl_\ ll;lll\. ('andlcrtggx. 353 S000. 7pm. l‘wc hut lickcwd. Soc .\lon l3. Sex, Chips and Ouzo St :\lltll'L‘\\ \ in llw Squaw. Sl .-\ndw\\ \ Squaw. 55‘) .5002. Spttt. {II It“). Soc Thu ‘1.

Best of Red Raw 2006! 'l‘hc Stattd. 555 \VtttttllulltlS Rtuttl. “37(16le (ill55_ 3.30pm. £3. llw cwatn ol' up and coming \tand-up talcnt lt'ont thix )t'atk hcginnct‘x' nightx at lhc Slattd. (i/( ’l-.

Jason Byrne lltL‘ Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road. 0370 000 ()1 1.5.5. ‘lptn. W 0:81. Mow lliL‘llldliSlll attd tna}hcnt lt‘otn thc ittxcntiw ll'lSll chap. (il( 'l-. BBC Radio Scotland: Laugh Out Loud (ill) ll;lll\. (untllcl'lggx. 3.55 Xllllll. 0.30pm. l'lL‘L‘ l‘lll llk'lxt'lL'tl. SL‘L‘ \lttlt l5.


Comedy Network lltL‘ l’lcaxancc ('ahawt Bar. ()0 lhc l’lcaxancc. 0.50 334‘). Sptn. £4 tt'550 non \llltlL‘IIISl. l'nhingcd l'ttnn} man RlISSCll Kanc watnx up \\ itlt Scouxcr ('ht'ix .\lc('au\land. Shamwagon 'l'ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272.8.31lpttt.£—1lf3 Lil. NC“ itnpt'm \ho“ \tat‘t‘ing \at'ioux alutntti l't'otn thc Bcdlatn llllpl‘n\cl'l\. including Jatnw :\ndcr\on. llutnphw} Kcr. l)a\ id Rccd. ldil Sukan and lllttm luck.

Wednesday 15


BBC Radio Scotland: Sabotage (‘tn llalls. (‘attdlcriggx 3.53 S000. lpm. l5wc ltlll lleL‘lL‘Ll. Soc Mon l3.

Whatever your own personal views of the

Manc Manning, you have to admire his balls at being the first comedian to ever play the famous ballroom. Unless you discount Paul Weller. Free up your mind and leave your own prejudices at the door. Or go and see Jerry Sadowitz who is playing in town at the

same time.

;.t”l‘..«:’ ., (2.1 I. t:

Scottish Comedy on TV: Father Ted vs Mason Boyne lltt' Stand. “3 \VtttttlldlltlS l\’tt;ttl. llN—‘ll 0”” N155. :plll, l'l'k‘c l‘lll llL‘lxt‘lCtl. lil'tHltlulSlL'l’ l.k‘\lt'_\ thdoch L‘ltatt‘x lht~ patwl tlISCUSSIttll axking \xh} tlww ix \o ltlllc St'otlhh cottwd) on l\' attd [tl'L‘Slllll;tltl_\. uh} ll‘l‘~ll lolk donttnaw lhc gcnw. lttnatl ;ltlllllll(” lllt‘Slulltlw‘tLlllx lttl' llt‘lu'IS. SCL‘ picluw caption. (i/( ~/

VWX Festival Special llw Stand. 333 \Voodlantlx Road. llh'qllltllllhl155. (3,-1.5ptn. L31. Scc .\lon l3.

BBC Radio Scotland: The WhY Front('it} llallx. ('antllt‘t‘iggx. ‘5; S000. 7pm. l'wc httl licla'wd, Scc .\lon l3.

Sex, Chips and Ouzo St ;\l1tllt‘\\\ m the Squaw. Sl .'\ndw\\ \ Squaw. 55‘) 5002. Spin. L'll It‘ll. Scc 'l‘hu 0.

Silky: Lounge Music the llalt Rat. lnu \Voodlandx Road. ()S'l) 0| 3 5.101. Spnt. L5 1(5). \cu \ongx lt‘ont llw hcdt’oont l'llL'hillil'Ull \lat'. (il( '/‘.

Don Quixote: Liquid Comedy! llw liquid Ship. lil V5 (iwal \VCSlt'l’lt Road. 0V0 0|,“ S‘lll-l. Sillptn. U It'll. Hill} Kit‘kxxood play hoxl to mow ltot conwd) lalcnt. including: local lad \L‘ll \lL‘l'tll'lilllC. (il( i/z

Robin lnce llw l'niwtxal. 5 5‘1 Satwhwhall latw. (LS-‘0 0| 3 54m. 8.30pm. L5 0431. lnwlltgcnl \tand-up ll‘ttlll Rick} (icnatx‘ I‘CCCIII Sllppttl'l act, (il( ‘l'. Jason Byrne lllL‘ Stand. 33% \\'oodland\ Road. (LS-ll (will) (tll55, ‘lplll. L") 1L5 I. SL‘L' 'l'tw H.

BBC Radio Scotland: Laugh Out Loud ('tt) llallx. ('andlct‘tggx. 3.53 S000 ‘lilllilll. l'lL‘L' ltlll llL'le'lL‘tl. SUL' \lttll l i.


Comedy Benefit Night lllL' Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 5.5K "TI. .S.3llttttt. U) tLllt. .\low gctwt‘oth contw Into donaw lhcn' \Hlltl-llp talcntx tn atd ol ('htldltnc.

Thursday 16


BBC Radio Scotland: Sabotage (at) llallx. (‘andlct‘iggx 3.53 S000. lptn l‘wc l‘lll llCle‘lL'tl. SL‘L‘ \lttll l5.

Lost in Time Bt'tlannta l’anoptwon \lllSlC Hall. I 13 ll'7 'l‘t‘ongaw. (FUSJ (PC-1|“. lptn. l5wc hut twkcwd. ltnprox

Jongleurs Comedy Club longlctm.

l (it llutltlttw. chlw“ Sttccl. llS‘ll” \"0505 \t‘ttt :5 \ltlc\ ('ta\\lottl and l’aul \tnha luatn lll‘ ttt lhc tottq‘anx ol tttot.‘ \otncdt l‘al\ to l\' announu‘d

(t/l /

Neil Dougan lllk‘ llall Hat. loo \\\‘\‘\ll.1ll\l\l{\‘.l\l.ll\~lllll ; 5”“ \l‘lll 1‘5 A it lhc llcllad lad \huth a \otntt ltg'ht on tottnt ll mlalc ll\ lllz'. \ltct‘t t‘wat llt‘lx and tttattwd itlc (.l( I

Sex, Chips and Ouzo \l \ll\ll\'\\ \ III the Squaw. \l \tttlwu \ Squaw. 5‘” 5‘10.‘ MW] Lll 11"» \‘t' llttt ‘1

Shamwagon llttlannta l‘anoplnott \lUSh llall. ll 1 ll" ltottz‘alt'. 1150\1 0*" ll \l‘lll l or hut tttkt'lcd \cc Inc

I 1 t,/( /

You Owe Me Glue lllat lxlllalS. Wt llcll \llt't‘l. HS ‘0 ul 1 HM Spin union St-t- llttt ‘1

Brendon Burns vs Crocodile Dundee ( tl.t\:'o\\ llllll lllt‘allt'. l.‘ Row \lwt‘l. “I \l,‘\ \ z0pm L“ tt5t \ \llt\\‘.lllf.' oi ( Inn tit/1.} Ilium!” lI.‘ /.\ \\llll ltw \t‘llllllk'lll.ll_\ ltotn \\l.tlll llllk'll \uxxw llwndon llllllh. [\lux hmh \ttko .tttd .lot' (i/( I

Die Clatterschenkentietermaus lllk' l lll\\‘l\.tl. 5" 5" Sauthtt‘hall l atn'. NV" 0| i 5101 5 ;0pm UHL 1t lllt' ptoutl to hc dtw pop duo w\ lSll\ \l‘lll\' ol lllk'll \KHISI llll\ (I/(l

Alun Cochrane: Comedy with Sad

Bits llwl. W 1‘ \xhlon l atw. llhflllllli 51M1 ‘lptn 15 it it Stnatt \tand up lawd \\llll qtth \‘ttlllt‘llll‘ldllttll ltotn tht- lotttwt llllllllh wtlt‘oal (ill ’/

The Big Bluu Comedy Gong Show llluu. 50 llHllf.‘.llt‘. \lt'l\ll.llll ('tl_\. 51S

I 150 ‘llttn lwt- Su- llttt ‘1

Bratchy: Alpha Nerd lltc \tt llk'\. 3M \tjg}lc Slwt'l. “NEH 3-10 E533 ‘1 l5ptn LS tUo lht' Itcnttltttnaw tnt'tttht't ol lllk' l.tlllttll\ lltalt'hptu'c \lllllk'tl} latntl} u'lchtalm lht‘ wltttn ol tht‘ gawk (i/( / BBC Radio Scotland: Laugh Out Loud ( Ill} ll.tll\. ( atlttllt'llt'fJS. i5; NW“ ‘1 illptn lwc hut lwlu'lt'd St't' .\lon l i Bennett Arron: It Wasn’t Me 'I llL' Sldlltl. i \‘i \\ttt nll.1|ltl\ Rtmtl, llXiill (tl lll (M55 ‘1-15ptn L7. lllt’ \M'lxh .lcxxtxlt lunn} tnan hung a \xltolt- llk'\\ int-antn}: to lllk' \xtw \totd\ ol Shapp} land hopt'lull} \otnc ol lHS dattu' tnowx tool in llll\ wal lllL' talc ol tdt‘nltl} lht-ll (i/( I

i .’ m‘t(-lK(


l At

ll .l

\hoxx ltaxcd atound htxlottt'al L‘\t'lll\ nonnnalt‘d h} llw audtt‘nu' (i/( '/ Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Plot llt'tlannta l’anopuutn \lttxw llall. Ill ll” 'ltonggaw. llfl‘lh-l 0371! 5. I. illptn l'wc httl ltt'kt'wd. .ll) .'\ll\lL'l\Ull attd l)l lR Kk'l cwaw a htand llt‘“ GISL‘ lUl Sllx‘l‘ltk‘lx lll‘llllt'\ lNlSL‘tl atottttd audwnu‘ \ujgggtwltonx (i/( ‘/ Aeneas Faversham Britannia l’anopltt‘on \lttxtt‘ llall. lli llfi 'l't‘ongalt'dlq‘m1llV-H". (tillpnt l'wv hut ltcla‘wd. l'.\pu'l llllll'tlL'IS. gtaw tohhtnjg attd tndttxlt‘tal wwlttuon tn lllIS \lwtt‘h \hoxx wt tn leot'tan |.ondon, \t'x. wall} (i/( ’l.

BBC Radio Scotland: The WhY Front (‘1!) llallx. (‘andlcttgyx *5 i 5000, “put. l'wc hul lwlwwd. St'c .\lon | i Stand Up, Drink Up(‘tn'lct'\. 34h loll ll}w\ Road. HNo.51! ". illltlll. L'" 15:. SCL‘ lllll W.

David Kay ll llL' Slillltl. “5 \\tttttll.‘tlltl\ Road. 0S"0 (you (rufifi ".lfipnt U». Sut‘wal t‘atnhhnj:\ ltont lhc l’t'cxtxttt'k lad (i/( '/ Gina Yashere lllk' (mast: Wu Satwhwhall Slwcl. 035001 i 5101. Spin U0 tL'St. lt'tttt} llcnt‘} '\ Ragga j_‘|ll got-x \olo. Scc pwtuw t‘aplton. (/I( '/.


Big Word Performance Poetry lllL' 'lton. ‘1 llttttwt Squaw. llllel Slwt't. 33h (Nil. ‘lpnt U ltlt lotonlo th_\tnt't l)\\a_\nt' \llll}3.llllk'.llll\ll|1\\llll Slatn llllllltlk'l \ltt'hat'l lltoun. ncxx f..'|ll l‘ltllld l.tnd\a} and tt'gttlat lltt\l\ .lt'nt Roll\ attd .lcnn} l.tnd\.t_\

The Thursday Show 1 llL' Stand. * M1. Plan". .555 "I": ‘lptn UHU 9.5» \low ttohw polttwal pt-tttx ltottt \lt'lx Rk'\L'll. tlltlk‘tl attd aht'lwd h) \lat‘ltn Soan. lllillek'lilll Swwn lht'k. l.k'\lL':. Kr“) and hon llt'uu' l)c\ltn

The Snatch Social 'l llt' liquid Rootn. ‘k‘ leotta Slwt-t. :35 2501 llpttt *atn L5 Scc 'l llll 3


Series 2 of the hilarious radio show is being recorded live at The Glasgow International Comedy Festival

Daily Mon 13th - Sat 18th March at lpm

Phone Demus Productions: 0141 -342-4959


"Pythonesque with a Celtic twist”


www.sabotagecomedy.com 92-95; '4 & 8 I 0v

.7 " '.t‘z:' 2'; v THE LIST 39