

(E) 114 min

‘\/‘:lrl..!!l [NU H‘ffft‘l OOOO

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When Jlllllllllflll rilaf',heu with realrtr, the renull“. r.arr he tlarrrlul, live yoqu men from Inglewood, l of; Anoelef, who rrrake up the Mornrnrwrle llrrlh School state r.ha'r'.oron I/‘(lfiklftllr'lll tearrr take the final stein; towards; college and rnayhe, lust nlayhe. a shot at the NBA. The premise ol llllf; dorumentan may seem familiar to Steve James' milestone eorr: Hoop [)rea'rir; whrr:h (:overed r;rrrrrlar' ground hut the drtterenee here rs; that Hardwood [)Ie.'r.'rr:; revrsutt; the five players a decade later to see how they l)l‘()t]r‘et;f;ed.

lhrt; may he. at heart. a story ahout the dream of playrnq protessuonal sports and the opportunities; rt {lllt)l(lf; but it it: more ahout family, education, dang culture and. most ohvrously, the l)l(?(ll(3£llll(?lll of the hlaek males; Ill the Amerrean sortral system Dil’OClOl Michael Tollrn rearsts; serrtrmentalrsrng the players' lives. |llE§lO€l(l allowrng them and their families to reflect on the actions: land rnaetronsl that led to them down their path. Mrnrmal extras. lMark Rohertsonr


(PG) 111min lEur'eka DVD retarlr OOOO

Edmund Goldrng's excellent 1917 film norr'

(’yv.‘,~I r I v z ‘0 1“. r '7’”, I :r' f/ {.

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3‘,"(1“(1'II‘I.I"'r’\“ Mr]: I /,/ I’ll/Ii) "- v/ “2‘: ."’}{llrl“:'; .’ ’13. .red '.’/;’rt”r'r'e A e.’ r aH frr‘pri he 7"" .e'e'l " tl‘r‘, '.‘.lrrhr"'; 'rr:.‘. f'an'ler. arr/l 33M? a ry-rv‘ '7

Set 1". the weed,

.‘.",>'.(l ol ’ilY'l'Jr'll barker?“ (,rrnr'rerr, atrrlrttlrrren and or," ’1?) lreaku. the trim tr;llr:.‘.”; The rme arr't fat1 of Stanton Car‘lrule rT','rorre Pom-r, rjaat

.rerfi, r'rurih ar;.lrrr'.t



type). a handsome trad and arnlntroua huekater 'nrentalrst' £llll13l(?. Based on William

l rndsay Gresham's; hook of the same name and f;(ll'll)l(?(l hy the rnrnhh Jules; Furthrnan do Have and Hate Noll. thrt; l3: seminal. euphor‘rr: and unlorgettahle norr'. Super'h extr‘at; include norr historian Woodt Haut'f; rntrodurttron. (Paul Dalel


lSoda Pictures DVD r'etarlr 0..

When overweight. middle—aged Rrrthar'd (Ray rVrnstoner visits; prostitute Naomi rex EastErrders star .Jan Gr‘avesonr at her (:entral London klltXTlelt] shop he seems less interester’l rn extracurricular aetrt'rtres; than the serdrd details of her lrte and trade. As he refuses a Single sexual tax'our trrne ar‘d again she becomes hoth intrigued and angry as their relatronshrp becomes;

Kym Haul .t‘a'zr'. .'.'rtferr, rwfam r-r 1' » lire tr": ""art twr

“l? W a “w.” tw a ‘lreat'rrar “:l'u: .i- fibrrtla'r l Hr, '.“‘,‘ l: "laii, (All) l‘." {l',‘..lrl‘1. 1". Will. Li'l’lt‘lf"‘l lint r'1rr;r:‘all, “XW’Hil'”: {lilt'llill‘ tl‘rrlrwr {ll’l‘ul t'rr- lr'rr-M wt Paul 5" 'rrarli'rK //;l/:l‘.'.rl’r’ l'm «ll-noue'nent at; ltrarrrre and riddl, urruettrrnri .m‘. aornehox‘;

ulrr (lll‘ul'Wllltl, |t rm rn \"v'rr:<;lor‘ear1rl Graz'ewor‘r"; furry-rt; pertor‘rnanrx-m, ho'xxe'wr. that llawkrrr'f trlrn reall,’ trnrlts rt‘, meter and heatrnrl human. heart. Attlollrt‘;l the fairly trudal extrat; you may want to r:her:k out thealternatlve endrnrl: it's; a whole lot more ‘EIIIISlVIHt; than the one rn the trrrrs3hed lllrn. ll)au| Daler



(15) 104min

lilonr; Kong l egerrdt; DVD retail) .0.

Interestingly. that nonsentartial narne war; (hassen heeause Tao or‘e‘uous trlrrrs; ~star'frnt; th the 'ette' 'lvl' the Golden Hargeut oreductmn (,H'TZIL‘éll“. had flopped Althoatll‘ ‘.'.'hj, the. thrxrglht this; one would wake rimming mth an rndemphe'ahle

trtle rs a myster ..

l'l)’,irl,1ir‘.;§,‘\§:. TINTIN ET MOI (E) 75min

rArm rm .v [-‘M' [ Venn“...

“‘J [ ’vl' "Alli

Although there have been numerous Tintin exhibitions. literary tributes and even a rumoured Spielberg-directed movie of the quiffed one, there has been relatively little documented of the man behind the boy reporter. In 2003 Danish documentarian Anders Ostergaard sought to redress this by making the insightful and intriguing film Tintin et Moi a document of the bizarre life and times of the publicity shy Tintin creator Georges Remi, AKA Hergé.

But this is no ordinary straightforward biopic: Dstergaard picks an extraordinary turn of journalistic events for the basis of his documentary. Following in the footsteps of student reporter Numa Sadoul, he centres his film on a proposed brief ten-minute interview with Herge’ that unexplainany turned into four days and a consequent 14 hours worth of audio interview material. published as a book in the mid-70$. Dstergaard has reconstituted this therapy session (Sadoul readily admits to feeling like Herge's psychoanalyst at points) into a beautifully pensive and at times melancholic movie that seeks to re-establish the reasons why the Tintin books work on several different levels.

Amidst some creative marrying of frames of the books with archive footage, Tintin et Moi intertwines and finally lays to rest the issues of accused Nazi sympathies. his relationship with the Catholic church. and in turn his hunger to explore new cultures from the confines of his own Brussels studio.

Featuring contributions from esteemed Tintinoligists Michael Farr and Harry Thompson, it's an authoritative and artistic homage to a man who projected himself and his issues through the boy adventurer. and interestingly enough, through Captain Haddock in latter days, while maintaining the exterior of the consummate ‘balanced' and fastidious professional that he was. This is highly recommended viewing.

(Simon Dehany)

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E .e" rr- rzrftrr; ,' ~ w: r, v. «lemma-'1; .r for tire r'rfwwx‘ ,. °' - x «: fizz" rrr " r,- v‘. lar,‘ l a!‘ ‘mrr; at, Jackie k .' 1' r '7' H ' l t r ,‘ .' "‘af n‘te". a "vixterglau', rr; K x :5: . . 7‘). ' ,r H a "warm: grade? .1 lard-to hand

17‘ r.’ aa w r, . 'l' " 'fiu ' Jr." Try/k. Ti‘r') ".‘J’r Char «vi a .rjge' 22' "w:"’:: irrf‘a l' “i 17/.” r"',lu’le', ar‘ft unrrr'rer Sar'v'tr, a' ’t ' ' mar, rat/:5. 'T‘,‘"'.’|‘;.'.", and 011’ Hum; taunting ur‘ tr; eruaeu, r,r.‘. the 7' .rr fa‘ve', lDa/Id Polly/yr


‘- ‘.‘.;' k THE LIST 45